
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

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69 Chs

Chapter 43: Racial limit

"I can, but you can't"

That answer confused Zyro. Why does the old man so certain that his unable learn without even assessing his performance?

"What do you mean?"

Depter gave the ragged knight a strange look. Before saying.

"Your not a mage."

"...Then make me" Zyro answered.

The old man remained silent for a moment. Contemplating, and said as if he figured out the problem.

"Ah, right. By now, the two continents loath each other after the war. So you probably don't know what a mages are. Lad, a mage is one of the original race along the elves, dwarfs, anima and demons."

At the mention of this races, Zyro was taken aback. Just like vampires, those species Depter informed him are well known to earth fictional stories, but was already expected due to the existence of vampires here. Heck, he'll even bet that there's flying pigs here. Then again, the question why this fantastical creatures and knowledge of human acrolect being here resurface on his mind once again. Like before, there's no answer to be found.

Besides, he have no time to waste on solving mysteries when his about to touch the miraculous sorcery of magic. However, the old man next words made him wish he didn't hear anything.

"Unlike other races, Mages are born to wield magic through the exclusive veins that let us absorb and manipulate mana. Like this."

Depter lifted one skinny hand, and... A barely visible red mists came out from his palm.

The old man close his eyes, concentrating as he made the translucent mist to slowly swirl for a moment before taking a form of many luminous thin red threads. It intertwined midair, twisting and turning as it weave complex tapestries made of myriads of shapes, symbols, labels etc. But if anything can be understood, that will be it's all inside a circle formation. Finishing the intricate red circle that look like masterpiece in Zyro's astonished eyes at the magical scene unfolding before him.

Depter spoke.

"You may have heard language of Gods. This circle I casted here is written on that godly language. Which is only one word, its means "Create"

Zyro finally understood why language of Gods were refered as language of Gods. Just one word was already so complex, differ to letters on earth alphabets which are formed by few lines. The godly alphabets can't even be called as such, it composed of thousands lines, forming dizzying abstract shapes and symbols beyond understanding. How is that a combination of letters? And that thing is supposed to be one word that is read? It's like an abstract painting of lines!

No matter how much Zyro's head hurt just trying to comprehend the magic Infront of him. The old man wasn't done yet, his just starting.

After that brief explanation, Depter continue weaving. Needle-like branches sprouted from the circle sides, soon forming another involute circular layer surroundings the first circle in the middle. Then, a floating palm size ball of fire suddenly burned Infront the magic spell.

"The second word I attached means "Fire" so now, it's "Create, Fire" if I added another layer."

Following his hoarse voice, branches came out from the casting spell, soon forming the third layer. But this one, is incomplete.

Using the helmet camera lenses to view. Zyro vision was able to closely zoom at the spell structure, and see the tiny purposely paused threads to not meet each other.

"If I completed the third layer, which means "Shoot", this will happen."

Depter aimed his aged hands sideway, and finished the casting by letting the lines meet. As soon as he did this, the flaming ball shoot to were his pointing at. The fire move forward like a thrown stone, illuminating the surroundings ruins it passed until hitting a wall. Creating charred burn mark on the stone before extinguishing into nothingness.

Zyro attentively watched the entire process of casting magic in amazement as it twisted logics. From the extraction of the mana element from the mage body, to manipulating and weaving the deities words until producing a shooting ball of fire. This is real magic!

"What I casted there was the basic of the basics, in fact, third circle fire ball was the easiest offensive and convenient spell. Not only can you create helpful flame with it for survival, it's also a dangerous weapon at some degree. If you increase the output and turn it into orange or yellow level, the power will be enhanced significantly. However, by doing so will heighten the difficulty of controlling. If the magic circle collapse, same as damaging magic stones which consist of concentrated mana. Casting is similar and also explode if handled carelessly. Furthermore, you need to flawlessly memorized the those complex words and recreate it, not to mention adding extensions to form multiple word commands..."

Depter halt his mouth, realizing that he over spoken. He enjoyed teaching someone as entertainment. Partially due his excitement finally talking to someone after a long time. But currently, something is telling him that the student his tutoring wasn't in the mood. He look at Zyro with a hint of pity in his eyes.

He sighed. Before saying in a stern tone devoid of humor.

"I don't know what race you are knight, but if your not a mage... Then give up on magic."

With those words, Zyro's astonishment suddenly disappeared. As if a freezing bucket of water wash over his body, waking him to reality...

He can't use magic.


It was cruel, but Depter said nothing wrong, it was a fact Zyro's meant to accept. A painful truth that he can't deny.

He felt his heart sink, along the crushed hopes and dreams. Magic is only exclusive for mages, a race born with organs specifically for managing mana through their veins like how humans inhale oxygen and how their blood circulate. Mages can consume the element mana, extract it from their skin and control it.

Something that a human - Zyro, can't do, and will never be able to.

In the silence that settled in the ruins. Zyro let out a shaky breath.

'That's... Unfortunate'

No, it wasn't unfortunate. It's a nightmare!

As he was sitting here, thousands of Gricks was hunting him. Even if he scape, where would he go? To the merciless embrace of the Mine where perils awaited him daily. Not to mention the iron shackles on his neck!

This proof just how messed up his situation are. But what could he do? Nothing! Unless he have power. Unfortunately, all gates closed on him. All this time, Zyro had been hoping to fix everything by wielding the language of Gods. In a world where the strong devour the weak, Zyro needed nothing but power to not be a slave, abuse, hurt, hunted, run and die. He played the role of hiding mouse in this game.

Sure, Zyro owned a cybernetic suit that enhanced his power on par or greater than that of an Alpha. But how long can it last without maintenance machinery and spare parts? A couple of years, at best. Hence, his future relied on gaining power by learning magic. Sadly, as it turns out, the sorcery he hoped to wield was unreachable.

That revelation alone crushed his future. That is, if he still have a future. Whatever it may be, it'll surely be a dark, bitter fate.

Zyro blankly stare at the floor and gritted his teeth.

'...Damn it.'

His the type of person whose used to cruelty, pain, despair and hopelessness. Still, Zyro would be lying if he could just accept this easily. It was hard, too hard to the point he wanted to shout his complaints for the world to hear! The unfairness and hardship was just too much. His unable to gain a marks unlike all beings in this world, he doesn't have a single bit of racial talents either. And now, the sorcery he hoped to wield was unavailable too!?.

Not to mention the unintentional enemies he made and dumped slave status. Ah... the misfortune.

Just like happened with the Alpha guard that snapped his arms. No matter how illogical, stupid and crazy others decision might be, as long as they have power to justify their actions. Nothing matter. This is a world where Ascension of life exist, giving powerful marks to those who climbed in the world hierarchy. Power is the only thing that matters. Without strength to depend himself, things will repeat itself. Was he fated to live like this forever? A powerless slave to be abuse by iron fists?

'What is this? Am I thrown in this hell to what?! Just DIE!? Duck you! You have no idea what I did to keep my life!'

With tightly clinched fist and gritted teeth to the point of hurting his gums. He breathed heavily as he suppress the rage inside him. But If anything Zyro was good at, that's controlling his emotions. Nothing good ever comes out of negativity, that's for sure. What his supposed to be doing now wasn't dwelling on the dire predicament, but thinking of solutions.

The internal outburst only lasted for a seconds, before regaining composure.

With calmed mind. He mumbled. His tone was like cold lethal knifes stabbing the ears of those who hear it.

"Then be it"

When the deafening silence became unbearable, Depter voiced.

"Now that I satisfy your questions. It's my turn, If you don't mind me asking, what's the news outside? It must have been advance now, judging from how fantastic your armor look if your not an Argon... Or, is that a rare Argon shell?"

Of course, there's no such thing as free lunch wherever galaxy it may be. The old man, rather, it's more accurate to call him a Sage considering his age and unknown level of skills in magic. Anyway, the Sage didn't taught Zyro out of kindness, he teach him expecting something in return. Fortunately, the price wasn't high.

Upon hearing him, Zyro frowned for a moment. At the mention of "news outside and Argon" a vague feeling of deja Vu dawned on him. It didn't felt normal, too. However, he deemed it unimportant and told what he know in careful wordings.

"I've been stuck in the Foggy Ring, so don't expect too much."

The Sage nodded.

"Anything will do."

"From what I heard, the entirety of Beast Continent had been the same lately. The Helios Burning city crowned it's new king, Arden a few of years ago. The kingdom of Strays remain dealing with Highland, and the Argon's Aegis was still in seclusion. But not for long if the rumors were true..."

Depter raise an eyebrow.

"The Gricks seemed to be planning to wage war on Argon's. Probably due to what happened recently. I heard that an Argon intrude on Gricks prince weeding night and took the prince life. It was unfortunate, specially because the Grick king doesn't have much time left and his only heir died before him. Thanks to this, they said the king is disregarding his responsibility to maintain peace and abused what's left of his rule to avenge his son. So the war is likely to happen."

He finished, successfully hiding his involvement in the issue of Gricks. At the same time, giving short and vague descriptions of other places outside Foggy Ring. He didn't knew much, too. Anyway.

However, Zyro calm heart suddenly palpitate upon hearing the sage grumpy word.
