
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · Fantasía
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69 Chs

Chapter 51: Shifting Fate.

Recently, after coming back from the forest. Zyro have notice subtle changes on Pert's attitude towards him. Which Zyro ignore for his upcoming departure draw near. So, whatever Pert reason for behaving abnormally didn't matter. After all, he won't see him anymore. But... Never did he expect it was because the kid knew.

His the Fallen Knight in the truest flesh.

Something that the king of Gricks who've bore deep resentment towards him and all their kinds hunting him day and night didn't.

Yet, Pert, a simple young slave was aware of his true identity. Zyro last layer of defense, and what keep him alive to this day was seen through. The most frightening part is that, Zyro's obliviousness about this till now. How long had Pert knew?

And... How much had his bounty risen?

The last time he check, the fallen knight bounty is already enough to let 5 families live in luxury for life. Just imagine the allure it have towards someone who've live in the utmost bottom of society and experienced constant poverty. A mine-slave.

He didn't know how, he didn't know why. Pert who've accompanied him ever since his first day in the mine. And aided him considerably enough to be an acknowledged acquaintance. Someone who'll beg and risked himself for Zyro's well being. And can be considered a true friend of his to some extent.

Nevertheless, Pert Knowing his second identify were an undeniable fact. Which changes the whole story for the worst.

There's also the possibility of this being a absurd joke.

Sadly, in the short span he've lived here. Zyro came to knew the kid well enough to judges pranks and what is not. The tense atmosphere and the youth genuine anxiousness clearly suggest all seriousness.

This wasn't a joke.

'I wish it was.'

The moment those heavy words scape from the blond lad lips.

Zyro retractable silver blade was already springing out, heading to Pert pale throat.

'I never thought I'll do this again.'

It wasn't his first time being betrayed and killing a comrade. Some were done as trials, some were simply required to survive.

Still, the undescribable agony ripping his insides like cold flaws were as painful as ever. Despite it lasting an instant, it was somehow more painful than physical wounds. Added the following nightmarish torments it brings.

Pert awkward smile froze, looking more like a apprehensive smirk. As the blade chilling sharp edge touch the left side of his neck.


The youth trembled upon realization what just happened. Somehow, Zyro Infront of him a moment ago swiftly leaned forward, and produce a weapon out of nowhere. Suddenly threatening to cut his neck.

With the youth stunned by fear, Zyro demeanor shifted from a normal slave to a veteran soldier interrogating a criminal. With stern voice, impassiveness expression and cold eyes. Zyro said.

"Give me reasons to let you live."

Although Zyro was prepared to kill, his rationality remains. If Pert have reported him for the bounty, then why risk informing the Fallen Knight personally that his identity were known by him. Something doesn't add up.

Pert was dumbfounded for a moment, seemingly loss his understanding. Before realizing what's happening. His life now depends on his answer.

"P-please don't. I, umm, I-I mean no harm."

Zyro remain unmoving, inferring his answer was insufficient to convince him. Fortunately for the kid, his excessive shuddering caused his skin to slightly brush against the blade shard edge, resulting a subtle yet bleeding cut. The sting from it sobered him.

Barely calming himself, Pert tried again after taking a deep breath.

"You, you might be wondering how I found out. I was out in the forest too, that day. Heading to where my father, no, I'm heading to where our airship had crashed. It's inside the wall of fog, so I can't exactly visit it. But I still did sometimes to pay my respects. Two weeks ago, or is it more than that? I'm not certain how many days had past. But I saw you back then when your heading to the forest too, I thought your trying to scape. So I followed you, then... You were chased by that eyeless hound, I'm about to help you back then. But you jump down from the tree, and run. And, and. When I caught up. I saw you killed the hound. Then, you put on that black armor. I didn't know what to do, so I run away. It took me some time to figured out your the Fallen Knight the Gricks was searching for. By connecting the time of your arrival here, and when the Gricks start searching. And, and the description of the fallen knight."

'So that's why your missing in night sometimes.'

Pert panted, out of breath. his lips were dry from the nonstop explanation. Yet, Zyro remain still. What the kid had revealed is how he find out and reason behind his occasional disappearance. Not his intentions of telling him this. Surely, it wasn't something stupid like guilt for knowing his acquaintance secret.

After a short respite, Pert continue.

"I know your strong, you killed the Gricks prince after all and successfully scaped Highland with your life... So, please help me! Help me get out of this place and return to my home. To the kingdom of Strays!"

Zyro gaze at the kid golden eyes for a while, then sighed.

'So that's what's this all about'

Still, he wasn't convinced. Something doesn't add up.

"You said you were about to help me back then when I'm being chased by the eyeless hound. How do you aim to do that with your strength?"

Wether it's a slip of tongue or lie. A slave claiming to aid him defeat that repulsive dog sounded like a joke. I mean, how would Pert survive facing that thing? Let alone kill it. Even Zyro barely managed.

Somehow, despite his possible mistake being pointed out. Pert expression didn't falter. Rather, it grown more confident.

Cautiously raising his arm, Pert showed Zyro the back of his hand. On it, a black mark suddenly appeared, as if it was being drawn real time in a hasted pace.

'You foxy brat'

The shard slightly pressed to Pert's skin.

It was the Mark of an Alpha. As it turns out, Pert was a first tier Warrior all along. On par with the eyeless hound and the abusive guard Zyro killed. However, what bothered him was what happened when Pert begged the Guard. Is that all an pretentious act? For what?

"Please, don't get the wrong Idea. I just recently got it! About three weeks ago."

Pert said in a genuine smile.

It took Zyro a second to justified his words. Utilizing his mental AI, he searched for the recording when Pert was kicked by the Alpha guard, which leave a swollen bruise that looked naturally severe. If Pert was already an Alpha back then, the bruise wouldn't be that bad.

Zyro sharp eyes studied his face for a while.

"I believed you. However, tell me why yrou chosen not to report me?"

He already formed vague guesses, but rather hear the truth.

Pert replied without hesitation.

"Because I don't trust the Gricks."

Reasonable enough, he knew better than anyone that laws wasn't absolute. If Pert were to inform them, it had to be done through an individual Grick or squadron first who will investigate the matter by any means. Once confirmed, it will be a gamble wether the investigators would rob credits or righteously gave it to a lowly slave. With the astonishing bounty in the line, the most feasible situation was the former. Pert refuse to risk it.

His goal was returning home to the kingdom of Strays. Hence, he rather wager on acquiring potential ally. The Fallen Knight at that. It won't take a genius to figured out the knight goal after witnessing the Gricks painstaking search through out the Foggy Ring. Of course, it's evident the knight wanted to scape, which align with the kid desire.

Zyro went into deep thought, the situation wasn't pleasant. But quite promising. Pert deliberately taking the risk of being killed by the fallen knight imply his sincerity. Furthermore, having an Alpha along him will surely be a great boon.

However, the kid aim was nothing but delusional. Even with the two of them combined.

Withdrawing his short sword and leaning back again. Zyro toned.

"You wanna get out of here. I'm sorry, I doubt that's possible. We both knew there's only two place here, the dangerous wilderness, and the dangerous vampire inhabitants. Getting through the forest wasn't easy, to say the least. Let alone getting an airship and flying pass the Gricks security. Our key out is an aircraft which is in the vampires and Gricks territory. Affording one will took us years, even that wasn't guarantee, so stealing is our beast option. That and many more factors, what you want was simply impossible for us."

Zyro's eyes studied Pert's determined face, and added.

"Unless you have better ways."

Unexpectedly, Pert reply shortly.

"I do."