
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Cómic
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159 Chs

Impossible to read(corrected)

"T-Thank you so much for saving us!" -Making a deep bow, Bell sincerely thanked Finn, Gareth, and Riveria who were standing in front of him.

He had been the first to recover, and after making sure his companions were alright, he headed to the main tent along with Aiz and Mark, to personally thank the Loki Familia for their help.

"Don't worry, as fellow adventurers, it was the least we could do, plus you're an acquaintance of both Aiz and Mark, it was the least we could do." -Finn told him reassuringly.

'Sounds like a die-hard fan, meeting his idols in person.' -Mark thought as he looked at Bell's eyes full of excitement, but he could see where it was coming from.

Mark had gotten used to it by now, being part of the Loki Familia, but the trio in front of him were some of the strongest adventurers in Orario.

"Well Bell, we were planning to go back up tomorrow and until then we will treat you as guests. Now on to you Mark."

'Ghe' -The smile he was showing him was not very pleasant.

"It seems to me that I had given you permission to fight alone on the 17th floor, but you broke both your promise to return before the boss's rebirth and not to go too far... 'sigh', I'll let it slide this time since you saved someone and did a good job during the exploration, but I hope you won't repeat these types of solo actions in the future." -Finn said seriously.

"...I'll do my best." -Said Mark with a nod.

He couldn't say anything else to a person who was simply worried about him. Finn wasn't angry about Mark's actions, but he was simply disappointed that he still didn't rely on his companions.

'In the end, he remains the captain of this Familia, if one or more individuals began to diverge from his commands, they could endanger the others. It seems that to gain more freedom, I should increase their trust in me.' -Mark thought carefully.

"Now that the serious talk is over, you can go rest." -Gently said, Riveria.

"Once again, thank you for everything." -Bowling once more, Bell walked out of the tent along with Aiz and Mark.

Once they exited, Bell breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that being in contact with the strongest adventurers in Orario put a lot of pressure on him, but it seemed that there was more to disturb him.

"Mark how can I say... sorry for putting you in a tricky position." -Bell said apologetically.

He was grateful for the help he had given him, but he didn't feel comfortable that he was being taken back for that reason.

"I'm responsible for my actions, so you don't need to worry, besides consider my help as something I wanted to verify." -Said Mark waving his hand listlessly.

In fact, the whole situation had stemmed from that strange feeling he had, if it wasn't for that he wouldn't have even moved. Even now he didn't understand the reason behind that feeling of worry that disappeared the moment he reached Bell's group and even though he had spent some time near them, while they were unconscious, he didn't feel anything strange. He had also tried to ask the Guide for advice, but he had not received any useful information.

"I see..." -To Bell, Mark's words, sounded more like a way to keep him from feeling guilty than the truth.

"Bell, did you happen to level up after defeating the minotaur?" -Aiz, who had been watching him since they left the tent, asked.

"Uh, uhm, it looks like the fight helped me." -Bell said, immediately becoming embarrassed.

'The speed with which he went from being depressed to embarrass is frightening.' -Watching as the duo was entering their world, Mark felt bitterness in his mouth.

"That's where you were Mr. Bell, I was looking for you. I wanted to tell you that your companions have awakened." -The girl who had approached was Line, the one who had guarded Mark in the past when he injured himself against the monster on the 10th floor.

"Really! Thank you for telling me." -Happy that his companions had recovered, Bell thanked Line, but as he was about to leave, he turned to Mark.

"Mark, would you like to come with me?" -Bell asked with some hesitation.

"Hmm? Do you need anything?" -Mark asked confused, he didn't understand why he wanted him to accompany him to see his companions had recovered.

"No no no, nothing like that, it's just... since you helped us I wanted to introduce you to the others, I'm sure they want to thank you too." -Bell said honestly.

He still felt guilty that Mark was being judged for his actions, so he hoped to make him understand how grateful he and his companions were for his help.

Hearing the proposal, Mark saw no reason to refuse it. He could use the opportunity to see if he felt anything again, now that they had woken up, but first, he had to solve the problem of the sullen girl next to him.

"I don't mind, but can Aiz come too? I think it would be weird if I just showed up."

"I don't know, I wouldn't want to bother her." -Bell said hesitantly.

"I'm free." -Aiz said quietly.



"...Alright then, I bet my companions will be surprised to meet you." -Bell said embarrassed especially because Aiz had gotten so close to him.

As soon as he got Bell's confirmation, Aiz's expression immediately became serene and since they had nothing to do, they headed straight to the tent where Bell's companions were staying and it didn't take long to get there since it was not far away.

"You should go in alone first Bell, maybe they are still feeling tired." -Mark proposed to him.

Nodding at his suggestion, Bell walked in and it seemed that Mark's assumption was wrong.


"W-Wait!" 'tonf!

"Sounds like an interesting group doesn't it?" -Mark asked, turning to Aiz.

"Hmm they are." -Aiz agreed, as a small amused smile blossomed from her lips.

Then again, the scene was pretty funny. As soon as Bell had entered, his companions jumped on him, but from that interaction and their smiling faces, he could tell they were very close.

When the group calmed down, Bell gave a quick explanation of events before letting Mark and Aiz in. Obviously, Aiz's presence momentarily stalled the group, but there was no denying the fact that meeting the most popular adventurer in Orario was a source of excitement.

"Well, I think you already know them, so why don't you introduce yourself?" -Bell asked, trying to unblock the situation.


"Sorry for my behavior, my name is Welf Crozzo a blacksmith of the Hephaestus Familia. I'm grateful for your help." -He said with a friendly smile.

"Liliruca Arde, I have already had the opportunity to meet both Mr. Mark and Miss Aiz." -Lili Said making a bow.

"I remember now, you're the girl who warned me about the minotaur, I'm glad to see you looking good." -Aiz said making a smile, which made Lili blush slightly.

"I guess it's my turn. Nice to meet you, I'm Zoe Elpis and I'm part of the same Bell's Familia, thank you for transporting me here." -She said politely.

"You're welcome." -Said Mark with a simple nod.

'I have to say that this world is destroying my concept of beauty.' -Mark thought admiringly.

If he had to say which girl he found most attractive, he would put Aiz and Ryuu at the top, but the girl in front of him was no less. Soft straight black hair with blonde tips, a body, and a face that would overshadow all the models on Earth, plus the different colored eyes added to her more charm, but there was one thing that was bothering Mark.

'What's wrong with her aura?'

But he wasn't the only one having problems, even Zoe didn't understand what was going on. For the first time, her ability seemed to have no effect.

'Why can't I read his mind?'