

This story is a thrilling tale that plunges readers into the world of online gaming, where virtual realms hold secrets beyond imagination. Jiang Siming, an ordinary gamer, stumbles upon a remarkable phenomenon within the popular game, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG). Unlike his peers, he uncovers vibrant, multicolored fragments scattered throughout the game world. What sets Jiang apart is his keen eye and determination to unravel the mystery behind these fragments. As he delves deeper into the game's intricacies, he discovers that when these fragments are melded together, they unlock a treasure trove of skills, attributes, talents, and even mythical artifacts. This revelation sparks a transformative journey for Jiang as he embarks on a quest to collect these fragments and unlock their hidden potential. As Jiang's virtual avatar grows stronger with each fragment collected, so too does his real-life success. He rises to newfound wealth and unparalleled success, transcending the boundaries between the virtual and the real. But with great power comes great challenges, and Jiang soon finds himself facing adversaries both within the game and in the real world. The story is not just a story about gaming; it's a tale of ambition, perseverance, and the boundless possibilities that lie within the digital realm. Readers are taken on a thrilling adventure where the lines between reality and fantasy blur, leaving them questioning what it truly means to succeed in a world where anything is possible.

Adam_2023 · Juegos
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104 Chs

Immune to All Poisons, and Never Aging!

After finishing the broadcast, Jiang Siming didn't say a word and ran to the bathroom.

And filled the bathtub with water, took off his clothes, and comfortably lay down.

Before this, Jiang Siming chose to use that piece of purple fragment, and he suddenly had a test tube of potion in his hand.

The test tube was filled with purple liquid, and Jiang Siming remembered that the primary potion was also purple, but far less deep in color than this intermediate one.

Checked the information.

Intermediate Genetic Potion: Can stimulate human body functions to the limit, surpassing all normal human data, and the body's quality will reach the highest limit.

At that time, this body will be immune to all poisons, free from all diseases, maintain youthful appearance, and have a lifespan of up to 150 years.

Jiang Siming was ecstatic, this... this... this thing is too amazing!

Surpassing all normal human data means it's no longer the previous 5% of humanity.

And it's even immune to all poisons, free from all diseases, and never aging!

How incredible is that? Who wouldn't want to be disease-free and never age? I can!

The most valuable thing is that the lifespan can reach 150 years. Although Jiang Siming doesn't feel much about it now, it will be different when he gets older.

For successful people, as they get older, their desire for time and lifespan becomes extremely eager, even Qin Shihuang couldn't avoid it.

This kind of treasure, Jiang Siming didn't even hesitate to swallow it in one gulp.

The purple liquid entered Jiang Siming's body, like the River of a Hundred Confluences, warm and filling Jiang Siming's whole body.

From Jiang Siming's skin, black viscous substance seeped out again, quickly turning the entire bathtub black.

Jiang Siming immersed himself in the nurturing effect of this potion, gradually filling his body with strength, and becoming unprecedentedly powerful!

After half an hour passed, Jiang Siming felt the warmth in his body disappear, knowing that the effect of the liquid had ended, and he jumped out of the bathtub.

As soon as he jumped, Jiang Siming's head had an intimate encounter with the ceiling.

With a thud.

Jiang Siming fell back into the bathtub with a splash.

"Ouch, my goodness," Jiang Siming held his head in pain.

Thinking of what just happened, he just wanted to jump out of the bathtub with the same force as before, but he didn't expect to hit the ceiling...

Ignoring the pain in his head, Jiang Siming immediately rinsed his body and drained the bathtub.

He put on his clothes and ran out of the villa, into the backyard garden.

Jiang Siming tried again to squat and jump up with all his strength!

He flew off the ground instantly, four or five meters high, almost as high as two floors.

And Jiang Siming's legs kicked twice, and he could even stay in the air for a brief second.

The world record for standing high jump is 2.45 meters. Although Jiang Siming couldn't accurately measure how high he jumped, it was at least twice that record.

Sure enough, products in purple are always top-notch!

Jiang Siming was overjoyed, purposely stood at the edge of the house wall, then jumped with all his might, casually grabbed the railing of the second-floor balcony.

Another flip, and he easily went up.

This wasn't the first or second floor of a commercial building, but the first floor of this villa was five to six meters high, just for spacious luxury.

After easily reaching the second floor, Jiang Siming jumped down from above, landing very steadily, without any pain.

He tried the change in strength again, and fortunately, there was a gym at home, with dumbbells. Jiang Siming jumped up to the highest and heaviest.

The world record for the heaviest lift is 470 kilograms, equivalent to 900 pounds.

Jiang Siming adjusted the dumbbell to 1000 pounds, then held the bar with both hands and slowly exerted force.

At first, he couldn't lift it, but after Jiang Siming slowly increased his strength, he found that his power was gradually being unleashed.

These powers were like they had been sealed away, not conspicuous usually, but when you truly needed them, they would emerge.

If we likened the quantity of these powers to a value of 100, then when Jiang Siming brought out a value of 50, he had already successfully lifted the dumbbell!

In other words, using only half of the sealed power, he could lift a thousand kilograms, and if he used it all, he could probably reach around two thousand kilograms.

That's equivalent to one ton!

What does a ton mean?

The weight of an average small car is around a ton, some soft materials may even weigh less than a ton.

Two horses plus an adult black bear combined weigh about a ton.

Getting this data, Jiang Siming himself was stunned.

He then tried his running speed again, and once again, it crushed world records.

Now, if Jiang Siming were to participate in the Olympics, he could leave Usain Bolt in the dust by miles.

He could even clinch the championship in various events.

But this was too eye-catching; Jiang Siming didn't want to be treated as a guinea pig for research, he preferred to live a peaceful life.

Back in the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror, there wasn't much change.

Except for gaining a few more centimeters in height, reaching one meter eighty-five.

However, his body's contours became more perfect, like a piece of already finely crafted jade refined by someone, appearing even more crystal clear and flawless, like flawless white jade.

This body, probably no woman could resist after seeing it, especially women with strong sexual desires, might even get nosebleeds just from looking.

In a great mood, Jiang Siming left the house and drove straight to Zhao Xuan's place.

By now, it was late at night, and Zhao Xiaoxiao had long fallen asleep.

Zhao Xuan received Jiang Siming's call, delighted and with a pounding heart, she ran to open the door, secretly leading Jiang Siming into the bedroom.

As soon as the door closed, the two embraced each other passionately. After Jiang Siming took off his clothes, Zhao Xuan stared at his body, completely mesmerized.

Then she actively climbed onto Jiang Siming's body, her sensuous red lips kissing and nibbling on his chest, abdomen, and even lower areas...

Just like a cat with catnip, intoxicated and passionate.

In the end, Zhao Xuan's stamina gave out, signaling the end of the battle.

Jiang Siming thoroughly enjoyed this time, as he hadn't moved at all throughout, and Zhao Xuan had taken care of him comfortably.

After their intimate moment, they embraced and lay down.

Jiang Siming still wanted to cause a little mischief, but suddenly, there was a knock on the bedroom door.

"Mommy, I had a nightmare, I'm scared to sleep alone, I want to sleep with you~" Zhao Xiaoxiao's voice came from outside the door, sounding distressed.

This caused panic and confusion for the two adults, who hurriedly searched for their clothes to put on.

"What should we do, should we tell her to go back?" Zhao Xuan, her face flushed red, said to Jiang Siming, her mind in turmoil.

This situation was too embarrassing; after all, how could Zhao Xuan, a woman, handle such things?

Moreover, Xiaoxiao was already in her teens, not a three-year-old child who could be easily fooled.

As soon as she came in and saw her mommy and Uncle Jiang sleeping together, she would understand everything, wouldn't she?

"Let it be, the child is scared and won't dare to go back to sleep alone after having a nightmare, she'll find out sooner or later anyway." Jiang Siming was quite straightforward.

Hearing this, Zhao Xuan thought about it and realized it made sense, so she reluctantly went to open the door, her face still red.