
Sports Festival... Again? The Return Home!

As it turns out, since I ended the League's invasion on the U.S.J. early, the Sports Festival had started a week before my first year Sports Festival. I was still in this rather bizarre world since Mr. Aizawa and the Aizawa of this world were working with various Pro Heroes to figure out a way to bring me back. They had an idea, all they needed was an incredible amount of brain power. I sat in the stands of the Sports Festival Stadium and waited for the things to play out like they did in my world. The tournament was just beginning, so it would be Alyxus vs. Sero.

[35 Minutes Later...]

Yep, everything was playing out exactly how I remembered it! Especially how my match with Deku ended, it was the exact same!

"I thought you said were weren't attending the Festival?" Shotai asked.

"Oh, no, I wasn't going to enter. It might be weird if I did since Alyxus and I practically are the same person." I replied.

Izumi sat down after returning from Recovery Girl's Stadium Office. I noticed a peculiar smile on her face.

"Hey! Todoroki, we're up next after Kacchan's match!" She beamed.

Shotai glanced over at her and looked forward without saying a word. I guess Alyxus was right after all. Ms. Aizawa walked over to us.

"Alyx, we've managed to formulate a device that'll allow you to transport back to your world. We'll also be able to communicate with you as well." She told me.

Thankfully, I've given them a detailed list of what the League's future plans are and where they're located! She handed me what looked like a smartphone watch.

"Do you have to go?" Shotai wondered.

I turned and looked at her, "I'll come and visit with the others, I promise! Also, let me give you this."

I handed her a bracelet that was colored blue and white. I could've sworn I saw a smile on her face. I waved goodbye to everyone and thanked them for everything. I wasn't sure how this would work, but here goes!

[5 Minutes Later...]

I appeared in what looked like the workshop Hatsume does her inventions at. The lights were off, and the room looked like it hadn't been touched in years.

"I don't like the feel of this..." I muttered.

I noticed that my watch had a recharge time of 15 minutes. So, basically, I was stuck here until then.

"Hey, who's there?" I heard a familiar voice.

The door opened and Momo stood in the doorway! I looked up and smiled.

"Momz! Man, am I really glad to see you!" I smiled.

I ran over to her and hugged her. I wasn't sure what she was wearing, since it was kinda dark, but it didn't feel abnormal.

"You don't belong here, do you?" She questioned.

I looked at her, "What do you...?"

She turned the light on, and I finally saw her. This definitely wasn't my Momo, that's for sure! I got heavy villain vibes from her.

"You don't smell like him and most definitely..." Her voice trailed off.

She got closer to me and licked my neck, "...You don't taste like him either."

Just when I thought I was back home, I get baited, and now I'm in some villain world!

"But you are him, similar scars, body mass, looks, I'd be a fool to believe otherwise. So, you won't have to worry about me killing you, I assume this is all a mistake?" Momo finished.

"Yeah, I'm just trying to get back home, sorry if I've caused any trouble." I replied.

She grabbed my wrist and looked and the device. Momo studied it for a bit before scoffing.

"What jackass calibrated this? Come on, we're going to someone who's actually smarter than a damn single cell organism." Momo told me.

She grabbed my hand and we walked out of the room. I passed students who were all minding their own businesses. Someone stood in front of Momo and she shoved him out of the way! He looked up at her and scurried away.

"Fuckin' runt." I heard her mutter.

We eventually made our way to the dorms, which on the outside looked like one of those crack dens, but the inside was fine. They're really stretching this whole villain mood out, huh? We walked inside and she told me to sit down at the kitchen table.

"Ooo... Is this a new plaything? He looks like... Oh, wait..." Mina exclaimed.

"Don't put your fuckin' hands on him either. I'm going to Hatsume to recalibrate this device." Momo growled.

They all gathered around me, each having a unique psychotic look in their eyes, which I didn't think was possible until now.

"He definitely looks like a goody-two-shoes alright." Sero commented.

"I wonder what your blood tastes like. Something sweet, perhaps?" Deku wondered.

I shook my head and sighed, "Good grief... Listen, I'm Alyx Leonidus. In my world, I'm a Second Year at U.A. High. I was teleported into a different world like what's going on now. I'm not sure why or how I managed to get there or here, except for the fact that the device I was wearing transported me here."

"Huh, that sounds interesting. Normally, people would be begging for their lives around us, you definitely aren't normal." Kaminari replied.

"Hey, what in the hell is going on?" I heard someone ask.

We all looked back and there stood the villain version of me!

"Well? I expect a goddamn answer!" He shouted.

I stood up from my chair, "Are you the alpha of this pack or something? You must not be, since I'm clearly staring at some bitch with an obvious superiority complex."

"U-Uh... Good Alyx, I don't think you should say that!" Kirishima warned.

The other Alyx stood in front of me, and I stared him down.

"What. Was. That?" He demanded.

"You. Are. A. Bitch. Do you want me to spell it out for you? B-I-T-C-H." I smirked.

He activated Mode Two and punched me in the face. My head barely moved, and everyone gasped with awe! I slightly moved his fist back as I looked at him.

"Trust me, this isn't a fight you want, and it won't be one you win." I advised.

"Oh, fuck off!" He shouted.

He tried to punch me again, but I caught his fist. Why was the villain version of me so weak? I bent his wrist backwards and he dropped to one knee. I activated Mode Two myself and drove my knee into his jaw. I let go of his wrist and he stumbled backwards. Momo came downstairs and gasped.

"D-Did you just...?" She wondered.

Momo ran over and stood next to me. The other Alyx wiped blood off his face.

"W-What... How... How are you doing this?" He panted.

"Oh, it's because I'm you but stronger. You know, it's really disappointing to see an alternate version of me that's this weak. You really haven't been doing any Quirk training, have you?" I responded.

"Oh my... I didn't think someone like you was hiding all that man! You sure you don't want to make a quick pit stop at my room before you go?" Momo cooed.

I shook my head, "No, thank you though! I'll be sure to keep in contact with you guys as well. I'm sure you'd need the training."

Before I left, the other Alyx told me something.

"Thank you." He softly smiled.

I smiled back at him and transported out of that world.

[10 Minutes Later...]

I opened my eyes and stood in a bathroom. It was one of the bathrooms at the dorms!

"Please let this be my world... Please..." I muttered.

I slowly opened the door and looked down the hallway. It was nighttime wherever I was. I slowly walked out of the bathroom and found my room. I guess I was lucky enough to land on the 5th floor. My room was like how I left it before I got transported to that world! I made my way over to Momo's room and knocked on her door.

"Kaminari, they haven't found a way to bring him back yet, or at least not to my knowledge. I should have an answer tomorrow, like I've been telling you." Momo relayed from the other side of her door.

I walked in and smiled, "Really? He's been asking that much?"

Her eyes lit up with joy as she ran over to me.

"Darling! You're back!" She beamed.

Momo hugged me and I spun her around as I hugged her. I heard a "poof" to the left of me on Momo's bed.

"NYA!!" Luna exclaimed.

I barely had enough time to drop Momo before Luna came barreling into me!

"I've missed you soooooo much! But I've gotten so many head pats, belly scratches and back scratches that I thought I was in heaven! Could you pretend to go missing again sometime soon?" Luna grinned.

"Yeah, I missed you too, Luna!" I laughed as I pat her head.

I looked over at Momo who had her arms crossed. Luna quickly hopped from me to the middle of Momo's bed, curled up into a ball, and fell asleep.

"Well? Where is it?" Momo asked.

I shook my head and smiled. I walked over to her, and with what's felt like forever since then, kissed her. I looked over at her bed, then back at her.

"Do you just wanna head to my room being that your bed is currently occupied?" I questioned.

She nodded and I swept her up off her feet. I carried her to my room and plopped her down on my bed.

"Before you forget, make sure you take out those contacts, I don't want you getting an eye infection." Momo told me.

I took the wraps out from the bag in my desk before I took my contacts out. After that, I kept my eyes closed and walked over to my bed with my eye wrap. Momo helped me wrap it around my eyes and head.

"Where'd you get that necklace at? I've never seen it before." Momo wondered.

"Oh! That was from Shotai who was a female version of Shoto. Trust me, it's a lot to explain." I chuckled.

[The Next Morning...]

I got a huge warm welcome back from everyone this morning. They told me that I was gone for nearly the entire break! We only had two days left until we went back to school. I guess I really can't say that I didn't have an interesting break though.

"Woah, that sounds crazy! You're saying you went through two different worlds?!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"Yeah huh! It was super crazy! I'm honestly really prepared for anything at this point." I replied.

I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder, "Glad to have you back, Amnesia. Now Dunceface over here can stop pacing the fucking dorms every day."

Mr. Aizawa and Principal Nezu walked in with a bunch of papers. They set them down in front of me.

"It's a pleasure to see you're back and well, Leonidus! We truly need to keep watch over you, hm?" Principal Nezu greeted.

I rubbed the back of my head and laughed, "Yeah, I guess so!"

"Anyways, I'm assuming you're wondering what these papers are, yes?" Nezu questioned.

"Yes sir, what are these for?" I wondered.

"We've finished the research on your Overdrive Quirk. We had to combine the already established information from various sources in America with our own research. There were some AP Levels we had to rule out to get a more exact number." Mr. Aizawa replied.

He sat down two papers in front of me, I read them:


SUBJECT: Alyx S. Leonidus

AGE: 17

HEIGHT: 174cm

Notes: Student portraits abnormally strong Quirk, like one Izuku Midoriya's Quirk, but on a higher scale. Possibly Emitter? Just a hypothesis; doesn't show similar signs of Emitter, Transformation type Quirks. Is not Mutant type Quirk.


Quirk works in a "System," ranging from "Modes" 1 to 5. Although has shown to have a higher level of his Quirk before and after awakening called "Infinite Mode." Properties of this are still unknown outside of superhuman agility, dodging capability, strength, and durability.


AP Level 1 (Base Mode): 550 AP

AP Level 2 (Mode One): 1,400 AP

AP Level 3 (Mode Two): 2,500 AP

AP Level 4 (Mode Three): 3,305 AP

AP Level 5 (Mode Four): N/A Did not reach this level of Quirk before Awakening

AP Level 6 (Mode Five): N/A Same results as above

AP Level 7 (Infinite Mode): 14,900 AP

After Awakening, AP Levels seemingly skyrocketed past expectations, as shown below. Format is as follows.


AP Level 1: 1,600 AP

AP Level 2: 3,000 AP

AP Level 3: 5,200 AP

AP Level 4: 6,800 AP

AP Level 5: 8,500 AP

AP Level 6: 13,000 AP

AP Level 7: 22,000 AP"

I looked through the both documents, I didn't realize my Quirk required this much research! They deemed my Quirk a new type of Quirk: Power Up.