
(ON PAUSE) World Rebirth Overlord as Creator of Yggdrasil (Overlord)

A / N MC: Meilena. I do not own the World of Overlord, as well as other characters from various anime, fanfic is created for entertainment purposes. This is the first time I am writing a story, I hope for understanding. "Conversation", (MS Thoughts), [Communication] Tag: Genderbender, Yuri, Reincarnation, Travel, OPMC, Paphos.

Kell_Kewyo · Cómic
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12 Chs

The village of Karn. Conclusion.

« ...I am the warrior captain of the Kingdom of Re-Estiz, Gazef Stronof. On the King's orders, I came with a punitive force to fight against the knights of the Empire and am currently patrolling the surrounding villages."

His deep, even voice rang out in the square, and the village chief, who was standing behind Ainz, whispered:

"Warrior - captain of the Kingdom..."

During the conversation, the headman never mentioned him... With a slight hint of guilt directed at the headman, Ainz asked in a low voice:

« ...What kind of person is he?"

"The merchants who came through the village said that he was the champion of a tournament that the King once held to choose his personal guards. He is now a direct subordinate of the King and commands elite soldiers."

"The man in front of me is really that big...?"

« ...I don't know. It's just a rumor."

Ainz took a closer look and saw that each of the riders had identical emblems on their chests, which resembled what the chief had said about the Kingdom's emblems. However, he didn't have enough reliable information to be sure.

Gazef looked at the chief and said:

"You must be the head of this village. Can you tell me who's next to you?"

Ainz interrupted the headman who was about to reply, then nodded to Gazef and introduced himself.

"There's no need for that. Pleased to meet you, Warrior-Captain of the Kingdom. My name is Ainz Ooal Gown, and I'm a magic caster. This village was attacked by knights, and I intervened to save them."

Gazef immediately dismounted, his armor clanking loudly. He bowed deeply when he was on the ground.

"Thank you for saving this village. I don't have the words to properly praise your kindness," the captain's voice was filled with an immense gratitude that words couldn't convey.

"...Perhaps you are travelers or adventurers? And I should prepare ...a reward, " Gazef said, intending to give away what little money he had at the moment, but…

"...The reward is not required, we have already received it, and at the moment, we have decided to enter the position of the village and meet the expected danger."

"...I understand, then ... " Gazef was about to say something else, but one of his riders interrupted him.

"Warrior captain! We noticed a lot of people around the village! They've surrounded the village and are closing in!"

(Near the village of Karn).


Everyone heard a calm, quiet voice.

"Prey has entered the cage."

A man spoke. His appearance was the most ordinary, he could easily get lost in the crowd. The only thing that stood out was his dark, fake-looking eyes and the scar on his face.

"Let us devote ourselves to God."

Everyone said a silent prayer. It was a simplified prayer to God. Even on a mission, even outside the country, they found time to pray. It was not easy, but they always showed a strong and deep faith in God.

The knights who gave their all to the Slane Theocracy and God had a deeper faith than ordinary citizens. This is why they could perform violent acts without feeling sinful. After the prayer, everyone's eyes turned as cold as ice.

"Let's move out."

Just one word. They surrounded the village in perfectly coordinated movements, giving the impression that this was the result of constant training. They were knights of the Slane Theocracy, who specialized in conducting covert operations. We've only heard of them, but we've never seen them.

The Slane Theocracy had six such groups, all of them working for intelligence. The typical duties of Sunlight Scripture adepts were to destroy demi-human villages. They often fought, but their numbers were quite small. There were less than a hundred of them, including the scouts.

Looking at the men around them, their leader let out a soft sigh. Once they spread out, it would be difficult to catch all of their movements. But he firmly believed in the immaculate cage he had built.

The captain of the Sunlight Scripture adepts, Nigun Grid Luin, was a little uneasy, but looking at his trump card in his hands, guaranteeing him the success of the quest, he calmed down.

Something else was bothering him. They met the surviving squad of knights that had been sent to this village. From their words, there is a very strong magician present there. Just for how long? It was precisely for such situations that he was given the summoning crystal of the greatest Archangel. In the back of his mind, he thanked his superiors for being able to anticipate this situation.

Nigun hoped to get this assignment over with as soon as possible. After all, they are needed in another place. For example, in the fight against the elves. He couldn't help but grin. Things are going much better than expected. They are gradually invading the depths of their elven forests, not without losses, of course, but if it wasn't for their stupid king, they might even have retreated. Then there are the demi-humans who raid the Dragon Kingdom.

He was distracted. He needs to give an order:

"...Start the operation"

Nigun and his subordinates started chanting spells.

They summoned angels of the highest rank that their magic allowed.

(Karn Village).

"Yes... There really are people there."

Gazef looked out of the dark house at the people surrounding the village.

He could see three people in his field of vision. They slowly made their way towards the village, while keeping an even distance from each other.

They were unarmed and didn't wear heavy armor. However, that didn't mean they were nothing. Many spellcasters disliked such equipment and preferred lighter equipment. This suggested that they were spellcasters.

However, it was the winged monsters floating next to them that confirmed their vocation.

The angels.

Angels were monsters summoned from another world, and many people - especially the citizens of the Slane Theocracy - considered them messengers of the gods. However, the priests of the Kingdom ruled that these so-called angels were just summoned monsters.

"Where did the angels come from? And what is their purpose? The village isn't worth attacking, is it?"

"I do not know, Mr. Gawn... but if they're not behind the domain, there can only be one reason."

The two eyes met.

"It looks like someone doesn't like you."

"...This is worrisome. Judging from how there are so many people on the other side who can summon angels, they must be from the Slane Theocracy ... and it is clear that the people performing this operation must be a special operations unit ... The Six Sacred Scriptures are legendary. It would seem that the opposition surpasses us both in numbers and abilities."

While Ainz and Gazef were having their conversation, Mailena received a <Message> from Hanzo's squad.

<Madam, what should we do with people who had surrounded the village? Our party split into two. Some are watching those knights, others are watching the man who is supposedly the leader of the "mages" surrounding this village? We've also noticed a remote vision spell and are tracking them from a distance.

Maylena thought for a moment and sent a mental < Message>

<You did everything right, thank you. We'll deal with the intruders ourselves>

Meilena finished <Message> and turned to Ainz, who had already finished his conversation with the captain.

(The outskirts of the village of Karn. With Gazef and his squad).

"As soon as you encounter an enemy, immediately draw out the surrounding area and quickly retreat. Don't miss a single opportunity," Gazef told his men on the way.

He could feel his horse's excitement through his legs.

Even a trained warhorse-no, the beast knew that it was riding towards death, because it was a warhorse.

There were only four or five enemies surrounding the village, so there was a big gap between them. However, their surroundings were most likely sealed.

In other words, they had set a trap for him, and if he opened it, he would die.

Even so, Gazef was still determined to break through them. No, given the current circumstances, forcefully breaking through was the only option for him.

There was no chance for him to face them in ranged combat.

If he had experienced archers by his side, it would be a different matter. Otherwise, he needed to avoid ranged combat with spellcasters.

Fighting a defensive battle would be even more stupid.

It was one thing if they had a solid fort, but ... there wasn't one. Hence, the last tactic he could use was completely inappropriate for war. That is, he will have to move the battle to the village and involve Ainzoalgoun and his group in the battle, thus forcing them to intervene.

But if he did, it would completely destroy the purpose of coming here in the first place. So Gazef had to put himself in danger.

Still astride, Gazef drew his bow and aimed an arrow at the string.

Although his horse was shaking and shaking under him, Gazef calmly pulled the rope back. The arrow that was released hit the target unmistakably, piercing through the head of the front magic caster... or at least he thought it would.

The arrow bounced off as if it had hit a wall. This uncanny hardness must have been the result of magic. Just like Gazef said, to break through the magic that protects against ranged attacks, he would need his own magic weapon.

Since Gazef had no such weapon, he stopped shooting and put down his bow.

The spellcasters launched their counterattack and cast spells. They threw Gazef from his horse.

He prepared to use his combat skills.

"Battle aura flow!"

With a single blow, he cut down the angel. He caught his breath and heard voices.

"Aaaaaaa! We will be with the captain until the very end!"

"Don't back down!"

Gazef frowned when he heard the energetic voice in front of him. He ordered them to retreat and only he would be killed…

"What idiots...but I'm truly proud of you."

Gazef rushed forward.

This may well be the best and only chance to end the battle. Judging from the speed of the riders, the enemy spellcasters should have been focusing all their attention on them.

He would use this opportunity to cause chaos in their ranks. It was the only way out.

Gazef unleashed a hidden killing move. His hands began to radiate heat, which spread to his entire body. He broke free of the physical shackles, reaching hero-level strength. At the same time, he activated various combat skills. They could be called warrior magic.

Gazef singled out six of the flying angels.

"Sixfold stroke of light".

There was a flash. With a single blow, he hacked at six of them. The angels split in half, turned into balls of light, and disappeared. Gazef's men cheered, but there was still hope in them.

Gazef continued his offensive, going forward and striking every angel. His entire body was covered in his blood from his wounds. He noticed what he thought was the leader of this magical group and started walking towards him.

"Finish him off! The beast is already on its last legs finish it off! Send more than one angel into it!" said Nigun to his subordinates with a smirk on his face.

More Angels were created and gathered in a group, attacking Gazef.

His trained hand wouldn't stop shaking, he couldn't even lift his sword, but he still wouldn't give up. He bared his teeth and growled harshly. Gazef was not afraid of death. He himself had already taken many lives, so he was mentally prepared to meet the same end on the battlefield. And he told Ainz that there were people who hated him. One day, this hatred will become a sword and take his life. But he couldn't accept what was happening now. To attack so many peasants, to kill unarmed and innocent civilians, just to lure Gazef into a trap. He absolutely couldn't afford to die in such disgrace, but most of all, he couldn't stand his helplessness.

"ARRRRRRRRRRR! DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME!.. he let out a huge cry with his entire body. Spitting out a lot of blood and saliva, Gazef slowly got up and walked towards Nigun.

— ...Angels, kill Gazefastron.

After this cold command, countless wings fluttered.

Gazef gathered his resolve to face death, but suddenly a voice was heard.

Looks like it's time to step in.

The view shifted from blood-soaked meadows to a simple house. All around him were the figures of his men and peasants with anxious faces.

— Et, this place...

— This is the warehouse that Lord Ainz protected with magic.

— Elder... Guo, there's no sign of Mr. Gawn here...

— No, he was just here with his companions, but he seems to have switched places with the Lord warrior-captain, disappearing right in front of my eyes.

So that's it, that voice in my head...

Gazef relaxed his body. What happens next will be beyond his control. Gazef fell to the floor, and the peasants ran up to him. The Six Scriptures. An opponent that the Kingdom's strongest warrior couldn't defeat. But he didn't think that Ainz and his group would lose.

(The outskirts of the village of Karn. The battlefield).

Not a single trace of the battle from a moment ago was left on the grasslands. The blood wasn't visible because of the afterglow from the setting sun, and its smell was carried away by the strong wind. There were three figures standing in the grasslands that hadn't been there before. Negan, captain of the special intelligence force of the Slane Theocracy, Sunlight Scripture, looked at the three of them in surprise.

"...Who are you? " asked Nigun to the strangers.

"My name is Ainz Ooal Gown. Behind me is Albedo, and next to Meilena Vaster, " Ainz introduced everyone.

Negan didn't answer

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself as a stranger?" she asked Nigun.

Nigun decided to introduce himself and scare them in return.

"I am Nigun Grid Luin, commander of the Sunlight Scripture. You should know that the Sunlight Scripture is one of the six legendary squads of the Slane Theocracy. You don't stand a chance. You'd better turn yourself in and you'll get a less severe punishment, " Nigun said confidently. As a last resort, he was sure that if the situation went wrong, he would use his "trump card".

"...The pathetic little man isn't arrogant...", Albedo couldn't finish as Maylena cut her off.

"Albedo. Calm downMaylena said in her charming voice, but for a split second, everyone flinched. Even those who watched them with a spell.

Albedo didn't say another word. She only bowed towards Mailen.

Ainz was calmer on the surface, but he felt a shiver inside.

(...Women are really scary, aren't they? Pereroncino-san?), Ainz thought to himself as he looked at Mailen.

"...Nigun, isn't that your name? We will probably refuse your offer to surrender and I will only say one thing – you will not defeat us, " Maylena said resolutely to everyone present.

It was definitely not a bluff or baseless nonsense, this person who called himself Mailena was absolutely confident in her abilities.

Negan frowned slightly. In the Slane Theocracy, no one would say that to people in power.

"It's sad that you're so ignorant. You will pay for your stupidity. The angels! Attack her on the spot! " ordered Nigun.

The angels didn't need to speak twice. There were 20 to 25 of them, and they all flew towards Mailen. When they were about to plunge their fire swords into her body.

The sound of fingers snapping echoed across the field as Maylena said in a whisper:

«<Small cleavage>»

And in an instant. All the Angels were gone. In the meantime,…

"Ahhh! What happened...", one of the magicians of the Theocracy could not finish. His entire body began to disintegrate into dust. Only the clothes were on the ground.

"...Wh-what!? Y – you s-did it?!", his voice trembled at the same time. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"...It's just a level 9 <Minor Cleavage>spell everything within a radius of 100-150 meters simply disappears. You should thank me, because I almost had to accidentally split you, " Maylena said in a calm voice, looking down at her black fingernails.

"T-that's not possible! A person is not capable of such a thing!", - said Nigun while sweating profusely. His heart began to beat faster. My knees were shaking. He even almost fell to the ground, but he still managed to hold on.

Negan reached into his pocket, taking courage from the magic item that lay there. He was convinced that as long as he had this item with him, everything would be fine. However, his subordinates could not boast of the same, so they tried to use other methods.



Finding the angels useless, the subordinates shouted and began to cast other spells they were sure of. < Hammer of Justice>, <Hammer of Justice> < Blindness>,<Blindness>Fire Rain> and other smaller spells. All that magic hit her. Maylena endured their magic with a calm face. Meanwhile, brushing the dust off her dress, she said::

"...is that all?"

All of Nigun's subordinates felt useless at once. Which one is only different from them if their magic doesn't work on her. They were all about to go into a panic attack, but…

"Calm down! God is with us! For sinners, he has prepared the highest justice! Behold the true light of God! A top-level angel!, Nigun's voice carried a ton of confidence as he took out a crystal from his pocket and showed it to his subordinates.

Malena was even a little more interested.

A bright light formed in Negun's hand. Ainz, meanwhile, immediately rushed towards Meilen.

When the lights went out. Ainz was already standing in front of Mailen, blocking her with his massive body.

Her companion's action made her feel a little warmer, but…

"...Ainz I understand, but you know, out of all the people here, I have the most protection, not to mention my race traits and magic rings on my fingers. I'm supposed to be the one protecting you first, but still…thanksMaylena said with a hint of warmth in her voice.

Ainz, meanwhile, looked at the angel in front of him and made a hand-face gesture.

"...For such a small matter, " Ainz said in a more disappointed tone.

"Don't be upset, Ainz. I really appreciate your attempt to protect me. If you keep doing this, I might even fall in love with you by accident, " Meilen's voice carried a hint of joy. With one hand covering his lips.

Ainz didn't say anything. He decided to just keep quiet. If there was an exit button, he would have pressed it immediately.

The atmosphere in the air was no longer so heavy, one might say awkward?

Nigun, meanwhile, couldn't understand what was going on, but decided to say:

"...If the lovers have finished saying goodbye, then ... " Nigun couldn't finish as he sensed the killing intent from the woman in black armor.

A dark purple aura enveloped Albedo. The ground beneath her feet was already beginning to crack, and in the next instant, a crater was formed.

Albedo couldn't say her sentence again, as her body felt a lot of pressure. Her bones began to crack, but she could only feel the pain. While getting on your knees.

Maylena walked over to Albedo and leaned down to speak softly:

«The Albedos are watching us, and you want to put yourself and us in a bad light? But hold back your statements, unless they are appropriate. Do you understand?" Then nod your headMaylena said calmly next to Albedo's helmet.

Albedo only nodded her head, but inside she was already seething with anger, her lips were already covered in blood.

(I'll find a way to get rid of you! Whatever it takes! Mr. Ainz will only…Of mine), thought Albedo, looking forward to this day, the main thing is only time.

Meilena, meanwhile, stood next to Ainz.

Nigun, meanwhile, gave his order to attack Ainz.

"Attack with divine punishment!" said Nigun, looking at the floating angel. He had seen the high angel punish these heretics before.

Meanwhile, the angel broke her scepter. The shards rose into the air and slowly rotated around his body.

The spell was cast, and a pillar of light tore through the sky, striking Ainz with it.

This sacred power that destroyed all evil creatures, and even good creatures will suffer the same fate. The only difference was if they were turned into sightless atoms, or if there really were remains left. It was a terrifying power of magic that surpassed the capabilities of humanity.

No, it would be strange if it wasn't.

However – it was still there.

"...Hahahahaha, is that how to feel the damage? That's what pain is, " Ainz said, clenching his metal gloves into a fist.

Nigun, meanwhile, couldn't take his eyes off Ainz. You could tell sweat was already forming on his face, but the pleasant aroma of something sweet hit him right in the nostrils.

Ainz also sensed it and turned to the direction where the smell was coming from.

There he saw Maylena eating marshmallows or marshmallows on small, sharp sticks.

Maylena sensed that everyone was looking at her, without exception, and said::

"...what? I kind of wanted something sweet, it's already late, even though I don't need food, " Maylena said, more awkwardly?

"...I'll just ask, where did you just fry them? Although you don't have to answer, I guess I've already guessed..." said Ainz, looking up at the sky and taking a deep breath.

"...How's it going? It's just that the attack hit you? That's during it and prepared. I would suggest it to you, but it's a pity that you can't physically yet..., Albedo maybe you will? Or are you a Nigun?" said Maylena, turning her head awkwardly from one side to the other.

No one answered. The tense atmosphere was gone.

Angel soaring for a couple of seconds decided to go on the offensive and attack Mailen, but…

In an instant, a small sharp stick appeared in front of his "face", thus destroying his head.

It was so stunning that it made them stare at them in a daze. It might even be funny. But they couldn't see it anymore.

As the Archangel's radiance faded, the light disappeared from the surrounding area.

There was only the sound of the wind blowing over the plain. Then a hoarse scream broke the silence.

"Who...are you...? Nigun asked these ... these impossible creatures again. He's already mentally tired and depressed. Nigun no longer understood.

"I've never heard your names before…After all, such creatures should be known?", - Nigun addressed them.

"...You could say we're just starting to gain some fame, but you're just unlucky enough to get in our way, nothing personal, " Meilena said in a calm voice.

Nigun just dropped to his knees, looking up at the sky.

The sun completely set, and darkness engulfed the earth.

Nigun knew this was the end. It was an irrefutable reality. Just as his subordinates became desperate one after another, cracks appeared in the sky like a broken pot. They disappeared in an instant, and the situation returned to normal.

As Nigun's confusion spread, Mailena answered:

"Your country was watching you and they only saw your downfall, and now I just got rid of the surveillance," Maylena said, coming closer to Nigun with a smile on her face.

These words filled Nigun's eyes with realization.

The Slane Theocracy must have been spying on him.

"...The games are over"

A wave of cold ran through Negan as he caught the hidden meaning of those words.

He was filled with an incomparable fear. Fear that he, who had taken countless lives in the past, would now lose his own life. His subordinates saw his startled expression, and it also scared them.

He was on the verge of tears.

"No way! Wait! Meilena-sama! No! My lady! Please wait, we, no, I want to make a deal with you! I guarantee you won't be disappointed! As long as you spare me, I will give you any amount of money you want!

"You think we're interested in money? Meilen's voice was already indifferent.

"<Mass paralysis>, " Malena cast a spell on Nigun and his subordinates.

Maylena turned to Hanzo's squad <Message>.

<Pick up this trash, we're going back to Nazarick>.

<It will be done mistress!>.

Meilena finished with <Message> and turned to Ainz's side and said:

"Shall we go home?" she asked Ainz.

"Go back without me for now. Albedo and I will make a final stop at the village and return."

"Whatever you say," Maylena said, opening the <Gate> to Nazarick and entering it.


A/N I will try to reveal the characters from Nazarick in the following chapters.

A/N I will try to reveal the characters from Nazarick in the following chapters.

Kell_Kewyocreators' thoughts