
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · Fantasía
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69 Chs

Chapter 39: Charger

From his finger tips, shocking electricity run throughout his entire body. Wrecking havoc allover but he flinched back by instinct. Zyro stumbled to the ground with gritted teeth, his heart beating wild.

'What the duck'

He quickly rose up, a bit shaky, still feeling remnants of electrical current invasion.

Apparently, the lake tranquil waters was charge with electricity. By the feels of it, the energy charge is powerful enough to kill a human if given enough time. Zyro's finger tips had only touch the waters for a mili second, yet the agony it delivered almost made by him scream. If he had carelessness dive in without testing the waters, then he would be lifelessly floating right now.

Zyro fearfully gaze at the foreboding lake as he took steps back, his hairs stand up to it's ends. Lakes don't produce electrical charge on their own. There must be a external source, that source however. Wasn't as peaceful as the lake. Who knew what electrifying horror hid under it's tranquil disguise.

Tense seconds past, but no abomination rise from the lake until he came back into the dangerous woods verdant embrace. That somehow felt comforting.

Hiding in the bushes from a safe distance, Zyro peeking eyes observe the reflective waters for a long time before calming down.

'Thia is problematic' Zyro thought with troubled face.

Indeed, forget about the unknown horror resting in its depts. The electrifying charge it produce alone is already terrifying enough. And to retrieve his sunken aircraft, diving into the lethal liquids was unavoidable. How could he do that if such action was now akin to suicide.

But not impossible, Zyro wore a cybernetic light suit created by Earth's advance technology made specially for space venturing, including withstanding it's abyssal vacuum. That's why it have portable air tank for oxygen and cannot be invaded by external properties, including water. Furthermore, the suit plating materials have certain immunity to heat and electricity. Due to Zyro's job as a STELLAR internal mechanic greatly involving this elemental hazards at work. With it's cover, diving in the lakes electric waters was doable.

The problem is, his suit was incomplete in the abdomen section. Additionally, he wasn't certain if the helmet he left behind where he previously hidden his armor was still waterproof, so as the other armor segments after undergoing abusive use.

Zyro keep thinking more, and finally. Found the silver lining of the situation.

'The ion batteries automated charging... now that I thought of it, that might work!'

He can't help but smile at the idea. For the boon it offered was just too great. However, it also come with a risk. After considering the pros and cons for a good while, Zyro made his decision. It wasn't new anyway, on earth or this world, his life had always been at balancing on thin threads. Always careful to not fall into the alluring embrace of death.

And to keep maintaining stability, Zyro need every power he could get. Taking a deep breath, Zyro began moving.

His aim was simple - Charge his cyber armor using the lake electricity as source.

Although, without proper charging equipment, thay goal of his was impossible. But that's a predicament of the old era. Human advancement had long solve this issue by creating automated batteries that are able to charge at any electrical source. By combining the charger to the battery itself, all electric currents touch by a certain section of the module will be automatically filtered and be transformed into usable energy. Thus, Zyro only needed to dump the suit power module into the lakes water. By doing so, however, might wake whatever is invoking electricity throughout.

Detaching the suit power module from his back - a short cylinder shaped batteries. Zyro find some random long vines. Tied them together and trow it into the lake while hiding at a safe distance, producing a small splash.

He had survive numerous perils by wits and caution through the years. And will keep doing so without arrogance nor carelessness. For he had long learned it's danger the hard way, lessons that almost cost him his life and companions.

Tension filled the silent, cold atmosphere. As he waited time to past, that seem unnatural long. Every second feel like eternity, let alone minutes. Knowing full well a jeopardizing leviathan wielding potent power that electrified the entirety of a lake in it's slumber can emerge any seconds from it's tranquil surface. Thankfully, his worries didn't came true. It seems his deed was too trivial for the mysterious lake owner to take notice. So Zyro was able to peacefully retrieve his now, fully charged batteries after an hour that felt like years of waiting. But it was all worth it.

After putting the batteries back. Almost instantly, Zyro's body significantly lightened as the suit exoskeleton revived into action. Augmenting him with new found strength, as if a well of power hidden inside him awakened. His aching, weary body was no longer his limit. His speed, strength and endurance now depends on the suit capabilities, which is undoubtedly greater that his meager, human body. Zyro could move without pressuring his muscle fibers as long as his suit is alive by will. Thanks to the nerve gear implanted inside him connecting his mind to the armor exoskeleton system. Zyro is able to control the cyber armor joints as if it was his limbs. Albeit, not that well as the original.

The nerve gear was also Aizra's previous home before it died, forcing her to forcefully migrate in his mind by program. Now, with his suit regaining it's charge, his nerve gear too will be functional. Unfortunately, it won't cure his mental AI problem, for it was irreversible.

The only thing Zyro could be happy about is that, Aizra can house both virtual and mental system. He could use Aizra's aid now, not just in his mind, but also through accessable external devices such as his cybernetic light armor. For example, if he had fallen unconscious in dire situations, Aizra could take control over the suit and bring him to safety.

Zyro can't help but smile at the improvement he made. This trip in the jungle is better than expected for the gain he received not only granted him protection, but also potency beyond human capabilities. His problematic stamina can now last for hours without respite thanks to the suit exoskeleton mechanical support, greatly lessening physical burthen. Furthermore, the suit mobility is far more superior than his. Coupled with nerve gear smooth controls by mind command, Zyro's movement speed was ameliorated to another level. So as his attack prowess and tungsten alloy, plated defense.

Other utility features were available too, such as his retractable blade automatic motors. He doesn't have to manually retract, and extract the silver blade by fist sign for activation. Zyro only have to will the command, and the blade will follow. Additionally, the air tank can now automatically refill by sucking oxygen in the surroundings. Bringing with it the air gun functions, and stored oxygen for emergency usage. Unfortunately, although, The suit air gun firepower is comparable to gunpowder guns which will be of great help in this world. Zyro was unable to use it and will never be, because he no more have specific bullets specially created for the forearm gun. Producing it was also impossible with this world ancient machinery, lacking innovations. Deeming the air gun useless.

With all the gears augmentation, his current battle prowess undoubtedly exceed that of an Alpha. Perhaps even parring to bearers of the second Mark - Beta. Nothing much was known about them because their scarcity in the mine. Not like he'll be facing them, Zyro's sole target enemy is the Alpha guard that snap his arms a month ago. Although, by logic, revenge was nothing but unnecessary desire without gain. Zyro is a extremely rational young man, and understand that logic full well. However, his a human through and through. And shared their spiteful nature. This mindset of his was further enhance by the rough, violent life he live since childhood. Wether it's the outskirts streets, soldier training camp and STELLAR. You don't let those who harm you run freely. Despite all this, Zyro knew when to stop and not cross the red line.

Zyro grinned.

'At long last, mustard. Your retribution is coming.'

With all his task accomplished, he took one last glance at the tranquil lake. Which made him sighed in frustration, no matter how powerful he became tonight. His still no match for the mysterious underwater creature. Making the task of scouting or retrieving the drowned Starship impossible. Zyro lingered for a moment, before starting his venture back to the mine.

However, amidst his journey through verdant woods. As he sneakily made his way, a sudden rustling sound of leaves attracted his attention. Zyro glance in the direction, and in the corner of his eyes. He saw an approaching swift projectile, by instinct. Zyro's reaction speed triggered as he abruptly tilt his head. Successfully dodging the speedy projectile at hairs breath. The gale brought in its passing caused his hood to be taken a back. Unveiling his scarfed face.

The projectile had missed his head, hitting the tree behind him with a piercing sound.

Zyro glance back.

It was a spear, buried straight through the tree's bark. To his nightmares, Zyro dreadfully recognize that iron spear.

In the end, a Grick found him.