
An Intruder?! U.A.'s Next Problem!

I woke up in the middle of the night, I went to get up, but both Liz and Momo were cuddled up next to me. I slowly got up and managed to somehow not wake them up. I opened my door quietly and closed it slowly. It honestly sucked that my room was all the way on the 5th floor, but I don't mind it too much. As I was making my way downstairs, I heard some shuffling, it must've been Kaminari. I got downstairs and into the common room. It wasn't Kaminari, it was someone else!

"Hey, what are you doing?" I questioned.

The masked person turned around and charged towards me, he held out his hand and made an explosion with it! I put my arms up to guard myself as the explosion sent me flying out of the window! I hit the ground hard but rebounded.

"Okay asshole... I was gonna to reason with you, but that's out of the question now!" I yelled.

He jumped over the now open passage way where the windows were. This guy, his Heat Energy didn't feel familiar.

"Who are you? What in the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked.

The masked person didn't say a word, and in a flash, he disappeared!

"Huh? Where did he...?" I looked all around and kept my guard up.

"Leonidus! What in the hell is going on?" Mr. Aizawa demanded.

I looked over and saw Mr. Aizawa and everyone else.

"Someone broke in! I tried to see who it was, but their Heat Energy, it didn't feel familiar." I told him.

"Did you get a good look at what he looked like? Any notable features?" Mr. Aizawa asked.

"Well, he looked to be about 5'8" or 5'9", his eyes were green. Other than that, I couldn't tell you anything else about him. He was covered head to toe, and had a mask on." I responded

Mr. Aizawa nodded, "Alright, I'll discuss this with the others tomorrow morning. I'll be watching over the dorm tonight."

Good grief, just when I thought it was gonna be a peaceful night... I walked over to Momo who was holding Liz.

"Are you okay, Aly? Do you have any ouchies on you?" Liz asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay Liz. I've got a few ouchies, but they aren't anything to worry about." I reassured her.

But Liz was already healing away at my cuts, I'm pretty sure she wanted to do that after my fight with All for One too. We went back inside and headed into our rooms, I looked outside of my balcony door. There was that same sensation I got when I fought Kariya for the first time, that feeling of curiosity.

"Hey, let's try and get some shut eye, you definitely need it now." Momo told me.

I closed the curtains and went back into bed. Liz moved closer to Momo and she wrapped her arms around Liz. As I laid there, I heard something that made my heart melt.

"Ms. Momo, I love you. Thank you for making Aly happy!" Liz whispered.

[The Next Day...]

We spent pretty much the entire morning trying to figure out who could've broken into the dorms.

"I bet you it was that damn Copy Cat from 1-B." Bakugo suggested.

"Well, I guess Kacchan has a point. Monoma-kun would be the biggest candidate, being how he acts towards all of us." Deku agreed.

Yeah, they were right, but Monoma almost feels too obvious.

"The only problem with that," I said, "Is Monoma-san is shorter than me, that masked person was at least either my height or a bit taller. Plus, Monoma's eyes are blue, not green."

Everyone sat there in thought. Who was it? There was an endless amount of possibilities, was it a student or some random person? I watched as Eri and Liz were playing, they weren't after them, were they?

"Leonidus-kun, what's wrong?" Tsuyu asked.

"Last night when I was training Liz, I could've sworn I felt someone else watching. Just like how I felt Kariya that first time, remember Tsuyu-san?" I answered.

She nodded at me, "Yep, sure do."

"I hate to say it, but whoever it is, they might be after Eri-chan and Liz." I whispered.

Everyone looked at me, and they looked concerned. What would we do? This guy could show up whenever and wherever, what would be our plan against him?

"Well, if that dumbass ever shows his face again, I'll make sure to kill 'em extra good!" Bakugo proudly exclaimed.

I couldn't keep my eyes off Liz and Eri, I could feel that everyone had the same feeling, protect both of them no matter what!

[A Couple Hours Later...]

"Why the hell do you want me to come with you, Amnesia?" Bakugo asked.

"I'm worried about this whole situation; I don't want to lose Liz or Eri-chan." I told him.

"Oh, I see. So, you want me to come with you and the kid just in case that dumbass shows up again?" He guessed.

"Yep, that's the point. I'm pretty sure we could get some answers out of him." I replied.

All three of us headed to Gym Gamma. Bakugo stood watch as Liz and I trained. She was getting better and better by the hour!

"Aly! Can you show me a move! I wanna do one!" She exclaimed.

"Alright, I'll show you Stardust Shoot." I nodded.

"Okay, so, what you want to do is stick your hand straight out, and concentrate your Overdrive in your fingertips like this!" I showed her the Stardust Shoot.

"Oooh! That looks cool!" She smiled.

Liz held her hand out and closed her eyes.

"Come on, Liz, you've got this!" I thought to myself.

A sparkle of light started to flare up on her fingertips, then, she fired off a Stardust Shoot!

"Well, hey, looks like the kid's got some moves." I heard Bakugo say.

"I did it! Mr. Kacchan look, I did it!" She beamed.

Liz was laughing and smiling, then she pointed her hand up at Bakugo and I quickly put it down.

"Easy there, Eager McBeaver, Let's show Mr. Kacchan what you learned this way." I chuckled.

I spun her around to face the stone pillar she was shot at. She fired off another Stardust Shoot without my help!

"Great Job Liz! You did fantastic today!" I exclaimed.

"Can I show Ms. Momo and everyone else?" She said with more excitement.

"Sure, let's get back to the dorms first." I softly smiled.

As we were walking back, I felt that presence again.

"Bakugo-san..." I muttered.

"Yeah, I know." Bakugo responded.

We turned around, but nobody was there.

"Huh, I guess it was just nothing?" I wondered.

We started walking back towards the dorms. We went inside and smelled something new.

"Oh, what's that? It looks delicious!" I grinned.

"I call it the 'Hagakure-san & Ashido Special'! It took a while to make!" Mina told us.

"It's like one of those casseroles those chefs make on T.V.!" Hagakure added.

As we all ate, Kaminari looked up from his plate, "Hey, what's in this? It tastes so good!"

"Well, just whatever ingredients we had around the house! That's how a casserole works, right?" Mina smiled.

"Eh, I guess? It's still amazing though! You two did pretty good!" I complimented.

[3 Hours Later...]

Dinner was great! I didn't think something like that would've been so good! As I was getting ready for bed, Liz tugged on my shirt.

"Aly, where's Beans?" She asked.

"Oh, he should be under my pillow, see." I reminded her.

I pointed to my pillow, where her stuffed animal's head was poking out of. She ran over, climbed on my bed, and grabbed it. I turned off my light and got into my bed.

"Aly, where's Ms. Momo?" She questioned.

"Oh, she's in her room. Why?" I answered.

"Can she come sleep in here?" Liz responded.

I could tell she was missing home. Usually mom and dad would lay with Liz until she fell asleep.

"How about tomorrow night? I'm pretty sure she's asleep." I told her.

Liz sat up, crossed her arms, and puffed her cheeks.

"What are you doing?" I fretted.

She didn't respond. I sat there for a bit; she still didn't say a word.

"Oh, alright, let's go see if she's awake." I reluctantly said.

Liz jumped up and darted to my door. I opened it, and we went down the hallway to Momo's room. I lightly knocked on her door, and waited.

"Is she coming? Is she?" Liz asked.

Momo opened the door and looked down at Liz.

"O-Oh... Alyx, Liz..." She wiped her eyes and yawned.

"Hey, Momo, Liz wants to sleep in your room tonight. Is that okay with you?" I wondered.

"Sure, come on in." Momo nodded.

Her room was practically one huge bed and some dressers. I guess she thought the rooms would be bigger. We climbed into her bed and I put my arm over Liz and Momo. Liz fell asleep pretty quickly, like usual.

"Hey, sorry about this. Usually before my Father died, my parents would lay with Liz until she fell asleep." I told Momo.

"It's alright, I don't mind. Honestly, the more time I can spend with you, the better." Momo smiled.

I smiled back at her, "I'm honestly glad that I didn't die."

"Goodnight, Alyx." She smiled.

"Goodnight, Momo." I replied.

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3)

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