
(Jiokui Geim - The Game of Hell)

Jiokui Geim is a reality hell game where players are forced to confront their deepest fears and darkest desires. Jiok, an avid gamer, becomes obsessed with the game and spends hours playing it. But one day, while playing the final level, he is transported to a dark room and is forced to ring a bell. Suddenly, he is back in the game, but everything has changed. He hears a menacing voice welcoming him to Jiokui Geim and telling him that he will face the fears and desires hidden deep within him. The only way to survive is to win the game and claim the ultimate prize. Jiok is trapped in the game, and he has no choice but to play. He must navigate a treacherous landscape filled with danger and darkness, facing challenges that push him to his limits. As he journeys deeper into the game, he discovers that there is more at stake than just his survival. The ultimate prize is something he has been dreaming of for years, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to claim it. But as the game becomes more and more twisted, Jiok begins to question whether the prize is worth the price he must pay. He is forced to confront his own demons and make choices that will determine his fate. Will he be able to survive Jiokui Geim and claim the prize, or will he become lost in the darkness forever?

YouruichiTH · Juegos
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15 Chs

Chapter 6: The Fourth Trial

Jiok stood in the center of the empty room, trying to locate the source of the whispering voice. It was difficult to tell where it was coming from, as the sound seemed to be echoing around the room.

"Who are you?" he asked, trying to make his voice heard over the whispering.

The whispers grew louder, forming into a single voice. "I am the voice of your doubts and fears. I am the part of you that tells you that you're not good enough, that you'll never succeed, that you're a failure."

Jiok felt a shiver run down his spine. He had always struggled with his self-doubt, but he had never faced it in such a tangible way before.

"I don't believe you," he said, trying to sound confident.

The voice chuckled. "Oh, but you do. You've always believed me, Jiok. You've let me hold you back, let me keep you from reaching your full potential."

Jiok gritted his teeth, feeling a surge of anger rise up in him. He refused to let his doubts and fears control him any longer.

"I won't listen to you," he said, his voice growing stronger. "I am stronger than my doubts and fears. I am capable of great things, and I won't let you hold me back."

The voice let out a frustrated sigh. "Very well, Jiok. If you want to prove yourself, you must face the final trial."

Jiok felt a sense of trepidation settle in his heart. He had faced three trials already, but the final trial sounded like it would be the toughest yet.

"What is the final trial?" he asked.

"You will face your greatest enemy," the voice said. "The one who has always stood in the way of your success. You must defeat them if you wish to leave this place."

Jiok nodded, feeling a sense of determination flow through him. He was ready to face his enemy, to prove that he was stronger than his doubts and fears.

The scene shifted again, and Jiok found himself standing in a large arena. The walls were lined with spectators, cheering and jeering. In the center of the arena, there was a figure waiting for him.

It was his own reflection, but twisted and distorted. It was a version of himself that he had always feared becoming, a version that was selfish and cruel.

Jiok felt a sense of revulsion wash over him. He didn't want to face this version of himself, didn't want to acknowledge the parts of him that were dark and twisted.

But he knew that he had to. He approached the figure, feeling a sense of unease.

The figure sneered at him. "You think you're better than me, don't you? You think you're stronger, smarter, more capable."

Jiok felt a surge of anger rise up in him. "I am better than you," he said. "I am kinder, more compassionate, more willing to help others."

The figure laughed. "And yet, you've never been able to succeed. You've always been held back by your own doubts and fears."

Jiok gritted his teeth, feeling a sense of frustration wash over him. He refused to let this version of himself control him any longer.

He lunged forward, fists clenched. The figure met him head-on, and they began to fight.

It was a brutal, grueling fight, with both sides giving as good as they got. Jiok felt his muscles straining, felt his breath coming in ragged gasps. But he refused to give up.

In the end, it was Jiok who emerged victorious.