
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasía
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183 Chs

Chapter 156: THERE'S AN IMPOSTOR AM-*Slapped*

Perseus POV

What the fuck, bro? Did you just slap me?!



|I don't want to get sued, man, I don't get paid for all of this, I write for free, if I get sued on top of it, I'm dead, your fictional money ain't gonna help.|

So you're saying if I were to blurt out a reference right now, i can intentionally get you sued?





Anyway, even though everyone is now questioning why my cheek is red from the invisible slap, we can get on with the story, the author isn't relevant anyway.

We'll just refer to the imposter as the knight from now on, cuz if I say the word impostor too much, I'll be too tempted and might get slapped again, cuz it actually hurt.

The knight then shot this dual red laser blast at our direction which was super fucking dangerous even for a ranker, me and the admin then create a barrier in time and blocked it.

"This is me, alright." Max said as he gave off this dangerous smile "This was me when I was in my prime as a mortal raider."

"Is it the same color scheme? Cuz that armor is AWESOME, dude, you think you can get me the guy who made it, I don't even need a working one, I can just put it in my collection of armor."

The other rankers are all sighing at my attitude while the admin gave me this weird puzzling look?

"Well it was originally black and green and not as glowy and shiny, I guess?" he replied

"I'm sorry for his attitude." My sister sighs and shook her head "I may hate you admins, but I at least know the timing to say things, but my dumb brother seems to be acting his age."

Why are you apologizing for my taste in based culture, I don't know about you, I wish this was an anime right now, cuz it is AWESOME. Anyway, it them started to shoot more stronger blast, but Max easily defended against all of the attacks and even managed to encapsulate the knight in a spherical barrier, but not before the knight threw out these round grenades where the admin also surround it in a barrier and the explosion are contained.

"Well before my brother can say how 'cool' that thing look." My sister chimed in "This means our opponent knows you personally in order for them to make a copy of you so well, not just that...it opens a lot of possibility for them if they can copy their opponent and strength."

And there's a possibility of the greed jade fragments doing the same thing as well. About half a school year in, I already got trouble, this academy sure is 'fun'. I honestly can't wait till the days where I retire and maybe travel the worlds of different races and explore different and less dangerous adventures.

"So it's obvious that one of the culprits, possibly the mastermind is one of the true gods or you frauds of a god aka the admins? Or from your perspective, you can say 'there's an impostor among us.'"

|Yep, I'm handing this over to a new management team, I quit...oh...$10 million class action lawsuit...no one is willing to take over?...fuck.|

"Did he make some sort of reference or something? Cuz I don't get it." Arlon commented

"Little bro, you're like a year or 2 late now." Diana sighs in exhaustion "Anyway, what do we do with your copycat?"

"I'll take it back and examine it further with the others." Max answered "To think they can do this...and my thinking is the same, there might just be a spy amongst my own brothers and sisters."

"HAHAHAHA." a voice laugh and emitted from the knight.

It doesn't some anywhere close to what Max sounds, but more of those deep voice made to hide their identity.

"Well Max, I can assure you, what you considered your brothers and sisters are unfortunately not working for me." he said as he hold back his laugh "Well, how accurate do you think this is? You frauds should tell your superiors that I'm comin after you and this knight can be used to serve as your warning."

"That's it?" Max replied "What's your plan to hurt or go after my superiors? What do you have against them?"

"You don't have to know anymore, Max, I'm watching all of this and this copy of yours shall serve as a my gift to you, to your so called superiors...and especially to the 2 demigods over there." he chuckled

"Oh, you know who I am?"

"Yes, the fact that you're the children of Tartarus and Amaterasu? Oh, yes, I know since I was there when they met." he replied

Okay, that's not what I expected and my sister didn't either. He knows my parents? Is he one of their servants?

"I know your true strength, I know and feed off the resentment you feel for the parents that abandoned you." He laughed "You felt unwanted, but despite the hate, you still crave for their love, IMAGINE, craving for the love of someone who left you and threw you into a pit of demons and monsters, oh my me, that's hilarious.

"Hey guys, you heard that, Alice, you fucking tried to whistle blew in order to lure the supposed 'Weaver of Calamity' out, you like information, well spread this out." he continued to laugh "Our prodigy is a weeny baby who craves the attention of his forsaken parents, and it's even worse for his sister, oh man, I can't stop laughing."

This guy is seriously pissing me off, but at the same time, I sort of admire his mind game, man I should learn from him and trash talk people by aiming at their weakest emotional spot where they're most vulnerable.

But he said oh my me, he's a god, and a true one at that. Is he, you know, God with a capital G? Or another god who's a bit narcissistic. Anyway, I'm gonna kill him, cuz no one can say all that shit and get away with it.