

She strives in the pursuit of knowledge to discover the source of their world's suffering, the answer unknown to all but a few. He raises his weapon to protect her, for his love for her burns brighter than the seething rays of the scorching sun. But will his strength be enough? Her sole purpose is to seek entertainment as she fights for the fun of it. But if that hobby will become her responsibility is entirely up to her. Finally, A duty forged from guilty dream. He fights out of obligation and dedication to those past and those thought lost. On a journey they will go, with each other they will STAY

K_Karma17 · Cómic
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21 Chs

Chapter 16 - The First Step

Sprinting through the Scarlett undergrowth, the trio made their way towards Beacon, avoiding all manner of Grimm along the way by way of Saya's semblance.

Wordlessly, Saya scanned the surroundings before taking an abrupt left turn with Ren and a visibly anxious Dove following behind.

"Hey, you sure there are no Grimm around here?" Dove asked, eyes darting about the rubified canopy in search of any hidden attackers.

Saya continued forward, not paying any heed to the boy from CRDL as she took another left turn, "Well, seeing as we haven't been attacked, then it's safe to say that there aren't." Ren answered, following close behind with Dove trailing after him with a borderline worried frown.

Soon after, the trio exited the forest and made a b-line to beacon. Upon reaching the academy gates they saw Professor Goodwitch standing by the door with her arms crossed before her and a firm gaze fixed on their approaching forms.

"Ms Yuki, Mr Lie and Mr Bronzwing, I assume you have finished your tasks." She said, doing a quick once over of the group before furrowing her brows as she pushed her glasses up slightly.

"Where are your teammates and why are you empty-handed?" Glynda demanded as her gaze hardened, the rims of her spectacles gleaming in the sun's light. Dove to gulped as he averted his while Saya and Ren remained calm, with the former stepping forward and speaking, "There's a Grimm hoard and the others are currently holding them off."

Glynda gave the trio a quizzical look before moving to speak, "Before you ask. He knows why it happened and who caused it." Ren added, gesturing to Dove.

Glynda stood silent for a moment as she appraised each students' expression. Dove was the only one who seemed visibly anxious while Ren looked to be neutral with faint hints of concern, however, Saya seemed the least affected out of the three.

"Mr Bronzwing, care to elaborate?" Glynda demanded more than asked as she regarded the boy who giggled a bit nervously before beginning.

"So, it all started when Jaune...."


The dense forest echoed with faint growls and slight tremors as Yosuke, Toño and Aria sprinted through the underbrush, closely following the trail left behind by Pyrrha and Nora, who had gone ahead of the group.

Hopping into a flip while simultaneously dodging and taking aim at a boartusk that had charged her, Aria pulled the trigger both killing the Grimm and propelling herself onto the branch of a tree, "How much longer 'till we get to them?" She asked, using her shotgun's recoil as a means to travel across the treeline.

Toño sneered, rising into a spinning back kick as his obsidian boot slammed into the bony skull of an Alpha Beowulf, staggering it before promptly popping off its head and continuing forward, not even glancing back at the ashy remnants, "And how would I know that, Pendragon?"

"Wasn't asking you." Aria rolled her eyes at the pink-ette with her lips going into a soft moue as she dropped down onto his head and leapt forward into a small clearing-bashing her gun against the head of an incoming Beowulf before tumbling into a side kick with Toño following it up by releasing and punting his spear, watching as it zoomed and tore into the flesh of said Grimm along with another three beowolves lined up behind it, firmly embedding itself into a tree as the pack writhed angrily.

Yosuke's fingers coiled around his sword's hilt as he gradually drew it from its sheath and darted past the duo, "Judging by our current speed, we'll catch up in about..." With a quick horizontal motion, he neatly beheaded the beowolves, re-sheathing his blade before their corpses fully faded into the darkness, "3 minutes."

"That's too longggg." Aria groaned as she rose to her feet. Toño strolled towards his spear, bonking the blonde on the way causing her hand to shoot up to her head in defense.

"Whaddya do that for!?" Toño glanced back, latching his spear onto his back before snorting with a smirk, "Cuz you stepped on me."

Yosuke furrowed his brows as he watched the two banter, "It will only be longer if we don't hurry."

Prying the tan skinned girl off of him, Toño scoffed, "And? It's not my problem."

Yosuke's eyes narrowed slightly as he stared up at the pink haired boy, "That may be true. I'm quite certain if Saya were in need of help you'd be the first to lend a hand."

The taller boy's eye twitched before turning away with a frown. Suddenly, the dull roars of Grimm became increasingly prominent as it shook the surroundings. Without missing a beat, Aria darted off. She didn't really get why they were arguing so she just went on ahead.

His back turned, Yosuke rested his hand on his sword's hilt with a sigh, "The moment you chose the path of a huntsman it became your duty to help those in need." He said, before sprinting off in the direction of the sound, leaving Toño to lag behind; his lip raising into a slight scowl as he gave chase while mumbling, "Who said I wanna be a huntsman..."

It wasn't long before they stumbled upon the sight of Nora, the lively ginger dancing amidst a pack of beowolves with Magnild smashing into the pitiful creatures of the night, their beastly yelps overshadowed by the roars of their brethren.

Eyes veering off to the side, Nora grinned as Aria approached, "Need a hand?" The blonde queried, her shotgun sounding with an audible bang, her feet crammed into a beowulves chest, causing it to ragdoll backwards as she landed next to the ginger Valkyrie.

"Nahh! I'm fine on my own."

"Then... How bout we play a game?!"

"A game!? What game?"

"Who hunts the most Grimm wins!"

"You're on!"

Nora eyed Aria with a borderline maniacal grin, earning one in kind as the blond promptly positioned herself behind her, popping a trip of Grimm in the head consecutively, "Heh, that's three!" Nora leapt forward, craning her weapon behind her head as she swung downwards at the approaching Grimm, demolishing a pack of beowolves, "You're gonna have to do better than that!!"

Wordlessly, Yosuke and Toño pressed forward, leaving the two enthusiasts to their own...chaotic devices as repeated claps of dust, canine yelps and manic laughter filled the air behind them.

Poor creatures.

Soon, the distant image of Pyrrha, who was closing in on Jaune's position came into view. "We caught up." Yosuke hardened his gaze as he ran even faster with Toño easily matching his pace.

However, the forest had other plans.

As they neared the clearing where Jaune was located, a King Taijitu slinked from the shadows, its twin heads hissing menacingly as it blocked their path, "Let's take care of this quickly and-"

Suddenly, a Deathstalker emerged from the side, its pincers chittering like a deadly metronome. The two creatures of darkness glared at their prey, glowing orbs of death affixed to their figures. From the amount of bone armor covering it's exterior Yosuke deduced it to be a newly promoted Elder Deathstalker.

Yosuke halted, his fingers coiling around his blade's hilt whilst lowering into a stance, "It seems this won't be easy." Toño scowled as he spun his spear expertly around his fingertips all the while glaring rosey daggers into the multi legged creature, "When was it ever?"

The confrontation was inevitable. The two teams stared each other down-the soon to be Hunters vs The Grimm in waiting.

Pyrrha glanced back, opting to lend assistance before ultimately deciding against such an act. She was sure of Toño's skills and while she hadn't seen Yosuke in a fight, she could tell from his composure that he could take care of himself.

Toño wasted no time, darting forward with Protector spinning like a propeller in his palm before coming down in a heavy downward cleave that rang out upon contact with one of the creature's pincers. The first clash of metal and Grimm bone echoed through the forest while Pyrrha continued her relentless push through the woods.


"-and then the guys dragged him off into the forest." Glynda listened attentively to the blonde boy who's eyes avoided her's like the plague. He had a right to, "Continue."

Dove scratched his nails together, shaving it down portion by minute portion all the while avoiding eye contact with the bespectacled blonde, "T-thats all I know up leading up to right now...Professor."

The woman narrowed her eyes at the boy, adjusting her glasses before folding her arms just under her bosom as she spoke, "I see. After this is all over, head to the headmaster's office where your punishment will be decided."

Dove deflated like an aired out balloon and nodded begrudgingly. Glynda then began walking forward purposefully, her gaze still narrowed, "In any case, suppressing this situation takes priority-"


Reaching into her pocket, the woman retrieved, opened and answered the call on her scroll in a smooth and practiced motion as her voice rang out like the calm professional she was, "Headmaster Ozpin?"

"Glynda." The man began with a curt slurping sound following suit. He must be drinking coffee again, by the gods does he ever not? He's almost as bad as Qrow- wait, nobody's as bad as Qrow.

"I suggest you do not intervene." Glynda halted in her advance with the group of students looking to her, their confusion evident as to why she stopped.

"What do you mean?" The puzzled blonde queried.

"I wish for the students to resolve this situation on their own. It would be a great help to them if ever they were to encounter a situation such as this in the near future or out in the fields."

"They should learn how to fend for themselves and what better way to go about this than to let them experience it while they are within the safety of the Academy?"

"Now, do you understand?"



"...Yes sir." Glynda whispered, earning her a light hearted "Good" from the caffeine addict as the call ended.

She knew that he only wanted the best for the students but that didn't mean she liked his unconventional ways of going about it, "...Professor?" And it was rather irritating having to come up with a lie on the fly.

The trio watched as the woman slowly adjusted her glasses and turned to face them, her eyes narrowed into a slight frown. "...After thinking it over, I've decided that my help isn't necessary."

Dove, Ren and Saya looked at their Professor; the former's eyes wide with shock, confusion and avid disbelief while the latter donned a slightly puzzled expression, "...What?" Dove mouthed.

Glynda stashed her scroll back into her pocket before speaking again, "Surely you can take care of this situation yourselves, you are future huntsmen, not children." She reiterated sternly.

This caused the trio to take pause once more, prompting Dove to raise a question, "Is this a joke?"

"If it is, then it's not funny." He continued with a nervous chuckle, earning him a withering gaze from the blonde Professor.

"I don't tell jokes, Mr Bronzewing."

Dove shrunk under her gaze, scratching at his nails, chipping them bit by bit with an building anxiety while Ren, on the other hand, couldn't help but frown as he stepped forward, "Professor, please, reconsider."

The veteran simply sighed as she walked by him and the rest with Ren following behind, "Like I said. You can handle this yourselves."

Saya stood back and watched the scene unfold. It seemed that they were currently at an impasse. An odd one too.

She was sure that the Professor was going to help with the way she was behaving, that is, until she received that call.

Someone who could make Glynda Goodwitch, an Academy Professor and Headmaster Ozpin's right hand could only be the Headmaster himself.

He wouldn't tell her not to help if it meant they were in danger, it would make no sense. So it's likely he was testing them...

Shifting her gaze to the red capped forest, Saya closed her eyes and took a deep breath, her aura enveloping her in a light pinkish light as she opened her eyes and stared ahead, picking up on various aura signatures in the direction of the school behind her before narrowing her search area to the black spots she perceived.

There, she found the aura signatures of her teammates as well as Team JNPR and what she assumed to be Cardin's clustered in an area along with two dark spots of miasma encroaching on his position.

Heaving a soft breath, Saya deactivated her semblance and returned her gaze to the group behind her, Ren still trying to persuade Professor Goodwitch to go with them while she just gave a curt rejection in response.

Before Ren could press any further he was stopped by Saya's voice as she spoke calmly, "Don't bother. The situation is under control."

"R-really!?" Dove exclaimed, snapping out of his daze.

Ren turned to look at her in slight confusion before his expression morphed into relief, he almost forgot that her semblance helped with location as it was the reason they reached back without running into any Grimm along the way.

Releasing a breath he didn't know he was holding, Ren smiled softly, "That's good." He muttered.

Dove and Ren showed visible joy for two similar yet different reasons. Ren was glad that nothing bad happened to his friends because the Professor was unwilling to lend aid while Dove was happy that nothing bad happened to anyone since he would very likely be expelled and sent home along with having to deal with an angry Cardin who would no doubt wail on him for snitching.

Saya just stood aside and watched the two before flicking her gaze to Glynda who's expression slightly lightened but not noticeable enough to Garner a comment, "As I said. You are more than capable." She spoke, stalking off into the school.

Saya's gaze lingered on her retreating figure for a while longer before lifting her eyes to the sky, peering up to the top of the tower that pierced the clouds.


Nora heaved heavy breaths as she stood atop a mountain of Grimm corpses with magnild slung over her shoulder and her other hand aimed to the skies, her chest puffed out proudly; her sweat doing nothing to lessen her smug grin, "I see no god up here..." Her finger snapping to her chest as her grin took a feral turn, "Other than me!!"

The ginger Valkyrie peered down to the foot of the Grimm mountain where her foe in gold was at the peak of a smaller heap, checking her ammo before meeting Nora's triumphant gaze with a slight pout as she wiped her sweat.

"No fair! I was running on empty!" Aria grumbled, crossing her arms as both mountainous piles of Grimm carcasses slowly dissipated into ethereal ashes, carried away by the gentle forest breeze.

In the short space of time that Toño and Yosuke had gone off, Aria and Nora had jointly taken down a total of 15 packs of beowolves led by 8 alpha's along with 10 Boarbatusks and 6 Ursa all the while competing to see who killed the most.

Nora rolled her eyes, "Ah c'mon, it's not like it would change anything if you had more!" before hopping from her dissolving perch and landing in front of the still pouting shotgun wielder.

"When I restock, I want a rematch!"

"Bring it on!"

The enthusiastic duo continued to banter as they made their way towards their teams.

In the clearing, Yosuke and Toño continued their face off against the King Taijitu and Deathstalker. Yosuke hopped and circled around the beast, weaving in and out of its two headed strikes, waiting for the right moment to strike while Toño took a more direct approach, facing the Deathstalker blow for blow as he parried and traded blows with the scorpion-esque creature.

Toño thrusted his spear at one of the Deathstalker's eyes only to be stopped by one of its pincers. Tilting his head, he barely avoided its stinger that snapped towards his face with the intent to crack his skull open like a melon. Planting his feet firmly, he twisted and ripped his spear from its hold before promptly leaping back, dodging its other claw.

'So annoying.' Toño scoffed, spinning his spear in a languid motion as he watched the Grimm slowly scuttle towards him, 'Why'd that idiot have to get himself caught up in this?'

Yosuke unsheathed his sword, an electrifying clap sounding in his ears as he squatted and lurched forward, ducking just in time to avoid the Taijitu's lunge as one of its heads slithered past him. Activating his semblance, his hands blurred followed by an agonized hiss as the creature flailed about, several parts of its body including a head having been swiftly dismantled as they plopped to the ground.

The other head took control, slinked away and curling into a pyramid-like heap as it hissed hatefully. Its ruby red orbs like daggers to his blue steel, the scarlet forest swaying in the winds as the snake like Grimm snapped forward with a hiss.

Toño hopped, spinning his lance and bringing it down in a smooth motion, severing the scorpion's tail and spinning into an axe kick, launching the falling appendage firmly into the small opening in its bone armor.

Yosuke's gaze hardened, landing atop the snake's head and swiftly activating his fire dust as he plunged it into its skull, the gold coated blade searing through the alabaster bone and inky black skin with a low sizzle. The Grimm flailed wildly, shaking the youth from its head to no avail before finally collapsing to the ground with a great thud.

Yosuke huffed, slightly winded, "It's over..." 'I hope Pyrrha got to them in time...' Looking up from his now dissipating adversary as his teammate strolled over to him with his spear slung over his shoulder, his own opponent having already become nothing but ash in the passing winds. Yosuke smiled softly as he re-sheathed his blade, 'He might act like he doesn't care, but his actions say otherwise.'

Meanwhile Pyrrha who had just now reached Jaune's location. Her eyes widened like saucers as she took in the sight before her.

There stood her partner, her leader... his clothes in tatters as he heaved heavy, exhausted breaths. He looked as if he was about to keel over and pass out at any moment and yet... his gaze remained steadfast as he looked to Cardin who had been locked in combat with an Ursa and an Ursa Major.

Following the boy's gaze, Pyrrha noted the taller of the two's current actions as he desperately struggled against the Ursa Major, seeming to prefer defending himself rather than attacking. Before the thought of assisting could even register in her mind, a flurry of hurried steps took off sprinting nearby, her head snapping to the spot of the now missing Arc.

Gunning as fast as he surprisingly could, Jaune prayed his clumsiness wouldn't be the cause of someone's downfall, Cardin was too focused on defending himself so he knew he would see the fact his guard was breaking- if he got hit by that strike the Major was winding up...he'd be killed!

'C'mon Jaune! MAKE IT IN TIME!' Somehow appearing before Cardin in a moment's notice, Jaune refused to think, his instincts (if you could even call them that) guiding him as his shoulder rammed into Cardin's own; his exhaustion slamming into him like a truck as he hit the ground a good distance away from the Arc; his body refusing to move.

Jaune's whole being ached as he hefted his shield, his feet snapping into a proper stance, mere moments before the Ursa's abnormal paw SLAMMED into his shield, lifting the boy inches off his the ground, rocketing him into a tree some feet away and knocking the wind out of his lungs.

"No...." Pyrrha looked as if she saw the silhouette of death itself, she shuddered, hearing the body of her leader thrash against the tree, his now seemingly limp 'corpse' sliding into a languid heap-

"JAUNE!!!" Pyrrha screamed, snapping the boy out of his daze the second her words burst from her throat, Jaune's eyes snapped wide only to meet the frightened gaze of his teammate, his vision gradually degrading due to his rapidly fading consciousness.

Seeing Pyrrha lining up her shot and taking aim with impeccable form, Jaune forced his mind to stay awake, no matter how hard it was, he needed her to know...He needed to say it!

"DON'T! I have.....to fin...ish what I started!" Jaune gritted his teeth, coughing up an unnatural amount of spittle as the already sweating Amazon stood motionless in the emerald expanse, only opting to stare at her leader in avid disbelief. 'What're you saying?!' "Jaune, are you trying to get yourself killed?!"

"NO! I don't have time to explain-just don't interfere!" Hearing- no, feeling the grounds itself quake beneath him, Jaune's head whipped to the side to see that a beowulf had snuck up on him, his arm, quivering and feeling shattered, raised once more against the blood thirsty creature, its body banging against Jaune's Crocea Mors only to sweep him off his feet, slamming him yet again into the tree situated behind him; his body once again throbbing and burning as the pain in his ribcage surged like fire with his arms quivering under the very weight of the Grimm and much to his surprise and fear.....its head began peeking over his shield.

"Wouldn't want you getting killed by a Beowulf now would we...."

Jaune's pupils narrowed as he shrunk back into the bark of the tree, staring deep into the red orbs of the beowulf who's purring maw upturned into a wicked snarl as rows of red tinted alabasters hovered before his eyes.

There he stood, pinned against a tree as a creature of darkness slowly began its eventual onslaught of attacks he was sure to slowly die to...who would he be leaving behind when he was to be eventually ripped to shreds?

His parents? He'd stopped thinking of them long ago....it made no sense he thought of them now.

His friends and teammates? He cherished the laughs and cries he shared with Nora and Ruby...he loved how simple conversations with Ren, albeit however brief he'd want them to be, were always insightful and sometimes humorous to listen to. He personally found it amusing how polar opposites like Ren and Nora ever happened to meet, he was sure that their friendship was built and guided off trust and the smallest inklings of love, even if, in Nora's words, they weren't 'together together'.

Pyrrha.....her skill and time...What good would knowing how to throw and wield a sword do to a dead man? She just wanted to be there for him, always wanting to help him in so many wonderful ways...

It made him mad...

Not because he disliked her presence and assistance, but because he would be forcing his team to clean up his mangled corpse at the end of the day...he didn't want any of them to see that, he didn't want her to see that.

It made him livid.

To know that her efforts would be wasted on someone can't even defeat a beowolf on his own, someone who'd let his classmate get killed because he was too weak.

It made him furious!

Shivering against the weight of the Grimm, its bore teeth as pools of drool whipping against its cheek. Craning his head to the side, Jaune narrowly avoided its maw, repeating the action over and over as the boy's face convulsed into one of utter fixation, hateful blues matching the eyes of the creature he fought against, his jaw clenching as he forced his shield against the heavy beast.

Barely picking up on the sounds of scurrying feet, Jaune glared death into the eyes of Pyrrha, who had never once seen her leader ever make such a face, her body instinctively slowing to a crawl with her eyes remaining transfixed on the Jaune's.

She knew why he gave her such a look...but, she never knew he felt so strongly of the words he'd spoken that night on the rooftop, her mind racing as the sounds of her leader struggling against the sizable Beowulf met her ears.

With her grip nearly denting the weapons in her grasp, Pyrrha's gaze shifted between him and the uncharacteristically unmoving Major a good distance away from him...It pained her to even glance away from what could very well be her leader's death, but who was she to stop him from fulfilling his goal?

Matching the tenacity of the Beowulf, Jaune remained pinned to the now creaking tree, his shield the only thing preventing him from becoming a red smear splattered across its bark. With eyes that spoke of an untold conviction, Jaune's breaths became rabid and uneven.

Even with his surely broken bones, he persisted.

Regardless of the already glaring difference in size and strength, he stood firm.

Despite his already laughable goals-his ambitions, his teeth ground against each other, feet digging and ripping into the rosey soil as he pushed back.

Narrowly avoiding the Wulf's snapping maw, Jaune began taking the hardest step of his life, grunting, groaning and growling as he resisted the Grimm's overwhelming weight.

He continued.

His knees buckled as he groaned once more, the sounds of boots ripping into the soil, similar to his own reverberated from his side. Ready to stop Pyrrha once more, Jaune found himself perplexed as to how Cardin was even moving, let alone defending him from the charging major.

Cardin was forced to a knee by the Major, much to Jaune's dismay and anger. Meeting the still thrashing figure of the Beowulf, Jaune glared hate into the very 'soul' of his adversary, foam gathering at the corners of his mouth as his boot crashed into the soil once more, yet another stop pushing against the Beowulf was made, and so did his anger.

"RAAAAAH!" Crying as he turned with the creature, Jaune felt his entire soul shiver due to his exertion.

Seeing Cardin's aura visibly glisten and eventually flicker out against the sheer force of the Major's swings, Jaune hurried, step after step as the snarls of the Beowulf grew. Losing his mind at the utter LACK of progress, Jaune matched the wails and cries of the Beowulf, his own animalistic and utterly desperate growls matching and even overtaking the Wulf's, who now stood with one leg stable at Jaune's continuous progress.

"AAAAARGHHHHH-" Jaune burst into a sprint, the Beowulf was reduced to nothing but a bag of wails and snarls as Jaune's pressed on, catching a glimpse of the Ursa Major's claw as it came ramming into Cardin's face, knocking what little steam he had left out of his system and FIRMLY planting him into the soil in an upkeep of dust and stone.

"It is up to you to take the first step."

Shouting as his feet cycled with an unconscious mind, Jaune crashed straight into the major with the force of a semi-truck, knocking both the Beowulf and Major over and atop the other in a scramble of limbs and snarls as the rebounding force slammed into him as well, sending the boy flying on his back, skidding to where Cardin laid unconscious.

Jaune scrambled to his feet without missing a beat, leaping atop the recovering Grimm as he pressed his shield deep within the creature's maw. Mounting the beast, Jaune heaved a weary breath. He finally had it right where he wanted!

His fingers gripped the handle of his sword, the beast met the raging eyes of Jaune, its own shrinking to pinpricks as its suffering began.

Jaune reared his sword back, the gleaming silver tip of Crocea Mors aimed downward as he drove it into the creature. Lacing the Beowulf's body with an untold number of holes, Jaune continued stabbing it despite the numbness of his limb.

He persisted as the creature continuously scratched and carved against and around his armor, its claws easily ripping through his damaged jacket and undershirt as both mortal enemies pulled back for the final time, a cry of malice and hunger leaving the blood soaked jaws of both combatants, their raised arms itching to rip through the unguarded flesh of the other, bone-chilling screams spilling from the throats of both adversaries before silence permeated the forest of red trees once again.

Both now limp against the body of the other, Jaune slowly slinked off the stomach of the Beowulf, blood seeping around his tattered clothes with his once midnight hoodie dyed red against his wounds.....his sword wedged deep in the Wulf's skull as it too began sliding off the Ursa major it still laid upon, collapsing onto the grass beside the Major with wilted ashes of darkness flaking off into the sky.

Sparing a tired glance at Cardin who laid shivering nearby in the crater he was in, Jaune smiled to himself, his darkening eyes shifting to the untainted puffs of alabaster above floating about the oceanic expanse....He felt so insignificant compared to the size of the world, smiling at just how meaningless his anger and convictions really were in the end.

Coughing weakly, Jaune noted a figure shifting unnaturally through his degrading vision....heh, was he really that pathetic?

'Sorry Pyrrha...guess I really did need your help, huh?' Feeling the grounds vibrate beneath him, Jaune saw a rapidly approaching limb nearing his face, numbly registering what sounded like his name being shouted too...


Taking a sip of his seemingly endless coffee, Ozpin sat at his desk, perplexed, the feed of the numerous drones throughout the forest meeting his eyes like a careful hawk.

"Now, how should I deal with this?"