

She strives in the pursuit of knowledge to discover the source of their world's suffering, the answer unknown to all but a few. He raises his weapon to protect her, for his love for her burns brighter than the seething rays of the scorching sun. But will his strength be enough? Her sole purpose is to seek entertainment as she fights for the fun of it. But if that hobby will become her responsibility is entirely up to her. Finally, A duty forged from guilty dream. He fights out of obligation and dedication to those past and those thought lost. On a journey they will go, with each other they will STAY

K_Karma17 · Cómic
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21 Chs

Chapter 2 - Shining Beacon

The bullhead smoothly descended from the skies, gracefully touching down at Beacon. The students all began to disembark, their pace leisurely, with Yosuke and Blake among the last to step off the aircraft.

'Beacon Academy...' Craning his head upwards, the boys mouth lifted into a small smile as he made his way towards the courtyard, eyeing the tall conical buildings stretching into the sky, their grandeur accented by the beautifully carved patterns adorning the grounds.

Yosuke's eyes swept across the landscape, taking in the meticulously manicured gardens as well as the vibrant chatter of his soon to be upper classmen.

Meanwhile, Blake's attention remained firmly fixed on her book, absorbing every word as if they held the key to a hidden world. Remaining silent, he decided not to disturb her, knowing that they would have plenty of time to get to know each other in the days to come.

As they meandered through the campus, Yosuke's ears caught a deafening boom originating from his left, immediately drawing his attention towards the source.

His gaze zeroed in on a girl clad in an all black dress with red frills and a crimson cloak—currently on the receiving end of a breathless tirade from a girl in a white dress with light blue accents. She looked to have been the victim of the earlier explosion, if her dusty appearance was any indication.

At Blake's feet, a small vial containing crimson-colored dust rolled to a stop. In an almost instinctive motion, she gracefully lowered herself, retrieving the vial and standing to full height with practiced ease. Her eyes briefly skimming the pages of her book before flickering to the distinctive symbol branded onto the container.

A snowflake insignia.

'The Schnee Dust Company. White hair... she must be Weiss Schnee, heiress to the company. Did she chose to attend Beacon instead of Atlas Academy...but why?' Yosuke's thought silently observing the situation before gently posing a question, "Should we intervene?"

Looking to the dusty noble, Blake nodded in response, striding her over to the scene.

Weiss couldn't contain her exasperation, her frustration bursting out in the form of a loud stomp, "What is wrong with you?! I told you that they were dangerous!" A hand snapping to hip as she pointed an accusatory finger at the other girl.

The ravenette drew back, her head lowering slightly as she took a step back. Sinking into herself, she mumbled apologetically, "I'm sorry..." Her large silver eyes gleaming with hints of sadness.

Scoffing, Weiss continued, her tone dripping with disdain as she stepped forward, pressing a finger into the girl's forehead, "You dolt! You think an apology is going to fix this?! Do you know how much lien even one of those vials cost?!" Leaning into the poke, her eyes narrowed.

Ruby glowered, covering her forehead as she replied, "I'm really sorry...I-I didn't know I was going to snee-"

"100 lien." "WHA-a hundred?! I-thats-" Narrowing her eyes, Weiss frowned, "Are you saying you can't pay it?"

The girl's eyes darted around the place as she instinctively stepped back, "Well, I-I..."

"Ofcourse you can't. It is high grade dust harvested directly from the Schnee Dust Company mines. It's leagues above whatever those other companies sell. I suggest you reimburse me or be fined for destruction of property." Weiss spoke, straightening herself as she crossed her hands infront of her, her piercing gaze finding the anxious silvers of the partial redhead.

"That's quite harsh isn't it, Weiss Schnee?" Blake's interjected as she calmly made her way to the duo with Yosuke trailing slightly behind.

Glancing to the side, Weiss quirked a brow, "And who might you two be?"

Lifting the vial in her possession, "...No one. We were just passing by when we heard some commotion and saw this at feet." Blake replied smoothly, holding out the dust container for the girl to take.

Narrowing her eyes slightly, Weiss took the vial, quickly inspecting it before glancing back up at the two with increasing scrutiny, "...Very well, if that's all then you may leave."

"Actually, I have a question."

"And what might that be?"

"Does the Schnee family have a habit of of oppressing others?" Blake queried, looking back at the white haired girl whose eyes widened in shock, "What-Excuse me? What base do you have to slander my family name?!" Her glaucous blue eyes sharpening lip needles.

Turning to face the girl, Blake replied, "Slander?" her own eyes narrowing, "The Schnees?" She snorted, "Your family's Company is known all across remnant as the top supplier of high class dust simply because they forcefully remove their competitors and monopolize all the profits."

"Let's not forget how infamous they are for striking back door deals with shady individuals, like the late Chad Watts for example or Prosecutor Bur Gundy." Blake listed off, her calm demeanor slowly transitioning into a controlled snarl as she glared at the shocked Schnee, "Additionally, The Schnee's have been known for their poor treatment of others and their insufferable attitude which you displayed just now."

Yosuke glanced at Blake, thinking to himself, 'She's quite knowledgeable about the Schnee Dust Company.' his eyes trailing to her clenched fist, 'And judging by her body language she seems to hold some level of enmity towards them.'

Weiss eyes opened wide as she gaped in silence, for a while she was at a loss for words. In all her life, only one person had ever spoken to her in such a manner but no one had ever slandered her like that.

A few seconds pass as the alabaster teen inhaled, composing herself just enough to not snap, "I was not being insufferable, I was simply asking to be reimbursed for the vial of dust she had destroyed!"

"T-T-That was a total accident! I only sneezed because you were shaking the dust in my face!" The partial red head shouted, finally speaking up after watching the two girls argue.

"It seems you were the one in the wrong afterall." Blake remarked, causing Weiss' cheeks to flush red in embarrassment as she averted her gaze.

Reluctantly, she admitted, "It was my fault. I apologize."

Releasing a breath she didn't know she was holding, the silver eyed girl smiled awkwardly, "It's alright, Weiss. Sorry for blowing you up."

The Schnee forced a smile while looking at her, "Don't worry about it." Turning on her heels and striding off into the academy with the cloaked girl watching gradually her disappear into the school.

Letting out a sigh, she muttered to herself before turning her head towards Blake. "Uhh, thank-" Her sentence trailed off as she noticed Yosuke and Blake walking away.

She pouted, mumbling under her breath and kicking a random pebble.


As Blake and Yosuke walked together, the latter's curiosity got the better of him, his blue eyes briefly flitting to the raven's book as she flipped a page, "Blake, you seem to know quite alot about the Schnee Dust Company." He remarked, his gaze shifting back to the path ahead, "Even I hadn't known about some of what you said."

Mirroring his curiosity, Blake remained engrossed in her reading, responded with a slight upturn of the brow, "Is that so?"

"Yes, you spoke about the Schnee Dust Company as if you had some form of personal issue with them, a rather bad one I assume." He added, the girl's bow twitching slightly at his words just as the wind blew, the unusual occurrence not escaping Yosuke's perceptive gaze. However, he brushed it off as the wind.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He inquired, slipping his hands into his pockets while trudging alongside her as he awaited her response.

He didn't have to wait long for an answer. "No, it's nothing really. I've only mentioned what I've heard from the news and victims." She replied, though it was an obvious lie. Had the news displayed such information to the public, it would cause a negative reaction from the civilians and that would spell disaster for the people if not properly dealt with.

Yosuke studied her for a moment, rationalizing that her evasion might indicate a more personal connection to the subject. As curious as he might be, he won't pry into the another's business unless they willingly choose to discuss them with him or if he had a valid reason for doing so.

"I see." He nodded as they continued along their path, Blake giving him a wary sideways glance.

After a while, the two entered the auditorium, their pace leisurely as they made their way through the halls. The corridors were bustling with students, voicing their excitement through their near incessant chatter.

Finding a spot amidst the crowd, they settled down, waiting for the commencement of the ceremony. Blake swiftly tucked away her book, her eyes trailing to the stage.

Yosuke's attention was drawn to the stage as well as a middle-aged man stepped forward. He had short, tousled silver hair and thin auburn eyes, he exuded undeniable authority and the gentle air of that of a well aged wise man. A pair of dark-shaded spectacles rested on the bridge of his nose, accompanied by a small, purple, cross-shaped pin adorning the cowl around his neck with his mechanical cane in tow.

Adjusting his glasses, the man, known as Professor Ozpin, began to speak. His voice projected with a calm authority as he addressed the gathering.

Standing by the mic, he waited patiently go or everyone to settle down as he overlooked them all, leaning forward he spoke, "I'll keep this brief. For those of you who may be unfamiliar, I am Ozpin, your Headmaster."

"You have come here today in search of knowledge, to refine your skills and acquire new ones."

Pausing briefly, he continued, his tone becoming more direct, "And yet, when I look among you, all I see is wasted energy, yearning for purpose and direction. You may believe that knowledge alone will set you free from this, but your time at this school will reveal that knowledge can only take you so far." He declared, emphasizing the limitations of knowledge. His enigmatic hazel orbs peering above the dark shaded spectacles perched atop his nose and into the crowd of students. He stood like an old royal; both hands placed atop his mechanical cane.

'Indeed, having a wealth of knowledge doesn't necessarily mean you possess power. However, possessing power and lacking the knowledge to use it properly can only be detrimental. Then again, if one uses both knowledge and power for the wrong things that would be even worse. It all simply depends on the one welding it.'

"It is up to you to take the first step." Ozpin concluded, stepping away from the microphone, his cane tapping the ground of the silent arena as he exited the stage.

Following Ozpin's departure, Professor Goodwitch stepped forward to address the students. Her presence exuded confidence and authority.

"Tonight, you will gather in the ballroom. Tomorrow, your initiation will commence. Be prepared," She informed.

"You are dismissed."