
Relationship Advice With... Kaminari? Sensible Lessons!

It was getting closer and closer to the Provisional License Exam and I couldn't be any more excited! But there was something else on my mind that I needed some help with. I walked into Kaminari's room with a question.

"Hey, do you think you can help me out with something?" I asked.

"Sure man, what's up?" He replied.

"Well... It's about liking someone and figuring out if they like me back." I told him.

He shot up from his bed, "Is it Yaoyorozu-san?! Dude, I'll totally help you out!"

"W-WHAT?! N-No it's... Okay, yes, it is." I confessed.

His smiled widened and his eyes lit up with excitement. I guess he's been preparing for this for a while being that he pulled out a notebook with "Love Plan" written on it. He flipped through the pages of the notebook until he found a page he must've liked.

"Hmm... Yep! Here it is, literally all of the times Yaoyorozu-san talked about you!" Kaminari grinned.

"Wait, first off, you've kept track of that? Second off, she's talked about me?" I questioned.

"Yep and yep! I can tell you what we talked about yesterday when Jiro-san and I hung out with her." Kaminari responded.


[Kaminari Moment...]

"So, you gonna hook up with Leonidus-kun?" Kaminari winked.

"W-What?" Yaoyorozu stuttered.

Jiro brought one of her earphone jacks right up to Kaminari's face which made him sit back down.

Jiro shook her head and sighed, "I think what he's trying to ask is if you're thinking about asking him out. You know, like dating him?"

"Well... I... I'm not sure to be honest. I don't even know if he does have the same feelings as I do." She replied.

"Of course he does! I mean, remember when you were in the hospital? Who was the first person out of all of us to see you? Leonidus-kun was! He even told me that he got to Mode One because he thought that Nomu killed you. Not to mention literally all of the other times he's been there for you. I'm 100% sure that he feels the same way as you, if he doesn't, I might as well not have a Quirk!" Kaminari reassured.

Yaoyorozu leaned forward a bit as she took every word in, "He went to Mode One because of me?"

"Yeah! He told me about it after we got out of the hospital that day. His sister told him that he never triggered a transformation like that out of pure emotion." He responded.

Momo sat back and thought about everything Kaminari told her. At that point, her mind and heart were finally set.

[End of Kaminari Moment]


"You really told her that? For me?" I asked.

"Of course, man! That's not everything she said but I figured you'd like the gist of it." Kaminari nodded.

"Wow... That was actually really nice of you. Thank you!" I smiled.

He leaned back onto his bed, "Don't mention it! I'm a pretty good sweet talker, it runs in the family. So, what do you need to know?"

"Well, I was wondering how I could ask her out, or at least tell her that I feel the same." I asked.

"So, you decide to come to Kaminari-kun instead of literally anyone else?" I heard Jiro question.

I turned around and saw Jiro standing in his doorway. She walked in and sat down on a chair next to me.

"If you're wanting an actual reasonable answer, just tell her how you feel. The worst thing she could tell you is that she doesn't feel the same way, which nine times out of ten, that won't happen." Jiro told me.

"Hmm... Okay, I see what you mean. But I'm still not exactly too confident yet." I responded.

Kaminari looked dumbfounded, "You seriously can't do something like this? Why? You're like... You!"

"It's not exactly easy for everyone, Kaminari-kun. He's not gonna blindly flirt with her and expect to be dating unlike some people I know." Jiro remarked.

"Well, I know for a fact Mineta-san's one of them! I'm not sure who else here would be like that though..." Kaminari replied.

Jiro shook her head and smirked, "Anyways, I'm assuming you'd want some sort of practice, right?"

"Y-Yeah, but I'm not exactly sure how to practice telling her that. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm still nerved up." I admitted.

Jiro pulled her phone out and it looked like she was texting someone or looking up something. She put her phone down and after a couple of minutes, it sounded like a stampede of people were coming towards Kaminari's room. His door burst open quickly. Not only was it the girls from our class, but from 1-B as well! Do all of them know about this?!

"IT'S TIME GIRLS!" Mina shouted.

The girls all barged in and grabbed Kaminari. They hauled him out of his own room!

"H-Hey!! What are you doing? This is my room, you know!" Kaminari yelled.

"No time! This is a temporary learning zone!" Mina argued.

She quickly shut the door and the girls' attention turned to me.

"Soooo, we heard you needed some help with something special, lay it on us!" Mina told me.

"It's about Momo. I'm sure Jiro-san's already told you everything or you guys already could tell. But I need help actually telling her that I like her." I answered.

"How about you try complimenting all of us? I'm sure that would at least get you started somewhere." Jiro suggested.

"O-Oh, okay!" I nodded.

I stood there and thought about what to say to each of them. I guess 1-B was going to be harder to think of except for Kendo and Shiozaki.

"Well... Mina-san, I really like your horns! I think they're really pretty!" I told her.

"Aww, you think so? That's sweet!" She smiled.

"Uraraka-san... Um... Your finger pads remind me of cat paws which those are cute!" I continued.

I continued the compliment train, it actually wasn't really too hard to think of something for all of them! I guess it kind of just comes to me naturally?

"Wow, those were rather sweet! I think you might be ready for the real thing unless you're wanting to actually do a mock ask out." Mina grinned.

"A mock ask out? Huh?" I questioned.

"Basically, just pretend you're talking to Yaoyorozu-san and are wanting to tell her how you feel!" She explained.

"Oh... How am I supposed to do that?" I replied.

"With one of us, silly!" Mina giggled.

I tensed up and felt my cheeks heat up, "W-Wait, wouldn't that be weird?"

"Of course not! We know you're just pretending, just say whatever's on your mind." She reassured.

Yui stepped forward which surprised everyone. Then again, she's really the only one that looks kind of like Momo.

"Yui-chan? Are you wanting to help him out?" Kendo asked.

She looked at Kendo and nodded.

"Okay, okay, places everyone! Mock Ask Out, Take One is in progress!" Uraraka beamed.

They had me stand outside on Kaminari's balcony alongside Yui. I closed my eyes and somewhat got into an actor's mindset. I took a deep breath in and then back out.

"H-Hey, Momo, I have something to tell you. It's... I..." I muttered.

I sighed and leaned on the balcony, "Oh, what's the point? I can't think of anything."

"It takes some time, just listen to what you're feeling." Yui responded.

Her voice sounded like the finest of silk, it almost felt angelic. I took her advice and tried it again.

"Okay... I know we've known each other for quite sometime, but I've always been hesitant to tell you that I honestly like you. Your smile, personality, literally every single thing about you I love, even the things I don't know about you I love. I know all that stuff sounds mushy, but it's true. I honestly love you, Momo." I expressed.

I turned to look at Yui, "Soo... How did I do?"

"Mm!" She replied.

I guess I did good! We walked back inside Kaminari's room.

"Oh. My. God! That was adorable! I heard everything, Yaomomo's gonna definitely fall in love more than what she is now!" Mina bubbled.

Then, Kaminari's door flew open! Mineta stood in front of Kaminari and he gasped.


"A what? What's a harem? Is that like another word for ham or something?" I asked.

The girls from 1-B filed out of Kaminari's room after I thanked them for helping me out. The rest of us left Kaminari and Mineta to their own devices.

"When are you gonna ask her out? I guess the cat is kind of out of the bag now." Uraraka wondered.

"Honestly, after all of that, maybe once the Provisional License Exam is over. I don't want to interrupt her if she's preparing for it. I'm pretty sure I'll just get her overthinking about things if I ask her." I replied.

We walked downstairs and were met by Momo, which kind of caught me off guard a bit.

"Oh, there you all are! I was wondering why the dorms felt unusually empty." Momo noted.

"Yeah, we were... Just discussing somethings! Did you know that Leonidus-kun isn't seeing anyone?" Mina exclaimed.

"M-Mina-san...!" I muttered.

"It's true, we learned a lot about him. Everything that he could remember that is." Tsu added.

Mina leaned forward and whispered something to Momo. Hopefully it wasn't anything to embarrassing...


[Later That Night...]

"Alright girls, the first ever sleepover is here! Now, first things first, Leo. Freakin'. Nidus! I don't mean to sound like Mineta but... He's a total hottie!" Mina exulted.

"He's a boy from America, so what? You don't hear any of us preaching about Todoroki-kun at all." Jiro replied.

"Well, that's what makes him different! If the boys in America are like that, then ship me over there!" Mina argued.

Mina looked over at Yaoyorozu, "I mean, even you've got the hots for him, Yaomomo!"

"W-What? T-That's absurd! He's just a friend of mine, nothing more, nothing less!" Momo stuttered.

"You guys are like around each other all the time though! I see the way you look at him!" Hagakure chimed in.

Momo's face became a brighter red than what it was before, she looked away from everyone as thoughts brewed in her head. As the night went on, the girls conversed with each other, gossiping and wondering what was going to happen during the Provisional Licensing Exam. The other girls went to bed except for Yaoyorozu, she got up from her sleeping bag and quietly left Mina's room. She made the silent walk up to the 5th floor towards Leonidus' room. Momo gently pressed her ear against his door after seeing the faint glow of his desk lamp from underneath his door. She slowly placed her hand on the door knob and opened his door.

She peered inside and saw Leonidus asleep on his bed, blankets covering him as he faced the wall. Momo looked over on his desk, laying on an open page, was one of his notebooks. She slowly crept inside of his room to see what was written, she leaned forward and pushed some hair out of her face. As she read the entry, tears filled her eyes.

"They hurt me again today. Another day, another bullet to the knee, right? Right. I guess I'll just keep writing what I feel, I don't think anyone would believe me if I told them that some of the teachers were doing what they call 'research' on me. Every time I try and refuse, Midnight tells me something, then I black out. I guess that's why I don't really understand certain things anymore. I'm sure there's an end goal to all of this, maybe I'll be some sort of valued member to the Hero Association or something? I guess we'll have to wait and see."

Yaoyorozu looked behind her towards Leonidus, her tears dampened the carpet beneath her. She quickly walked over to him, which woke Alyx up, he looked up with confusion on his face.

"M-Momo...? What are you-" He groggily asked.

Without a word, she hugged him tightly, resting her chin on his shoulder.

"I promise... I'll try my best to be someone you can depend on, Alyx." Momo thought to herself.

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3 )

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