Deku and I peered out from behind an electric power pole, our eyes squinted as we looked around the area. Alyxus was standing on top of me and the villain version of me was standing on top of her. I couldn't believe they both were here! Yesterday, when I went to show Chandelier and Kazunori what my Overdrive Quirk was, they were both in my room, holding somewhat of a conversation with each other. Apparently, some of the people from their worlds came along as well!
"Huh... Most of these people definitely look like students." Deku noted.
"What the fuck was your first clue? The uniforms?" Leonidus wondered.
"Could you not be rude or cuss for 5 minutes, please?" Alyxus chimed in.
"Two words: Fuck. No." He retorted.
I looked up at him, "Could you guys shut up? We're trying to be sneaky!"
People walked by us and stared at us, Leonidus rolled his eyes before returning his gaze to the street in front of us. These students looked rather confused as to where they were at exactly, I wonder how many exactly go to U.A.? Trying to balance wondering what was going on top of my Work-Studies with Selkie was kind of difficult. We all made our way back to the dorms, in all honesty, I completely forgot to tell Chandelier and Kazunori about my Quirk!
[20 Minutes Later...]
"AAALLLLRIGHT! So, sorry about that, guys! I completely forgot to tell you about my Quirk. Now that we're all here, I've got the official study right here thanks to the scientists at I-Island!" I announced.
I grabbed the stapled papers, "*Ahem*, Overdrive is a newly discovered type of Quirk, vastly different than the already established 'Emitter', 'Transformation', and 'Mutant' types of Quirks. This new type of Quirk is called 'Power-Up'. In this case, a user with the Overdrive Quirk has 'levels' that they can access, up to at least 5 in addition to a beginning level. In order to trigger or enter these levels, they must exert their Quirk, similar to 'powering up'. There are other techniques and abilities that need further research, one of which being known as 'Infinite Mode'."
"Interesting... I'm sure that other Quirk you have falls into the Transformation category, right?" Chandelier guessed.
"Uh huh! You'd be right, it does some interesting things to my body!" I replied.
I looked over in the kitchen, it looked like Mineta was talking to Alyxus about something. Was he actually not being a perv for once? I walked into the kitchen and immediately regretted it.
"Wow... Who know that the female version of Alyx had amazing cans! Can I feel 'em?! Please!?" Mineta perved out.
"I'll send you to the moon and back 8 times if you ever ask that again." She responded.
I sighed and shook my head, "Good grief... Where's the coffee creamer?"
"Darling, it's almost 5." Momo told me.
I nodded at her and searched the upper cabinets.
"Say, speaking of coffee creamer, I bet you could totally cream the girl version of you, Alyx." Mineta insinuated.
I grabbed the coffee creamer and stayed in place. Something about those perversions of his finally got to me. I slammed the coffee creamer down onto the counter and looked at him.
"Yes, Mineta, let me just force myself onto my female counterpart from another universe. That TOTALLY wouldn't fuck anything up there or here, let's just forget how weird that is to quite literally fuck yourself. Oh, let's even bury the fact that I'm currently in a relationship, that wouldn't matter now would it? I should just drop everything right here, right now, just to embark on a fanfic fueled sexual adventure and not focus on the things at hand just because there are more females in this dormitory right now AND the fact that I'm well acquainted with female Pro Heroes. Let's just fucking do that, why don't we?" I snapped.
The dorms became silent as everyone stared at me. I took a deep breath in and then back out.
"Now, if you don't mind, I'll be creaming ONE person and ONE person only. Okay? Okay." I ended.
I made myself some coffee because I honestly needed it.
"Damn, not gonna lie, that was hot as hell." Villain Yaoyorozu purred.
"I'd have to agree as well, me." Momo replied.
Now that both Momo's were here, this definitely was gonna be a doozy, that's for sure. I at least have the other Leonidus to keep her company, hopefully they've made some progress with each other, right?
[Later That Night...]
All I can say is that Uncle Zenitsu is probably cussing up a storm right now. I'm fairly certain that Mineta would be telling me about how this was exactly like a Harem or whatever those things were called.
"Hey, Deku, are you still awake?" I telepathically asked.
"Yeah, I am. What's up?" He answered.
"What do I do?" I fretted.
"What do you mean? Is something wrong?" Deku wondered.
"No, no, um... Both Momo's are in my room. Who do I distribute cuddles to or how do I make them even? Is that even possible in this situation?" I worried.
"Uh... Well... Think of it like this! You've got two arms, right? Use those at full power and cuddle them both!" He told me.
"Ah, I get it! Alright, I'll give it a shot, thank you!" I replied.
I looked to my left and my right, I puffed my cheeks out a bit and wrapped each arm around both of them. I was trying not to shout "POWERRR!!!" at the top of my lungs as I did it. I sat there with an intense smile on my face.
"Could you move closer to me, boo? I'm kinda cold." Yaoyorozu whispered.
I scooted her closer to me with my right arm, "Darling, could you warm up a bit, I'm starting to feel cold."
I pulled Momo closer to me with my left arm. I heard a knock on my door and Shotai peeked her head through the door. Oh, sweet lord Jesus... I blinked for a split second and found myself in the Seventh Plane. I felt the looming presence of Uncle Zenitsu right behind me. I slowly turned my head and smiled at him.
"Heeeey, Uncle Zenitsu! Long time no see! How's it going?" I nervously laughed.
He slowly pulled out his blade, "Alyx, what do you think you're trying to do?"
"I-I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm not doing anything!" I argued.
He pulled his sword out and started hitting me on the top of the head with the hilt!
Uncle Zenitsu stopped hitting me and opened up a rift in the Plane.
"HMMMM?!?!" He uttered.
I looked in to see myself, both Momos, Shotai and... AND KATSUKO?! I coughed up blood as I fell backwards onto the ground. Uncle Zenitsu stood over me as I was seeing stars.
"You've mastered it, haven't you?" Uncle Zenitsu asked.
I held my head, wiped blood from my mouth, and looked up at him extremely confused.
"Mastered what?" I wondered perplexed.
"Babe Breathing. Something I've been trying to subconsciously master for years. So, have you mastered it?" He deadpanned.
All of the sudden, I saw the outline of Aunt Nezuko right behind him. I heard a loud "PA-TING" as she hit him in the back of the head with a frying pan!
"What did I tell you about harassing our nephew with your little 'hot babe' antics?" She scolded.
I looked into the rift as Aunt Nezuko was scolding Uncle Zenitsu, my eyes widened eyes I looked over to my balcony.
I put my hands on my face, "OH MY GOD!!"
"What? What's wrong?" Aunt Nezuko quickly asked.
"M-Mineta, he's on my balcony! What... Oh no..." I exclaimed.
He was practically scowling with rage as he looked in from my balcony door. How'd he even get up there?!
"I gotta get back to reality, I'll see you guys soon! I love you!" I beamed.
I faded out of the Seventh Plane right as Uncle Zenitsu was trying to say something. I finally opened my eyes and I stared at my ceiling; I couldn't move unless I wanted to move any of them. I could try something that Mikaboshi told me he could do, but I could only do it for a few minutes. I signaled for him to send my soul out of my body so I could talk to Mineta. I floated over towards him and went through my balcony door.
"What exactly are you doing?" I asked.
"What do you think you're doing? That's a Harem if I've ever seen one, Alyx! Just do it already, I wanna watch!" Mineta countered.
"First off, no. Second off, I don't know what the fuck a 'Harem' is, but that's not what's happening here. Clearly, they can't sleep and need some form of comfort in order to sleep. It's not that hard to see that, Mineta." I replied.
He blinked a couple times, "I still don't understand how you can't see what I see."
"Well, I gotta get back to my body, we'll talk later." I told him.
I returned to my room and back into my body. I regained consciousness and nearly threw up, that'll be the last time I do that!
[2 Hours Later...]
"GAH!" I yelped.
"Could ya stop fuckin' snorin'... Tryin' to... Fucking sleep..." Katsuko sleepily growled.
I guess everyone else was used to my snoring besides her. Now that I was awake yet again, I just so happened to look outside of my balcony door once again.
"What. In the fuck. Are you doing?!" I mouthed.
Mineta was STILL standing outside of my balcony door! He firmly pressed his face on the glass and breathed heavily.
"Do it. Do it..." He mouthed back.
I tensed up as I realized I said that outloud. They all woke up and looked at me.
"H-Huh... What's wrong, darling?" Momo asked.
I intensely smiled out of both fear and annoyance, I looked over to my balcony door, Uncle Zenitsu and Mineta were both tapping their foots as they had their arms crossed. I got up from my bed and stomped over to my balcony door. I slid the door open with great force that I probably could've shattered the glass.
"GET. OUT." I fumed.
"I'm not leaving until-" Mineta tried to argue.
I grabbed him with one hand and threw him off my balcony towards his room. I looked over at Uncle Zenitsu who then slowly faded back into the Seventh Plane. I walked back into my room, visibly tired, and slightly annoyed.
"What was that about?" Shotai asked.
"Mineta's been harassing me all night, telling me that I... I'm pretty sure you guys get the picture." I sighed.
"Oi, Icy-Hoe, let's go show that asshole what for. He's been harassing me all damn day." Katsuko grinned.
The two left my room, I turned towards Momo and the villain Momo.
"You wouldn't happen to have that dumbass Work-Study tomorrow, would you?" Yaoyorozu wondered.
I shook my head, "No, Sundays are the one-time Selkie lets me stay home, I guess it's to catch up with school work."
They both looked at each other, almost as if they were communicating telepathically. They smiled at me, I was confused, what were they smiling for?
[The Next Morning...]
"Good mo- Holy shit, dude, you alright?" Shinso greeted.
I simpered and slowly nodded with my eyes slightly closed, "Mm."
"Did you get to sleep at all last night?" He questioned.
"Mm." I responded.
Both Momos came down, lively and talking to one another. Leonidus looked over at them from the couch. His eyes moved over to me and they narrowed. I walked into the kitchen to make coffee.
"Woaaah, dude, you look fucked! Did you sleep?" Kaminari remarked.
"You can say that again." I deadpanned.
I sat there and stared at the coffee pot as it filled up. After a few minutes, it finished filling the pot.
"Hey, do you want your eggs scrambled or-" Uraraka tried to ask me.
I drank from the coffee pot, I chugged the whole thing down in a matter of seconds. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath in, then exhaled.
"Scrambled is fine, Uraraka." I responded.
I sat down next to Momo and placed my head on the palm of my right hand. I was staring off into space. Last night was quite the... Treat? I guess? I snapped out of my trance as Uraraka placed a plate down in front of me.
"So, what's on the agenda for today?" Deku wondered.
"Well, we still need to get everyone back to their original worlds. How we do that, well, it's still up for debate." Iida answered.
"I have a watch that can travel to different worlds, the only problem with that is it's hard to get to different places if I don't have some kind of coordinates for that world. Not to mention the dozens of people wondering around here and other parts of Japan that aren't supposed to be here." I chimed in.
"Then the watch is fuckin' useless. What else do we have?" Kazunori added.
Alyxus sat up in her chair, "There's a possibility that we can make the rifts ourselves. Or well, using a machine, rather than our own Quirks. We would need a substantial amount of power in order to open up those rifts. There's a lot of math that goes into this, trust me, I should know."
"Wait... A substantial amount of power?" Kirishima pondered.
Everyone's heads looked over at me. I moved my eyes from left to right as I surveyed the room.
"Your Gear Six or that Infinite Mode should do the trick! It's super powerful, plus I'm sure it can generate tons of power!" Kirishima continued.
"Gear Six? That was just me bluffing! I used Gear Five at full power, which I've never done before." I laughed.
"But at the Sports Festival, you even said it was Gear Six! You looked way different than before! Why was is like that at the Festival then?" Laura noted.
"Yeah, I know, and I'd rather not talk about that." I responded.
"Huh?" Everyone uttered.
"Just... Let's change the subject, okay? I don't want to talk about that." I lamented.
Thinking about the Sports Festival honestly made me feel like shit. My overthinking got me... Now I'm thinking about it, wonderful!
"W-What's important is that we get everyone back to their homes. I can establish contact with the other worlds by relaying a message to them. I won't know where it ends up, so if I get a response, then we're in luck." I continued.
Deku nodded at me, "Alright, then that's what we'll do. I'll talk with Mr. Aizawa and see if he can't get some sort of machine created."
I knew the person I needed to talk to about that as well! It might be a challenge for her, but I'm sure her and her Father will be able to make something. We all ended our little morning meeting, I went outside to call Melissa and to take a breather. I called her and waited for her to pick up.
"Hey, Alyx! What's up?" Melissa cheerfully answered.
"Hey, I have a huge favor to ask you, again. I'm sure you know about those rifts popping up around Japan, right?" I asked.
"Yep, I do. They even popped up around here! We've got quite a few extra scientists and some other people on the island now. Whatcha need?" She agreed.
"Is it possible that you could create a machine that could create rifts? It'll need to be powered by a rather large power source and everyone's volunteered me to do it." I told her.
"Hmm... I can see what we could do. I'm sure now that we've got more help it's in the realm of possibility. How's that arm of yours doing?" She replied.
"It's doing great! I actually healed it back up, so I don't need that prosthetic anymore. How're you and your Dad?" I chirped.
"We're doing wonderful, thank you for asking! Well, I should tell Dad about this, we'll see what we can do. Once we have it ready, I'll call you, okay?" Melissa exulted.
I agreed and we said our goodbyes. I hung my phone up before placing it back into my pocket. I heard the door to my right open and close.
"Hey... I'm sorry about that." Laura apologized.
I looked over at her, "It's fine."
"I can tell that it's not, Alyx. Why don't you wanna tell me why?" Laura worried.
I looked away from her and back towards the horizon. I sat down on the porch steps before speaking.
"What else is there to say? I just don't like talking about it because of what happened. I overthought what Momo told me, like an idiot, and then pretty much fucked everything up from there. The Sports Festival is the one of the many things you can't redo, I ended my time there shitty, all because I didn't want to cause harm to myself or anyone else with my Quirks. Funny enough, in order for me to do that, I had to do just that. I guess you can say I ruined my Third-Year here because of it." I explained.
There was silence, Laura didn't say anything after, I guess I could understand why.
"One thing that really stung the most was the fact that I only got 7 nominations this year. I'm not saying that I should've gotten more because of who I am, I'm saying that it's almost as if... Nobody wanted to see me redeem myself in some way, besides those 7 agencies, of course. Everyone's doing their Work-Studies with really cool people and I haven't felt like I've learned a single thing in mine. Again, another idiotic move of mine. Are you starting to get the picture? I overthink, do something stupid, then feel like shit because I expect it to be okay in the end." I continued.
I turned around and smiled at her, "But's it's all fine, right? Pro Heroes don't need to show their emotions outwardly, it's simply a sign of weakness, right?"
She had her phone out, I wasn't sure why, was she ignoring me that entire time? She was looking directly at me though, so maybe not. I looked back in front of me then I looked down at the ground.
"Right..." I muttered.
I heard the doors open and close once more. I could tell I was alone out here now, judging by the way the air was, plus I didn't feel her standing behind me. Even though I told her what was on my mind, I still felt like garbage.
Huge thank you to @chandelier_osore on Instagram for allowing me to use their OCs for this arc!
Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!
Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero
Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3)