
A New Feeling: Blood Demon Art!

A couple weeks have passed since I lost my Quirk. As much as I wanted to convince Mr. Aizawa that I could still do hero work, I didn't want to put everyone in danger. Momo told me that they all were beginning their second round of internships. I sat down on the couch in the common room and watched T.V. What else was I gonna do, practice techniques with the Quirks I don't have anymore? My phone vibrated like crazy! I picked it up and saw some news alert about something going on in a town nearby. I turned on the news, there was Snipe and... Kaminari?! Both of them looked terribly injured! I sat up and watched, but I couldn't just sit there and do nothing!


Kaminari stumbled to his feet and pointed a shaky hand at Muscular. Muscular laughed and slowly walked towards Kaminari. He slowly walked backwards, firing off shots of electricity at Muscular, but to no avail!

"I'm tired of this, you're boring the hell outta me!" Muscular shouted.

Muscular lunged at Kaminari, "I'M GONNA KILL YA KID!"

Kaminari's life flashed before his eyes, he thought of everything he could've done with Jiro, and everything he could've said to her. The world around him came to a halt, and he stood there and stared. Kaminari closed his eyes and accepted his fate.

"I'll be right there with you, Kami! Believe it!" He remembered Alyx's words.

(I.R.P.: Listen to "The Invisibles" by Tendril)

He let out a small whimper, "Somebody please... Help me..."

Right before Muscular reached Kaminari, a loud smack was heard! Kaminari opened his eyes and saw what was happening! Kaminari collapsed to the ground with joy as he saw Alyx!

"A-Alyx!" Kaminari shouted.

Leonidus was holding Muscular back! Using his Demon Transformation, Alyx was able to fight again!

"Aw, look at that! The Quirkless Wonder has finally showed up! Do you think you can really hurt me?!" Muscular mocked.

Alyx growled at Muscular and slashed at his face, damaging his left eye even more!

"GAH! Damn it!" Muscular yelled.

Alyx kicked Muscular into a nearby building. He stood in front of Kaminari and looked back at him. He held Kaminari close to him.

"Y-You... You really do have my back, don't you?" Kaminari muttered.

Alyx looked back towards Muscular as he broke out of the building. The veins on Alyx became more prominent as he grew angrier! Muscular clutched his eye and looked at Leonidus. Muscle fibers began leaking out from Muscular as he grew angrier as well.

"You damn runt! I'll fuckin' crush you!" Muscular roared.

Muscular charged towards Alyx, he slammed into the ground, but Alyx jumped forward. He kicked the base of Muscular's neck and sent him crashing further into the ground!

"ALYX, LOOK OUT!" Kaminari shouted.

A piece of metal pierced Alyx's chest! Muscular stood up and laughed.

"You idiot! Did you really think... That I didn't expect you to do that?" Muscular smirked.

Alyx pulled the piece of metal out of his chest and threw it right at Muscular! He activated his Quirk and blocked the attack. But some of Alyx's blood got on him! Alyx held his hand out and balled it into a fist, which exploded the blood! A couple of Super Quirk Creations landed down behind Alyx. Leonidus turned around and let out a shrill scream and charged towards the Creations! He tackled one to the ground and bit it's neck! He tore at the Creation until it was nothing but bits and pieces. He charged and ripped straight through the second one! Muscular stumbled back to his feet after being blasted back by Alyx's Exploding Blood!

Kaminari snuck up behind Muscular, "300 volts should do the job...!"

He fired off a thunderbolt shot at Muscular's head! The attack rendered Muscular unconscious! After Alyx was done tearing the Creations apart, he made his way over to Kaminari. Alyx stared at Kaminari and put his hand on his head. Alyx pointed to the Bamboo Gag in his pouch, Kaminari pulled it out and looked at it.

"Do you want me to put this on you?" Kaminari asked.

"Ah." Alyx replied.

Kaminari tied the Bamboo Gag around Alyx's chin and he settled down. The veins became less visible and Alyx stood there and looked around. Alyx shrunk in size and climbed onto Kaminari's shoulder.

"W-Woah! How'd you do that?" Kaminari questioned.

The hole in Alyx's chest was slowly healing, thanks to the Super Quirk Creation he possibly ate a bit of. Kaminari and Snipe helped the citizens around the area as best as they could. The injuries Kaminari sustained weren't fatal, but he was still transported to the hospital anyway. Alyx didn't leave his side and he stayed overnight at the hospital, keeping an eye on Kaminari. In the morning, Jiro, Momo, Kirishima, Mina, and Iida visited Kaminari. They saw Alyx standing next to Kaminari in his shrunken state. Alyx ran over to Momo and held her hand.

"A-Alyx? What happened? Wait, are you using your Quirk?" She asked.

Alyx shook his head and grew back to his normal size.

"I don't think that's a Quirk, Yaoyorozu. That might be something else." Iida guessed.

Alyx rubbed his eyes and shrunk back down again, he climbed up on Yaoyorozu and fell asleep.


I woke up in my bed, I had a weird taste in my mouth and my chest slightly hurt. I wasn't in my hero suit anymore; it was almost as if I was dreaming the entire thing I saw on the news! I was slowly getting used to that form of mine. Albeit I don't remember anything once I use it, but at least it didn't hurt my head anymore! I got up from my bed and walked downstairs.

"Hey!" Ojiro greeted.

I turned around and waved, "Hey, man!"

"We saw what happened on the news, do you have your Quirk back?" Ojiro asked.

I shook my head, "No, I wish! It's a part of my Demon genetics, remember?"

"Ah, right. I guess I forgot about that stuff." Ojiro responded.

We both walked downstairs together.

"So, can you even control it?" Ojiro questioned.

"Kind of? I black out during it so I guess not, but I don't lash out at anyone that's a friend, from what I've been told. It's half and half at this point." I explained.

Momo made Tatertot Casserole for dinner, everyone asked me about what happened today, and I tried to tell them as best as I could. I'm pretty sure Kaminari would be able to tell all of us what happened once he's back. Once dinner was over, I cleaned out my Bamboo Gag, I don't think I really need this thing anymore but it's better to be safe than sorry!

"Hey, Alyx, Mr. Aizawa wants to see you." Uraraka told me.

I nodded and walked outside, he stood there with his arms crossed.

"So, that Demon State of yours, it's not like a Quirk?" He asked.

"No... If it was, I wouldn't be able to do it." I responded.

Mr. Aizawa tilted his head, "Do you mind showing me it?"

I nodded at him. I tied the Bamboo Gag around my chin and bit down on it, then, I closed my eyes.


Alyx entered his Demon State, the horn shot out of his forehead yet again. He opened his eyes, they became a pale blue, and his scar grew. Mr. Aizawa studied Alyx's features, he never seen anything like this!

"Let's just hope that there isn't anyone else like you out there. God knows what we'd do..." Mr. Aizawa muttered.

Hawks landed down a few feet away from them, "Yo, Eraserhead! I've got something for you!"

He walked towards both of them and a peculiar looked fell over Hawks.

"Eh? Is that Leonidus? He looks a little glazed over, is he alright?" Hawks wondered.

Aizawa nodded, "He's fine. From what I've been told, he doesn't remember anything that happens once he enters this state. Alyx has been able to restrain himself thanks to this thing in his mouth, it disperses lavender tea out in intervals of 10 seconds."

"Well, that's quite an interesting little invention. Personally, I wouldn't be chewing on Bamboo, but whatever works best." Hawks shrugged his shoulders.

Hawks patted Alyx's head, "So, have you figured out a way to get his Quirk back?"

"Not yet. Eri's been trying to help him out, but she isn't some sort of tool. I understand everyone's concerns, including hers, but I'm not going to use her like Chisaki." Mr. Aizawa responded.

"I see. Well, if you need anything else, you know where to find me." Hawks nodded.

Shota looked at the envelope Hawks gave him. Inside was a small sheet of paper with coordinates listed. Alyx stepped forward and looked at the paper with him. Mr. Aizawa led Alyx back inside and left the dorms. Alyx looked around the dorms and walked towards the kitchen cabinets.

"Oh, do you need something, Alyx?" Deku asked him.

He looked at Deku then back down at the cabinet. Deku opened the cabinet and Alyx shrunk down and entered the cabinet.

"W-WHAT THE?!" Deku shouted.

The girls, Shoto, Tokoyami, and Aoyama ran over to see what was wrong. Deku nearly fainted and the others looked inside of the cabinet.

"O.M.G.! HE'S SO SMALL!" Mina squealed.

She picked him up and held him in the air.

"He's like a bean!" Hagakure added.

"I've never seen a bean the size of a baby. Where did you see that at?" Shoto asked.

Momo shook her head, "It's just a figure of speech, Shoto."

Yaoyorozu took Alyx from Mina and she set him on the ground.

"This is all so strange, how is he able to do this? Shrink and presumably grow his body at will, absurd strength and speed, all without a Quirk?" Tokoyami pondered.

Deku agreed, "Yeah, I've never seen anything like it. He said something about it being 'Blood Demon Art' or something like that?"

Mina sat down on the floor and Alyx patted her horns.

"He's definitely gotten the mental capacity of a young child, but he's still retained his combat prowess. There must be some sort of explanation..." Momo added.

The dorms doors opened and Kaminari walked in. Alyx looked up and ran towards him.

"Hey there, little dude! Glad to see you too, Alyx!" Kaminari smiled.

[A Couple Hours Later...]


Momo's snoring woke me up, either I've been in bed all day or I blacked out again when I was talking to Mr. Aizawa. I wonder if Hatsume could help me out? I was about to get up until Momo put her arm around me. She yawned and opened her eyes.

"Morning... Bean..." Momo muttered.

"Babe, it's 3 in the morning. Sorry if I woke you up." I replied.

She sat up and blinked, "O-Oh, really? It's alright. I don't suppose you remember what you were doing, do you?"

"Nope, all I remember is talking to Mr. Aizawa and then waking up here. That's pretty much it." I told her.

"Well, if you're wondering, you somehow shrunk yourself. Kaminari said you did the same thing when you saved him from Muscular. And you may have shrunk down and hid inside of a cabinet as well." She informed me.

I shook my head, "Good grief... I guess Aunt Nezuko was right. I must've gotten the same abilities as her."

"This whole thing is quite peculiar, which is saying something after everything we've seen so far. It's almost as if those abilities are separate from your Quirk." Momo wondered.

"Yeah, that could be how I bit Shigaraki's arm off when we fought him..." I muttered.

"You what?!" Momo exclaimed.

"Oh, I guess I never told you guys about that, huh? My bite force is pretty strong!" I laughed.

[The Next Day...]

Mr. Aizawa actually wanted me to come along with the rest of the class to a Rescue Training exercise! I was super pumped up! I made sure to bring my Bamboo Gag just in case.

"Alright, I'll let you prepare in here, Thirteen will guide you out." Mr. Aizawa told me.


Alyx tied the Bamboo Gag around his chin and entered his Demon Blood Arts form. After a few minutes, Thirteen appeared in the room.

"Alrighty! You ready to go?" She questioned.

Alyx slightly nodded and they left the room.

"What's the damn hold up? Are we checking for villains again?" Bakugo asked.

Mr. Aizawa shook his head, "No, we've got a special guest joining us today."

Mineta shot up with excitement, "Is it a girl?! It's gotta be that fine first-year-"

Sero wrapped tape around him to shut him up. The huge doors opened and everyone turned around.

"Leonidus, it's a pleasure to have you with us again." Mr. Aizawa smirked.

Everyone's eyes lit up with joy! They did notice he looked a bit different though.

"Woah, what? Do you have your Quirk back, bro? Awesome!" Kirishima shouted.

"No, Kirishima. Alyx's family tree derives from a form of 'Oni', only certain generations were granted this ability, making Alyx a rare case of genetics. The difference here is that he doesn't burn from sunlight." Mr. Aizawa explained.

Iida raised his hand, "Mr. Aizawa! Aren't Oni's a malevolent being? If I recall correctly, they possess a murderous instinct."

"Good point, Iida, but that's not the case here. He's retained his memories, meaning he won't attack us unless forced to. It also means that he can still distinguish between friend and foe. Now, whether or not any of that is true, we'll see in a bit." Mr. Aizawa lectured.

Thirteen stepped out in front, "Okay everyone! I believe you all remember what groups you were in, correct? If so, group up and let's get going!"

Everyone got in their groups of 4 and stood in front of Thirteen.

"Alright now, Alyx, choose whichever group you'd like!" Thirteen announced.

Alyx looked at the 4 groups, he walked over to Deku's group. Thirteen led the groups to their zones. Deku's group had been tasked with search & rescue in the Ruins Zone.

"Okay, is everyone ready?" Deku asked.

Tsuyu nodded at him, "Yep, we're ready!"

Deku drew up a plan, "Alright... Alyx, Tsu, you guys head west from here and look for civilians. Uraraka, Sato, you're with me!"

They split up, Tsuyu and Alyx went west. They came across a large ruined building. The only way in was a small hole in the building.

"Gosh, you might have to wait out-" Tsuyu started to say.

Tsuyu turned her head and saw that Alyx had shrunk down!

"Never mind." Tsuyu added.

They both entered the building through the hole, once they got to the other side, Alyx grew back to his normal size. Alyx sniffed the air.

"What are you smelling?" Tsuyu asked.

Alyx started walking forward until he stumbled upon a dummy. He lifted the dummy over his shoulder and faced Tsuyu.

"Was that everyone you smelt?" Tsuyu wondered.

Alyx nodded his head, thanks to Bakugo, he was able to answer questions instead of stare blankly.

Tsuyu nodded back, "Okay, good, now how do we get out of here?"

Leonidus scratched his arm against a sharp rock. Alyx tossed some of his blood onto the wall in front of them, they both backed up and Alyx held his hand out in front of him. He balled it up into a fist and the blood exploded! They walked through the much bigger hole in the wall. Alyx sniffed the air and followed the scent, Tsuyu followed suite behind Alyx. There was a dummy stuck underneath a piece of debris. He lifted the debris up and Tsuyu grabbed the dummy with her tongue. The area around them started to shake.

"W-What's going on?" Tsuyu shouted.

They hurried towards the middle of the ruins; the nearby Landslide Zone was causing the shaking! Deku, Uraraka, and Sato met up with them.

"Did you guys find everyone? We found only 4 of them, how many did you guys find?" Deku asked.

They sat the dummies down, "Only these two, Midoriya."

"Alright, awesome! I think we beat our last record from last week!" Uraraka exclaimed.

A robot crashed down from one of the buildings, they turned and stood ready to fight! Alyx's body seemingly bulked up a bit and he started to growl at the robot. Alyx darted towards the robot as it approached, tearing and slashing away at the machine! Within seconds, Alyx dismantled and destroyed the robot.

"W-Well... I guess that's that then?" Uraraka nervously laughed.

Alyx got up from the robot and calmly walked back to the others. Thirteen and Aizawa stood at the start of the zone with binoculars.

"Holy smokes! D'ya see that, Eraser Head? He completely shredded that robot in at least 15 seconds!" Thirteen exclaimed.

Mr. Aizawa was dumbfounded, how could he move like that without a Quirk?

"That speed... That precision... I've never seen anything like it. What are you even made of, Alyx?" Aizawa thought.

He finally spoke, "However he did it, he's proven he can still handle training."

They walked towards Deku and the other students. The thought of Hawks lingered in Aizawa's mind.

"Listen, I don't mean to make any of you start worrying, but what if that kid loses control? Mt. Lady and I have already seen what he could do..." Aizawa remembered what Hawks said.

[30 Minutes Later...]

Class 2-A left the U.S.J. after another successful rescue training day. While on the bus, Hagakure leaned over to where Alyx was sitting.

"Hey, you want one?" Hagakure held out a wrapped chocolate bar.

Momo looked down, "I'm not so sure if he'll eat that."

Alyx pointed at his Gag, which Momo untied, and he leaned forward to sniff the chocolate. He tilted his head.

"See! I think he-" Before Hagakure could finish, Alyx bit down on the chocolate bar, eating half of it!

"G-GEEZ!" Hagakure squealed.

Alyx sat back in his seat and Momo retied the Bamboo Gag around his chin.

"Okay, so, maybe we still need to work on manners. At least we don't have to worry about that once you revert to normal!" Momo smiled.

The horn on Alyx's head retracted, which surprised everyone.


I blinked a few times before realizing where I was. I guess nothing went wrong during the training exercise today!

"Hey guys! How'd training go?" I asked.

[One Hour Later...]

I opened my closet and saw my hero costume laying on the floor. I hate just having it around, I really wish I could wear it again. I held it up and looked at it, it still had the hole that the needle went through.

"I wonder if I'll ever wear this thing again?" I sighed.

My phone started ringing, I picked it up and answered.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Is this Alyx Leonidus?" The man asked.

"Who am I speaking to?" I responded.

He laughed, "I would've figured you'd have recognize me, little bro."

"K-Kariya?! How'd you get my number?" I exclaimed.

"Listen, Alyx, I heard about what happened. I think I can help you out." Kariya told me.

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3)

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