

She strives in the pursuit of knowledge to discover the source of their world's suffering, the answer unknown to all but a few. He raises his weapon to protect her, for his love for her burns brighter than the seething rays of the scorching sun. But will his strength be enough? Her sole purpose is to seek entertainment as she fights for the fun of it. But if that hobby will become her responsibility is entirely up to her. Finally, A duty forged from guilty dream. He fights out of obligation and dedication to those past and those thought lost. On a journey they will go, with each other they will STAY

K_Karma17 · Cómic
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21 Chs

VOLUME 1 : Chapter 1 - Arrival

The whispering wind carrying the distant sounds of the city below brought with it a refreshing coolness that invigorated the senses.

Above, the blue sky stretched out as far as the eye could see, without a single cloud to break its sapphire expanse. It was a serene sight, and one that seemed to bring a sense of peace to those on board the air cruise.

The dull roar of the engines were barely audible over the hushed chatter of the aspiring hunters, who were all eagerly anticipating their arrival at Beacon Academy. Amidst the crowd stood Yosuke, his hands tucked into his pockets as he hummed a soft tune.

His cerulean orbs flicked around, scanning the sea of students as they went about their conversations and made preparations for their eventual arrival at the prestigious Beacon Academy. Despite the hustle and bustle, Yosuke was calm, as if he were completely at ease in this environment.

As the bullhead continued its journey, Yosuke leant against the railing, his gaze shifting across towards the fair-skinned young lady seated in the corner. He had noticed her quiet presence among the energetic crowd for some time now, noting that she hadn't made any efforts to interact with the crowd of students-to-be, much like himself. Intrigued, he decided to approach her, his steps graceful and measured as he slinked through the gaps in the crowd before finally reaching his destination.

"Mind if I join you?" Yosuke asked, his voice carrying a warm and friendly tone as his lips curled into a soft smile. The young lady looked up from her book, amber eyes of scrutiny meeting cerulean gaze of warmth. After a moment of consideration, she gave a curt nod of affirmation, immediately returning to her book without missing a beat.

Yosuke took a seat, positioning himself comfortably while keeping a respectful distance. The two of them fell into a comfortable silence, the only sounds being the hum of the engines and the distant conversations of their fellow hunters-to-be. Yosuke observed the young lady's focused demeanor, appreciating the air of intelligence and mystery that surrounded her.

After a while, Yosuke broke the silence, his voice soft but full of genuine curiosity. "What are you reading?" He inquired, eyes momentarily flitting to the pages of the book.

The young lady briefly glanced to the side, her expression serene yet guarded. "It's a book on Dust manipulation techniques," She replied, her voice composed. "I find the subject fascinating."

Yosuke nodded, "Dust manipulation really is interesting. I am rather good at it myself, but not to the level of my teacher who uses all types of dust."

"Is that so?"

His lips quirked upwards into a slight smile as he stared ahead fondly, "Yes, he is an expert in what he does...And I aspire to be like him one day."

Yosuke's words gave the girl pause as she stared at him, her eyes growing wide for the briefest of moments before narrowing into a squint as she glanced away, "...You must really look up to your teacher." She muttered, her voice almost solemn in tone as her gaze returned to the book's pages.

"Haha, I guess you could say that. Though, he isn't the most ideal role model." The blue eyed teen spoke coolly as memories of the yellow eyed faunus resurfaced.

The amber eyed beauty arched a brow, sparing the boy a wayward glances as she went to speak but, unfortunately, her voice was drowned out by the sudden intrusion of the news.

A hologram materialized before all the students, featuring a photo of a ginger haired man in a black bowler hat and a condescending smile.

"The robbery was lead by nefarious criminal, Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts please contact the vale police department," The reporter stated calmly, "Back to you, Lisa."

The hologram deftly switched from the image of Roman to a silver haired beauty called Lisa Lavender, who promptly continued the report, "Thank you, Cero, in other news, this Saturday's Faunus civil rights protest was turned dark; when members of the White Fang disrupted the ceremony."

The young lady next to Yosuke flinched, amber orbs momentarily flickering with a tinge of remorse and frustration before it was quickly masked by her usual calm demeanor; the girl's reaction completely missing the eyes of Yosuke.

Continuing her report, Lisa spoke further, "The once peaceful organization has now disrupted-" The hologram of Lisa Lavender flickered off, only to be replaced by the stern visage of Glynda Goodwitch, one of Beacon Academy's respected professors and an expert in combat.

Glynda's authoritative voice resonated throughout the bullhead's cabin as she addressed the students with a stern and authoritative tone of voice.

"Hello, and welcome to beacon," She began, "My name is Glynda Good-witch. You are among a privilaged few who have received the honour of being selected to attend this prestigious academy."

"Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace and as future huntsmen and huntresses it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the necessary training to protect our world." She finished, the hologram flickering off as she does so.

As the hologram of the blonde professor faded away, the atmosphere on the bullhead became a mix of anticipation and excitement. The students displayed avid amounts of determination and eagerness as they eyed the land below through the glass panes.

Yosuke glanced at the young lady seated beside him, who was once again engrossed in her book, seemingly finding it more interesting than the environment around her.

'I haven't introduced myself yet, have I?' He mused, extending a hand. "I'm Yosuke. And you are?" He inquired.

Briefly, the young lady's amber eyes flickered from the book's pages to his outstretched hand before redirecting her gaze back to her book. "Blake," She responded curtly, not even bothering to return the gesture.

"Nice to meet you, Blake." Yosuke replied with a small smile as he retracted the hand.

Just then, a blonde, slender boy clasped a hand around his mouth with the other gripping his abdomen as he swayed unsteadily, desperately searching for a suitable spot to relieve himself, "Ughhh...I don't feel so good..." His eyes sifted around like an old stoner's liquor bottle as his face grew increasingly pale.

Swaying unsteadily, he grabbed the railing weakly, barely keeping himself upright, his pale cheeks growing increasingly swollen as he clutched his mouth with both hands. An unpleasant liquid surging up his throat and filling his mouth with a putrid taste.

Unable to hold himself back any longer, the boy immediately doubled over. He watched helplessly as his breakfast erupted from his lips, the discolored lumps splattering onto the floor of the soaring cruise. Some of the expelled matter even managing to soil his own shoe much to his displeasure.

"Ewwww, that's so disgusting! You got puke on your shoe!" Exclaimed a busty blonde, instinctively taking a step back from the blonde boy, her disgust evident.

"Stay back! Stay back!" Another in a red and black hoodie exclaimed, her voice filled with an even greater amount of revulsion as she turned away from the sight.

The blonde boy's cheeks flushed red with embarrassment as he still took a tentative step towards the girl, hoping to assuage her distress. But, she continued to shout for him to keep his distance, instinctively stepping back with each plea.

Yosuke, who had been surveying the scene, cringed at the sight, mirroring the reactions of those around him. His cerulean orbs shifted to the glass pane, gazing outside as he caught a glimpse of the approaching Beacon Academy.


A/N: Hello there, hope you're all having a nice whatever time of the day it is for you.

This story is one I've been planning to publish for quite some time now, it has undergone many rewrites by me and my friend/co-author aloliindisguise (btw check out his books Dragon one and One of a Kind, the more you read the better they get. And if you like slow paced stories with long chapters then those are the stories for you.)

I'd also like to shoutout to my girlfriend presently_unknown for proofreading and rephrasing certain scenes.

Even though we reread it multiple times there are bound to be a few mistakes or inconsistencies. I hope for this to be enjoyable for all of us, so if you guys have any criticisms or ideas you can leave them in the comments and I will definitely make sure to read them even if it's a only normal comment, I'll greatly appreciate it if you do.

If you like it enough to vote we'd be even more motivated to write.

And a shout-out to LimboRikudo999 he was the one that inspired me to even take up writing in the first place. He has, in my and a lot of other people's opinion, some of the best RWBY fanfics out there and you'd only be missing out if you didn't read.

Alright... That's all I've got to say for now. Karma out.

I lost my previous account so I will be reposting chapters on this one.

K_Karma17creators' thoughts