
An End To Forgetting

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and it was Juni and...someone I haven't seen before. I guess looked upset because Juni looked at me with concern.

"Are you Alright, Jones?"

I felt tears run down my face. I bit my lip trying not to cry. I tried to speak but nothing came out so I just shook my head. Juni looked shocked and then his face soften.

"Come on let's go to my house, Okay?"

Juni extended his hand to me and I took it. We walked to his house. He held my hand the whole way. The guy with Juni just walked beside us.

On the way there I just couldn't stop crying. I had fucked up. I did the opposite of what I wanted to do in the first place.

Juni led me to his room and sat me on his bed. He then sat next to me while the other guy sat at Juni's desk. I must've looked confused because Juni decided to introduce him.

"That's Rowan. Don't mind him, he's just staying with me for a minute. Now tell me what's wrong?"

"I fucked up with Vanilla..."

He looked a bit confused.

"How? Did you get on his nerves if so then he will probably be over it by tomorrow."

If I told him that meant I would have to confess to my lies, but I just needed to tell someone or else o might just explode.

"You don't understand...I- shit.."

Unbeknownst to me I started to bounce my leg causing the bed to shake.

"Jones is my middle name...and Jamey is my first. I lied to you before I did live here but...I just can't be my old self if I live here. Jamey was a pathetic kid that got bullied for liking his best friend. Jamey was the kid who had massive overwhelming feelings for his best friend."

"I'm sorry Juni..."

Juni looked shocked. His friend, Rowan looked a bit shocked as well. Juni is probably upset with me for lying. Shit, I messed up didn't I? I felt myself internally panic.

"It's alright, Jones. I'm glad you told me,but what does this have to do with Vanilla"

It came as a shock to me. He wasn't mad at me? He didn't hate me?

"Vanilla is clearly the bestfriend"

And he speaks. The guy Rowan is pretty smart either that or Juni is just oblivious.

"Oh...but at the party you acted like you didn't know who they were?" I'm glad Juni was trying to be understanding.

"I know I know...I don't know what happened. At one moment the feeling I had start to come back and the next I acted like I didn't know him."

"You were scared of losing him and yet you lost him in the end anyways? You were afraid of telling him your feelings. Your the type of person who cant keep their feelings in, arent you?" Rowan spoke which earned him a pillow thrown at his face from Juni.

"Dude! You don't just say that!"

He wasn't wrong. He was actually correct. He didn't deserve to have a pillow thrown at his face.

"No no its alright...He's right. I moved away years ago because I thought I would spill my feelings. I didn't care about the bullies only about them.."

I sighed as I remembered that Vanilla wants me out of his house. I needed to get my stuff

"I messed up so bad. I should go I have to pick up my stuff from their house..."

Juni rubbed my back. He looked at me with sympathy. "It's getting late you can sleep in my bed tonight and I'll stop by their house and pick it up. Don't even try declining because I will lock you in here."

"But Juni-"

"I'm serious I will legit make Rowan watch the door. Please just sleep. I'll go and get your stuff."

Juni actually sounded serious. I reluctantly layed on the bed. It was definitely going to be hard to sleep.

Juni and Rowan walked out of the room and turned off the lights. I was now left with myself and my own thoughts.

I shouldn't have ever lied. I just didn't want to be weak and defenseless Jamey anymore. I didn't want to be the Jamey with feelings for his bestfriend.

Maybe I should just sneak out the window and leave. I don't really need my stuff..I could always get new things.


I awoke to a knock at my door. My eyes felt swollen from crying. I groggily got up to go see who the fuck would be knocking at this time of night.

I was shocked when I saw Juni at my doorstep.

"Juni? What are you doing here?"

Juni immediately grabbed my face and looked at my eyes.

"Oh shit...It was really that bad?"

What is he talking about. I guess I looked confused because he sighed and explained himself.

"I heard about you and Jones..."


How or When did he hear that? Did he see it? Oh shit did he see me cry?

"How did you hear about it...?"

Juni looked away for a second. He looked anxious.

"Jones...I'm here to pick up his stuff"

I felt my heart sank. I didn't want him to leave. I didn't want him to go again.

"He told me the truth about who he really is..and if I'm honest with you. He's sounds really apologetic about lying to you...its not up to me for you to forgive him"

Juni said with a sigh.

He told Juni the truth. Was he really sorry? I just wanted to know why.

"Did he tell you why he did it?"

Juni looked unsure at first. Like he didn't know if he should answer that question.

"You need to ask him yourself...I can't say this myself since it's not my words to say."

Did I ever ask him why? Now that I think about it..I don't think I did. I was just so upset with him that I never asked him why he left. I should've just stopped the act when I first saw him.

"...where is he?"

"Oh he's at my house right now but I don-"

I cut him off and pushed past him. I started running to his house.

"Vanilla wait! Jones is-"

I couldn't hear him. I was already too far away.

When I got there I saw Jamey exiting from the backyard. His eyes were puffy. He froze when he saw me. He then started to run.


*[Jamey Jones]*

Oh fuck he's right there. I started to run away. I'm not ready to talk to him. Oh God are they chasing me?!

I ran all the way to the park. I didn't even realize until I was there. It was the same place I got my scar.

I thought I lost them so I stopped to catch my breath. Then all of the sudden I heard a loud yell.

"Jamey you fucking bastard! You better stop right there!"

Once I turned around I was immediately tackled to the ground. He layed ontop of me and hugged me tightly. Their hands gripped tightly onto my shirt like if it was the last thing he would ever hold.

"Why'd you do it, Jamey...Why did you leave me...why?"

His voice sounded broken. I felt droplets onto my shirt. Oh God I was such a dick.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry Vanilla.. I just- I was in love and it was just too painful for me to keep it in. I was bullied for it. I just couldn't do it anymore.."

Vanilla immediately sat up. They looked down at my with tears flowing down their cheeks. He looked angry and upset and sad all at the same time. The word bullied seemed like the only word they heard.

"You were bullied and you didn't tell me? How could you not tell me I would've-"

"You would've gotten hurt, Vanilla."

Vanilla bit his lip before scoffing.

"I don't care Jamey. They hurt you. They made my bestfriend move away!"

His voice cracked. Does he not understand that I wanted to keep him safe? Did my scar mean nothing to them? I felt myself grow irritated.

"Vanilla! You are important to me! I could care less about a little bit of bullying, okay? Do you even understand why I got this scar?! Its because i didnt want to see you get hurt!"

Vanilla seem to hesitate for a second. Their facial expression softened for second before contortions back to an aggrieved look.

"Then why did you leave?! If bullying wasn't that big of deal then, why?!"

Vanilla grabbed onto my collar and brought me closer to his face. I hate seeing them look like such a mess. I'm starting to not think straight. He's making me so...

"Because I love you! I loved you so much and I just couldn't take it! I knew if I had stayed any longer I would've spilled everything so I left..." I felt myself grow nervous and hesitant"...and then when I saw you again everything came back...I couldn't get away from you but at the same time I wanted to forget."

I looked away. I felt tears roll down my cheeks. I was ready for the rejection for a slap. For an insult..for anything.

I was shocked when I found a pair of lips on my own. My eyes were wide and I felt my cheeks flare. Vanilla's eyes were shut tight. His lips tasted like honey.

They pulled away. He looked happy along with an mixture of sadness.

"Was that it..? I made you move away..it was me?"

I bit my cheek. I felt guilty and upset with myself for doing this to Vanilla. I started to sob. I covered my face with my hands trying to stop myself from crying.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry.."

Vanilla grabbed my hands and wiped my tears. He gave me another quick kiss.

"It's okay Jamey, I love you too. I forgive you...if anything I'm sorry I didnt notice how you felt sooner...if only I did then...I would've gotten to see you for the rest of highschool..."

"No! It wasn't you fault...I was stupid!"

I hugged him tightly. I'm so glad I have him. Our moment was soon ruined by Juni shining his car headlights at us.

"What is wrong with you two?! I was worried that you guys killed eachother!"

He berated us for a while. Me and Vanilla laughed with eachother which earned a grin from Juni.

"Alright let's get you guys home."


When Vanilla and Jones arrived home. They both fell asleep almost immediately. Everyday after that it was like they were back to their true self except with a little bit of kissing and dates evolved. Jamey promised Vanilla that he would make up for everyday that he missed of Vanilla's life.

Don't lie to the people you love even if you think your protecting them.