
Leonidus is... Dead?! A Big Bump in the Road!

My phone would not stop vibrating at school today. It was kind of hard to concentrate on Present Mic's lesson when you've got something vibrating on your right thigh. He finally let us get to work, I focused on finishing it, then I pulled my phone out to see what exactly was going on. The fanpage that Rei was the creator of was blowing up, I nearly jumped out of my seat after what I saw. People thought that I was dead?! There was a tap on my desk, I looked up and saw Rei.

"May I speak to you outside, Leonidus?" She asked.

I nodded at her, I got up and followed her outside of the classroom. They let her become an assistant teacher, honestly, she was doing a rather great job! I never thought I'd legitimately compliment her, but she really is a fantastic teacher! We walked into the teacher's lounge, I closed the door behind me and she pressed herself against me.

"You aren't dead, are you?" She wondered.

"D-Did you seriously ask me that question?" I sighed.

She nodded her head slowly at me, she looked like she was gonna cry.

"I'm not dead, Rei." I told her.

"Are you sure? How are you sure that they aren't telling the truth?" Rei worried.

"Alright, think about it for a second, would I be talking to you if I was dead?" I asked.

"No." She answered.

I booped her nose, "Would I be able to do that?"

"Nuh Uh." Rei shook her head.

"Sooooo... Does that mean I'm dead?" I ended.

Her eyes lit up with joy as she hugged me. H-How... How did she think that I was dead?

"Ooo! We should take a picture together! I'll post it on the fanpage." She bubbled.

"If it'll clear up rumors, sure!" I smiled.

She pulled her phone out and held it up, "Put your hand on my ass."

"W-What? What does that have to do with-"

"JUST DO IT!" She interrupted.

I put my hand on her ass, she snapped the picture of us, then posted it. I looked at the photo, both of her eyes were crossed and her tongue was out.

"You could've just smiled normally, you know?" I sighed once more.

[2 Hours Later...]

Mr. Aizawa took us out to Ground Beta, we were going to be doing some rather interesting training. It would be like the Heroes Vs. Villains exercise, only we'd be going one on one against each other and it'd be pitch black in the building the 'Super Weapon' would be held in. I was going to go up against Momo!

"Alright, Yaoyorozu, Leonidus, you're up." Mr. Aizawa told us.

I nodded and we left the observation room. I couldn't help but notice that Momo was staring off into the building before she entered. I wonder why she was doing that? I was signaled to head into the building, I'm assuming she's at the top floor. The door behind me slid shut and the lights all went out. I couldn't rely on my sight, neither could I use my Quirks unless I'm wanting to get exposed if I try to hide from her. I kept my eyes shut and sniffed the air, I listened to the building's interior, every crack and creak it made. I narrowed not only the exact spot where Momo was, but I also got her scent.

She was stationary in one spot, was she not trying to protect the weapon? I made my way through the corridors and various hallways. Eventually, I made it to the top floor, I hit behind the wall that led inside the room she was in, she hadn't moved a single inch from her spot. I opened my eyes and saw the light from a flashlight surveying the room. What was her plan here? I made my way into the room, something snapped and I quickly ducked behind one of the pillars.

"A-Alyx? Is that you?" She called out.

The tone of her voice, was she... Scared of the dark? I heard her slowly approach the pillar that I was at, the light from her flashlight stopped right before she rounded the pillar. By that time, I quietly moved around it, so she didn't spot me when she turned around. The light quickly moved away, shining on the weapon! It was straight ahead of me, the real question is, how would I get her away from me? I wasn't sure what to do, I could try and capture her, being that I have the environmental advantage as well as the fear advantage. But then again, Momo isn't someone I'd want to get into close range combat with, especially if I can't use my Quirk.

I fired off a beam of Stardust Shoot, I curved it around her so it looked like it came from a different pillar. She shined the flashlight over to a pillar to the right. I saw her slowly move towards the pillar, I took the chance and snuck towards the weapon. I kept my eye on Momo, right before I reached the weapon, I triggered something. A huge flash of light flashed me, I couldn't see at all, I heard something fly towards me. I looked up and got hit in the eyes with something. Did she throw a staff at me? That light trap she had turned off, I felt something drip off of my face, did that trap have some sort of water on it? I think I might've gotten my hand wet with water she placed there.

I opened my eyes and my contacts exploded, "F-FUCK!"

I reeled my head back and kept my hands on my eyes, I guess I know what was dripping off of my face, it was blood! I don't think Momo realized what happened, since I heard her charge towards me. I wasn't sure if she had her flashlight but I guess she already knew where I was. I was trying to keep myself from going into a panic attack.

"O-Okay! Okay! I quit! I quit!" I shouted out.

I heard her footsteps stop; I also heard the lights turn on. I fell to my knees, still keeping my hands on my eyes, I was shaking pretty bad. Not to mention how light headed I was feeling!

"Oh my God!" Momo yelled.

I heard her rush over to me, "Take it easy, just breath, darling. Hang on, I can help you!"

As much as I tried, I just couldn't calm down, my breathing was short and rapid.

"I... I can't... I can't see... I can't see!" I panicked.

Momo placed her hand on my chest, then one on my back and helped me stand up. We made our way to the entrance of the building as quick as possible, I felt myself slowly start to lose consciousness.

"Hey, listen to me, I need you to stay awake. Keep a tight hold of my hand." Momo calmly spoke.

I used my left arm to cover my eyes, she grabbed my right hand, I held onto it as tightly as possible. Every time I would start to pass out, Momo would squeeze my hand. I smelled the outside air; someone grabbed my right arm and laid my down onto some sort of bed. I think it was a stretcher maybe? As soon as my head hit the small pillow, I passed out.

[4 Hours Later...]

I woke up with wrap on my eyes, I think I was in Recovery Girl's office judging by the smell.

"Goodness my dear, you just can't get a break, can you?" Recovery Girl wondered.

"Yeah, I guess so." I lamented.

"Well, there wasn't much I could do for your eyes, I was able to stop the bleeding. Those contact lenses seem rather dangerous! I was able to piece them together, I have them in a baggy that I had Eraser Head deliver to your dorm room. Although, I doubt you'll be using them for quite some time." She continued.

I nodded as I slowly got up from the bed. I felt her hold me hand as she helped me up. We walked out of the office; would I be going back to class? After several minutes of walking, the outside air hit my face, I guess I was heading back to the dorms. We stopped after a while, there was a knock and a door creaked open.

"Alyx! Thank goodness, we were worried about you!" Iida greeted.

"Hey, Iida!" I smiled.

I felt him place his hand on my shoulder, I thanked Recovery Girl as I entered the dorms. He guided me back to my dorm room, honestly, maybe I should take a break. When was the last time I genuinely took time off from hero stuff? Iida helped me sit down on my bed.

"Alright, if you require anything, do not hesitate to let any of us know!" Iida told me.

I nodded at him, "Will do, thank you, Iida!"

I laid down as I heard him leave my room. I sat up after I realized that I still had my shoes on. I took them off and threw them onto the floor.

"Owch!" I heard Luna yelp.

"O-Oh! I'm so sorry, Luna!" I apologized.

"Are you blind or somethin'?!" She fumed.

I looked in the direction that I heard her voice, "I don't know, possibly?"

"Oh no! What happened?" Luna gasped.

"Just an accident at school today, from my understanding, I won't be seeing anything for quite some time." I explained.

I heard my door open, I was tackled down onto my bed, I'm fairly certain in was Momo but they didn't make any vocal noises so I wasn't sure. I felt her face, I tilted my head trying to figure out who it was. I leaned forward to sniff her hair.

"Oh, Momo! I didn't know it was you." I smiled.

She still didn't say anything. I squeezed her cheeks together as I continued to look at her.

"Speeeeeak. What? I go blind and you go mute?" I joked.

I heard her "Pffft" and start giggling, I pulled her closer to me, "I'm really sorry about doing that, I thought that staff throw would hit your forehead. I guess I misjudged the angle."

"Oh, don't worry about it, this honestly gives me a chance to have a break. At least you didn't make that light trap extremely bright, that probably would've overloaded the lenses and most likely killed me." I responded.

"Am I too much of a danger to others, Alyx?" She wondered.

"Dangerous? You aren't like me, Momo. This was just an accident, nothing more, nothing less. I know this has happened in the past but that was an accident as well. It's alright, Momo." I reassured her.

I felt her nod as she laid her head on my chest, "I'm still really sorry, Alyx. You just got back to hero work and now I just ruined it."

"It'll only be a few days, I'll be fine, trust me. I guess the only thing that I'm upset about is not being able to see you." I smiled.

I could tell that she was smiling at me. In all honesty, I could probably still do hero work, maybe? If it ever arose, I don't think it'd be too hard.

"Does this mean that you'll be staying home, Alyx?" Luna asked.

"Well, most likely yes." I confirmed.

I could just feel the excitement coming off of her. This was gonna be one hell of a week, I could just tell. Not only has this got me sidelined, I'm pretty sure that... Wait.

"Why don't I just heal my eyes?" I wondered.

I felt Momo sit up, "Yeah, I was just wondering that as well. If you're able to heal lost limbs, couldn't you heal your eyes back to proper health?"

"Huh... You know, I don't know why I didn't think about that." I admitted.

I felt a hand on my wrist, I looked over, Luna probably didn't like the fact that I wasn't going to be home.

"But whhhhhyyyy? Can't you just let this slide?" She complained.

"Here, I'll cut you a deal. I'll heal my eyes up, but then, I'll stay home tomorrow. Sound fair enough?" I offered.

"Yeah huh! I can do that!" Luna bubbled.

I put my hands on my face, I felt the cold sensation of my Overdrive surround me, it only took a few seconds to heal them up. I took the wrap off my eyes and smiled at Momo.

"Dojyaaan! What do you know? I effectively cure my blindness and the first thing I see is an absolute beauty. I think that's a win-win!" I chuckled.

Momo's eyes widened with delight, she kept staring into my eyes. Was there something cool about them?