
(HAITUS)New Soveregin Emergence

Athena a girl from the town ,Hexer, who has pure brutal strength and wants to control all five legions. Kami is a villager from the far north. He is apart of the sacred clan Izanagi, they are known as kind hearted and the purest people of the celestial world. Does Kami achieve his dream or will it perish into thin air. Will the two clash or join forces ??? When will they reach their maximum potential ??? Who will they meet along the way ??? Empires will be built and will perish in a blink of an eye. Who will come out alive and carry the next generation to the top. Where are the heroes of society. Is it the revolutionaries ??? Perhaps the wild hunt ??? Or is it the other legion’s ??? Maybe the infamous guilds of the western world that will take charge and rule the 7 dimensions ??? Find out more......

TheProfessor · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

Chapter Five: Connor the royal

All four captains glare at Athena and try to analyse her Aura's hue.

"She has little to no magic" the captain of the lavender leviathan, Lazurus, says in a puzzled manner.

"Perhaps she is concealing her Alchemy deep within her inner core" said the captain of the Ascension of the Phoenix, Cayden, attempting to convince all the captain's

They had no choice but to wait and see what this young girl is actually capable of, and what she can bring to the table.

Athena walks to the centre and began to thoroughly analyse every aspect of William. How he breathes, how he moves and walks and how he presents himself to everyone, as well as

His heartbeat pattern, she did all of that using her Qi. she had thoroughly analysed him and was ready.

Athena had a rough idea from only a minute of studying him. She decided to see what type of Alchemy he poses and what his skills are. The two contestants stare at each other. Athena smiles at William, however he looked at her with disgust "you carry no Alchemy" he said in a disgusted tone.

The overseer stares at the two fighters and was trying to figure out if how Athena is concealing her Alchemy or has none. Let the fight begin !!!!!

William's Alchemy is using the Air element. However his ability itself stands at the power of 79 which is nothing special.

He began channelling small gusts of wind at the centre of his palm to create a mini tornado and kept aiming and shooting at Athena. She had no trouble dodging the attacks she actually found it quite a breeze.

Athena realised that he was no special snowflake however his defence is crazy powerful. She had realised that William had no flashy offensive abilities but had made up in his defence, this is because William creates a large wind sphere covering a five meter diameter.

"For me to actually break this defence i would have to strike it, with as much force and as much speed as the wind circling William, this will surely help me cancel out his defence leaving him open for me to take-down". Athena had thought.

She inhales and exhales and slowly began unsheathing her knife and gotten to a "te ura gasumi no kamae " stance. This stance basically means holding the knife or normally a katana above her head with both hands ready to strike the opponent. Athena then thrusts herself towards William dodging all the small tornado shots that William had been shooting at her. Athena reaches the wind defence sphere, jumps up and with all her might strikes the defence...

This had caused a large gust of wind to be released sending everyone apart from the Captains flying back meters.

William was utterly shocked to see his shield broken. Athena walks towards him with a menacing smile.

He looked at her and was so overwhelmed by her physical strength and speed, he was consumed by fear and yells out weeping, that he forfeits the match . Athena smiled turns around and stuck her tongue out as she began walking towards the waiting area.

The captain of the wild hunt, Zeref, had taken a huge liking to Athena's overall pure physical strength. However, he thought it was a shame she did not display some sort of Alchemy.

Whereas the other captains all looked at Athena with disdain. As they were all shocked that a child with such tremendous strength poses little to no Alchemy and even more shocked that she actually managed to beat an Alchemy user.

The fights continued as planned and they were nothing really special had happened all the captains looked at the fights with contempt expressions as they were bored to death, with all the fights that had occurred. it was as if this town had no good talented fighters...

Next to fight Connor and Shin Yang please head to the arena.

Shin entered the arena and glared at the audience "as if i have to tell you all i am going to kill this spoilt piece of fucking shit and make wish he had never entered this arena" Shin says ever so confidently to the audience.

You dare speak to royal with such an insolent tone your a mere commoner in my eye I strongly suggest you leave the premises commoner" sneering at Shin declares.

They both looked at each other and waited for the match to begin…. The overseer looks both directions and yells out let the fight begin.

The same very second the overseer said that Connor then teleports behind Shin and stabs him he jumps in another portal and stands a few yards away laughing and mocking Shin.

"Did you actually believe that you, a mere commoner can face such royalty." Connor says in a mad tone.

Connor opens many teleportation voids around the coliseums circumference and began teleporting a lightning speed constantly punching and beating Shin. this left Shin in a shambolic state as he tried to clutch to the remainder of his life. Connor looked at him chuckled and pulls out his Knife ready to kill him…..

The overseer steps in and stops the fight, he then calls the medical unit to carry Shin's annihilated corpse towards the medical bay in an attempt to save the young man's life.

Connor laughs hysterically and walks away.

The captains all stood up and looked at Shin's crushed body. They have seen these types of injuries far too much to understand what is going on.

"He is far from recovery" Zeref says as he takes out a cigarette and lights it up.

"He has talent don't you think". Gryphn of the Golden Griffins says

The next match will start in 10 minutes and the two main contestants who will be fighting... Athena and Connor.

A powerless girl vs a powerful teleporter user, this will be fun captain of the ascension of the phoenix, Cayden, says in a crazed manner.

The other captains looked at Cayden with disdain apart from Zeref who looked at him with pure rage "i suggest you keep these thoughts to yourself whether she has power or not we cannot be biased"

Cayden was outraged before he can mutter a word. "Of course a commoner would think that Lazurus says in mocking manner".

Tension was in the air for the captains. And Athena was overwhelmed that she has to face a powerful person, who possess tremendous strength.