

She strives in the pursuit of knowledge to discover the source of their world's suffering, the answer unknown to all but a few. He raises his weapon to protect her, for his love for her burns brighter than the seething rays of the scorching sun. But will his strength be enough? Her sole purpose is to seek entertainment as she fights for the fun of it. But if that hobby will become her responsibility is entirely up to her. Finally, A duty forged from guilty dream. He fights out of obligation and dedication to those past and those thought lost. On a journey they will go, with each other they will STAY

K_Karma17 · Cómic
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21 Chs

Chapter 19 - Weary Bargaining

—The Next Day—


"Ughhhhhh-" Gripping his head, Russel groaned, "I still don't get how you pulled a chick with that face, it don't make no sense!"

Across from him Dove sat with his arms crossed as he donned a mischievous smirk, "Maybe if you weren't such a jackass you would get one-and my face isn't that bad, compared to that sorry excuse you call a mohawk."

"Ey, I'm not a jackass and my Mohawk's wayyy better looking than you!" Russel rebutted, eliciting a light chuckle from Dove.

"Then explain why you're still single."

Russel opened his mouth to defend himself but rested a hand to his chin when he realized he didn't have a comeback, "....That's a good point."

Russel snapped to his feet, eyes widened as he realized he didn't have a comeback. The mohawk bully shed a lone tear as he peered up at the ceiling, "I'm sorry dad, looks like our name dies with me."

"Don't worry bro, I've got you. I'll set you up with a girl soon." Dove nodded with a wide grin, his demeanor oozing with confident nonchalance. It felt kinda nice to be a wingman.

"You for real?!" Russel gushed, stretching across the table and clasping his hands around Dove's, consequently rattling the table and distracting Sky.

"Do you mind? I'm in a game here."

"Shut up, you never win anyway."

Sky's brow twitched, "That's cuz they always put me up against King users!"

"Excuses, excuses. Even if they were normal guys you'd still get negged." Russel teased, making mocking gestures with his hands as he drew closer to his dusty blue haired teammate.

Sky grunted as he outstretched a hand, preventing the mohawk idiot from getting any closer to his face, "Shut up, or I'll smack you, dumbass!"

"You can't beat that game and you think you can beat me?"

"Y'know, you talk alot for a guy with negative rizz."


Cardin ambled down the hallway, his gaze wandering from window to window, capturing the slow ascent of the sun in the distance. Its radiant beams irked him, evoking a scowl from the fiery-haired student. Just as he tore his attention away, a collision jolted him.

"Oof-! My apologies." A voice stuttered.

Looking down, Cardin met the apologetic gaze of a rabbit Faunus. She flinched, offering another apology, "I-I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was headed." His scowl deepened.

"Just move, and quit being annoying." He retorted curtly, brushing past her into the cafeteria.

Entering, his eyes immediately landed on Dove, Russel, and Sky seated across the rather noisy lunchroom enjoying themselves.

With a dismissive snort, "Hmph, figures." He muttered to himself as he strode towards the cafeteria counter.

While walking, his eyes strayed to their seats, their laughter echoing across the room, trumping the chatter of those present. He noticed it a while back, but now he was sure of it.

Shifting his gaze towards the counter before him, he eyed the last pizza slice with a frown.

They seemed... happier without his presence.

It made sense. Even though they were a team living under the same roof they were anything but friends. As a matter of fact, he used to see them as just some losers who happened to be paired with him.

He never noticed it before, because why would he? It's not like he cared about how they felt. But after their fallout and talk with Ozpin he's had a lot of time to think...to observe.

His eyes glossed over Dove who was chuckling while pointing at Russel who had been teasing Sky for his inability to win a single round in Tekken.

From what he could see, his teammates were closer to each other than he would ever be to them.

Not that he wanted to anyways.

Cardin's gaze narrowed into a squint as an inexplicable feeling gripped his chest, his fist clenching in avid annoyance.

They were the ones who betrayed him dammit! They were the ones cozying up to those losers and abandoned him...then why...

Why did he feel like this?

Cardin stared at the trio seated across the room, they weren't further than fifteen meters away and yet it felt as if even if he walked for a mile he would never reach them...never.

'Dammit...' His chest felt queasy.

"Aye man, you gonna finish that pizza?" Tapping the fuming teen on his shoulder, that one rando tilted his head expectantly, already reaching for the pepperoni slice.

"PISS OFF!" Barking through his lips, Cardin's shoulder banged against the brown silhouette, ignoring the pain that followed as his feet carried him outside; not caring that his shoulder rammed harshly into the bunny faunus from before.

She soothed her forehead with a hiss as she watched her bowl of shattered soup drain out onto the floor.

Poor soup...


Aghast, that one rando stood uncomfortably, a few passing students eyeing the silent teen.


A day in Vale would be a lot better than this hellhole. All the negativity that surrounded him was honestly getting tiring.

He was growing weary of every second he spent at this school, prancing around with a scowl stuck to his face every time he heard laughter or a conversation between passing friends or lovers.

It was annoying.

Reaching the hallway steps, Cardin began his descent, eyes closing in a numbing thought as his hands found his pants pockets.

He huffed. Nowadays, he was alone more often since he and his team weren't on the best terms and he had zero intent on being friendly with those losers, especially after they started acting all buddy buddy with the guys that humiliated them publicly.

He just couldn't get it.

"While I do understand that you harbor a dislike for your fellow classmates, I have only turned a blind eye to your actions thus far in hopes of you resolving such childish issues yourselves."

Why can't tomorrow just hurry up and come-

"-you're so cute though, and you're telling me I can't get a chance?" Passing some guy trying to get some broad's number, Cardin remained impassive, the two almost leaving his mind as quickly as they came...that is, until he paused near the latter half of the steps, hearing a timid yet familiar voice.

"Look, I-I just don't know you like that. I'm sure there's someone else you could ask, right?" Tugging at her blazers sleeve, Velvet spoke with her head held low, ears following her motion as they laid flat against her hair. Cardin glanced back from his lower point of elevation. He's pretty sure that faunus chick was the one from yesterday.

Not that he really cared.

"Nah, not really. You know how I am, Velv... Just one night, and I promise, if you hate it, you'll never hear me bring it up ever again!" Aqua's smooth words were punctuated by an expectant grin, but Cardin found the whole exchange utterly predictable.

Velvet sighed in frustration as she rolled her eyes, "All I know is that you're rather popular with the opposite sex!" She retorted, her tone lacking any real edge despite the sharpness of her words.

Despite his honest embarrassment, the shorter stout went to defend himself but suddenly grimaced, "Alright, Velvet. I get you, but I think we should probably take this somewhere else." He suggested, but Velvet had already begun ascending the steps, her dismissal clear, "Hey, where're are you going?"

"What are you talking about? I already told you I'm not interested." Velvet replied firmly, prompting Cardin to snort in amusement, 'Take a hint. Dumbass.'

However, his attention was once again snagged as a new face emerged at the top of the steps, sporting a cocky grin, with two followers in tow.

He'd never seen them around before which meant they were probably third years. It would make sense why they're absent because they'd be doing missions most of the time.

Velvet barely had time to react when she bumped into the group, stumbling down the stairs and back into the welcoming arms of Aqua. Steadying the girl, Aqua's ears picked up on a low, curious hum.

'Dammit, why'd you guys have to show up.'

"Aq? The hell are you pissing on the steps for?" A male voice boomed expectantly, rivers of amused purple clashing against a wave of cautious blues.

"Just talking to a friend....don't worry about it, Terra." Aqua replied, averting his gaze as he moved to usher velvet away before being stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

Aqua glanced back to see his leader, Tungsten, staring at the Faunus, a small shiver creeping up the girl's spine at the non expressive teen.

"What's that filthy rabbit doing with you-"

"Can you just stop it with that racist shit?!" Aqua barked, cutting off Tungsten and smacking away his hand as he turned and glared up at the taller youth, "She was just about to leave!" Despite how he was acting, right now, Aqua's heart was beating like a war drum.

He knew Tungsten despised faunus with a passion and would stop at nothing to hurt any that was unlucky enough to cross his path. His fear only grew more prominent as he watched a cruel smile slowly form on the boy's lips.

Tungsten tilted his head slightly, with his twin entourage in the back snickering at the development. "Aq...You should know better than to associate with animals." Wine spoke, shaking her head disappointedly as she stared down at him from her perch atop the stairs.

Aqua winced, pulling velvet behind him as he slowly backpedaled with her down the stairs, "Tung', please..." his eyes never once leaving the eerie orbs of his team leader, "Just chill, she was just-"

"Hey, rabbit."

Velvet squeaked, her hairs raising as Tungsten and Aqua instantly swapped places, "Uh-uhm, hello? Can I help you?"

"Tung-" Aqua's words died on his tongue as he met the calm yet piercing gaze of Tungsten.

Returning his gaze to the rabbit, "You could...if you answer me this." He placed a hand onto her shoulder, startling the girl.

"Alright, what do you want to know?" Picking at her blazer's sleeve, Velvet forced a smile as she met Tung's glare, inwardly wishing she had just stayed in her dorm.

"Were you harassing my dear friend Aquamarine over there?" Tungsten said, gesturing to the boy behind him with a sorry look; his teeth gritted as he trembled lightly.

Observing the boy, Terracotta and Wine draped their arms over his shoulders with smiles that seemed almost friendly.


"Oh c'mon Tung'! Look how much he's shaking, she's definitely guilty!"

Velvet winced as the grip on her shoulder tightened ever so slightly, accompanied by a raucous chuckle from Terracotta. Wine observed the scene with a calculating gaze, her expression shifting as if a realization dawned upon her.

"I doubt she could harass a dog, let alone this guy..." Wine interjected, her tone laced with a hint of mischief as she took a lollipop form her pocket and unwrapped it, "You know what I think happened?"

"What?" Terra leaned in, his curiosity piqued.

Placing the sweet in her mouth, she snorted, "I think the rabbit was tryna get laid." Aqua flinched, looking away from Wine's knowing gaze. She was damn perceptive.

Cardin arched a brow, surprised by the brazenness of their conversation. He had never encountered anyone besides himself who bullied others so openly.

"Gross, I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it!" Terra recoiled, hugging himself with a shiver of disgust.

Tungsten's lips curled into a cruel grin as he loomed over Velvet. "Poor Aqua, no wonder he was shaking."

Velvet chuckled awkwardly, waving her hands frantically. "N-no, you've got it all wrong. He's the one that was hitting on me."

"You expect me to believe that?" Tungsten spat, his grin unwavering. Velvet's brows furrowed, her gaze shifting past Tungsten to meet Aqua's apologetic eyes before he quickly looked away.

"Since she wants to get laid, how about giving her what she wants!" Terra grinned, his mischievous nature shining through as he glared at Velvet. She grimaced, gently pushing Tungsten's hand off her shoulder before speaking up.

"I have no problem with you not liking me due to our racial differences, but I don't appreciate being accused of something I didn't do." Velvet asserted, her voice firm despite her discomfort.

Looking up at the purple-eyed teen, she continued softly, "Apologies, but I have to go. Class begins in a few minutes." With that, she ascended the stairs hastily, catching a glimpse of Tungsten's grin in her peripheral vision before being met with a boot to the face, sending her stuttering down the stairs, gripping the railing for balance.

She hissed, soothing her cheek as she stared up at the still outstretched leg of the culprit, "Oops. My leg slipped." Slipping both hands into his pockets, the purple haired giant stared down at the brown rabbit with a condescending grin.

Velvet looked to where Tungsten was originally to see Aqua frowning deeply with his head hung low. Glancing back to Tungsten, she stood to full height as she spoke, "Why-"

"Why what?" He cut her off as he slowly strolled down towards her.

"....Why did you hit me?" Velvet winced.

Tungsten's eyes widened, raising a hand to his chest as he looked around in mock shock, "Me? Did you see me hit her?"

"I didn't." Terra shrugged, turning to his sister, "Did you?"

Wine shook her head, shifting the lollipop to the other side with her tongue, "Nope. She's definitely schizophrenic."

Cardin watched the scene unfold, they were so similar it made him cringe internally. Especially that Tungstein or whatever his name was, he was like a carbon copy of Alice with that grin of his. It was so irritating that Cardin honestly felt like punching the guy.

Velvet lowered her head as she bit her lip, catching a glimpse of Cardin's face down the adjacent staircase. The two made eye contact for a moment before Cardin turned away with a snort.

Was she expecting him to help or something?

It's none of his business and he's already got more than enough on his plate already. A single slip up and it's bye-bye Beacon for him.

Plus, It's her fault for being too weak to deal with her problems on her own.

Cardin continued making his way down the stairs, groaning softly as he recalled his talk with Ozpin, "...One of the basic prerequisites to being a huntsman is that you have to put the lives of others before that of yourself. Mr Arc, despite all you had done to him, did just that and came to your aid within a moment's notice even though he had the option to do otherwise."

No, back then it wasn't Jaune's business, and right this isn't his. He had nothing to gain even if he intervened, and why should he care if that scrawny loser was a 'proper huntsman' or not?

Glancing back, Cardin's eye twitched the slightest bit, seeing Tungsten's arm poised to strike again, "Maybe she should speak to someone about her mental problems." Terra said aloud, knowing that the actual fun part was about to begin.

"Seems like Tung's gonna look for whoever hit the wabbit." Cupping the Aqua's face, Wine squished his cheeks playfully while guiding the boy's unwilling gaze back to the scene, a small chuckle leaving her lips, "Hey, don't look away, you're gonna miss the best part."

"Wine, please...don't make me look at this..." Aqua pleaded, squeezing his eyes shut.

Squeaking as she saw Tungsten's arm already in motion, Velvet instinctively raised her arms, bracing for the impact she...didn't feel?

Hesitating, the brown rabbit cracked an eye open to see a defensive hand gripping that of the aggressor's. Slowly looking to her side, she saw a familiar figure she never thought to see in this position.

"Quit it." 'Damnit! Why am I even here?!'

The twins eyed the scene with shock and slight amusement at the defender, contrary to Aqua who was a ball of confusion and disbelief. He watched Cardin stare down his leader with a frown, twin pools of Magenta flowing into a river of velvet pearls.

Raising a brow, Tungsten's balled fist felt a pressure against Cardin's grip, his features hardening ever so slightly, "Isn't that Alice's cousin? Heh, I heard he got beat in the cafeteria a few days ago. Shiz trajik." Snickering loudly, Terra erupted into laughter with Wine rolling her eyes dismissively, "The only thing that's tragic is him standing up for a faunus."

"Let go." Tungsten said, his grin turning into a stiff smile as he ripped his arm from the ginger, but to his surprise…

He didn't break free.

"Piss off. Before I make you." Cardin warned, narrowing his eyes at Tungsten who's own widened slightly in turn, "You serious?"

"Stay out of trouble."

"Do I look like I'm joking?"

"I hope so."

This motherfu-


Cardin heaved, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead as his fists ached. Raising his guard, he glared at the trio before him in annoyance.

'Dammit, what the hell?! He's not even taking me seriously and he's still winning…' Cardin thought, gritting his teeth as he stepped in for a quick jab that Tungsten easily dodged with a slight tilt of his head and countered by flinging a jab of his own that he purposefully stopped just short of Cardin's nose; giving him the chance to step back.

Tungsten tilted his head, his lips upturned into that ever cocky grin, "Do you really think you can beat me with skills like that? You can't even beat the first years."

"Shut up!" Cardin frowned before rushing in once more, flinging a series of quick jabs that were evaded just as easily as they were thrown. Tungsten's grin slowly faded until he disappeared, switching out himself for Cardin and staring at his back. He sighed, before kicking him just hard enough not to make him fall.

"This is boring, (yawn) I thought he'd be at least a little fun to mess with. But I guess I expected too much from him since he's Alice's cousin." Terra commented with a yawn.

"Yeah." Wine nodded, glancing over to the still silent Aqua with a smirk, "Lets just go. I'm sure the rabbit learned her lesson."

Tungsten stood in the middle of the staircase with his smug grin forming subconsciously as he watched Cardin turn towards him with a frown. He glanced down to the bottom of the stairs where Velvet stood with an apprehensive leer before he began to ascend the stairs, "True. I don't even know why I'm still entertaining this faunus lover."

"Especially one as weak as this." Cardin grit his teeth and tackled Tungsten who simply swapped places with the teen and watched him fall onto the staircase, "I don't get it... why are you still fighting?" He asked with genuine confusion.

"You were talking shit to me. I just wanna punch that smug look off your face." Cardin said, rushing in again as his fist rocketed forward and slammed into Tungsten's face. The force of the blow barely phased the teen whose grin widened in tandem with Cardin's eyes.

Cardin recoiled, clenching his fist with a low hiss as Tungsten casually strode by him, "You're way too weak to do that, maybe try again after you graduate."

And with that, Tungsten and his team left the scene with Aqua lingering behind a moment longer and muttering a quiet apology to the bunny faunus before he too took his leave.

Cardin scowled, his fist hurt like hell. It felt like he punched a steel pipe, 'That bastard... He's looking down on me!'

Cardin couldn't understand it. There was definitely a huge gap in their skills from how easily he dodged his attacks and didn't even flinch when he got punched in the face...yet still he didn't attack him once during their scuffle and still dominated it effortlessly.

"If you were as strong as you claimed to be then there would be no need for you to advertise it by such violent means. No matter how weak someone may be, that is no reason for you to inflict harm upon them."

Cardin clenched his teeth, his body trembling like a leaf in the wind, 'I'm not...'

"You're way too weak to do that, maybe try again after you graduate."

The ginger giant gripped his aching fist with a grimace, 'I'm…am I really...?' Biting his lip, the former bully began descending the stairs with his head hung low in shame

That's a lie. It had to be...right?

"...Hey." Hearing the teen's boots stop against the end of the staircase, Velvet tugged at her jacket's sleeve, her face teeming with a great deal of confusion, "Why?"

"Why'd you do that?" Cardin didn't respond, opting to walk away from whatever chatter Velvet would've done to His ears.

"...Why did you help me?" Still, Cardin continued his walk, not even bothering to look back as he gave his response, "I didn't."

Cardin let his mind wander astray as he strolled down the second staircase and towards the Academy entrance, not even acknowledging the blonde he bumped into as he exited the building.


Ripping open his dorm's entrance, Cardin let the door close on itself with a heavy sigh; his leather jacket meeting the edge of his bed before he too climbed to his mattress with a dull thump, too caught up in his own mind to even think of sleeping at the moment.

His eyes scanned the interior of the empty dorm room like a purple beacon. He noted how silent the place was compared to a few days ago.

While he might not like them, he couldn't deny the fact that they made the dorm feel livelier when they were around. Now, the effects of their absence became more and more frequent and it's been showing alot.

He hated it.

His scroll vibrated against his pocket, eliciting a disgruntled groan from the boy as he equipped the device and swiped up to answer.

"Whaaat?" With annoyance laced to his tone, Cardin shifted in his bed, already looking to hang up.

Why did he even answer in the first place?

"Cardin," That voice...Gods damn it! "Is it true?"

Barely responding above a whisper, Cardin snarled at the unanswered question of the man across the line, already knowing exactly what the disgrace of a father was asking of him already

"I don't kno-"

"Cardin." The ginger in question remained silent against the line, contemplative as his fingers met the ends of his nose following with a rolling motion, the headache of it all finally catching up to him, "It's nothing..."

"Nothing? IT'S NOTHING!?? You almost killed someone for crying out loud! You need to change your attitude going forward because no son of mine-"

"Oh, so now I'm your son?" Cardin scoffed, mockery evident in his tone.

"What are you talking about!? I'm just worried for y-"

"You can drop the act. You aren't worried, actually you don't care, you never did. You only care about your stupid reputation."

"Shut up! All you want to do is try to bring me down!" His father whispered, causing Cardin to raise a brow with a sardonic grin.

"Heh, I see... You aren't alone."

"..." "I'm right aren't I?"

Faint mumblings soon began emanating from the scroll followed by shuffling and the clicking of a door. Cardin's father cleared his throat, a sound that made Cardin cringe in annoyance.

"No. I'm merely acting in a way so as to not bring shame to myself." Hearing Cardin's scoff, his father remained silent

"Just stop it, you were wrong and I-"

"Wrong? You are a disgraceful, ungrateful brat! Your mother raised you out of the love in her heart and how did you repay her? By sending her to an earlier grave!"

"Dammit old man! How many times have I gotta say I never-"

"I sent you to that school so that you could grow a spine and realize on your own that you could never be someone, that you could never be strong."

"The idea was so absurd that I held myself back from laughing in your face when you proposed it. But I see now that my oversight might just be the greatest mistake of my life..."

"Do you even know why you tried to murder that boy? Can you even justify your actions?"

Cardin remained silent.

"What did I expect, of course you don't...." He breathed another sigh that made Cardin scowl with disgust.

"If you keep this up, I'm pulling you out of that school-"


Cardin shoved the device under his pillow before rolling onto his back, blazing eyes of magenta gradually fading into dull velvet's as his gaze met the cool brown wood that was the room's roof.

Cardin frowned, he was getting tired.

Tired of always being angry and the object of everyone's ire, tired of everyone putting him down; telling him he's weak, telling him he's wrong!

He was tired of it.

This experience made him realize just how unpleasant all his victims felt...It was so suffocating.

The ginger took a deep breath as he rested a hand over his lidded eyes before releasing a drawn out sigh.

He was tired of it all...even if it was true.