

She strives in the pursuit of knowledge to discover the source of their world's suffering, the answer unknown to all but a few. He raises his weapon to protect her, for his love for her burns brighter than the seething rays of the scorching sun. But will his strength be enough? Her sole purpose is to seek entertainment as she fights for the fun of it. But if that hobby will become her responsibility is entirely up to her. Finally, A duty forged from guilty dream. He fights out of obligation and dedication to those past and those thought lost. On a journey they will go, with each other they will STAY

K_Karma17 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs

Chapter 8 - First Day

Peeking over the horizon, the sun cast its brilliant warmth upon the land of Remnant, painting the world in a resplendent aureate hue. Its gentle rays stirred the earth awake, and the symphony of chirping birds filled the cerulean skies as the winged beauties joyfully soared above the alabaster clouds.

Inside the dorm room, the clock ticked silently while its inhabitants slumbered peacefully. Their chests rose and fell in a rhythmic dance with their dreams.

Yosuke's eyes fluttered open, momentarily blinded by the faint rays of light trickling through the windowsill. Instinctively raising his hand and shielding his eyes as he sat up, his feet gently resting on the creaking edge of the bed.

With a yawn and a rub of his eyes, Yosuke's gaze drifted into out the window, admiring the early morning spectacle before landing on the clock perched upon the room wall.

8:00 am.

'If I recall correctly, classes begin in the next hour.' Yosuke mused to himself, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and sliding onto his feet. He made his way to the bathroom, swiftly undressing before stepping into the shower. The warm water cascaded down his skin, eliciting a sigh of contentment as the tranquil liquid washed away the sweat that had dried overnight.

Soon, he finished his shower and emerged from the bathroom, his eyes meeting Saya's in a silent understanding. She gave a brief nod before striding past him and into the shower herself.

Yosuke glanced at the clock once more.

8:10 am.

He walked over to his bed and reached up to the bunk above, gently nudging a certain blonde to wake up. "Wake up," He called out softly, rousing a slight reaction from the sleeping blonde.

"Mmmmm.....Five more minutes... Zzzzz..." The blonde groaned, rolling over onto her side. It seemed she had stayed up late playing games with who-ever the night before, making it a challenge to rouse her from her slumber.

After a few moments Yosuke decided to climb up onto her bed before lightly tapping Aria on the ankle a few times. Although it seemed ineffective, it did the trick. The blonde groaned once more, finally giving in to the persistent individual. "I'm up, I'm up!" She declared, sitting upright, her scowling face turned towards the one who had interrupted her peaceful sleep.

Clearly, she wasn't a morning person.

"Good morning to you too, Aria," Yosuke smiled, gradually descending to the ground, later followed by the grumpy blonde.

Soon, Toño climbed down from his bed aswell. Saya finished her shower and exited the bathroom donned in a new set of clothes, without delay the two remaining members both took turns to shower themselves.

"I'm thinking of making breakfast. Would you all like some?" Yosuke inquired, rolling up his sleeves as he made his way towards the kitchen. Glancing back, he received a nod of approval from the twins, Saya and Toño.

"Yes, please!" Aria called out from the shower.


Yosuke positioned himself in front of the stove, igniting a fire before placing a pot containing a moderate amount of oil on top. He reached into the cupboard and retrieved a small bowl, lemon juice, bread, pepper, and salt, to which he set them down on the countertop.

Next, he opened the refrigerator and took out a few avocados then placed them atop the table after which he then grabbed two slices of bread and placed them in the toaster before shifting his attention back to the bowl. Using a knife, he sliced the avocados neatly in half as he skinned it neatly and removed the seeds. The halves were then placed in the bowl generously seasoned with salt, pepper, and a splash of lemon juice. With the back of a fork, he skillfully mashed the avocados into a smooth mixture.

The toaster emitted a soft ding, signaling that the toasting was complete as the bread was ejected from its holder. Yosuke transferred the toasted slices to a plate and replaced them with another pair before resuming his activities.

He opened the refrigerator once more, retrieving eight eggs before returning to the bubbling pot on the stove. One by one he expertly cracked each egg against the rim of the pot, allowing the contents to ooze out into the sizzling oil. Using a spatula, Yosuke sprinkled a fair bit of salt over the eggs as he skillfully maneuvered the utensil underneath, ensuring they solidified properly.

Another ding resonated as the toaster released another pair of toasted bread slices. Yosuke swiftly placed them on a separate plate and loaded yet another pair into the toaster before returning his attention to the pot.

A small smile played on his lips as he hummed a tune whilst cracking yet another egg into the pot. He observed with satisfaction as it slowly descended into the sizzling oil, adding to the tantalizing aroma filling the kitchen.

After scrambling all the eggs and toasting each slice of bread, Yosuke dipped a fork into the mashed avocado, smoothly spreading it onto the rough surface of each toast. He then added the scrambled eggs as side dishes. Meanwhile, he used the kettle to warm some water, retrieving cups from the cupboard. Taking a T-sac, he placed about two teaspoons of Jasmine Flower tea in each cup and poured the hot liquid inside. Placing the lids on the cups, he let the tea steep for a few minutes.

Yosuke let out a contented sigh, his lips forming a faint smile as he observed the water taking on a yellowish hue, signifying that it had finished steeping. Carefully arranging each dish on a tray with their respective tea cups, he gracefully entered the bedroom, the plethora of enticing scents permeating the air.

Setting the tray down on the small desk by the window, he handed everyone their meals. "Enjoy," He said, taking his own meal and sitting on his bed next to Aria, directly across from the twins.

"Dont mind if I do!" Aria exclaimed, her grin widening as she raised the toast to her mouth and took a bite of the avocado-covered bread. However, she abruptly stopped all movement.

Perplexed, Yosuke eyed her, a hint of concern creeping in. "Is everything alright?" He asked hesitantly, wondering if she had experienced an allergic reaction or if there was something in the food she didn't like. Or perhaps it simply tasted terrible and caused her distress? That shouldn't be the case though, as his mother had taught him how to cook from a very young age.

"This... is..." Aria began softly, her trembling giving way to a toothy grin in an instant. "AMAZING!" She squealed, promptly taking another enthusiastic bite of the avocado toast.

Yosuke stared at her, slightly taken aback by her intense reaction to his cooking. Nonetheless, he felt relieved that he hadn't caused any harm and that she genuinely enjoyed the meal.

"This tastes absolutely delicious! How did you make it so good!?" Aria exclaimed with excitement, savoring the flavors as she took a sip of the jasmine tea, a slight shiver running down her spine as the warm liquid glided down her throat.

Toño frowned, his skepticism lingering in his thoughts. 'She's probably exaggerating. His cooking can't be that good... can it?' He mused, his gaze fixed on the meal before him. Gulping, he cautiously picked up the tea cup and took a small sip, his eyes widening ever so slightly as he instinctively pulled the cup away.

'It's... Actually good.' Toño thought as he shifted his gaze towards the egg and toast, his stomach rumbling lightly as if urging him to indulge...

And that he did.

Without hesitation, Toño assembled his own creation placing scrambled eggs ontop of the toast as he sunk his teeth into it. He felt his body jolt with energy akin to euphoria as he swallowed the contents.

Toño glanced up from his meal, locking eyes with the cook, "What?" Toño asked, pretending nonchalance.

"Do you like it?" Yosuke replied with a question of his own.

"...No." Toño replied, "What makes you think that?"

Yosuke stared at him for a moment, his lips quirking to a smile, "Well, it must taste 'really' bad if you've already 'disposed' of it so quickly." He quipped.

Toño raised a brow, thinking about his words before returning his gaze to his mea-

It was gone.

All traces of the meal vanished, leaving behind only an empty plate and a tea-less cup. Toño stared at the dish, his eyes taking on an oval shape as he covered his mouth, his cheeks tinted a slight shade of red.

A soft chuckle sounded next to him, the owner of which bore an uncanny resemblance to him, his pink eyes slowly shifted from the empty dish to the face of his twin sister who usually held a pensive gaze...now she was looking at him with the slightest bit of amusement.

He hadn't heard her laugh or even smile ever since that day and now she seemed to be enjoying herself if even a little bit.

Before Toño could gather his thoughts to speak, Saya took charge, "Its 8:49."

"Lets finish up and go, or we'll be late for class." She instructed as she finished the last of her meal and rose to her feet.

Toño eyed her for a moment, unheard thoughts flowing freely through his head as she retreated into the kitchen before he and the others followed suit, placing their dishes into the sink and heading out.


Upon arriving at class, Team STAY took a seat in the third row to the right just above the middle. Tono sat to the left of Saya with Yosuke seated between Tono and Aria.

Soon after, Team RWBY came charging in with Team JNPR trailing behind as they quickly found a seat. Team RWBY sat in the front row while Team JNPR took a seat in the third row to the left.

A few minutes later, the professor, a man of a rather short stature waltz into the classroom with his hands held behind his back like the plump elderly man he is.

"Ho-ho! Good morning children," The old man said heartily, his grey mustache moving about as he continued, "My name is Professor Port, I will be your teacher for Grimm studies. Class will begin shortly." The man, now known as Professor Port, said as he began setting up for class.


"....Monsters, Demons, Prowlers of the night. Yes, the creatures of Grimm go by many names. But I merely refer to them as Prey!"

Yosuke sat in his seat, his pen held loosely in his hand, its point pursed against his paper staining it with black ink as he stared at the professor.

Toño and Saya seemed to be paying attention to class but they weren't taking any notes, only listening to the professor babble on about the tales of his very (un)believable past.

Even Aria seemed disinterested in his story, clicking her pen continuously as she laid slumped over the desk.

"This is so boring~" She groaned, raising her head as she peered down upon the professor, "His story aren't even that fun."

Toño's face scrunched up slightly, "Whining won't change that." He replied dryly, not averting his gaze despite his visible displeasure.

"Hngh...! I miss pelt..." Aria sighed, slumping over her desk once more, fantasizing about her golden shotgun.

"-Who among you believe themselves to be the embodiment of a true huntsman or huntress in the making?" Professor Port questioned the class, bringing Yosuke back to reality as he promptly raised his hand along with several other students including Saya.

In the end, the Professor chose Weiss, probably the only one who truly payed any attention to class.

The Schnee heiress took to the stage, brandishing her rapier upon her return from her weapon's locker. She stood before a cage, a creature held captive as growls resonated throughout the class, the beast constantly ramming into the iron bars in futility.

'This should be easy for her considering the skill she displayed at initiation.' Yosuke mused, crossing his arms as he leant back in his seat, his blue orbs trained on the heiress's form.

"Go~ ice-girl!" Aria chanted, waving her hands in the air before pausing and asking, "Uhh-What's her name again?"

"Her name is Weiss Schnee."

"Ohk, Gotcha!"

Yosuke observed Weiss' brows furrow as she said something, however, it went unheard due to the constant clanging of iron and the chants from her teammates as well as Aria.

Her words seemed to have been directed at Ruby, if her line of sight was anything to go by.

'She looks displeased... I wonder why.' Yosuke thought to himself as he observed the interaction.

"Alright! Let the match..." Professor Port paused, the air held in suspense as he raised his axe above his head.

"Begin!" He roared, bringing down the object effortlessly cleaving through the lock on the cage as the door fell with a thud, freeing the one held prisoner.

The beast wasted no time, immediately charging the heiress as he was released. Weiss used her rapier to deflect the oncoming beast's charge as she rolled to the side, promptly entering a stance eyed the tusked Grimm.

"Haha! Wasn't expecting that, were you?" Professor Port asked rhetorically.

"Hang in there Weiss!" Ruby urged.

The ice-themed girl dashed towards the approaching boartusk, thrusting her blade forward as the beast came into range. Tilting it's head, the boartusk caught Weiss' weapon in its tusk as it started flailing around to get her to relinquish her hold on the item.

The two were locked in a tussle, Weiss being incapable of retrieving her weapon from the Grimm's tusk.

"Bold, new approach. I like it!" Professor Port commented.

"C'mon Weiss, show it who's boss!" Ruby shouted.

Weiss turned her head, casting a glare at the crimsonette. However, such a blunder left her vulnerable.

The Grimm swung its head, ripping the blade from her grasp and casting it aside before ramming its tusks into her ribs sending her crashing into the ground, her body flickering a light hue of blue.

'She's distracted. Something must be on her mind.'

Charging forward, the boartusk reared its head as it swung its namesake at the grounded heiress. Acting quickly, Weiss rolled to the side narrowly avoiding a gruesome collision as the beast crashed into a desk and toppled over. Weiss ran, sliding to pick up her weapon with her hand.

"Weiss! Go for its belly! There's no armour underneat-" Ruby started.

"Stop telling me what to do!" Weiss snarled, cutting her off, her teeth grit in frustration.

'So she has a problem with Ruby...?' Yosuke deduced, 'Did something happen between them? But Ruby's demeanor doesn't give off the impression that they had an argument.'

Just then, the boartusk jumped as it curled up into a ball, spinning in the air as it landed before shooting off, rapidly gaining speed as it approached the heiress.

Weiss swiped her blade with sophisticated elegance as she carved a blue snowflake into existence. The azure shield effectively stopped the boartusk's charge as it crashed into it, causing it to fall over on its back with a squeal.

Flipping into the air, Weiss stepped on another blue snowflake she created, its color fading into obsidian as she hovered. The instant it returned to blue, the snowflake launched Weiss straight towards the grounded beast, her rapier extended forward as it plunged into the creature's gut, ripping through its flesh as it started flailing and squealing once more before quickly succumbing to its fate.

Weiss took shallow breaths, gradually steadying herself, the beast dissipating into ethereal nothingness as she slowly rose to her feet.

"Bravo! Bra-vo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true huntress-in-training!" Professor Port commended Weiss, "But I'm afraid thats all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings, and... Stay vigilant! Class dismissed!" He said.

Weiss scowled, turning on her heels as she stormed out of the classroom. Yosuke watched as Ruby rushed after her.

"What's up with them?" Aria questioned, resting her elbows on the desk as her palms supported her head.

"Thats what I'm going to find out," Yosuke replied, rising to a stand as Aria made way for him to walk out.

Yosuke made his way down to the front, waving as he greeted, "Hello, Blake, Yang." He smiled, Blake nodded in acknowledgement.

"Oh, its you. Wazzup?" Yang questioned, donning a cheeky grin.

"Nothing really, I was just curious as to why Weiss seemed so aggressive towards Ruby. I assumed they made up after that accident." Yosuke stated, staring at the open door.

Yang shrugged, clasping her hands behind her head, "Dunno, I'm just as clueless as you."

"Its likely due to Weiss wanting to be the team leader." Blake interjected.

"I had a feeling," Yosuke said, "There's no other reason, unless something else happened yesterday."

"Thats impossible," Yang chimed in, shaking her head, "We all went to bed last night and we were just fine this morning, so I dunno what happened."

"We did, but when Headmaster Ozpin announced who was leader she didn't seem too happy to hear it."

"Maybe you should talk to her about it." Yosuke suggested.

Blake's eyes narrowed with vague caution, "No. I think its better if we leave them to sort this out themselves, since it will only happen again if we intervene and possibly make matters worse."

Yang and Yosuke's gazes lingered on Blake for a moment before briefly exchanging glances, then nodding in agreement.

"Lets go with that then." Yosuke hummed, shifting his gaze to the door, seeing Saya and Toño stalk out, likely heading to their next class.

"I should be going to my next class aswell," Yosuke informed, "See you guys later." He said.

"Mhm." Blake nodded.

"Yeah, see ya." Yang waved.

Yosuke's gaze shifted upwards to Aria who still sat in her seat whilst clicking her pen continuously and acting as a spy with a gun.

Yosuke turned, ascending the steps as he tapped his blonde teammate on her shoulder before pointing her to the door. She smiled as she smoothly placed her 'gun' in her pocket before they both made their way to their next class.


The bell rang, echoing through the halls of beacon, signifying the end of yet another class and the begining of the one most anticipated.


Taking the place of the now fading blare, the students crowded the hallways of beacon conversing as they all made their way towards the cafeteria.

Yosuke strolled to an empty table, lunch in hand as he lowered into the seat.

'I haven't seen neither Weiss nor Ruby since their little disagreement earlier.' Yosuke mused to himself, his eyes scanning the cafeteria for any sign of the duo or even the rest of their team but it was a futile effort.

'They dont seem to be here either, I wonder if anyone else has seen them since.'

Soon after, he was joined by Aria who was grinning from ear to ear she made her way over towards him.

"Hello~ Yosuke!" She tooted, placing her tray down next to the blue themed boy as she sat.

Yosuke's lips quirked into a small smile, his eyes bore into the blonde as a wave of nostalgia hit, 'The more I interact with her... The more alike they seem...' He thought, a distant memory creeping up from the depths of his mind.

"Hello to you too, Aria," He replied, his eyes lingering on the grinning blonde, "I take it something good happened?" Questioned the curious blue.

The girl in question perked up, her smile widening even further, "You bet! I was walking around and there was this guy and his sword was like, this huge!" She exclaimed as she began to rant, her hands gesturing around frantically to further express her words.

Yosuke watched the girl, a wry grin forming on his lips as he once again noted the uncanny resemblance between her and... Him.

"Big brother look, I found a super big bug over there! It was like, this huge!"

Yosuke's grin slowly faded, his blue orbs hollowing out at the memory, 'No matter how similar they might seem....they can never be the same.'

"It's hard, but you gotta let it go."

Aria continued, seemingly oblivious to her teammate's inner turmoil, "-and then! He tripped and fell flat on his face, it was hilarious!" Her rant finally coming to an end as she chortled.

"I'm sure it was." Yosuke chuckled with a small smile before starting his lunch as he peered around the cafeteria.

Aria grinned before taking a bite of her sandwich as she posed a question, "Where're Saya and Toño?"

Yosuke regarded the blonde for a moment, contemplating before he answered, "Saya is likely to be in a quiet place and Toño's protective-ness wont allow him to leave her side, so that should be enough of an answer."

"Speaking of, have you seen Ruby or Weiss since Grimm Studies?"

Aria took another bite of her sandwich and a sip of juice before shaking her head, "Nope, didn't see em."

"Blake and Yang said they were fine this morning, so it is a bit concerning to see Weiss angry at Ruby for seemingly no reason." Yosuke said, his brows furrowing slightly.

"I'm sure it's nothing, she'll get over it." She shrugged taking another bite of her meal.

Yosuke nodded, continuing his meal as he engaged in further small talk with Aria. It was rather enjoyable to say the least, despite her resemblance to his brother it didn't seem to bother him as much as he thought it would, but their chat soon came to an end as the bell rung and they returned to their dorms.