
Turning Up the Heat: Interning with Endeavor!

Mr. Aizawa assigned us to choose our next internships by tomorrow. Uraraka and I walked up to Mr. Aizawa to tell him our choices.

"I've chosen Endeavor's agency, Mr. Aizawa!" We both told him.

We looked at each other, "Woah, you caught Endeavor's attention too?"

"Yeah! I guess we really put on a show during the Sports Festival!" I laughed.

Mr. Aizawa wrote something down and sent us back to our desks.

[The Next Morning...]

"Hey, get up." I heard Mr. Aizawa's voice.

I got up and rubbed my eyes, I went to take my blanket off of me, only to realize that it wasn't there! I looked over and noticed that Mr. Aizawa had a huge suitcase next to him.

"W-Wha...? Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

"No, Endeavor's requested that you and Uraraka undergo a physical evaluation before going on your patrols. He also requested that you both stay during the internship." Mr. Aizawa explained.

Staying at Endeavor's agency? Physical evaluation? This was new. I got ready for the day and walked downstairs. Uraraka was standing in front of the dorm doors... Asleep! I looked at the clock on the wall, it was 3:30 in the morning?! I tapped Uraraka on the shoulder to wake her up.

"Huh? Oh! I'm awake!" Uraraka exclaimed.

"Looks like this is the start of an amazing internship." I sarcastically smiled.

"We're gonna regret this, aren't we?" Uraraka asked.

I simply nodded my head and we left the dorms.

[45 Minutes Later...]

We arrived at the Endeavor Agency; it was a huge skyscraper! The entrance of the building had this flaming "E" which actually looked really cool! We walked into the agency and into this huge office space.

"W-Wow... This is not what I expected. There's so many desks!" Uraraka observed.

"Yeah, I wonder how many requests they get?" I questioned.

Uraraka & I walked past the numerous workers and found an elevator. We weren't sure what floor to meet Endeavor on.

"Which floor was it again? Do you still have that paper?" She asked.

I pulled a small piece of paper out of my pocket, "Yeah... It says Floor... 38? It's a bit smudged but that looks like an 8."

Uraraka pressed the 38th floor button and the elevator took off. In a couple of minutes, the elevator stopped and the doors opened up to a training room. We stepped out of the elevator and looked around.

"Ah, there you two are. I was beginning to wonder when you were going to arrive. Follow me, I'll lead you to your room." Endeavor announced.

We followed Endeavor to a side room. Inside were two beds next to the sides of the room. There was a table in the middle of the room with a couple zabutons on the floor. There was also a mini fridge!

"Once you get settled in, we'll start our training. Uravity, Burnin will assist you with your training on the floor below." Endeavor told us.

He left the room and we unpacked our stuff.

"Well, I can't say I expected to stay here for a while, but at least the view from here is nice!" I noted.

"I'd have to agree with you on that one. The view is pretty!" Uraraka bubbled.

We finally got everything situated and we walked back out to the training room. Uraraka went to the elevator to head down to the other floor.

(Listen to "The Recommended Hero Activity Project" from My Hero Academia!)

"Alright, Leonidus, I expect you to be at your best. For the next two weeks, we'll be conducting training exercises that'll not only strengthen your Quirk, but your body as well." Endeavor explained.

I nodded, "Okay, I'm ready!"

[13 Days Later...]

After almost 2 weeks of grueling training and getting up at 5 in the morning, I actually felt a lot stronger! I stood in front of a barbell that weighed 8,000 pounds, I activated my Base Mode and grabbed the weight.

"Remember, concentrate, Alyx." Endeavor instructed.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. I lifted the barbell up to my chest and held it. I switched into Mode One and lifted it over my head! Comparing how much I could lift before in Mode One, it pales in comparison now! I then did 6 sets of 20 reps with the weight.

"Excellent! You've definitely improved. Now, step two, push-ups!" Endeavor shouted.

I nodded and deactivated my Quirk got down on the ground.

[15 Minutes Later...]

"2,048... 2,049... 2,050!" I shouted.

"Good, that's better than last week. Next up, 10 mile running. Make sure you do 100 jumping jacks after every mile." Endeavor told me.

"O-Okay!" I replied.

[30 Minutes Later...]

I was nearly out of breath after all that running and those damn jumping jacks. But I finally did all 1,000 jumping jacks this time!

"Incredible... You managed to only do 6 miles yesterday. You weren't holding back, were you?" Endeavor questioned.

"N-No sir! I... I guess... I still wasn't used to the training yet." I panted.

He nodded and we moved on to the second to last part of the training. I had to lift the giant "E" outside! We went downstairs and in the temporarily cleared office space was the E! I walked up to it and grabbed it.

"I'd be surprised if you could move that thing, let alone lift it." Endeavor chuckled.

I grinned and entered Mode Three. I lifted the thing up over my head without any problem! I even did a few reps with it!

"I-If this... Is all you've got..." I mumbled.

Endeavor smirked, "So, it seems as if you really have been improving. Now, for the final test."

We went back into the training room. There was a rope hanging from the ceiling. I got to the rope and started to climb as the high-pressure fans kicked on! They blew me off this thing before, but I wasn't gonna let that happen again! I held my hand out in front of me and created a shield. I used one arm to pull myself up the rope. As the winds grew fierce, my shield grew larger! I almost made it to the top before I nearly slipped! I instinctively bit the rope to keep myself steady.

I balanced myself and kept going! For the first time in two weeks, I made it to the top of the rope! I hit the button to shut the fans off and I climbed down the rope. I was hot, sweaty, and beyond exhausted! I'm glad that I won't have to do this again!

"Holy shit... That was a lot of work!" I exclaimed.

"Indeed, but judging from your physique and agility, that work has turned you into a new person." Endeavor observed.

"Y-Yeah! Man... I've never been... Out of breath before!" I noted.

The elevator doors opened and Uraraka stepped into the room.

"Woah... Alyx? Is that you? You're so toned!" She beamed.

I rubbed the back of my head and smiled, "Yep! I guess you've never actually seen me since I'm in bed before you finish training."

Endeavor ordered food for us and I went to go shower.

[15 Minutes Later...]

I walked back into the side room feeling waaay better than earlier.

"So, what do you think the others will say once we get back? I can't wait to show them how much we've changed!" Uraraka wondered.

I sat down on a zabuton, "I dunno, but I'm super excited to show them as well!"

"I just hope Deku's doing alright. Who knows what he's been through for the last two weeks?" Uraraka added.

Burnin walked in with 4 bags of food! My eyes lit up with joy!

"Alright, kids, here ya go! We'll be starting your patrol in a couple of days. There're just some things that need discussin' before then." Burnin told us.

"Okay, thank you, Burnin!" I replied.

She set the bags of food down on the table and left the room. We started to eat and I honestly don't think I've ever had buffet food that tasted so good!

"Geez... That's a lot of stuff, Alyx! That's more than what I have!" Uraraka giggled.

"Mm Hm! Endeavor thaid... I haf to... Eat a lot in order to keep my strength up!" I replied as I finally swallowed my food.

"B-But there's three boxes filled to the brim with stuff! Are you really gonna eat all that?" She questioned.

I nodded my head, "Yep! I can share some with you if you want."

[4 Hours Later...]

Even though it was only 7:30, Endeavor told us it was lights out time. I still couldn't believe that we had to go to bed at 7:30, what are we? 70-year old's? I tried to get some sleep but I couldn't help but hear sniffling. I sat up and look over to Uraraka's side of the room. She was curled up in a ball and she had her back to me. A pillow was also covering her head. I walked over and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I cooed.

"I just miss home, that's all." Uraraka sniffled.

I sat down next to her, "You miss Deku, right? Trust me, I miss all of them too, Momo especially."

Uraraka sat up and wiped her eyes. I looked back at my bed then back at her.

"Luckily, I've gotta solution!" I told her.

I walked over to my bed and picked it up. I set it down right next to her bed.

"Dojyaaan! I literally just now thought of this!" I exclaimed.

"Did you just seriously haul that bed over here?" Uraraka laughed.

"Speaking of hauling, how'd you're training go? I totally forgot to ask." I asked to try to get her mind off of things.

"Well, Burnin's mainly helped me out with the nausea I feel when I use my Quirk. I didn't think she'd be able to, but she understands my Quirk completely!" Uraraka replied.

I laid back down in my bed, "Really? So, how's that going? Can you control your nausea stuff yet?"

"Almost, it's still there just a bit. It's not as bad as before though." Uraraka told me.

"Honestly, I'd rather have nausea than have my lungs burning whenever I use my Quirk. Luckily, I don't have to deal with that as much as I used to." I responded.

I sat up and activated my Quirk only in my right hand, "I'm still amazed at this whole thing, it's hard to believe that this used to be violet-blue instead of white and aqua blue. If that tournament never happened, who knows where I'd be."

Uraraka leaned closer to me and looked at my arm.

"How did that happen? I don't really remember it besides Tomikoa throwing that huge ball of light at you." Uraraka asked me.

"Well, I guess it's kind of strange. I actually did some research with Momo, Iida, and Kendo on it. Apparently, under some circumstances, Quirks can go through some sort of 'Awakening.' My Quirk seemingly absorbed her attack as some sort of self-preservation, if not entirely self-preservation. All that Quirk energy I absorbed from her was like a catalyst to awakening my Quirk." I explained.

"Hell, even my Rage Quirk was awoken as well! Those arms that come out of my back don't make holes in my back anymore, plus I can control it much more easily now! I haven't used it in a while though but I think-" I continued.

I felt her head fall on my shoulder, I looked over and saw that she was asleep. I grabbed my pillow and placed it on the wall behind me. I fell asleep sitting up since I didn't want to disturb her.

[The Next Day...]

I woke up floating in the air, I looked down at the ground and saw that Uraraka was sleeping across both beds. I activated Mode One and floated back down to the ground. Uraraka got up as the alarm on her phone sounded off.

"Oh, sorry. Did I make you float?" She groggily asked.

"Yeah, it's fine though. Are we supposed to pack our things or...?" I wondered.

Endeavor walked into the room, "We're sending you back to Heights Alliance. Pack your things, I have an escort ready for the both of you."

We nodded and Endeavor left to let us pack our things. Once we got ready for the day, we walked to the elevator with our suitcases and left for home.

[10 Minutes Later...]

The car came to a grinding halt, and we looked out from the car. I saw some guy in the air with debris floating around him!

"W-Wait... That mask... Is that Chisaki?!" Uraraka shouted.

"Chisaki? You mean the guy that Deku fought to save Eri? That Chisaki? I thought he was dead!" I yelled.

Uraraka and I jumped out of the car. We had no time to put our hero costumes on, so we had to go fight as is!

(I.R.P.: Listen to "Trinity" from My Hero Academia!)

"Grab on, we're going in!" I shouted.

Uraraka hopped onto my back and we took off towards Chisaki!

"What's the plan?!" Uraraka yelled.

"We're gonna try and take him out right here! I need you to hit as many pieces of debris as possible, alright?" I replied.

"Okay! Let's do this!" She grinned.

We zoomed to the side of Chisaki, Uraraka swiped at as many pieces of debris as she could. Chisaki turned to face us and blasted us backwards! I rebounded in the air with a Flash Cannon! The explosion shattered the surrounding debris! We flew back in, darting in and out to avoid Chisaki. Where in the hell were the other Pro Heroes?

"Why don't you heroes just die already?! I've had my fill with one of you already!" He roared.

"Oh, don't worry, we'll be out of your hair soon enough!" I shouted.

"Heaven's Gates: Bind!" I yelled.

My gate construct held Chisaki in place, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape!

"Now, Uravity, Let's finish this! Stardust Shoot: Ten Fingers!" I exclaimed.

My Stardust Shoot bounced off the debris, I made sure that it didn't hit Chisaki just for this very attack!

"Overdrive Style: Uravity Release!" Uraraka exclaimed.

The debris and Stardust Shoot combination closed in on Chisaki, pelting him hard! It actually managed to work! I made my Stardust Shoot non-lethal, so that way I could cause more damage to him without killing him! The faster those things are bouncing around in that closed space, the more he was gonna feel sore in the morning!

"Just to make sure he's through!" I shouted.

I put my arms to the side and then back out in front of me, "Diamond Buster: TIMES FIVE!!"

My attack grew larger and I fired it off at Chisaki! The explosion nearly knocked us backwards! I smiled and looked back at Uraraka. We actually did it! That was surprisingly easy!

"LOOK OUT!" Uraraka yelled.

I looked back and saw a small concrete tentacle come towards me, I slightly managed to dodge it, but it pierced my side! I shot off more Stardust Shoot at Chisaki as we fell to the ground.

"D-Damn it!" I yelped as I clutched my side.

I protected Uraraka by guiding our fall, being that I was injured, I couldn't exactly direct my flight. We rolled off the ground as Chisaki landed a few feet away from us.

"Leonidus, are you alright? Hold on!" Uraraka exclaimed.

She quickly tore off a piece of her jacket and wrapped it around my waist. Uraraka sat me up and Chisaki came towards us. From a sitting point of view, Chisaki looked a little intimidating!

(I.R.P.: Listen to "Just Another Hero" from My Hero Academia!)

"Wait a minute, I recognize you. You're Uravity. I hope that kid's watching this, maybe he'll learn not to cross my path again if I kill you." Chisaki growled.

He slammed down on the ground and dozens of spikes came towards us! I put my hand on the ground and made a force shield around us. My shield started to crack as I felt the control of my Quirk start to lessen. Just then, a shower of flames surrounded us! We heard Chisaki scream in agony! I looked back.

"E-Endeavor! Burnin!" I shouted with glee.

"You two did good, now, leave the rest to us!" Endeavor shouted.

They charged forward and engaged Chisaki. I lowered my force shield and pointed my hand out like a gun.

"FLASH FIRE FIST!" I heard Endeavor yell.

I tried to steady my aim, but since I got pierced on my right side, it was hard to even hold my arm up! Uraraka grabbed my arm and steady it.

"E-Endeavor! I need you to get me a clear shot of the base of his neck! Please!" I telepathically asked.

"Right! I'm on it!" He replied.

Chisaki sure is a good fighter! I think I'd even have trouble with him. I looked back at Uraraka.

"W-We need to get closer!" I told her.

She nodded and put my arm around her shoulder. We moved forward and she sat me back down on the ground. Burnin flew in and slammed a fist right into Chisaki's stomach! It made him stagger back a bit, but it still wasn't a clean enough shot for me to knock him out!

"We're almost there! Don't worry, Leonidus, we'll get him right where you want 'em!" Burnin said.

I smiled and pointed my finger back out. Endeavor and Burnin shot a unified fire attack at Chisaki, but he guarded himself by raising a wall in front of him. He needed to turn around so that way I could hit the pressure point on his neck and his head! If I use enough force when I fire my Stardust Shoot, it should work! I noticed that a piece of debris was still floating in the air, Uraraka was still holding on to an extra piece!

"This'll send him spinning!" Uraraka smiled.

She sent the debris down towards him, Endeavor distracted Chisaki and caused the debris to smack right into Chisaki's head, stunning him! He spun around, and Uraraka steadied my aim.

"Stardust Shoot: Split Shot!" I shouted.

It fired off and hit dead on where I wanted them to! Chisaki stood motionless and with a blank expression before he fell over. Endeavor grabbed Chisaki and restrained his mechanical arms so he couldn't do anymore harm.

"W-We did it! Hell yeah!" I shouted.

Burnin made her way towards me as the police arrived.

"This might hurt, kid, get ready!" She warned.

Burnin used her hair on my injury to cauterize it. It wasn't as bad as Shoto's flames when he cauterized the slashes on my back from Dark Shadow. Uraraka helped me up to my feet. The police apprehended Chisaki once more, and hopefully the last time.

"So, I'm guessing all of the criminals that were in Tartarus are still wondering Japan?" I asked.

"Some of them, not all of them. Every Pro Hero has been tracking at least one of them. That's why these internships are much longer than your previous ones." Endeavor explained.

That must be why we're doing this internship for a month. After a quick cleanup of the city, we finally made out way back to the dorms.

[30 Minutes Later]

We stood in front of the dorm doors, "I wonder if they're home?"

"I would think, but then again, it's like almost noon." I replied.

We walked into the dorms. Kirishima, Bakugo, Tsu, Ojiro and Hagakure were home!

"Hey! How's- WOAH! DUDE, YOU'RE JACKED!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"Not to mention Ochako, you two look totally different!" Tsu observed.

"Well, that's what training with Endeavor and Burnin for two weeks does to you, Tsu!" I chuckled.

"You can call me 'Tsuyu', you know." She told me.

"Oh, sorry! I guess I'm just used to calling you that!" I replied.

Bakugo got up and looked at me, "What sort of training did you do?"

"Well, first he had me do 6 sets of 15 reps with an 8,000-pound barbell. Then, I had to do at least 100 push-ups a day, but I had to double them each day. I actually did nearly 2,100 yesterday! Then, he had me lift that big "E" that's at the entrance of his entrance and do reps with that thing too! Oh, wait, before that he had me run 10 miles and do 10 jumping jacks after each mile. And finally, I had to climb this rope while I was getting blasted by high pressure fans!" I explained.

Everyone looked at me dumbfounded.

"I did somethings but not like that! You must've had it rough!" Uraraka told me.

I nodded, "Yeah, it was honestly hell, but it was worth it! Now, not only has my durability increased, but my stamina and my Quirk longevity too!"

"Huh, maybe I should've interned with Endeavor!" Ojiro joked.

I heard the dorm doors open and I looked behind me. Deku walked into the dorms, looking extremely tired.

"Deku!" Uraraka shouted as she hugged him.

"W-Woah! Hey, I'm glad to see you too!" Deku smiled.

Deku looked over at me, "Wow, you're looking a lot better than two weeks ago! Same with you, Uraraka!"

Soon, everyone came home, except for Momo and Jiro. Where were they? I tried to contact Momo telepathically but I didn't get a response. I searched for her Heat Energy; she was stationary about 2 miles East from here.

"I'm going out for a while. I'll be back soon!" I announced to everyone.

I left the dorms and took off towards Momo's Heat Energy, was it slowly fading?

[10 Minutes Later...]

I flew as fast as I could and I arrived in Hosu City. I landed down in an alleyway, there was a trail of blood in the snow leading to a body next to a dumpster. My heart was pounding as I quickly approached the body.

"Momo!" I shouted.

I ran over and knelt down to her, she still had a pulse, but she wasn't doing too good! I healed her up a bit to stop the bleeding. I didn't want her to go into shock so I did it one bit at a time. She slowly opened her eyes.

"Alyx...?" She muttered.

I quickly hugged her, "It's okay, I'm here!"

"W-We... Need to... Leave..." Momo muttered again.

As she said this, I felt a presence enter the alleyway. I knew something was wrong by the cuts on her body, they were done by a blade with a ribbed side.

"Looks like I've found another little hero I can slice up! You should've stayed out of my business." He cackled.

I turned around, there he stood at the end of the alleyway, the ugliest motherfucker that I've ever seen. One thing was for certain, I wasn't going to hold back on this asshole.

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! :) )

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