
A Chat With Tenko! A Startling Truth?

After I was discharged from the hospital, I took a cab to Tartarus, Momo wanted to come with me. We were about 20 minutes away from the prison. I stared out towards the distant Tartarus complex, not taking my eyes off of it.

Momo placed her hand on mine, "Alyx, we're almost there, are you sure about this?"

I nodded my head and kept my focus on the prison.

[20 Minutes Later...]

We arrived at Tartarus, the guards let us through, I guess we can thank our hero costumes for that.

"Braveheart, Creati, a pleasure to see you made it here." Warden Tatsuo greeted.

"Warden, I'm assuming you know why we're here?" I asked.

"That I do, right this way." Warden Tatsuo replied.

(I.R.P.: Listen to "Spreading Anxiety" from My Hero Academia)

He led us down to the visiting room, we entered and there sat Shigaraki on the other side.

"Ah, Alyx, good to see you." He smiled.

"Tenko, how's it going?" I questioned.

He didn't say anything as I sat down, Momo stood off to the side.

"I take it you're here about the recent events is Esuha City, right? Let me start off by saying... That I had no responsibility for that. After all, I've been locked up in my cell for the past few months. I've had no contact outside of Eraser Head... And a couple of those other Pro Heroes. This place isn't exactly the easiest to get into, unless if you destroy it brick by brick. Isn't that something? This place houses the world's most dangerous criminals and yet... Where's a prison for the world's dangerous Pro Heroes? Clearly, they've done the same amount of damage as the villains imprisoned here... Have you seen the news lately?" Shigaraki told me.

"They've been rioting... Taking up arms... Because they don't think the heroes are doing their job. They've got a miniature me roaming about Japan right now, planning to strike who knows where, and you want to know the funniest part about it? I've got two heroes in training sitting right in front of me that are more than capable of addressing the situation, but instead, they're having a chat with me... I'm rather touched, you know?" He continued.

I leaned forward a bit, "So what's with the one of the Quartet Girls? They've gotten a hold of All For One somehow, the only person that has it is you, All For One himself is dead. Deku and I made sure of that."

Shigaraki leaned backward and cackled. He shook his head and sighed.

"I think we both know that answer, right... Alyx? Besides, hasn't he talked to you already?" He smiled.

"What are you...?" I wondered.

I thought for a moment and realized what he was telling me. That voice I heard while I was unconscious after the Sports Festival...

"They don't know the truth... Do they?" Shigaraki wondered.

I remained silent and I felt Momo stand next to me.

"The truth? What are you talking about?" She questioned.

"You haven't told them? I hate to be the... Bearer of bad news... But your little lovebird isn't all that he seems, Creati. If I recall, you said you didn't want to be called a hero, right? How perfect for what I'm about to disclose! You see... Alyx and I had a little... Deal... Until he decided to flake out on me by telling your little friend Tokoyami, was it? He disclosed information to us for a price, a rather high one. Unfortunately, when he... Misstepped... Our ties had to be cut. You should be proud of yourself, Leonidus, I never thought that someone could play pretend for this long." He explained.

Several armed guards came into the room and escorted him out, as he left, he smiled at me. I felt Momo's eyes on me as I looked down at the ground. I stood up and I walked out of the visiting room. Momo followed me out and we left Tartarus with little to no answers, sort of. I stood and waited for the cab to arrive; Momo walked up to me and stood in front of me.

"What was that about? Was everything he said true?" Momo asked.

"Yes... It is." I replied.

The cab arrived and we both entered it. The entire ride back to the dorms, we didn't say a word to each other, but I know for a fact we'll talk about it once we get home.

[35 Minutes Later...]

We got back to the dorms before everyone that was still here woke up. We walked up to my bedroom and I shut the door behind us.

(I.R.P.: Listen to "Anguish of the Quirkless")

"How could you? After all of this time, you were working with the people that nearly killed all of us. I... I don't understand, why?" Momo scowled.

"Momo, I-" I muttered.

"Don't. Don't try to say you're sorry, sorry isn't going to fix the lives that were taken by them, the people that could've been spared... Do you realize how many times I stay up at night thinking about what they've done to all of us? They nearly killed me, Alyx! Why are you-" She started to shout.

"It's not my goddamn fault, okay?!" I yelled.

She stopped talking and looked alarmed.

I took a deep breath in, "I had no choice. They held my family by the thinnest fucking string without hesitation. What else was I supposed to do? I couldn't turn anywhere for help, so I had to do whatever they told me, unless I wanted my entire family dead. He wanted me to kill All Might but I just fucking couldn't. All Might was the first to know about it, I couldn't sit there and keep it a secret anymore, I wanted help. And you know what, I'm fatherless now, all because of my dumbass decision to waltz on in and say 'Hi! How are you all? My name is Alyx 'Fuckhead' Leonidus, how can I help sabotage the lives of the people I love today?'"

Momo looked to the side and I walked towards my door, I held the handle but didn't move the door knob. I grit my teeth and felt tears fall down my face.

"I had no choice... If I could take it back I would in a heartbeat. Maybe I wouldn't have to worry about constantly hurting all of you. I've failed all of you." I wept softly.

"If you go out that door, you'll just be running from your problems." Momo told me.

I lifted my head and looked at her. She held her hand out and smiled as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"That's not the Alyx Leonidus I know, neither will it ever be, so please... Let ME be your hero!" She beamed.

I looked down at the door knob and I let go of it. I stepped over to her and took her hand.

"No more running, I want you to tell me everything that's on your mind, I do not care if it's about me or anyone else." Momo softly smiled.

I heard my door slowly creek open, Mina and Kirishima poked their heads in. Where they there that entire time?

Mina opened the door, "We heard yelling so we came up here. Is everything alright?"

I told them to come in and I explained the situation to them. I reassured them that I talked to Tokoyami about it almost constantly. I also told them that it was the main reason I was constantly was out all the time.

"I guess I really got caught up in that whole bullshit. I'm telling Bakugo and Deku about it once they recover. They, of all people, deserve to hear the truth." I ended.

Kirishima lightly punched my arm, "Hey, at least you weren't a full fledge villain, man. You know, I suppose you don't have a uh... Well... What is it called...?"

"A side hoe, Eiji?" Mina guessed.

"M-Mina! I'm not talking about a garden tool, what brought gardening up?" He exclaimed.

All three of us looked at him dumbfounded.

"What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?" Kirishima wondered.

Mina laid down on his lap, "Just... We'll talk about it after, Eiji baby."

"But anyways, I guess the main thing that's been on my mind was what you told me at the Sports Festival, Momo. I thought you were telling me that I was just a danger to myself because of my Quirk. If I'm gonna be honest, it was almost as if someone was controlling my mind after that." I explained.

"Darling, I wasn't telling you that you're a danger, I was only concerned about how much you're straining yourself. It's not healthy to use your Quirk like that. I just didn't want you hurting yourself." Momo reassured me.

Momo placed her hand on my chest, "This is what I prefer, an actual steady heartbeat. Not when it's constantly trying to keep up with whatever you're trying to output."

"Alright, Toga." I jokingly muttered aside.

"What was that? Do you remind repeating yourself?" Momo laughed.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I said absolutely nothing, my love."

Mina started laughing and Kirishima was lost. I guess he didn't hear what I said!

"He called you 'Toga' Yaomomo!" Mina giggled.

I looked at her and slowly looked back at Momo who was smiling at me.

"Mina, Kirishima, do you mind leaving us alone for a bit?" She grinned.

"Uh oh, you angered Mom!" Mina laughed.

They left my room and I simpered at her.

"Toga? Really?" She giggled.

"That's the first person that came to mind!" I laughed with her.

I pressed my watch and my hero costume went back into it. I sat up and looked for a shirt in my closet.

"Not gonna lie, I completely forgot that we were still in our hero suits. What time is it?" I told her.

I heard her boots and belt hit my floor, "It's about 4:00, are you wanting to head back to bed?"

"Of course, I'm honestly still kind of tired." I replied.

I walked over to her and laid down on her, Momo let her hair down and laid back. I closed my eyes and eventually drifted to sleep. My eyes shot open and I was in some sort of void space. I couldn't move or speak, what was going on?

"So, you've finally come clean, have you?" All For One boomed.

He slowly appeared from the darkness and stood in front of me.

"It's rather humorous, what exactly do you think those other friends of yours will think of you? After all, you were the one who's truly caused this pain and suffering upon them, Leonidus. There is a way out of this, an... Alternative... If you will. I can give you a new, better meaning, a power that can protect those around you. That's what you want, right? The ability to protect those you love without failure? The world I can present to you might change your mind." He continued.

He placed his hand on my head and flashes of images appeared in front of me. Cities burning to the ground, people lying dead in the streets, riots, violence... And at the height of it all, was me sitting on a throne made completely of bones. The images stopped and All For One moved back from me.

"Could you imagine wielding such power? Having a world of your own to rule without worrying about the endangerment of your loved ones? I can grant you that ability, grant you that world, Leonidus! All you have to do... Is give in... It's that simple, my boy." All For One grinned.

He reached his hand out towards me, although I couldn't move, my arm started to go up on its own. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop my arm from moving towards his hand. I faintly heard someone calling my name and I finally shot awake. I quickly sat up and tried to catch my breath, my heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest. Momo placed her arm around my shoulder and her hand on my chest.

"Alyx, what's wrong? Is everything alright?" She asked.

"Y-Yeah... Just a dream, I think." I responded.

I laid back down and stared at my ceiling, "All For One's been talking to me."

[6 Hours Later...]

We all visited the others in the hospital. My first stop was Deku's room. As I entered his room, he turned to look at me, he looked delighted to see me!

"A-Alyx, you're alright!" Deku smiled softly.

"Yeah, I guess you can say that." I smiled back.

I sat down on a recliner next to him, "Where's Yaoyorozu at? Did she come with you?"

"Yes, she's checking in on Laura. Listen, I need to tell you something, I've been keeping it a secret for a while now. I won't be asking for your forgiveness being that what I'm about to tell you... I honestly don't expect you too whatsoever. I was told to kill All-" I explained.

"I know, so does Kacchan, All Might told us about it before we had that New Year's Party at the dorms during our First Year." Deku interrupted.

I tilted my head, "Huh? H-He did?"

Deku nodded and begun to tell me what he was told by All Might.


[2 Years Prior...]

"Young Bakugo, Young Midoriya, before you two head out... I have something else to tell you." All Might told them.

Izuku and Bakugo sat back down on the couch. All Might flipped to a page in his notebook and pulled a couple pieces of paper out of it. He set them on the table for Katsuki and Izuku to see.

"These are pictures of the League of Villains and... Someone else? Did they get someone new to join them?" Midoriya wondered.

All Might shook his head, "Not necessarily. Naomasa, you can come in now."

Detective Naomasa walked in; he held a small tablet at his side. He nodded at All Might and the boys.

"Good afternoon, I believe I've got something that might interest you two, or shock you. Either or." Naomasa greeted.

He sat the tablet down on the table in front of Izuku and Bakugo. It was a video of that masked man from the League. He played the video and it started off with a woman begging for mercy.

"P-Please don't hurt me!" She whimpered.

The man took his mask off, revealing his face. Katsuki and Izuku's eyes widened as they finally figured out who this person was.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you, are you recording this?" Alyx whispered.

The woman presumably shook her head and lied out of fear, Alyx nodded back.

"Okay, I want you to listen to me, I want you to head to whatever police station or detective you can find. Hell, even take this to a Pro Hero if you can, but I need help." He told the woman.

A noise was heard in the background which caused Alyx to look back, "Shit... Go, now! They're coming!"

The video cut and it changed to Alyx sitting in a room with Detective Naomasa.

"So, what you're saying is the truth? You weren't doing this out of spite or some sort of hidden agenda?" He asked.

Leonidus nodded at him, "Yes sir, everything I said was true. Not only was I forced to leak information, but Shigaraki wanted me to kill All Might. I had no idea what exactly they would do with the information I gave them, I only told them our whereabouts and they said nothing to me. In return for not killing All Might, they told me they would kill my Father, I just didn't know it would happen so soon."

Naomasa paused the video and stood back, "The rest of the interview was self-explanatory. He never harmed anyone during those missions he went on with various League members. If anything, he saved more people from death by their hands than anything else."

"That was... Amnesia? Are you shitting me?" Bakugo wondered.

"Young Leonidus came to me after he was told to assassinate me by the League. I could tell he was visibly distraught, but at the time, I had no idea that they threatened to kill his Father if he didn't get the job done. I can't imagine what he's going through right now, he's pretty strong if he's not showing it outwardly. But there's only so much someone can handle." All Might replied.

Deku looked down at the photos, "So, what do we do?"

"All I ask is that you talk to him about it, whenever either of you can. I'm sure he'd feel much better about the situation if you two were made aware about it." All Might continued.

[Present Day...]


I softly smiled and looked at the ground, "I see, I'm glad you two understood, I truly am sorry about all of that. I guess I got too curious and caught up with things."

"I don't blame you; you came here with no knowledge of any villains like that existing. You found out when it was too late. At first, I was skeptical once we found you with the League, I would've figured you wouldn't have come with us." Deku responded.

I guess I have a habit of doing things too late. After I visited Deku, I stopped over by Jiro's room to see how she was doing. As I entered her room, it looked as though she hasn't slept in quite a while. Her ears had bandages around them so she didn't hear me enter the room. I walked over and stood next to her bed. Jiro looked up and smiled at me, she gave me a hug and I hugged her back.

"How's it going?" I asked her.

Jiro didn't respond, but I could tell she felt that I was talking, she pointed to her ears and shook her head. I pointed to her, then my ears, then into my ears, and then I shook my head. Jiro nodded and looked upset. Whatever Doe did, it caused Jiro to go deaf.

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3 )

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