
Leonidus, Mt. Lady, & Hawks: The Ultimate Trio!

I arrived at Mt. Lady's agency, I never thought I had to look over my shoulder every two seconds, but here we are. I entered her agency and went up the stairs into her "base." I opened the door and she was already in her hero suit.

"So, it sounds like you and Keigo had quite the adventure yesterday." She remarked.

"Yeah... And we'll be in quite the adventure for a while, I'd imagine." I replied.

Mt. Lady looked out of a window then turned towards me, "Let's go, we're meeting Hawks in a disclosed location."

We hurried out of the agency, I patted my back, "Hop on, we can get there without having to worry about being seen on the ground."

"Oh? Usually, I'm the one getting asked for lifts!" Mt. Lady exclaimed.

Mt. Lady hopped on my back and we flew into the air, she directed me to an abandoned building. We landed down next to Hawks, who was patiently waiting for the both of us.

"Nice of you to finally drop by, you could've told me the time he interned, Yu." Hawks commented on our "late" arrival.

Mt. Lady rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah. What did you find?"

"Well, on the building we're standing on, loads of those HPSC guys are expecting a shipment of that Quirk Destroying Drug. But what they don't know is that we'll be taking it for ourselves. We'll leave no evidence behind; they'll probably know who hit 'em up anyway." Hawks told us.

"Okay, so, how many guys are down there?" Mt. Lady asked.

I placed my hands on the ground and activated my Quirk. Using my breathing technique I learned from Grandpa Tanjiro, I activated some sort of spatial awareness move! I could see the floors below, nobody was on the top floors, at the way bottom there were at least 15 of them.

"Fifteen, seven of them are armed. Three of them aren't firearm trained, either." I informed them.

"How in the world do you know that three of them aren't firearm trained?" Hawks questioned me.

"Simply by the way they were holding their guns, also, their safeties were on." I replied.

"Impressive, not bad, Leonidus!" Mt. Lady complimented me.

We all three stood and waited, a truck was on its way here, it was only a matter of time until we exposed these assholes! A few minutes went by, and a truck rolled down the street. We watched as the truck entered the building through a garage door.

"Alright, let's go!" Hawks shouted.

I created a force shield around all three of us, we crashed through each of the floors of the building. We reached the bottom floor, all of the goons dispersed. We managed to take a lot of them out!

"Heya! Is this the "Dumb Asshole" convention, you guys seem to fit the look!" I shouted.

The only remaining 4 that were armed fired at my force shield.

"Seriously? Are you guys that stupid? It's a SHIELD!" Mt. Lady shouted.

I shattered the force shield and sent it towards the gunmen, my force shield fragments sliced through their guns. They trembled in fear as we approached them. They tried to run out of the building.

"Oh no you don't!" Mt. Lady yelled.

She grew in size, clear to the ceiling, and grabbed all four of the goons! She held them in front of Hawks and I.

"Alright, we've got some questions. If you gentlemen would like to answer, we'd so greatly appreciate it!" Hawks cheerfully said.

Try as he might, he couldn't get them to give us a solid answer as to what they were doing.

"Bad cop time?" Mt. Lady whispered to me.

"Bad cop time." I agreed.

Hawks stepped aside and let me work my magic.

"Alright, it's clear that you guys aren't planning on giving us a straight forward answer. So, how about we play a game?" I asked them.

I walked forward, "It's called, "How Many of Your Family Members can I Slaughter Within Five Minutes?" It's quite the fun game!"

"P-please, don't!" One of them shouted.

"If you haven't noticed, your phones are in my possession. Now, if I don't get a clear answer from any of you, I'm randomly selecting a phone and delivering a little... Gift... To one of your loved ones. Sounds like fun, right?!" I shouted with devious glee.

"O-okay! Okay! I'll tell-" A brown haired man started to say.

A guy with a buzz cut interrupted him, "Shut it! The boss wouldn't want you to-"

I cut him off by holding an Overdrive Blade close up to his neck.

"Oh? What was that? Did you just volunteer? I love volunteers! So, this one's your phone and- Oh my! A wife and kids, how adorable! Your son really has your eyes. You know, how about I bring them to you? You'd like that, right? An eye for an eye? That'd be fun!" I asked with a menacing grin.

The man started to cry out of fear, "N-No... I didn't... Please..."

"Then speak! Enlighten me, please!" I demanded.

I got them to talk, they told us how the President of the HPSC is going behind the Pro Hero Association's back by illegally purchasing those Quirk Destroying Drugs. She was secretly preparing an army of genetically created "Super Quirk" users. Apparently, they were trying to somehow reverse engineer the drug to make it much like the Enhancing variant, except it has a permanent effect on the person. They also gave us some info on how they planned on using these people with "Super Quirks" to overthrow the current pro heroes. They were trying to beat them into submission, I guess they didn't like how they were doing things.

"Alright! Thank you for your cooperation! Mt. Lady, go ahead!" I yelled to her.

Mt. Lady turned them to the ground and slammed her hand onto the ground! All four of them were knocked unconscious. We tied all of the goons up and left them in another room. We blew up the truck that contained the drugs.

"Whew! That was easy. Say, are you sure you aren't a villain in disguise?" Hawks wondered.

"Nope, I just picked some stuff up from all of the villains I've fought!" I chuckled.

We quickly hurried out of the building and got as far away from there as possible.

"Huh, they were awfully quick. How exactly are we going to play this off?" I asked.

"Simple! They clearly would be disoriented and unsure as to what happened. So, they wouldn't believe them if they said it was any of us since we didn't leave any evidence, like Hawks told us to do." Mt. Lady responded.

Hawks gave us a thumbs up, "Right! And here I thought you were just good with your looks, Yu."

Mt. Lady looked aggravated and I was trying not to laugh! We departed and I flew Mt. Lady back to her agency buildings. We entered the building and headed up to her room to discuss the info we got.

"Geez, that was a bit of a handful. Genetic experiments and "Super Quirks?" What in the hell!" I sighed.

"I know, this is all insane! Why in the hell are they planning some sort of uprising?" Mt. Lady added.

"Hey, could you..." Mt. Lady said as she zipped down her hero suit.

"Oh! Sorry, Ms. Mt. Lady!" I apologized.

I quickly turned around and closed my eyes. I also covered my eyes as well.

"But, like I was saying, we need to figure out where they're planning this." She continued.

"I agree, they can't be too far if that building is where they receive shipments. I couldn't hit that President or any of her suits with my Overdrive since she nullified my Quirk with laced water. Otherwise, we'd know at least where they're doing all of this." I told her.

"You might be right... You can look now... But there's quite a few buildings in that area, so they could really be anywhere." Mt. Lady replied.

I uncovered and opened my eyes, then I turned to face her.

"Yeah, they COULD be anywhere, especially if they chose some old, rundown building as their drop off location for their drugs." I added.

Mt. Lady nodded, "Well, we'll talk more tomorrow. Nice job today, Alyx!"

I smiled and said my goodbyes to her. As I left the agency, I decided to call my mother. I sat there and it went to voicemail. That's odd, she always picks up the phone, no matter who it is. Then again, she could be out doing something with Liz or she could be driving right now. I activated Mode Three and flew back to the dorms. As I was flying back, I could've sworn I heard Liz's voice calling my name. I stopped in the air and looked around. I shook it off and kept flying towards the dorms. I got back to the dorms and I was alone.

"Huh, I guess they're still doing their intern stuff." I said to myself.

I walked to the fridge, grabbed a water and went up to my room. I closed my door and turned on my lights. I looked up and saw Momo laying on my bed, looking at me.

I gasped with excitement and dropped my water bottle, "You're home!"

I jumped onto my bed and hugged her.

"G-Glad to see you too, darling!" She giggled.

I looked at her confused, "What are you doing wearing your hero suit? Where's that belt thingy you wear?"

She looked at me with a disappointed look, then she put her hair in a bun.

"Oooh... Special Training? Awesome!" I exclaimed.

[The Next Day...]

Mt. Lady met me outside of her agency, "Hey, are you alright? You look a bit... Wobbly? Drained?"

After what happened yesterday, I couldn't feel a thing, whatsoever. We did that Special Training stuff for 3 straight hours yesterday! I still don't know how it improves our Quirks though...

"No, I'm just really, really, REALLY worn out." I told her.

"Well, you better look alive! Hawks got a lead on the HPSC's location, he should be here any second now." Mt. Lady replied.

A few seconds later, Hawks landed down next to us.

"Yo!" Hawks greeted us.

"So, where are we headed?" I asked.

"We're going to a facility that was close by the building we ransacked yesterday. Funny, a huge multi-million-dollar organization and they can't afford a proper place to do their research and drug deals in." Hawks joked.

We followed Hawks to this grand facility that the HPSC crooks were hiding in. It gave me heavy League of Villains vibes, it reminded me of one of their warehouse hideouts!

"There's going to be a lot of people in there, you got help, right?" I asked Hawks.

Hawks glanced over at me, "You're bringing a force field to a gun fight, I think the three of us will be alright. Besides, you said you didn't want to bring anyone else into this."

"I don't think I've ever openly said that." I replied.

"I know, I can just tell by your body language and facial expressions." Hawks said with a cunning look in his eye.

I guess I forgot that he was a trained spy! We observed the hideout, how exactly would we get into this place? We could go in guns blazing, but we'd have to worry about those Super Quirk guys, that is IF they even created any. I'd imagine they'd have at least one prototype ready to test out if needed. We decided to check around the back side, which we had to go down an alleyway. There was a side entrance that led into the facility!

Of course, it was locked, so Hawks used one of his feathers as a lockpick. Before we entered the facility, I sent my location to everyone as a just in case kind of thing. We entered the facility, it was dark, only a couple overhead lights lit up the corners of the room. Large crates and small boxes were scattered all along the room.

"Looks like we've found their storage room." Mt. Lady whispered.

We slowly crept forward; we saw an open hatch door that led down to some sub level. If I were a weird, corrupt bunch of science freaks I'd be making my genetic experiments down there. There was another door to the right of it, we walked slowly towards that door. Once we got to the door, we carefully opened in and stepped inside. The door slammed shut, and a chair turned around to face us. On the chair was none other than the President herself!

"So, you've finally arrived. Ms. Takeyama, I didn't expect you'd be in on this, but nonetheless, I guess I'm not surprised." She smirked.

The lights to the sides of us came on, and we were surrounded by those Super Quirk Freaks! We all stood ready to fight, but then the President broke the tension.

"This doesn't have to end like this. Leonidus, I'm giving you one more chance to join us." The President said in her usual monotone voice.

I scoffed, "Like hell I would! You can fuck off with your little offer!"

"Maybe this'll change your mind." The President smirked.

She snapped her fingers and the lights behind her flickered on. There, chained to the walls were... M-Mom and... Liz...

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3)

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