We did nothing but math today. Which felt normal, which didn't feel right at all. The guy sitting next to me, Todoroki, was flying through the problems like they were nothing. Meanwhile, I'm sitting here barely getting through these problems. I can't ask Momo for help, she's listening to music, and Mr. Aizawa is sleeping on the floor in a sleeping bag. Getting thrown into a new curriculum of learning definitely wasn't ideal.
"Hey, Todoroki-kun? Can you help me with this please?" I asked politely.
Todoroki looked over at me, and looked back at his paper. I looked back at my paper and was about to ask Izuku if he could help me. Todoroki tapped me on the shoulder.
"What do you need help with?" He answered.
I don't think I've ever heard a voice so cold yet so calm in my entire life, that I can remember, that is.
[A Couple Hours Later...]
Mr. Aizawa told us today that we would have our hero costumes sent to us today since we all had to draw up what we wanted them to look like before coming to U.A. I wonder what mine'll look like, hopefully I drew up something cool looking! After a few days of getting adjusted to everything, Mr. Aizawa had presented us with another test.
"Today, we will be doing a bit of a roleplay. We're heading to Facility Alpha to conduct this test. All Might will be there to explain more." Mr. Aizawa told us.
Roleplay? How would that be a test?
[20 Minutes Later...]
We got to the facility, and it was like another town, the entire thing was huge! Everyone had on their hero costumes, and we headed through a tunnel to do our next test. My costume looked like a kind of dark blue and black colored suit like All Might's; it had a phoenix shaped design on the back and my last name in bold text on the front as well! All Might came flying in and greeted us with a hearty laugh.
"Hello future Pro Heroes! I am here!" All Might exclaimed.
He pulled out a guidebook, I'm guessing he's never been a teacher before? He told us about the test, it basically split us into Heroes and Villains. The Villain team had to protect a super weapon from the Hero team. If the Hero team touched it, the Villain team would lose, but if the Hero team had no time left, they would lose.
"Alright folks! We've numbered these balls in order of your class alphabetically! Let's get this going!" All Might yelled.
I got paired with Mina, which might be interesting. She's got an Acid Quirk, so we could use it to our advantage. We were the Heroes, and Sero and Kaminari were the Villains. Luckily, we weren't going up against Jiro, Momo, and Mineta, that would've been tough!
"Alright, Team 2, head in and prepare, Team 1, wait outside the building until we signal you!" All Might instructed.
Mina and I were Team 5, so we had a little while before we went. We all went to a room with a giant monitor that kept track of every position and spot in that building.
"We haven't really met, huh? My name is Mina Ashido! Nice to meet ya!" Mina introduced herself.
"Yeah, we haven't. I'm Alyx Leonidus! It's a pleasure to meet you!" I replied.
Mina definitely seemed like a cheerful girl; I've never seen someone with actual horns on their head! Then again, I guess I can't really say that we're all "normal."
"So, that Quirk of yours, it's called Overdrive, right?" She asked.
"Uh huh! I'm relearning the ropes of it though, I kind of lost my memory, so it's not as good as it used to be." I responded.
"Woah, you lost your memory?" Kaminari piped in.
Oh great, I said that out loud, didn't I?
"Oh my, Leonidus-kun, you should seek medical attention immediately!" Iida fretted, "Someone needs to alert Recovery Girl!"
What should I even say now? Is this even something I can play off? I doubt it, even All Might was looking at me with concern.
"Young man, is this true?" All Might asked.
I hesitated to speak, but I couldn't keep something like this a secret forever.
"Y-Yes... Yes, it is... Do you think we could talk about this after the test?" I responded.
All Might nodded, but everyone was looking at me. I felt like I shouldn't have been there in the first place.
Bakugo broke the silence and stares, "Hey, what the hell are you guys staring at him for? Pay attention to the screen, idiots."
He looked at me, then looked back at the screen. Everyone had looked at Bakugo and looked back at the screen as well. Mina and I were the next ones up!
As we were walking, Mina looked over at me, "Did you really lose your memory?"
I didn't know what to say. For the first time, I felt stuck.
"Yeah... I did. I don't know how though." I softly spoke.
Mina could tell that something was wrong, I guess I'm not good at hiding my facial expressions.
"Hey, don't let yourself feel so down about it. I'm pretty sure Recovery Girl can help you out! Besides, I doubt that something like that would effect how strong your Quirk is!" She reassured.
I looked at the building, and smiled a little. Maybe she can... Hopefully.
"Are you ready?! Go!" All Might yelled through the intercom.
A horn was let off, signaling the start of the test.
"You've got a plan?" Mina asked.
"I think so, let me try something." I responded.
I put my hand on the ground and closed my eyes.
"What are you doing? You aren't trying to fall asleep, are you?" Mina questioned.
I honestly wasn't sure, but I could sense vibrations on the top floor. They were both in the room with the weapon, and it seems as if they're creating some sort of defensive shield to protect it. Sero was holding his arm out doing something and Kaminari was trying to break something. Sero must've been using his Quirk, as for Kaminari, I'm not entirely sure.
"They haven't left the room; they're making a shield to protect the weapon with Sero-san's tape. You think your acid can melt through it?" I asked Mina.
"My acid can dissolve anything! I'm pretty sure it can dissolve through some tape. Let's go!" She proudly exclaimed.
We went through the corridors and headed towards the room that the two were in. We hid behind the wall that directly leads into the weapon room. Sero and Kaminari were standing guard.
"Okay, I'll head in first to distract them, you try and dissolve the tape, we'll rush the weapon together." I whispered.
"Right, gotcha!" Mina whispered back.
I charged into the room, Sero and Kaminari immediately sprang into action.
"What's up?" I smirked.
"How about you try some of this!" Kaminari shouted.
Kaminari fired electricity at me, I dodged it, but I didn't notice the water that was next to me. They busted a pipe in the ceiling! How does this place have running water?! I touched the electrified water with my hand, which instinctively activated my Quirk, it was almost as if there wasn't anything there at all! It hurt like hell though. Mina was evaporating tape left and right. I rebounded off a wall and jumped over Kaminari. Sero tried to punch me but I dodged it. I grabbed Sero's arm and pulled him forward. I drove my knee into his stomach and flung him into Kaminari.
"How's it coming, Mina-san?" I yelled to her.
"W-What are you...?" Sero asked.
I saw him look over my shoulder, Mina had almost gotten to the weapon! Sero launched his tape at Mina, but I quickly grabbed it and shot myself forward with it. I wrapped it around the two of them and Mina had touched the weapon!
"The Hero Team have captured the weapon AND the villains! Great job!" All Might relayed through the intercom.
"Nice one, Mina-san!" I smiled.
She gave me a smile and a thumbs up. We headed back to the room after our test, and next was Izuku and Uraraka against Bakugo and Iida. I'm still wondering why Bakugo said what he said earlier. Did he stick up for me, or was he just annoyed that everyone was making a big deal out of it? I can't really ask him, so I guess it's just a mystery.
[15 Minutes Later...]
Izuku nearly killed Bakugo! He missed a punch on purpose, I think, and the entire 2nd floor and roof was gone! It was incredible! His Quirk really seems like All Might's Quirk. Izuku had to get carried out by Recovery Girl and some other people. He's got a real strong Quirk, but I don't think he can really control it. I guess we're kind of in the same boat. After the tests, we had been dismissed by Mr. Aizawa and All Might. I went to my locker and I heard Bakugo yell something at me.
"Hey, Amnesia! Get over here." He shouted.
I looked over at him. Bakugo wants to talk to me? And did he call me "Amnesia?"
"I ain't gonna ask again, get your ass over here!" He yelled.
I quickly walked over to Bakugo.
"U-Uh... W-What's up, Bakugo-san?" I asked reluctantly.
"Just so you know, I didn't tell those losers to shut up just so I could be nice to you. They were acting like idiots over nothing. So don't take that as some stupid act of kindness. Defend yourself next time, got it?" He growled.
Bakugo walked past me without saying another word.
"T-Thanks, Bakugo-san!" I yelled to him.
He kept on walking away, and I stood there alone. I know for a fact he wasn't standing up for me, but I could tell there was at least some mutual ground between us. I turned around and there was that blonde-haired boy with a black streak in his hair.
"Yo! You really kicked ass today! Sorry for telling everyone about that memory loss problem of yours." Kaminari apologized.
"It's fine. I guess everyone was going to get told one way or another." I lightly laughed.
"Hey, you wanna hang out on the roof?" He questioned.
"On the roof? Are you sure that won't get us in trouble?" I wondered.
Kaminari waved his finger and shook his head, "Nope! We do it all the time!"
"We?" Who was we? I decided to go with Kaminari up to the rooftop, a long as it took, it was worth the walk! As we exited a door, I looked out over the rooftop. I could see the entire city!
"Hey!" I heard Mina shout from behind us.
Not only was it Mina, but Jiro and Kirishima came along too! We all sat down in a circle in the middle of the rooftop.
"So, did you actually lose your memory?" Mina asked.
"Yeah, I guess that's why I have this scar right here." I pointed to the scar on my left eye.
"Woah, that looks sick, bro! I've got one too, see?" Kirishima beamed.
"So, you don't remember anything at all? Like, nothing?" Jiro wondered.
I rested my head on my hand, "Not quite, there are somethings that I remember and somethings that I don't. One of which would be my past, I couldn't even remember my name a month ago! I'm not even sure what caused it either."
"Damn, that must've been rough." Jiro added.
"Yeah, I'm still trying to relearn everything about myself. Hell, I don't even know how to completely use my Quirk, either." I replied.
I went into my Base Mode to show them, "This is all I can do. My sister, Annie, told me I could go up to Gear Two before I lost my memory. I call them Modes though, it feels a bit easier to say. My sister also told me my Quirk can do other things as well."
My arms and legs lit up, and a violet-blue aura surrounded them.
"Cool! So, what do your other thingys do?" Mina asked.
She stared intently at my arms, Mina grabbed my right arm and inspected it.
"Well, I'm not really sure. She didn't tell me that much. Except that my Quirk grants me telepathy, which that's kinda cool!" I responded.
"Ooo, really? What am I thinking right now?" Mina wondered.
Kaminari crossed his arms, "Mina-chan, I'm not sure if that's how that works."
"No, no, she might be on to something. Let me try it out." I told him.
I closed my eyes and concentrated. I felt a sensation around my head and eyes.
"Fuckin' football." I relayed a message to her.
Mina looked amazed and started laughing.
"Oh my God he did it!" Mina laughed.
[25 Minutes Later...]
The sun began to set and we all went back downstairs.
"Hey, do you happen to like any bands? If you remember that is." Jiro asked.
"Well, I do have a "batta" shirt, plus some more bands." I told her.
"Really? You listen to them too? Cool. How about Deep Dope?" Jiro wondered.
"Nope, I've never heard of them." I responded.
Jiro pulled out her phone, "What's your number? I'll send you some songs. Trust me, they're pretty good!"
Mina and Kaminari turned around, "Oh, yeah! What is your number?"
I gave them my number as we headed out of U.A. I waved goodbye to them as Mina, Jiro, and Kaminari walked away.
"So, how are you liking Japan so far, bro?" Kirishima smiled.
"It's honestly a really cool place! I didn't think I'd love it as much as I do!" I grinned.
As we were walking, Kirishima pulled out a slip of paper, "I almost forgot! Yaoyorozu-san wanted me to give this to you!"
He handed me the paper, on it was her number.
I smiled at him, "Alright, thanks Kiri! Why didn't she just give this to me at school?"
"Well, she looked super nervous when she gave me it, so I don't know dude." Kirishima answered.
Hmm... Interesting. We got to his house and we waved goodbye to each other. I couldn't believe how kind everyone was!
Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!
Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero
Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3 )