

She strives in the pursuit of knowledge to discover the source of their world's suffering, the answer unknown to all but a few. He raises his weapon to protect her, for his love for her burns brighter than the seething rays of the scorching sun. But will his strength be enough? Her sole purpose is to seek entertainment as she fights for the fun of it. But if that hobby will become her responsibility is entirely up to her. Finally, A duty forged from guilty dream. He fights out of obligation and dedication to those past and those thought lost. On a journey they will go, with each other they will STAY

K_Karma17 · Cómic
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21 Chs

Chapter 20 - Poignant Acceptance

—The Next Day—

The four members of Team CRDL stood in the elevator, the metal contraption rattling lightly as it slowly ascended Beacon's tower. Russel yawned, his eyes watering a bit as he stretched his muscles. To either side of him stood Sky and Dove with the former silently nodding off while leaning against the metal wall with his arms crossed in front of him.

The latter frowned slightly while looking across the elevator with an irritated squint, his peripheral housing the sole reason they were even in this mess to begin with, snarling at the thought of losing out on basically the best opportunity of his life just because of one big stupid ginger and his big stupid actions…..

But that wasn't all was it?

Quirking his head to the tiniest degree, Dove paid the soon slowing elevator no mind, his thoughts returning to the conversation he overheard, the words of Cardin's father repeating in his mind.

'He must be thinking about what his Dad said…' Dove was inside the bathroom when Cardin was on the phone so he ended up overhearing everything his dad said. Even though he felt a little sympathy for Cardin, that didn't change what he did. Calming his seethe, Dove released a heated breath that stung even more as it left, arms returning to its fold against the uniform he might never wear again.

'Well, it's his fault for treating people like shit so I have no reason to feel sorry for him.'


The metallic doors smoothly slid apart, letting a wave of cool air permeate the confined space of the elevator as the RDL trio exited orderly. After a short pause, Cardin too left the elevator, his fists clenched with his head slightly lowered.

They all slowly came to a stop before Ozpin who was seated at his desk. The morning illumination casted a thin shadow over his face, his dusty eyes remaining trained to his coffee mug as he took a prolonged sip.

Taking a deep breath, he lifted his gaze, "Good morning gentlemen. I must say, you are all rather early." Slowly, his eyes scanned the quartet with a brief chuckle, "Today is the day your stay here will be decided so your eagerness is understandable."

"You all adhered to my words and made up with your fellow schoolmates while also steering clear of trouble." The silver haired man hummed as he took another sip of his coffee, casting a wayward gaze to the ginger giant, "Well, most of you, that is."

Before anyone could speak, the elevator emitted a soft ding before its doors gradually opened to reveal two blondes, Glynda and Jaune.

Wordlessly, the two waltzed into the room with Jaune looking around the place with an awestruck gaze. This is the first time he's seen the inside of the Headmaster's office before and he just had to say it.

"So cool…" Jaune cooed before bumping into Cardin. He looked up at the ginger with a nervous smile and apologized but to his surprise Cardin didn't even bother acknowledging his presence and just stared at the ground like he was lost.

"Now then, Mr Arc."

"Y-yes sir-er ma'am."

Glynda began from her position next to the headmaster's desk, "I've already briefed you on the reason why you are here so I'm sure I don't need to repeat myself. But I will anyway." adjusting her glasses, Glynda straightened her back as she continued, "You are here today because your opinion will influence whether or not Team CRDL are able to continue their careers as huntsmen. Reason being, you were the most affected by their actions, so it is only right for you to decide how to deal with this situation."

Russel's brows raised as he stared at Jaune with surprise, "Huh, really?"

'Now I know why we had to wait for him to recover.' Dove mused to himself.

"However, before that, I must express my disappointment in you this past week, Mr Winchester." Ozpin interjected, causing everyone to turn their attention to Cardin whose teeth were clenched as tight as a nutcracker.

"I recall specifically instructing you to stay clear of trouble this week and yet you felt the need to start a fight with a few of our third years."

Dove's eyes narrowed with a building seethe, 'Of course he just had to go and mess up our chances!'

Sky regarded Cardin with a cold glare before turning away with a grimace while Russel just shook his head limply in disappointment.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" The brown eyed Headmaster queried as he slowly entwined his fingers and awaited the ginger's response.

Cardin felt his chest tighten as he went to speak.

No words came.

Ozpin waited for a while before nodding slightly and leaning back in his chair, "Very well. Glynda, you may continue."

Nodding, the busty blonde cleared her throat, "As I was saying, on multiple occasions since the beginning of the semester you have been a victim of Team CRDL's bullying with each act being more dangerous than the next." Glynda's eyes rested on Jaune's flushed demeanor as the young Arc scratched his cheek, already moving to defend himself.

"Well, it wasn't that bad, right?" He chuckled awkwardly.

Russel rubbed the back of his head with an apologetic smile, Sky stared at the ground with solemn blue eyes as Dove turned away; his eyes narrowing in shame.

Cardin clenched his fists with an unreadable expression as he looked on in silence.

Lifting his mug, Ozpin took a brief sip of the caffeinated water before sighing, "While that may be true, the same cannot be said about their recent actions. Which is why, today, your opinion will influence our decision on whether they will further their careers as huntsmen or not." Ozpin's words were spoken with a subtle menace causing Jaune to feel a bit apprehensive as he glanced over the troublesome quartet.

His gaze halting at the worst of them all, Cardin, whose usual smug and pompous attitude had long since dissipated.

Jaune gulped as Cardin's eyes slowly shifted to meet his, expecting him to say something or even scowl, but to his surprise all he got was a sigh before the boy's gaze returned to the ground and his expression darkened.

Looking back at Ozpin and Glynda who were patiently awaiting his decision, a simple thought came to him as a faint smile crept across his lips. 'This is my chance!'

He could put a stop to all the bullying and enjoy a peaceful life at school, not just for him but others as well! He could finally become the guy he could only dream of being without having to worry about the threat of bullies looming over his shoulders at every turn. Right now, if he just said the word he could get rid of them just like that…

Jaune's lips twitched in a skyward arc as his heart began beating a little bit faster, 'Just one word…' The blonde's eyes lit up like stars in the night sky as he turned his head to look at the ones on trial—

But his joy faded just as quickly as it had built up. If he denied them a second chance, what then?

Slowly, his brows narrowed into a frown as he looked them over. What would happen if he decided to expel them right here?

'If I do that then they'll probably end up as thugs or thieves like that Torchwick guy…' Sure, they were jerks to him and a bunch of others, but was denying them a chance at redemption the right thing to do?


I mean, yeah, they were annoying and shitty, but at least they made it into the school through their own strength…

Unlike him who didn't even go to combat school or even study up on huntsmen and revolutions and whatnot. All he did was talk big about wanting to be like his ancestors yet he had nothing to show for it.

And now he had the power to expel 4 dudes who worked for their place in the academy…that wasn't right.

It wasn't right at all.

Bringing an arm to his shoulder, Jaune's head hung a tad lower as he slowly organized his thoughts. He knew what he needed to do. "Headmaster Ozpin, I don't think it's right to kick them out before they have a chance to redeem themselves. I know that what they did to me and aLOT of other people was wrong but I-I-(sigh)It just doesn't feel right y'know?" Jaune rubbed his neck as he released a deep sigh, "What I'm trying to say is, even though they are a bunch of jerks I want them to stay here at Beacon."

Cardin flinched at his words as he cast a confused gaze at the blonde. The other members of CRDL huffed, feeling a weight lift off their shoulders as a small twinge of hope bloomed within their minds.

Glynda sighed to herself, wondering just what exactly went through the young adult's mind only for Ozpin to voice her unspoken question after a small pause.

"While I agree with the sentiment, I must ask Mr. Arc, what influenced your decision?"

Jaune's heart skipped a beat as he took a deep breath, 'Here goes!' "IIIII kinda…sorta… faked my transcripts and cheated my way into Beacon so it feels wrong for me to decide what to do with them." His voice slowly pittering out as he rubbed the back of his head and averted his gaze in embarrassment. The room fell into a pregnant pause with the troublesome quartet expressing their shock, even Cardin's eyes had widened in surprise.

No one expected him to come out with it just like that after trying so hard to protect it.

Ozpin released a hearty chuckle that stunned the students even more with Jaune expressing his confusion with an awkward smile, it wasn't like him at all, "Uhh, sir, why are you laughing?"

Glynda shook her head lightly with a slight smile, in all her years she had never seen a student quite like this one.

"Haha, apologies." Ozpin's chuckle slowly faded into an amused smile as he lifted his coffee mug to his mouth. This only served to confuse the blonde knight and the CRDL quartet which left them feeling awkward as they exchanged glances.

Glynda sighed, "Your confusion is warranted. Afterall, there was simply no way for you to know we've long since been privy to such information." Jaune tensed, "You knew…?"

"Of course," Ozpin interjected, "Students fake their transcripts quite often, and it was particularly easy to discern in your case since had you truly been recommended by a teacher or a reputable person such as Amethyst Grey or Qrow Branwen then the particulars of the letter would have been vastly different."

'Uhuh…' The blue eyed knight nodded slowly with understanding. He felt…embarrassed to say the least, but having finally gotten this weight off his chest it was a little more manageable.

Yeah right!

Willing away his embarrassment, the red faced blonde gathered his jumbled thoughts before stuttering out, "W-well, I'm still here aren't I? If I can stay, then so should they!.....If that's alright with you."

Ozpin chuckled again, "I admire your selflessness, Mr Arc."Many wouldn't have done what you did just now, and even less would speak willingly of their own sins to help others." Seeing his reflection swim within his beverage, the silver haired Headmaster smiled softly as the liquid rippled before departing from his desk, brown boots clicking lightly against the ceramic tiles as they brought him to the large window pane overlooking the campus.

The hidden sun casting thin rays from behind the mountain, illuminating the land like a golden beam and dying the clouds a soft orange as nature's shadows slowly retreated into the depths of its greenery.

"Thank you for your opinion Mr Arc, if it's all the same with you, you may take your leave now." Releasing a breath he didn't know he held, Jaune gave a curt nod to both administrators before moving to the elevators after a short while.

Stepping into the comforting metal space, Jaune turned to meet the eyes of the bully quartet as a soft yet awkward smile graced his features, "I really want to see you guys in class Tuesday…" As he said this, elevator doors snapped shut, leaving the dithered members of CRDL to await their fates.

Russel spoke first, mind and body restless in the need to know of how they would fair, "So…," He began, "Professor Ozpin, are we off the hook…?"


Russel sighed with a dejected look, "Figures—wait what?!"

They were? Maybe it was childish given the circumstances, but the mohawk bully felt excitement welling up from the deepest parts of his core as he pumped his fist in the air, "Now that's what I'm talkin' about!" He bellowed as a wry smile crept up Sky's lips; simultaneously Dove closed his eyes and chuckled briefly as his squinted eyes fell upon his teammates, 'Jaune…thank you.' Even Cardin seemed grateful though he would never admit-

"Though, I can only speak for three of you."

As Ozpin said this, he slowly shifted his gaze to meet the widening eyes of Cardin who felt a chill run down his spine as a sense of trepidation threatened to overwhelm his senses.

The delinquent trio followed the Headmaster's gaze and almost immediately their excited faces morphed into looks and disappointment and disgust. 'Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that…' Dove thought, his brows narrowing into a tight knitted frown as he sighed heavily and turned away. Sky, on the other hand, just stared at him, he expected as much.

Russel's eyes fell to the floor with a downcast expression, he already knew who Ozpin was referring to without looking, but he was hoping he'd be let off the hook like they were. Even if he can be a jerk, he was still his friend.

Continuing, Ozpin rose his mug to his lips, "As I stated earlier, while you all chose to heed my advice and got along with your fellow huntsmen in training, Mr Winchester saw it fit to start a fight with a third year team yesterday afternoon."

'Bullshit!', Cardin thought, "THEY STARTED IT, IT WASN'T EVEN MY FAULT!"

"Mr Winchester!" Slapping her weapon against Ozpin's desk Glynda glared at the ginger bully as her voice took on an icy edge, "Watch.your.tone."

Taking a slow sip of his coffee, Ozpin's eyes remained trained onto the trembling form of Cardin before turning and exhaling against the broadened window.

After a small pause of the blonde's making, Ozpin continued, "Even if that was the case, you were explicitly warned not to engage in any altercations were you not?"

"But they wouldn't stop after I told them!" Cardin growled through gritted teeth, his eyes like daggers piercing the back of the man's skull. Ozpin merely adjusted his glasses with a sigh, "That may be true, however, your way of dealing with the situation was simply wrong."

Continuing where the headmaster left off, Glynda began, a finger already meeting the bridge of her silver frames, "Originally, we intended to expel all of you, but after seeing you three actively take strides to improve your reputations and student relationships as opposed to Mr Winchester; we're now more inclined to heed Mr Arc's wishes and grant you three another chance."

Cardin's fists shook as his face morphed into an ugly grimace.

Isn't this place all about helping people? Why was he being punished for doing exactly that?!

"However, there is still a chance for you Mr. Winchester, if your teammates are willing to risk their futures for yours." She finished.

Cardin bit his lip somberly, his knuckles turning white as chalk as he clenched even harder. He throat felt as if it was stuffed with tons of rocks.

Time passed with Cardin's eyes flitting to each member of his team before they fell tightly lidded. Not one of them stepped up.

He never stood a chance did he?

Opening his eyes, he met Ozpin's, who's gaze bore into his own like an old prophet as he took a long sip of his coffee before calmly setting it down on his table and lowering into his seat, "It seems we have nothing else left to discuss." Leaning back into his chair slowly, the silver haired Headmaster's gaze swept over the quartet, taking note of their expressions before giving a curt nod as he gestured to the elevator door, "You may take your leave."

The room was silent as the four members of Team CRDL all filed into the elevator and descended the tower, leaving Glynda and Ozpin to themselves.

The morning sun rose above the mountains, shining through the window and casting a solemn silhouette over the duo's bodies.

Sighing, Glynda asked. "...Will this really work, sir?"

"Glynda, I have faith in all of my students...Even the bad ones."

Returning to their dorms, the team of delinquents were all but talkative; their demeanors almost as awkward as the tense atmosphere. They watched the ginger pack his stuff into a series of suitcases.

Dove still stood by the doorway with his arms crossed in front of him with Sky leaning against his bed frame, his eyes lidded as he listened to the shuffling in the room. Russel sat on his bed, his eyes trained on the back of his team's leader–well, former leader.

Russel snorted before flopping onto his back and mumbling, "...Ain't that just peachy." He wasn't really the typa guy for the sentiments and depressing stuff but right now even he felt some typa way.

Time ticked by and the mohawk bully sighed, 'Man, this's so awkward.' Glancing to his side, he saw Dove now leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. Looking across from his bed, he saw Sky playing games on his scroll and lastly, Cardin exiting the bathroom with his toothbrush and a few other things in hand.

Not one of them seemed to care that they were losing a member. Not one.

Narrowing, his eyes shifted to the underside of the top bunk, "Why can't we just be like the other teams?" He asked, genuinely wanting to know an answer.

The shuffling halted for a moment before continuing like before, its resurgence accompanied by a slight chuckle from Sky, "We can't."

Russel furrowed his brows. "We can't?"

"You seriously think that's possible?" Dove interjected.

"Heck yeah I do!"

The duo shook their heads with pity filled looks, "He's delusional." "Poor guy."

"Aye, I'm not desulional!" The frustration of not getting through to the two caused Russel to fumble over his words.

Sky snorted, jerking his head towards the mohawk youth, "Seems he's got aphasia too."

"How can one guy catch so many L's?" Dove covered his eyes as he laughed aloud.

"...Yer all assholes y'know that."

The trio continued their banter, bringing life to the once gloomy dorm room as well as a small smile to a certain Ginger's lips as he briefly glanced their way before resuming his packing, "...Idiots." He said aloud.

No one acknowledged him though. They didn't ignore him, they just didn't hear.

"Imagine being single." Dove chuckled, jerking his head towards Russel's bed while covering his mouth.

"I know right, could never be me." Sky said, sending a knowing glance a certain person's way as he smirked.

"Aye, I-I've got girls too!" Russel shouted as he snapped to his feet, earning him a dismissive wave from Sky and Cardin, the former's grin taking a condescending turn, "Hands don't count."

Unknowingly speaking in unison, the two exchanged an odd look, noting the tension that the bully held had lessened to reveal a slight smile.

Gesturing to the flabbergasted teen, Russel tilted his head in slight confusion before his face slowly lifted in realization and narrowed in befuddlement as he rested both hands on Sky's shoulders while shaking him like a possessed zombie.

"...Hands don't count? Hands don't count?! Watchu meeeeaan HANDS DON'T COUNT?!!" Shaking the life out of the taller boy, Russel was on the verge of tears—

A sudden burst of laughter erupted throughout the room, all eyes were drawn towards the leaning ginger whose hands wrapped tightly around his hips, trying with all his might to calm his laughter.

"Man, don't tell me you actually thought using hands meant you got some!?" Clenching his gut, Cardin toppled over and laughed, a genuine and boisterous laugh. He hasn't laughed so hard since he was a kid.

"Aye-wah?! Of course not!" Russel stuttered to his defense as his face began heating up in embarrassment.

"Really? Alright man, seeing as you're obviously an expert, enlighten us on how you did the deed." Dove snickered out with a teasing grin.

"Well, I uh, I…Ugh, y'know what, screw you guys!" "That's what she didn't say!"

Laughter erupted once more at the mohawk bully's loss for words. Cardin laughed, he felt a rush of joy flood his body as they all conversed. This was nice.

The room was lively, it was almost like they had been friends for the longest of times. Like their disagreement from before was nothing but a minor inconvenience. They all chatted and laughed for close to an hour, honestly, it was fun.

For the very first time, they felt like a true team.

Zipping his last bag, Cardin twisted the lock just as slowly as the laughter in the room began dying down, finally remembering the real reason why they all gathered there in the first place.

Rolling his suitcase in one hand exile the other held his bags, the ginger spared one last snort at how things turned out, the curious looks to his…former teammates' features not really bothering him as much as it used to.

"Cardin." Turning slightly, Dove stepped to the ginger, holding out Cardin's jacket he almost forgot.

Feeling the leather cling onto his frame once more, RDL watched in silence as Cardin crept closer to the door, turning for maybe the last time to meet their eyes.

He turned around and left.


Cardin stared at the metal contraption with a troubled expression, his body trembling ever so slightly as the scene played over and over again in his mind. The light hum of the bullhead was like a melancholic metronome to the ears of the youth, the cool air that was once like a mother's caress was now no different from the devil's touch.

The intense silence gnawed at his mind, leaving him not even able to chuckle at his predicament.

He messed up big time...

If only…if only he'd acted like a decent human being, then maybe, just maybe his team would have sided with him. Just maybe they would have reached out a helping hand like so many others would for their own leaders. Just maybe…he could've achieved his dream too.

…But he didn't deserve that. He's an asshole and he knows it.

He alienated his teammates, acting like he was a king when in actuality he was nothing more than a self absorbed prick with main character syndrome.

He can't blame them for not standing up for him. Afterall, he never once took their feelings into consideration and only saw them as a bunch of weaklings and pawns to use for his amusement.

And now, he's facing the consequences of his actions.

Loosening his fists, Cardin's lips pursed together as his eyes fell to his feet with a watery wince. He knows there's no use regretting it but-



It still hurts so damn much...


(A/N: Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is….well my username is @aloliindisguise on this very same app. I'm just a friend of Karma that edits and also writes parts of this story.

Hey (smug) did you know that Aria is loosely based off my Rwby story Mc? And technically they've fought before in a bit of a crossover fic. If yall wanna see that…ask for it I guess? It's been finished for months now so idk. The rules of my rwby story's verse is a bit different and it's expressed in the fight.

Imma let Karma take over so I'll wrap my yap sesh up. Peep 'Dragon one' by me if yall want a dragon Ball story that gassed tf outta Ssj3.

Ssj3's da best, toodles. LOLI OUT!!!)

A/N: Cough

Well hello there, this is Karma. Lemme get str8 to it. I enjoyed writing this volume aLOT n I'm sure you've realized that unlike in most other fics, we're trying to give everyone relevance and a chance to shine in their own way without having the OC characters overshadow the OG's.

It might not seem like it now, but everyone has an important role in this story. It will also deviate alot from cannon starting Volume 2.

I'm not gonna say too much Abt anyone in particular cuz I might spoil so that's all I'll be saying for now.

So if y'all feel liked our story I'd appreciate it if you liked the chapters n leave comments Abt how you think the story's going so far. If you've any criticisms or theories just say them, I'll respond to all messages.

Anywho, see you in like, a month or 10—

-Karma out-