

She strives in the pursuit of knowledge to discover the source of their world's suffering, the answer unknown to all but a few. He raises his weapon to protect her, for his love for her burns brighter than the seething rays of the scorching sun. But will his strength be enough? Her sole purpose is to seek entertainment as she fights for the fun of it. But if that hobby will become her responsibility is entirely up to her. Finally, A duty forged from guilty dream. He fights out of obligation and dedication to those past and those thought lost. On a journey they will go, with each other they will STAY

K_Karma17 · Cómic
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21 Chs

Chapter 4 - Initiation

The flaxen orb of light gradually made its ascent over the horizon, casting its warm golden hue upon the waking world. Its gentle light filtered through the windows of beacon, illuminating the slumbering students within and coaxing them to rise from their makeshift beds.

Yosuke pried open his sapphire spheres, the soft rays of sunlight gently nudging him awake. A quiet yawn escaped his lips as he sat upright in his bed, taking a moment to gather his thoughts.

'Today is the official start of my journey to becoming a huntsman. I'm sure teacher would be happy if I end up succeeding, he might even carry me out to celebrate. But father, on the other hand, he would definitely be irked if he ever found out...'

'Though, there's no way for him to gain such information now...' Yosuke halted his musing as he took a quick glanced around the area, scanning every inch with a critical gaze.

The room around him was already in motion, with several students bustling about, preparing themselves for the upcoming initiation.

'I should prepare myself aswell.'

Unhurriedly, Yosuke rose to a stand, his bare feet meeting the cool ballroom floor. He stretched his arms above his head, feeling the satisfying release of tension from his waking muscles. His alabaster bed sheets fell to the ground, forming a neat pile as he folded them with practiced efficiency.

Striding over, he retrieved a fresh set of clothes from his luggage before venturing to the nearby bathroom to complete his morning routine. The sound of running water and the scent of soap filled the air as he indulged in a rejuvenating shower. Emerging from the bathroom, he was now dressed in his chosen attire for the day's challenges.

Yosuke donned a pair of ankle length black tights that hugged his legs, providing ease of movement. Over them, he sported a white shorts with a blue stripe at either side with black combat boots adorning his feet.

A tight-fitted white hoodie with blue stripes around the edges and short sleeves covered his upper body. Underneath, he wore a sleek black elbow length skin tight shirt. Lastly, Soft black gloves fading into fiery sapphire tips adorned his hands, completing his ensemble.

"Hmm..." He took one last look in the mirror, combing his hair and tying it into a ponytail, he left the right side to frame his face as he smiled softly, 'That's better.'

Straightening his posture and adjusting his clothing; with a final deep breath he left the room, joining the flow of students making their way towards the commencement of the day's events.

As Yosuke entered the locker hallway, he spotted Blake retrieving her weapon from her locker. The sight of her drew his attention, and he couldn't help notice the presence of Yang and Ruby engaged in conversation nearby.

With his locker conveniently located next to Blake's, Yosuke strolled over to her, a friendly smile adorning his face. "Good morning, Blake, did you sleep well?" He greeted, his voice warm and inviting.

Blake's bow twitched slightly indicating that she had acknowledged his presence, not that he noticed.

"Good morning. Yes I did, and you?" She replied in a calm tone of voice as her eyes met his.

"Mhm." Yosuke proceeded to open his locker, revealing his weapon, Sanction. The katana basked in the artificial lights of the locker room, showcasing its unique design. The blade gradually faded from black to blue at the tip, giving it an eye-catching appearance.

The hilt featured a combination of black and blue mineral like design for better grip. Three distinct buttons protruded from the side of the hilt, in order they were red, yellow and dark blue. Each button gave access to a different type of dust if pressed once sheathed, said dust being: Fire, Lightning and Ice.

On the outer side of Sanction's sheath rested a black pistol with light blue highlights, this allowed him to be a versatile fighter capable of switching or even mixing his melee style with ranged combat if the situation called for it.

It was also the weapon of his predecessor...

'Father...' His eyes lowered softly as he smoothed a gloved palm over the weapon's handle, 'I'm sure he wouldn't approve of me becoming a huntsman, however, it's always been my dream and I intend to fulfill it.' He thought, a wry grin etched on his features as he strapped the weapon to his waist and closed the locker.


-At the cliff's edge-

The two arrived at the end of the cliff where the other students seemed to converge. There, they saw Headmaster Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch waiting for them and some other students at the cliff's side. As soon as all the student had arrived, Ozpin began to address them.

"For years, you have trained to become warriors and today your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald forest."

Glynda adjusted her glasses, her cool gaze peeking through the transparent lense, "Now, I'm sure many of you heard rumours about the assignment of teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates, today." She concluded.

"These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at beacon, so it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well." Ozpin stated, "That being said, the first person you make eye contact with will be your partner for the next four years."

Some of the students squirmed and groaned.

Ozpin continued, "After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path," He paused, "Or you will die."

The students began murmuring to themselves at such a bold statement. Yosuke simply nodded, noting the seriousness in his tone.

"Are there any questions?" Ozpin asked.

Jaune raised his hand.

"Yeah, um, sir-"

"Good. Now, take your positions."

The boy still tried to ask his question whilst the other students were being launched off the cliff one after the other but was ultimately ignored.

The time came for Yosuke to be launched into the air aswell. His eyes skimmed over the crowed before the launch mechanism propelled him into the air.

Yosuke felt a rush of wind billowing against his face. His gaze sharpened as he soared through the sky, eyes sweeping over the expansive greenery of the Emerald Forest in slight awe.

The forest loomed beneath him, its lush green canopy extending as far as the eye could see. It was rather beautiful, but now was not the time to sightsee.

Yosuke scanned the forest below, searching for a moment before finding a small clearing within the greenery.

Mid-air, Yosuke skillfully maneuvered his body, angling his descent towards the forest floor. He mentally counted the seconds, maintaining a calm demeanor amidst the rush.

'One... two... three... four... five!' He mentally registered, driving his sword forcefully into a sturdy tree's trunk. The blade effortlessly sliced through the bark, embedding itself deep within. Twisting the blade on its side, the impromptu anchor halted his momentum, enabling him to execute a safe landing on the forest floor.

Yosuke's descent was smooth and controlled, his movements nimble as he planted his feet firmly on the forest floor. The impact of his landing sending a small shockwave through the surrounding foliage, causing the leaves to rustle and branches to sway. He swiftly withdrew his sword from the tree, the sound of metal sliding against wood echoing through the clearing.

Glancing around, Yosuke took note of the dense undergrowth, the towering trees that reached towards the sky, and the sunlight filtering through the canopy, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor. He knew that within this serene facade lay tests that would challenge their skills and teamwork.

Presently, he was about to put the former to the test.

A low growl emanated from the dense undergrowth, soon after joined by a symphony of similar sounds echoing through the surroundings.

Yosuke swiftly poised himself, his sword held at the ready as he assumed a low stance and meticulously surveyed the rustling bushes.

A Grimm darted through the bushes and lunged at Yosuke from behind, it's bloody claws glinting with the intent, however, he swiftly evaded the wolf-like creature's attack with a nimble sidestep.

Clicking a button, his sword sprang forth with a deft upward movement, cutting through the air with deathly accuracy as the burning yellow edge seared through the beast's neck, effortlessly cleaving through it before swiftly re-sheathing his blade as the defeated creature crashed to the ground and dissipated into ashy wisps.

'One down.'

However, there was no time to celebrate as more of the creatures emerged from the surrounding foliage with a deadly feel. Yosuke's eyes focused, his senses heightened as he prepared himself for the ensuing battle.

Dashing forward with impressive speed, Yosuke engaged the creatures with a graceful combination of sword strikes and agile footwork.

Seamlessly transitioning between offensive and defensive maneuvers, parrying claws and fangs with precision while launching counterattacks that swiftly dispatched his opponents.

The forest echoed with the clash of metal, the snarls of the creatures, and Yosuke's focused grunts as he fought his way through the onslaught.

As the battle continued, Yosuke's movements became more fluid, his many years of training guiding him through the chaotic dance of combat. The forest became his arena, and he moved with the grace and ferocity of a huntsman.

One by one, the creatures fell under Yosuke's blade, dissolving into ethereal remnants as they were defeated.

Finally, the last of the creatures laid defeated, returning the forest to an eerie calm as Yosuke took a moment to catch his breath, his chest rising and falling with exertion as he wiped away trickles of sweat. He surveyed the clearing for any sign of threats but seeing that the immediate danger had passed, Yosuke slowly re-sheathed his sword with a heavy sigh as he peered into the cloudy skies. Smiling to himself, he strolled off into the woods.


A/n: Well that concludes the chapter, what are your thoughts on it so far?