Once school was over, and after I left my locker, I was walking alone until Kirishima ran up to me.
"Hey man! That was incredible! You threw that ball like it was nothing! My name's Eijiro Kirishima, by the way!" He introduced himself.
"Thanks, my name is Alyx! Nice to meet you!" I smiled.
"Say, what exactly is your Quirk?" Kirishima asked.
"Oh, it's called Overdrive. I can enhance my strength and speed with it. I used to be able to go into more advanced things but..." I stopped.
Should I tell him? Nobody knows besides my parents and Annie. I don't even know if I should tell Kirishima, we just met, after all.
"But what? Did you get it taken away or something?" He wondered.
"Well, not quite," I lamented, "I lost my memory entirely... I only remember waking up a few weeks ago to fly over to here, that's it."
He could tell I wasn't kidding, he looked concerned.
"Oh man, that's not good. But hey, I'm sure you'll be able to remember how to use your Quirk! You blew those tests out of the water, surely something like this won't be difficult for you." He reassured.
Wow, he honestly is a pretty amazing person. He's almost as charismatic as All Might!
"Thanks, Kirishima. I needed to hear that." I smiled.
"No problem, bro!" We parted ways as I headed home.
A few minutes later, I ran into that Yaoyorozu girl. She looked extremely familiar, I just had to talk to her! Maybe she was who I was thinking, I just wanted to make sure.
"Hey, Yaoyorozu-san! Wait up!" I yelled.
She stopped and looked back at me with a smile, "Hm? Oh, Leonidus-kun, did you need something?"
"I was actually wondering about something, do you think you could help me out during school tomorrow? I actually don't understand some of the curriculum too well, it's a bit confusing." I asked.
"Of course! I'd love to! The formulas and the curriculum itself isn't as hard as it seems, I'm sure you'll understand it once I explain it to you." Momo agreed.
I nodded at her with a smile, "Alright, thank you, Yaoyorozu-san!"
"Well, see you tomorrow, Leonidus!" Momo nodded.
"Yeah! See you tomorrow!" I replied.
We went different ways down the street, I wasn't paying attention since I was too deep in thought, and I ran into someone on accident. I helped them pickup whatever it was that they dropped, it looked like a bunch of papers of sorts.
"S-Sorry! I guess I need to start looking more instead of thinking-" I quickly apologized.
I stopped as I got a quick glance of his face, was that... Kariya? His face looked tired, his cold, green eyes met mine as he glared at me.
The man quickly turned around, "It's fine. Just please, be more careful, will you?"
As he walked away, I could've sworn that man looked exactly like Kariya! I kept walking home; I still couldn't get that image out of my head. I pulled my phone out to look at the old picture I had of the both of us.
"There's no way... That couldn't of been him..." I muttered.
When I got home, I noticed a note on the refrigerator. It read, "Your Father and I will be out for a while. Annie's already made dinner for you. We won't be home until around 10 and Annie won't be home until 8. We love you! Stay safe! -Mom." I put the note down and opened the fridge. I pulled the obviously bought sushi out of the fridge.
"Yeah, nice cooking, sis." I mumbled sarcastically.
I laid down on my couch and started to eat, then I heard a tap on a window from the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and there was a package out on our patio. I noticed that it was addressed to me.
"Huh? I don't remember ordering anything." I muttered as I opened up the package.
There was just a note on the inside that said, "I know."
"What in the hell?" I mumbled.
Then, I felt a presence behind me, I quickly turned around but nobody was there. I walked back inside and quickly shut & locked the patio door. I activated my Quirk, and sat there in silence. I heard a thud coming from downstairs, I jumped over the railing and into the living room.
"Alright, who's there?!" I demanded.
I stopped in my tracks, there wasn't anyone there. Was I just being paranoid? Wait, didn't Kirishima give me his number today? I pulled out my phone and thankfully I was right!
"Yo! What's up?" Kirishima answered.
"Hey, listen. I think someone's in my house. I sent you my location by the way." I whispered.
"What? Can't you use your Quirk to rough 'em up? I saw what you did today! There's no way anyone could beat you up, man!" Kirishima confidently responded.
That was the thing, I wasn't too sure how powerful it was. Annie told me that this Mode was a beginner stage, so what good would it be against some villain?
"Well, yeah... But I'm not sure about it. Could you just-" I asked.
Right before I could say anything else, someone pounced on my back! I grabbed their shoulders and threw them away from me. They quickly stood up on their feet, ready to fight.
"Alright, asshole! Let's dance!" I shouted.
I heard Kirishima say my name, but I dropped my phone, so I couldn't exactly tell him what was going on. I ran towards the masked assailant, reeling back my fist. She sent me flying out of my living room window and outside into my front yard. I rolled on the ground and rebounded as she tried to stab me with a knife! I kicked the knife out of her hands, I jumped back from her, trying to reevaluate the situation. She's quick on her feet, that's for sure, she's definitely done this before. Her eyes were a bright yellow, they looked familiar! Now that I'm sizing her up, she looked an awful lot like Himiko!
"I know that's you, Himiko! What in the hell are you doing?" I called out to her.
She didn't respond to me at all. It was almost as if she was a completely different person. She took off her mask, and I was right! Himiko was smiling a sinister grin, it wasn't like the person I met almost a month ago!
"I just reeeeaaallly want some of that blood, you're so cute!" She exclaimed giddily.
Holy shit, Himiko's nuts! Who in the hell was this girl exactly?!
"You're fucking crazy if you think you're taking my blood!" I yelled to her.
She charged forward towards me as she pulled out a knife, I blocked her arm with my forearm, she flipped over me with her knife ready to stab my back. I quickly turned around and pulled her towards me. I hit her with a hard headbutt that sent her stumbling backwards.
"The hell's your problem? First you show me around this place like a friend, now you're trying to kill me?
"Hey! What's going on?" I heard Kirishima yell.
I turned back and saw him running down the street, that was rather quick!
"K-Kirishima-san!" I excitedly shouted.
"Shit..." I heard Himiko mutter.
Kirishima stood next to me and activated his Quirk. I stood in a fighting stance that was exactly from the character I saw from the manga I read yesterday. I think his name was "Vegeta" or something?
"So, what now? You still wanna try and take my blood?" I smirked.
She looked frustrated and she threw her knife at me! I dodged it and Kirishima charged after her. Himiko jumped over Kirishima and ran down the street.
"Hey! Come back here!" Kirishima yelled out.
"Let her go, I don't think she'll be back anytime soon." I told him.
"Are you alright? I came as quick as I could." Kirishima responded.
"Yeah, I'm alright. How'd you get here so quickly?" I asked.
"Oh, we live on the same street, so it didn't take me long to find you. Well, I guess you live a few blocks away but still, that counts as living on the same street. Right?" He noted.
I thanked Kirishima for helping me and he went home. I went back inside and cleaned up what I could. I'm not sure if I could repair the window in time with my Quirk, Annie still hasn't taught me how to do that healing technique. Apparently, it can also reconstruct destroyed surfaces? I crashed on the couch downstairs and watched T.V. I decided to call my parents to tell them what happened.
"Hey, Mom!" I greeted.
"Oh, hello dear! Do you need something?" She questioned.
"Yeah... The living room window is kind of broken..." I nervously told her.
"What?! What happened?" She shouted.
"I'll tell you when you guys get home. And it wasn't me, I promise!" I reassured my Mother.
After a while, I heard a knock on the front door. I opened it up and it was Annie!
"Holy shit! What happened?" She exclaimed.
I didn't even realize that I had small cuts on my arms and face.
"Well... Someone got into the house and I kind of fought them off." I told her.
Annie used that healing technique on me to heal those small cuts. Then, I showed her the window in the living room and she reconstructed it. It looked as good as new!
"Did you get a good look at who it was?" Annie asked.
"Yeah, she's got blonde hair and yellow or gold eyes. Her name's 'Himiko' and I'm not sure what her last name is." I told Annie everything I knew about Himiko.
She nodded her head, "Alright, I'll keep that in mind. If I find her during my patrols, I'll give her a piece of my mind."
Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!
Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero
Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3 )