
The Beast, is back on time.

[..Today is the anniversary of ten years since 'mana' surged on our planet earth. Most have already Awakened and is tired of this kind of news, but today is a special day! It's finally confirmed! Babies that were born five years after Mana surged. Are born awakened! for these babies, special schools are being built. But please..... ]

"hm?" Davi opened his dark-circled eyes, As soon as he got up the usual migraine for lack of sleep assaulted his mind. He had programmed for the tv to turn on at five in the morning. since it was holiday, he allowed himself half an hour more of sleep. Four hours and a half, daily. And five hours on holidays.

That was the doctor's orders.

[Don't forget! If you're feeling a cramped feeling in your chest, it might be the accumulated mana reaching its peak, ready for the awakening! It might also be a heart attack! so go immediately to see a doctor!]

Davi looked a the laughing crowd and report on tv. 'Death due to heart diseases became so rare that heart attack jokes are acceptable on the news?'

He thought while carrying his heavy tired body to the shower. The only time of the day he was didn't need to hold himself or be worried about losing control. He only needed to let the cold water splash on his back regardless of the weather.

After, he walked towards his closet, two types of clothing on display. Formal suit and casual jeans and t-shirt and shoes. Both with black or white options.

He wore the black suit tidily, it was perfect as it was tailored for him. His scrawny and average heigh figure looked less miserable on the suit.

He looked a the mirror bathroom, his lifeless obsidian eyes stared back at him. It would always seem like pleading for a respite, but Davi always denied himself a gap of freedom. If he allowed himself even a gap of one second, he knew that gap would be torn open into days of indulgence. losing time and effort invested.

Davi touched his chest, a bothersome feeling cramping his breathing stopped him in place. He remembered what the tv said and sighed, 'After ten years... was about time.'

The bell on his apartment rang.

"Enter," Davi said.

A beautiful lady with a mole under her lip came in with her long and black swaying hair.

"Julia, see if Dr. Adriana can see me now. My chest feels cramped I think it's mana accumulation."

Without a single greeting, Julia heard the order and nodded. But she was used to it and ignored his rudeness. She examined his face close. 'Pale, but the chance of awakening today improved his mood...'

"Don't drink coffee today." She said.

He looked at her with locked eyebrows.

"Good mood with caffeine might excite you too much. Your father's words." She explained.

Silence reigned, and she awaited his usual inquiry.

"...How are they faring?"

"Your mother hadn't left the bed, the time she spends lying down is increasing minutely but continuously. She only gets up when one of your sisters comes to her. Your elder sister spent the night at a co-workers place. Your youngest cooked dinner and studied until fall sleep."

Davi heard and nodded.

It's been two years since he left home. His mother did everything to keep him there. But he knew he had to leave. If he wanted to be any more than a beast, he had to leave the nest and drown in work so he can make an actual contribution to humanity. by studying the land beyond the spatial tears.

His younger sister, rarely studied before. But now that mother stopped forcing her, she became diligent... He knew it wasn't a sudden change for the better. The girl was only trying to lift her mother's mood.

'She'll be fine soon.' He rationalized.

He expected his family to get used to his absence a month or so after he left. After all, there was no shortage of money or food, any university his little sister wanted to enter he could arrange. But why were they in this gloom still?

Davi frowned.

"Sir, Dr. Adriana is ready." Julia said.

He collected himself and walked away.


"How doe it feel?" Inside the light colored and simple office, Psychology specialist Dr. Adrianna asked.

"Stuffy, but otherwise not so bothersome," Davi answered putting his hand in the middle of the chest near the heart.

"I meant your condition." She asked.

"Oh, blood flow is normal, no urges or sudden excitement, I'm avoiding everything that's even slightly e exciting."

Dr. Adrian's eyes turned sharp. "Boredom might become a trigger, so find something slightly stimulating to do. As for that stuffy feeling, it's true, expect to awaken around midnight."

Davi nodded and got up. Julia nodded and followed him outside.

It was already seven in the morning, time for work.

"Thank you, Julia, for not telling." He said from the passenger seat.

Julia remembered he was talking about s conflict with a laboratory co-worker from yesterday. "In any job, doesn't matter the profession or were, small arguments are common, the fact that you held yourself from even talking back. is actually a flaw. I don't understand how bottling up those emotions is doing anybody any good." She said.

Davi smiled, but his sickly pale face and dark circled eyes took his charm away.

"If I try to discuss, then I won't be able to back down. And if he got physical then an accident could happen. It's better to hold back regardless. But thank you for the worry. you're a really good nanny. haha."

Julia simply kept driving. And didn't refute. She passed all her time beside him to watch his mood, and avoid stress for him. she was, in fact, his nanny.

She turned and entered the campus laboratory parking lot where Davi was studying the biology of the other world.


Around eleven in the night. Inside Reis company office.

".... And so this is Ms. Adriana's report sir Nando." a beautiful blonde wearing red lipstick said.

"So my son is having his awakening. How good." His words were filled with pride and satisfaction, but his face portrayed how disinterested he was.

He looked at his bothered secretary.

"Lis, talk to me, you can ask me anything." Since she was used to it by now, Lis didn' showed it on her face, but the tone of his deep voice made her tighs damp.

"W-Why, why manipulate him like this? I-I mean, I think It's better if I know the grudge sir have against him."

Nando Opened his eyes wide.

"Grudge? No, I don't hate him. I fear him." His voice certain, he was sincere.

Lis couldn't understand.

He sighed and typed on his notebook. "I managed to stop this before it could go on national television."

He turned the screen for her and pressed play.

A reporter appeared on the tv anxiously looking at one huge house encircled by the special forces.

[The police has forcefully entered the druglord's house. but no shots were fired yet]

On the bottom of the screen, the words (Crackdown on a drug lord suspected of human trafficking!) moved.

Suddenly the reporter looked shocked and pressed his earphone.to the ear.

[A child in the basement? Holding unconscious women? uh- huh. I understand!]

The reporter looked directly to the camera.

[The bodies of three adult males were found in the basement with torn limbs, one of the believed to be the drug lords. But a child holding an unconscious woman was there too]

Nanda pressed the video forward and soon the police went out with a black haired beautiful young woman on an emergency hammock. Right behind her a bloodied malnourished child walked outside followed by two special ops.

His eyes were widened to the maximum it was scary coming from a child so thin. He smiled while looking at the sky s if it was the first time.

Suddenly a reporter desperate for a scope ran towards the boy and pointed the phone to him.

[Boy, what happened there? how did you get there? Please tell us!]

the other reporters led the newbie to do his thing and the only film from the sidelines, the cops tried to intervene but their leader shook his head from afar. and they stood still.

The boy, who had blood on his both hands and mouth smiled again with wide eyes.

[I was born there, I was kept on a cage in the basement. My father said Mother was too smart to be with him, so he locked me and used me as a hostage for seven years. Today he said he was fed up and wanted to bully mother, so I managed to free myself from the cage and bit his neck.]

The child made a notion of biting with his mouth, appalling the public.

[ while dad bled I was knocked down by the other, but mom managed to grab a knife they were using to peel orange earlier into the guy's chest. But the other kicked her in the head. While he was trying to stop his partners bleeding I held his neck with both hands and tore it apart. I tried to call an ambulance for mom, but then the police came.]


Nando closed the notebook.

"While in the cage, he learned how to read and talk by watching the neighbors tv through a small gap on the wall. He was only given enough food to keep alive. This video if form when he was twelve, and malnourished. after this, his grandparents took him, his sisters and sick mother into a house in the slums of Brazil. The police don't go there. Now I ask you Lis, How does a woman young and beautiful as his mother with an equally beautiful fifteen-year-old daughter, and one more baby sister survive in a place like that through five years?"

Lis's face was pale.

Nando continued. "Every time some men commented something about his mother or sisters, their bodies were found somewhere, Davi built himself a reputation of respect and fear. and lived in tranquility for the four years left.

He gained enough money and brought them out of the slums and entered in a common apartment. that's when I finally found him.

He was my son, my blood, he had so much of my blood, that he was named the beastly boy. From all corrupt politician, drug lords, or wealthy tycoons this big Brazil. He's the one I fear the most. So what do I do? I couldn't try to kill him, what if he survive and come after me!? What if he blames me for his shitty life!? So I had to do something!

" 'Let's tame the beast!' I thought. I took him in and told him his fangs and claws are what's wrong with the world and that he needs to change! And he believed!"

Lis didn't know what to do so she just nodded and smiled.


On the sofa lying down on his back, Davi laughed with a bloodied nose. A pool of blood formed under his neck. He didn't move from the place, and only sighed 'I really came back, you crazy bastards.'