

She strives in the pursuit of knowledge to discover the source of their world's suffering, the answer unknown to all but a few. He raises his weapon to protect her, for his love for her burns brighter than the seething rays of the scorching sun. But will his strength be enough? Her sole purpose is to seek entertainment as she fights for the fun of it. But if that hobby will become her responsibility is entirely up to her. Finally, A duty forged from guilty dream. He fights out of obligation and dedication to those past and those thought lost. On a journey they will go, with each other they will STAY

K_Karma17 · Cómic
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21 Chs

Chapter 15 - The Distress of an Arc III

Under the brilliant azure skies of Remnant, the sun stood proudly, painting the landscape below with a gentle golden hue. A soft breeze danced through the air, carrying with it the sweet fragrance of various blooms.

In the heart of the picturesque Forever Fall forest, life thrived in a symphony of natural harmony. The tranquil melody of nature enveloped the surroundings, with the gentle hum of bees providing a soothing rhythm.

Amidst this serene backdrop, a lone insect veered towards a group of students, their attention captivated by Glynda Goodwitch. With careful precision, she imparted wisdom to the future hunters, detailing the tasks ahead and the concealed perils lurking within the crimson-drenched wilderness.

"...Yes students, the forest of forever fall is indeed beautiful, but we're not here to sight see." She emphasized, casting a glance at a few students who just so happened to be enamoured with the peculiarity of the unusually red tree leaves.

"Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest," Glynda continued, halting as she turned to face the group of students, "I'm here to make sure that none of you die while doing so."

Some of the students at the front cringed slightly at her words before reverting back to their normal expressions.

"Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. You will rendezvous back here at 4 o'clock. Have fun."

As Jaune was about to leave with his team, Cardin slung a hand over his shoulders, slightly rattling the box and jars in Jaune's possession.

What box and jars? You'll know soon enough.

"C'mon buddy, let's go." Cardin said with a hint of intimidation settling in his tone as he eyed the blonde. Jaune averted his gaze, instead looking over to his partner, Pyrrha, who stood silently in wait.


He felt compelled to say no to Cardin and just waltz over to her and apologize for before...

"Come. On."

But he knew better than to defy Cardin's orders, especially now. Jaune could only cast an apologetic gaze at Pyrrha before slinking away with Cardin and his Team.

Maybe Ruby was wrong about him...

The Amazon watched as her leader retreated further into the blood-colored forest with Team CRDL, sighing as she shook her head in disappointment. To think her leader would get involved with that rabble...

But it was odd, he wasn't the type to willingly associate with a group like that...


'...Could they have found out about his transcripts somehow?'

"Are you alright?" Ren asked, glancing back at the redhead as Nora marched off military style.

Pyrrha donned a small smile as she replied, "Yes, I'm fine. Let's go."

'That's unlikely, however, I should leave him be. He wouldn't want my help anyway.'

Ren arched a brow slightly as he watched the Amazon walk by, "Where's Jaune?" He asked, to which Pyrrha simply responded, "...I don't know."

-30 minutes later-

"Uhhh Cardin, what's going on?" Jaune asked with him and Team CRDL laying on a high platform while peering over a clearing where the other teams were busy gathering red sap or playing around.

Cardin narrowed his eyes as he grinned devilishly, "Payback." Jaune followed Cardin's gaze, his eyes landing on the smiling figure of his partner, "Pyrrha?"

"That's the girl, red hair, knows it all, thinks she's so smart. And him too." He then gestured his head towards Yosuke who was situated at the opposite side of the clearing. The mere sight of the boy made Cardin's blood boil.

"Yosuke too?" "Yeah, that damn pretty-boy thinks he's the shit, so…. I'm gonna take him down a peg." Reaching behind his back, Cardin gingerly pulled out a brown box, "Alright boys, last night Jaune here managed to round up an entire box full of rapier wasps, and now we're gonna put 'em to work."

The captured wasps buzzed about in their cardboard prison whilst Cardin eyed the box cage with a sly leer.

"According to one of the essays you wrote for me last week, these nasty things just love sweets. I'm thinking it's time we teach those two bozos a thing or two." Cardin rose to a stand with Russell rising to his feet and roughly dragging Jaune to a stand with him.

"Hey, Cardin… I don't think we should do this, especially with Goodwitch lurking around." Dove interjected as he dusted off his pants.

"Oh, Dove…. We aren't doing anything…" Cardin smirked, resting a hand on Dove's shoulder as he gestured to the group, "He is." Cardin finished, indigo orbs of mischief finding clueless blues.

Dove grimaced, looking up at Cardin as he spoke, "But still-" However, his speech was cut short by Cardin; whose grip tightened on his shoulder, eliciting a slight grunt of discomfort from the brunette.

Cardin glanced down at the boy; a forced smile etched onto his features, "You got a problem?"

Dove clenched his fist his gaze falling to the ground as his hands fell limp at his sides, "....No."

"That's what I thought. Now, back to the subject." Cardin patted Dove on the shoulder before turning to face a fidgety Jaune.

"You will hit them with the sap."

Jaune chuckled, "I…I don't think I can do that, hehe." Rubbing his neck with a nervous grin as he took a step back.

Cardin's face morphed into a disdainful scowl as he towered over the flinching blonde, "What, you won't do it?"

"W-What I mean is-'' Jaune was cut off as Cardin practically shoved the jar into his gut before leaning closer, using his larger frame to increase his intimidation, "Look, you dont got a choice. Its either you do it or... I'll have a niiice long chat with Goodwitch. Then, the next thing you know you'll be in the first airship out of Beacon." Pressing a finger into the blonde's shoulder to further emphasize his point.

Cardin grinned stretched to his ear as the blonde slowly turned around and faced the clearing. "Thaaaat's it…"

Jaune stood silent, his glaucous blue orbs sifting to the jar in his possession as he thought to himself.

'Do I…really have to do this? I could just simply say no, I mean, I might get beat up and I'd probably still get kicked out if I went through with it…'

'But what if I don't get caught? I could stay, right...?'

Jaune slowly raised his hand, taking aim at the red-headed Amazon. It was then that he felt his stomach churn with disgust.

Disgust at himself.

Utterly Pathetic.

That's what he was. Look at him, it was disgusting that he actually thought of harming a friend just for him to stay at a school he never worked a day to attend. He was lucky enough to get through with a fake transcript, but that's just it. He was lucky.

How did he not die in initiation? He was lucky that Pyrrha was looking out for him. How did he survive against a death stalker? He was lucky that his teammates were there. How did he become team leader? He was just lucky.

All those times he was saved, it was by a friend. All those times he received help it was from a friend. All those times he survived it was due to his friends.

What's a fake transcript to a friend's life?

'I can't believe it took me this long to do this.'

"I won't do it..." Jaune muttered, lowering his arm to his side. This action causing Cardin's grin to slowly morph into a frown, "What did you just say?"

Heh, Who cares about those transcripts, they were fake anyway.

"I said NO! I might be a loser a-and a failure. But I sure as heck am not ungrateful!" Jaune shouted, glaring at the ginger giant with the force of a star.

A dark chuckle emanated from Cardin's throat, he found it funny that this wimp even had the balls to stand up for his friends. But that didn't mean he'd let such disrespect slide, the weak should fear the strong regardless of their opinion.

Cardin's hand blurred before it found itself embedded into Jaune's stomach, the force of the blow causing him to keel over with a prolonged groan of pain.

"I'll deal with you later." Cardin scowled, stretching a hand to Dove, "Pass me the jar." Dove eyed the hand hesitantly, the thought of defying him crossed his mind but upon meeting Cardin's eyes he discarded that thought right away and handed him the jar.

Taking position, Cardin aimed for the person he found the most annoying. Pyrrha.

This was the girl that had got on his nerves the most out of all of them and she was the closest to Jaune anyways, so why not deal with her first, y'know, something like a lesson? Cardin was sure that Jaune wouldn't dare act up again if his dear guardian knight was turned into a pincushion.

And once he's done with her, then he'll deal with the bane of his existence.

"I think that nuisance could use a bit more red on her color palette." Cardin muttered with a snarky grin as he stabilized his aim, uncaring for the presence of the blonde behind him.

Struggling to his feet, "Ugh... Don't...mess with... My friends!!" Jaune grunted through gritted teeth as he hurled the jar which shattered into the back of Cardin's head forcing him to halt what he was about to do and turn his attention back to him.

Cardin ran a disbelieving hand through the sap in his head as he stared wide eyed at the perpetrator. His expression of shock soon morphed into barely controlled anger, "Oh, you've done it now." He growled before Russell and Sky grabbed Jaune by the arms and dragged him off deeper into the forest with Cardin trailing behind and a hesitant Dove not too far off.


Toño knelt by a tree, jar in hand as he collected the sap; finishing not long after, however, a light tap on his shoulder alerted him to the presence of our resident shotgun enthusiast who donned a large smile while holding up an empty jar close to her face, "Dya mind?"

"Hold this." The pink-ette huffed, swapping jars. Aria hummed a tune to herself as the boy went about filling her jar.

After some time, Toño turned around only to be met with yet another empty jar—the same one he gave Aria at that— with red jelly fluid around the girl's mouth.


"(Muffled) Wahf?" Aria queried, coughing and swallowing as she puffed her chest to help it down. Looking up, she smiled while poking her cheeks playfully, "You can't be mad at this face."

Toño felt inclined to smack the girl but ultimately restrained himself, "You know what?" Pointing to the sap, "I'm taking this."

"Aww! C'mon, don't be such a sourpuss!"

"Why'd you eat my sap then?"

"I just wanted to know how it tasted!"

"Curiosity killed the cat. And you're acting like one."


Toño huffed and rose to his feet as he strode past the pouting blonde, suddenly he felt his grip on the jar come loose. Whirring around, he saw Aria grinning from ear to ear and posing with both jars before taking off with a gleeful giggle.

"Hahaha! Sugar overdose here I come!!"

"Dammit Pendragon- gimme that!" Toño shouted, taking chase.

Yosuke and Saya stood off to the side watching as the two zoomed around the clearing.

"Those two really are a handful aren't they?" Yosuke smiled fondly at the scene, placing a hand in his pocket as he stood by his leader.

"They're like a pair of cat and mouse." Saya said; looking on with her usual pensive gaze as she handed him one of the two jars in her possession.

Yosuke glanced at the pink eyed beauty for a moment and accepted the bottle before promptly returning his gaze in front of him, where he saw Toño had caught Aria in a skull crushing iron claw while giving her an earful to which she responded with what seemed to be mocking gestures that only served to further irk the boy.

"I suppose they are." He smiled to himself, closing his eyes briefly.

"Well they sure are having a blast." Pyrrha spoke, striding up to the two with a soft smile etched on her features, "Hello there." She said, waving to Saya who nodded before stalking off towards the direction of her brother.

Yosuke's eyes fluttered open, welcoming blue orbs finding emerald gems of warmth, "Hello, Pyrrha.

"Hello again."

"Your team seems to be enjoying themselves as well." Doing a quick once over of the area yet strangely he only found two of the other three members of Team JNPR; being Nora and Ren with the former grinning while devouring the sap the latter filled.

"Though, I don't see Jaune." Yosuke quirked a brow as he returned his gaze to the red-haired Amazon who's smile visibly lessened at the mention of the boy's name which further increased the peculiarity of the situation.

"Did something happen?"

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal." She replied. But Yosuke could tell it was a lie by the way she averted her gaze and started rubbing her arm in an almost sheepish manner.

"Are you sure nothing happened?" He questioned once more as he peered into the emerald orbs of the Amazon.

Pyrrha smiled softly, her gaze meeting Yosuke's cool blue ones, "It's fine, truly."



Snapping their heads towards the sudden uproar, Pyrrha and Yosuke's brows furrowed in confusion as they laid eyes upon the scene before them.


Dove was confused.

No, confused was an understatement compared to what he was feeling right now. All he wanted to do was send a message and leave quietly, he thought choosing the pretty girl with the pink hair to spread the message would be the best way to go about it.

But boy was he wrong.

From his observation she seemed like the most reserved of the bunch and the easiest to approach so he waited until she was alone to walk up to her.

'Hoo, I just gotta tell her that Jaune is about to get the crap beaten outta him by Cardin in the forest then dip before anyone sees me.' Dove was sure his plan was foolproof, no-one would know that he was even there except the girl.

He was sure. Very sure.

A little too sure.

'Okay! Here I go!' Taking quick and long strides, Dove closed in on the unsuspecting girl as he outstretched his hand, resting it on her shoulder.

This action caused the girl to halt in her tracks before regarding him with a long gaze of bewilderment.

"Before you do anything, just listen. Jaune is—" He was allowed no time to finish his sentence before he was decked in the jaw, his head exploding in pain as he found himself crashing face first into the ground.

He didn't even have time to think before he felt himself being hoisted up from the ground by the collar. His head felt like burning cotton and his vision was slightly blurred from the pain, however, he was sure of one thing.

He made a mistake.

Toño's fingers tightened around the fabric of Dove's clothing, so much so his knuckles turned white in conjunction to his ever rising anger.

"You guys just don't know when to quit…going after my sister?"

He didn't really care what they did since it wasn't affecting him but...What right did this little shit have to touch his sister!?

"YOU GOT A DEATH WISH!? HUH?!!" Toño roared, his fist rearing back once more while glaring daggers into the boy's soul. He planned to teach him a lesson he'd never forge-

"Toño." Saya sighed, striding up to the boy, casually bringing his fist to his side, "It's okay, he didn't try anything."

The twin mirrors stood adjacent to one another, one emanated an air of mysterious serenity with calm fuchsia pools staring ahead in contrast to the other who held a gaze akin to a forest of prickly roses; his expression contorted with barely controlled rage.

"He didn't." She assured.

Taking a deep breath, "Hn." Toño huffed, releasing his grip on Dove as he placed him on his feet.

After a few moments, Saya turned to Dove and regarded him with a critical eye.

"Why did you come to me?"

Dove stood awkwardly in front of the girl whilst stealing quick glances at her brother who regarded him with a frown, "Just get it over with and go."

Rubbing his neck as a few beads of sweat rolled down his cheek, Dove took a shaky breath and began recounting the events with Jaune and the rest of his team, ranging from knowledge of the boy's transcripts to them dragging him off deeper into the forest because of his refusal to go along with what Cardin ordered him to do.

Saya and Toño donned a Grimm expression as they shared a look while Yosuke and Pyrrha—who were just within range when Dove began his explanation—halted in their tracks, with the latter stunned stiff as her brows touched the skies.

Jaune really did get blackmailed… And now he was about to get beaten to a pulp for going against Cardin even though he might get expelled…

All for her.

'Oh Jaune…'

Yosuke's brows furrowed as he mused, 'I see, that explains why he's been so scarce as of late. What with Cardin managing to get a hold of his weakness and threatening to expel him… While I admire his courage, it was a bit foolish to not seek help when faced with such a predicament.'

"You said Cardin dragged him off after he threw the sap at him, right?" Toño clarified, hand going to his chin in contemplation as Dove nodded in affirmation.

Casting a gaze to his side, "Isn't that stuff a Grimm magnet?" He asked his mirror, who only released a breath as she flickered a light shade of pink.

"Yeah. And right now, they're surrounded."

"By how much?"



The ground SHOOK with the force of a hurricane as the trees cried whilst swaying from side to side, tossing leaves and somehow succeeding in tossing a certain girl off its branches.

"WOAH!!" Aria sprung to her feet, her face laden with traces of red sap while holding two full jars in her hands. Toño had caught her a while back and took his jar away from her, but after seeing that it too was empty; he simply knocked her upside the head and told her to go fill both back up. She first opted to resist but when she saw those white knuckles sheen, she immediately folded. But not before sticking out her tongue and speeding off.

"Hahaha, do you feel that, Ren!? The ground is shaking!" Nora bellowed energetically, popping out of the bushes with a large grin etched onto her features. Ren sighed, dusting himself off, "Yes, Nora."

Taking a quick glance over his surroundings, Ren spotted the others crowded into a single spot; excluding team RWBY who had left earlier due to finishing their task first.

Meanwhile, Nora regarded the bushes with a look of curiosity as it shuffled periodically. Her eyes narrowed just a bit at the thought of Grimm being the cause, she marched over to just before the area. Slowly, she reached forward, grabbed the entity by its collar, "Haha! Gotcha!" "Wha—H-Hey-!" And with a grunt she hurled the figure out of the bushes and into the welcoming hands of a tree's branch.

That one rando mumbled to himself while staring at the ginger who brought a hand to her mouth with a, "Oops! Sorry about that." before leaving with Ren as he fell to the ground and rose to his feet, dusting himself off. Just then, Russel and Sky came rushing by him while yelling, "Move!" knocking him down in the process.

"...Why me."

Continuing their sprint, Russel and Sky ran like headless chickens as they shouted, "It's a hoard! A Grimm hoard!!"

Pyrrha's eyes widened even further with hints of fear creeping into her emerald orbs as she took a sharp breath, "Jaune…"

Saya glanced at the girl before doing a quick once over of the clearing, noting the teams that were present before formulating a plan.

"Toño, go with Yosuke, Aria, Pyrrha and Nora to stop the Grimm. I'll look for Professor Goodwitch with Ren and...you." Saya spoke, glancing to each person respectively with her eyes finally landing on Dove who looked around with nervous confusion while, pointing to himself for clarification.

Saya just stared at him with that same pensive gaze.

"Me?" Dove asked, his eyes rapidly darting to the ground and back.

"No, me. Obviously, you're gonna go with her and tell the Professor everything you told us." Toño rolled his eyes, retrieving his spear from his back as he turned towards the direction of the Grimm, Pyrrha and Nora having already taken off.

"...Let's go, we don't have time to waste." She advised before taking off towards the direction of Beacon with Ren and a very nervous Dove trailing close behind.


Pyrrha wore a solemn expression as she charged forward, her hand clenched tightly around Milo with Akouo stuck close to her figure as she sped along the forest trail. By this time, the other students had already made their way back to Beacon with only a handful of them trying to lend aid.

Throughout the whole ordeal, Pyrrha's thoughts were solely focused on Jaune, a flurry of emotions rushing through her that fueled her steps, a shadow of worry flashing over her mind that was quickly willed away…..

She needed to have faith in her leader….

'Jaune…' Her musings were cut short as a deafening roar echoes in her eardrums, punctuated by obsidian fangs that were mere inches from her neck.

"HIIIYAAAA!!" The Valkyrie bellowed, her hammer dropping onto the beast's head like a missile; effortlessly crushing it with her strength and sending small cracks through the ground.

Pyrrha stood, her eyes still dazed as the shorter girl waved a hand in her face, "Hey!!" She slapped a hand on Pyrrha's shoulder causing the girl to jolt slightly.

"You okay?" The Valkyrie asked, turquoise orbs tinged with worry stared headlong into jade orbs of solemnity. Pyrrha's eyes widened just a tad before slowly averting her gaze, not having a word to say to alleviate her teammate's concerns, unlike before she couldn't brush it off as something minor.

"I know you're worried, I mean, we all are. But, c'mon, I'm pretty sure Jaune can take care of a few of these." Nora rolled her eyes playfully while gesturing to the ashy remains bellowed her. Pyrrha's brows furrowed just a bit as she spoke, "I know, Nora, while I do trust Jaune to take care of himself. I still fear that if we don't hurry Cardin will do something and…we'll be…"

Nora's cheerful demeanor shifted to a more somber expression as she placed a comforting hand on Pyrrha's shoulder, "Pyrrha, Jaune's fine. He's tough."

Pyrrha sighed, her eyes reflecting her inner turmoil, "I just can't shake this feeling, Nora. What if something happens to him because of that red sap? It drew a Grimm hoard, and he's alone with Cardin."

Nora just smiled while patting the girl on her shoulder, "Don't worry your pretty little head and trust him. Besides, he's been through worse. He survived me afterall."

Pyrrha took a deep breath, a chuckling exhale escaping her lips, finding solace in Nora's confidence, "I guess you're right about that."

"Of course! I've never been wrong a day in my life!" Nora announced proudly, puffing out her chest as she twirled Magnild, before its hilt wedged into the ground slightly; earning yet another chuckle from the Amazon.

Turning around, Nora brought the girl's mind back on track, "Anyways! Go rescue our leader. I can take care of these guys on my own!"

"Thanks, Nora." Pyrrha said, a small smile tugging at her lips before continuing her sprint through the forest, cleaving through any Grimm she encountered along the way.

As Pyrrha dashed ahead, Nora readied herself for the incoming Grimm. Clenching Magnild, she launched forward towards a pack of beowolves that sped towards her from the depths of the forest.

With a feral grin, she swung her hammer in a wide arc, slamming the blunt weapon into a beowulf's ribcage, shattering it as it ragdolled into the path of another. Continuing, she spun on her heels before swinging the hammer upwards, simultaneously dodging a claw aimed at her head and sending the beast careening into a tree with a comedic yelp.

"Who's next!?"