
(Under Revision) Growing Up Again In Another World With Physics System

(Currently being revised so the story may be incoherent) "Knowledge, There you are! We need to do this quickly before the other gods notice." Valor says as he motions for her to approach. "I'm surprised you agreed to help with this." Gluttony adds with a cruel smile. "I never would have thought the God of Knowledge would be the one to give us aid." Knowledge mearly nods at his words. "Now, this is it! That crazy bat from the far continent has made some crazy monsters before but this one is the cream of the crop. Fully capable of self-evolution and self-replication. It can breed a whole army of different monsters by gathering the essence of other lifeforms!" Valor says as he points to a large egg on the ground. She nods again. "You know, I thought you'd be as excited as I am with this? Endless war and power; we'll have full control of the system once this thing begins its rampage." Knowledge raises her hands in the air and shakes them unenthusiastically. "As sarcastic as ever I see. Well, whatever. Place your hand hand here and help us with the seal." She does as she is told and a huge beam of light descends upon the egg; but her attention is elsewhere. Using the ceremony as a distraction, Knowledge brings lost souls from other worlds and implants them in unsuspecting inhabitants. She can see it. Tiny seeds of change have been sewn.

I_am_Goop_ · Fantasía
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242 Chs

Side Story Sakura POV: Pink Lightning (2)

"Of course, I'm worried about them, but what am I supposed to do? I can't just let the fairies get hurt. It might hurt sometimes, but other times are super fun and exciting. I don't want to lose this." Tears are forming in her eyes as she expounds upon the conflicting emotions tied up inside her. Shinobu bends down to hug her friend, and the two spend a quiet moment together.

"I think so too," Shinobu is the first to break the silence. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I just try not to think about it. It's scary."

"I'm scared too." Another quiet moment passes as they collect themselves.

"Here's the equipment you ordered." The attendant wheels in the weights, completely unaware of the conversation that just occurred. "Are you two okay?"

"Yeah, we're fine," Sakura says as she wipes away her tears. She and Shinobu quickly gather up everything and leave the shop. The worried attendant can't help but watch them disappear down the street.

The forest is more active than it used to be. Parties of adventurers are diving deeper into the woods, and some stronger groups have even moved in from the surrounding area. The once eerie silence has almost turned festive.

"Look, I found a Mythril Flower!" Someone nearby shouts. Sakura stops in her tracks and bolts toward the voice.

"Let me see!"

"Who are you? Ah!" The unfamiliar voice is cut off by the sound of two bodies colliding.

"Wow, it really is!" Sakura exclaims. Shinobu quickly runs over to defuse the situation.

"Get the hell off me!" Shinobu bursts through the foliage to see Sakura planted on top of a young woman in leather armor. In her hands sits a beautiful flower shaped like a tulip. Deep blue petals, each bisected vertically by a thin silver line, fall in all four cardinal directions. An ethereal glow seems to be emanating from the mystical flower.

"Isn't it pretty?" The vicious cherry blossom stares at her stolen treasure as if in a trance.

"Sakura, get off of her!"

"Shinobu, look!"

"I see; it's a flower. Now move!" Sakura is summarily removed from the body of her fellow adventurer with a sharp tug.

"Where did you find this?" Sakura asks the young woman as if she wasn't just sitting on her.

"What the hell? Give that back!" she yells as she reaches for the flower, but Sakura smoothly pulls it back.

"Be careful. These are very valuable."

"I know. Give it to me."

"Only if you promise to be careful."

"Fine, just give it." She carefully hands over the flower to the woman, who roughly stuffs it into her bag. All the energy leaves Sakura's body as the precious flower is destroyed right before her eyes. Shinobu moves to comfort the grieving girl while speaking to the adventurer.

"I've heard that those flowers only grow at the top of the Mammoth Trees. How did you find that?"

"What? We just found it on the ground," she says as she rubs her shoulder. "And what the hell are you made of? I thought I got hit by a Griffith."

"Wow, you sure are lucky to find one of those." Shinobu beams.

"I think our luck dried up when we ran into you." Still massaging her shoulder, she walks away with her two compatriots.

"Sakura, what do you think you're doing?" Shinobu asks with incredulity.

"Shee killed it…." she responds breathlessly. "She promised she would be careful, and she killed it."

"That doesn't mean you can beat her up!"

"Then is it right to just stand by and watch your fellow humans destroy everything around them?" The overpowering voice of the fairy god cuts through the air. "On the contrary, I think her behavior is commendable; her only mistake was trusting that pathetic creature."

"I'm sorry," Sakura laments.

"No reason to apologize, my child. A lesson learned is worth far more than a flower." Inari says as she moves in to comfort her. "What brings you into the forest today?"

"We brought you your weights." Shinobu pulls out a small plate as an example.

"Perfect, we may not have much time left, but any additional preparation has the potential to save lives."

The girls look at the ground as they know saving fairy lives means taking human ones. Seemingly aware of their feelings, Inari carefully guides their minds.

"I know this is hard for you, but we need to be able to defend ourselves. If not now, then someday soon, I assure you. This is a cruel reality we live in, and people will always try to take anything they can from you. Human greed, as much as it's driven them to the top of the world, will inevitably lead them to consume everything. You must learn to fight for yourself and those you care about. I know you both have a good heart; I just need you both to trust yourselves." Inari watches the kids, gauging their reactions. They're noticeably uncomfortable, but that's to be expected. It's not natural to take the lives of your fellow humans, but it is, at times, necessary. What's most challenging is figuring out how to hold on to your compassion and empathy while still maintaining the conviction to kill. Inari has seen more than a few people lose themselves to this inner conflict and knows she has to tread carefully. If they're too compassionate, then they won't be willing to fight for her, and if they are too comfortable with killing, then they will eventually have to be culled as well.

"I know," Sakura finally responds.

"Good. I can always answer any questions you may have, so feel free to come to me in the future."

"I guess I have one…."

"Go on."

"Why is everyone else okay with this? People are going to die! People we know are going to die! Why can't we stop this? This is crazy! Why do people have to die?!" Sakura's voice raises to a screech as she releases her thoughts.

No one responds. There is no good answer. Reality is an insane beast destined to devour everything in the end. There is no meaning to the tragic deaths of those lost along the way.

"The only way to correct a terrible future is to fight for what's right while you can. We can only stem the tide. Eventually, history will repeat this cruel tale again." This is not the answer Sakura wanted to hear, but it's all Inari can think to say. The air is twisted with the anguish of the gentle flower crying out to the heavens. The least god could do is give an answer.

"It's not fair," Sakura whimpers.

"No, it's not." Many encounters in the past have left the fairy leader with a bitter heart. Too many broken promises, too many lies, and too many kind souls killed just for trying to help the lost tribe of the forest. All she can do is hope upon hope that this time will be different.


"Hai!" The girls jump in surprise at the entrance of the energetic fairy.

"Am I interrupting something?"

"No, you're just in time." Inari jumps at the opportunity to change the mood and encourages her underling. "Why don't you take these two over to the village so they can drop off the weight lifting equipment I ordered."

"I'd love to!" The warm energy exuding from Hai is enough to melt the cold mood around the group almost instantly. "Thanks for bringing out all this stuff for us. We really appreciate it."

"No problem, we're just happy to help," Shinobu says with a smile.

"Let's go! I can't wait to show you around the village. So much has changed since the last time you visited." Hai shoots away into the forest, leaving the two girls scrambling to keep up with her. The chatty fairy leaves only a trail of words for them to follow as they strain to keep track of her voice. New training, new buildings, new ideas and concepts; a whole new whole is laid out by Hai as she talks endlessly about the recent goings on. With the added weight of their packs, Sakura and Shinobu can only catch glimpses of the conversation between their heavy panting.

"Tada!" Hai exclaims.