
*DISCONTINUED*Ancient Tree Spirit [BL]

His whole life, Leo was made fun of. For his feminine appearance and big green eyes. Leo was always considered to be a weird kid. He would often talk to birds and rabbits in the forest. When he was young, he lived in a cabin in the forest with his grandpa and he would often play there after school. He lived there alone with his grandpa. Leo was found as a baby and the old hunter took him in and raised him, so Leo never meet his biological parents. Nevertheless, he loved his grandpa with all his heart. He taught Leo many survival skills and how to live off the land. Leo was taught how to determine if something was poisonous, what to and not to eat, and how to track animals. Even though his grandfather was a hunter, Leo absolutely hated it when he would hunt since he was friends with the creatures of the forest. Leo would cry and beg his grandpa to not hunt the animals, so eventually the man gave in and stopped hunting. He eventually took up wood working and carpentry and made a living off of it. Leo loved the forest and all it's creatures and everyday he would go into the forest to his special place. There was a patch of forest where there weren't any trees and there was a rock that sat in the middle of the circle. He would sit on the rock and all the animals including deers, rabbits, and birds would all go to him. Later on, he found that he was able to understand what they would say. He would always talk to them, but soon, that happiness was all ruined. When Leo turned eleven, his grandfather got very sick and without enough money to buy medicine, he eventually died. Leo cried at his grandfather's grave for many days. Eventually he was put into the care of Sarah and Dave who gladly adopted the boy. They took him in as their own and Leo lived a happy life, but after the death of his grandfather, he couldn't face himself to go back into the forest. In result, there old cabin was deserted and the forest was deemed haunted by the old hunter. Leo lived his life like any ordinary kid, but still was bullied from his peers. They would tease him and call him cursed. They said mean things to him everyday at school. He would often be called cursed, a freak, or a monster when he would talk to the animals so he never did it again for he wad afraid. The animals eventually stopped gathering around him and he never talked to them again. Later on he became the personal assistant of a man named Mr.Coleman who was the CEO of a major company. Who knows what's in store for Leo and his new boss. Hopefully love will unfold.

IWannaSleep123 · LGBT+
Sin suficientes valoraciones
26 Chs


Mr.Coleman sat at his desk, wondering why Leo was crying. He grabbed his phone and dialed a number. He said, "Yeah, it's me. I need you to give me all information about Leo Anderson."

A man's voice over the phone said amused and in a mocking tone, "Does this Leo Anderson peak your interests?"

He clicked his tongue in annoyance, "Just get it done and fast. I expect to have it by tomorrow morning," then he hung up the phone.

The next day, Leo woke up with his eyes puffy and his face res from crying the night before. He made his way to the bathroom and washed his face with soap and cool water. He dries his face with a towel and brushed his teeth. He made his hair and got all of his things together, but since his bag was still wet from last night, he had to use a different one. He made himself a bagel, put on his clothes, then left his apartment.

"Hmmm," Mr.Coleman's brow was furrowed as he read the document, "Leo Anderson, twenty-thee years old and graduated from E university. Lived in a forest cabin with his adoptive grandfather until he died and Leo was adopted by Sarah and Dave who treated him kindly. He worked at a small cafe for about a year." As he examined Leo's file, a realization came to his mind, 'Wait, it says information about his adoptive grandfather and parents, but nothing about his birth parents or family.'

Mr.Coleman dialed the number again and it rang a few times before the man on the line said, "What do you want?"

Mr.Coleman replied, "You gave me his file, but yet there is not even a spec of information of his birth parents or any relatives."

The man snickered, "I know right, it even weirded me out to. His information goes as far back as when he was of the age of eleven when he was adopted and went to live with his new parents, anything before that is blank. It's like he was a ghost or something. No birth parents or relatives, siblings, nothing. It's odd."

Mr.Coleman's brow furrowed in thought, he said calmly, "Fine, thank you."

The man on the line laughed, "Yeah no problem."

He hung up the phone and took a deep breath. He was deep in thought and in a daze that he didn't even realize that Leo had come in.

Leo said timidly, "U-um good morning Mr.Coleman."

He snapped out of his thoughts and greeted, "Hello Leo."

"Do you need anything?" Leo asked with a smile.

'Is he okay, I mean he was crying a lot yesterday and yet he's acting like nothing happened.' he thought, "Just some coffee, also you can take a rest for the time being. There's no assignments as of right now."

Leo nodded, "Alright then," then sat down at his table. He opened up his laptop and his smile was replaced by an irritated look. He sighed and said under his breath, "Damn it, I knew I should've checked it out last night."

Even though his back was thick, it didn't stop some of the water from leaking into his computer. Even though it was little, it completely messed up his laptop. He asked, "Um Mr.Coleman? Do you have a spare laptop I could borrow?"

Mr.Coleman thought for a second before saying, "Hm, I don't, but I can order one for you that you can use from now one."

Leo was flustered, he said quickly, "Oh um, y-you don't need to do that, I can buy my own computer later on. I just need a spare computer for today."

Mr.Coleman chuckled at Leo's frantic face. He said calmly, "Don't worry about, consider it a gift for all your hard work so far."

"I'm sorry, but I can't accept something like that," Leo said meekly.

'Ah, he's so stubborn,' Mr.Coleman thought, "How about this, Ill buy you it, but I'll take the cost out of your salary. That way it's not technically a gift, but a purchase in advance."

Leo thought about his offer for a bit, "Hmm, fine."

Mr.Coleman smiled. Leo picked out a computer that was within his range and that he could get it near by. They ordered the laptop for pickup at the store and sent an employee to to get the computer. Once she returned, the laptop was in a box that was inside a paper bag. Leo opened up the box and was really happy. He quickly set up the computer, signed in, transfered his files, then he was all set.

Leo loved the new computer. The whole time he was setting it up, he had a twinkle in his eyes and a bright smile. He was very happy to finally get a new computer. "Yes!" he exclaimed. Leo was very happy to see that all his files had successfully transfered over and that nothing was missing.

He looked happily towards Mr.Coleman and thanked, "Thank you Mr.Coleman! This is so great, I really appreciate it."

Mr.Coleman smiled and patted Leo's head, he said, "I'm glad you like it," and retracted his hand.

Leo watched him as he went back to his desk and touched the top of his head. He thought, 'I wonder why he did that?'

The whole day was very uneventful. The whole day was just running basic errands and double checking information. Leo was happy for the easy day, but it felt odd. He remembered when he used to work at the cafe.

"You're such a buzz kill Matt! I just wanted to get her number!" Ethan yelled.

"Oh calm down, it's not like you were gonna get it anyway and plus your at work!" Matt yelled back.

"Can you two quit your bickering, it annoying the customers." Leo said with a smile at the two.

Matt and Ethan scoffed and turned their backs towards each other. Leo linked his arms in their elbows and said enthusiastically, "Now go back out there and serve the customers. You two can argue later."

Matt and Ethan grumbled before getting back to work. Leo was proud since he was able to at least delay the inevitable argument between the two. As he was making sure they weren't going to argue again, he heard a chuckle from behind him. He turned and saw the manager Daniel who laughed at the exchange, "Thanks Leo. It seems you're the only one who's able to actually tame those two."

Leo smiled sheepishly, "Well thanks Daniel, to be honest I just wish the two wouldn't argue in the first place."

The two laughed together while watching them and in that moment, Leo was truly, wholeheartedly happy.

As Leo remembered the past, he smiled to himself and even giggled a bit. He finished up his work and excused himself to go for his break before going home. Normally Leo would open the window, but after what happened, he didn't want to speak to the crow. He hurriedly made his tea, out it into a to go cup and left work.

He walked home as usual, but when he settled into bed, the words of the crow rung in his ears. Leo's eyes went teary as he said, "I don't care what the crow says. I'm refuse to go back."

Eventually he was able to go to sleep and keep his mind at bay.


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

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