
King and Queen

A/N : I am seriously forgetting the fact there was a canon character named Shun while naming the MC. I will change the MC name to Fushiyama Shin to avoid confusion with canon character Daimonji Shun.


After hectic introduction of Kisaragi Gentarou finished, the class continue as usual. Except the fact that Kengo fled from the class to 'visit' the infirmary. After reading Seiji report about Kengo, Shin already examine the boy body. Shin know something is weird with Kengo body. He know that there was some sort of energy contained within Kengo body. Something new that he did not know.

So as the class going, Shin know that Kengo did not go to the infirmary, but to deserted club room before Kengo presence suddenly disappeared from that location.

"Hooo, Interesting" He said out loud without he knowing it.

"What is interesting thing you talk about Fushiyama-kun?!" Said the skinny teacher in front of him.

"Nothing, Ohsugi-sensei"

"Did you daydreaming on my lesson?!" The teacher said angrily as he pull his suspender out of habits.

"No, sir!" Shin said while standing upright and putting a salute making the rest of the class laughing at his antics. Seiji just shaking his head at his master behaviour.

Ohsugi-sensei then proceed to scolded him about discipline and such until the lunch bell rang ending the class.

"Shin..kun" greet Seiji

'He dare to scold me! Damn you Suspender, You see i will cut your entire suspender belts!' thought Shin looking at disappearing back of his teacher.

"Please do not do anything you think of, Shin-kun" said Seiji

"Don't read my mind!"

"I did not, your face showing it"

"Tch... whats up?" Shin clicked his tongue in annoyance as he asked Seiji.

"Its time for lunch" said Seiji respectfully

"Let's go"


"He is not here too" said Gentarou as he entered cafetaria. As soon as the bell ringing he went to find Utahoshi Kengo in the infirmary but the boy was not there. After searching nearby he decide to look for his new 'friend' at the school cafetaria. Without findibg his target, Gentarou decide to sat in one of the empty table as he greet anyone he saw.

"Yo, nice to meet ya! Wow you have been working out, keep it up dude!" After greeting the nerds, the bookworms and the jocks, he sat at the only decorated table in the center of the cafetaria.

To his bewilderment all the student in the cafetaria stood up shocked by his action. Everyone talked to their friend how dare he was sitting there. This including the two boy sitting nearby. The glasses boy shake his head and planned to reminded the new student before his friend said "Wait, Sei-kun. Let him be. It look like something interesting will happen"

After Shin stopping Seiji, another student with messy hair approaching Gentaro. " Hey, do you know whose table you sit on is, Transfer Student?"

" Is there something wrong?" asked Gentaro.

The messy haired student get back to his friend table while laughing and continuing to laughing with his party animal friends.

Still confused to why all the student looked at him weirdly he heard a girl voice calling him "Gen-chan?!"

"Yo, Yuuki"

"You can't sit there, Gen-chan. Let's move somewhere else!"

"What's wrong?"

"We sit according to our group in the cafetaria. Look! The bookworms, The Otaku, The Jocks, they are sit with their group. Let's just move to another table"

"Who cares about that!" Said Gentarou while stubbornly sitting on the table.

While Yuuki pulling Gentarou to move to abother table, a group of three schoolgirl wearing cheerleader uniform enter the cafetaria.

"Uwah, the annoying one coming" Said Shin as he witness the commotion.

"Wha..a hottie" said Gentarou as he saw the group walking toward him. "This school is not bad!"

"Its bad! She is Kazashuro-senpai the school queen! Let's move Gen-chan!"

"Look the 'Geek' and the 'Trash' dares to sit on my table" Said Kazashiro Miu arrogantly. (she said it in engrisu, giiku and torassu)

"'Trash'?" asked Gentarou confused

"Yes the trashiest among thash" Miu said as she look down on Gentarou

"Is that like the manliest among man?" Gentarou think that Miu just compliment him.

In another table Seiji just shake his head while Shin trying hard to hold his laughter " What an idiot"

While Gentarou still grinning ear to ear, Another group of student walk toward them. Without his knowing, one of the student wearing the American Football Clud hacket grab his collar and throw him from the table. Gentarou flew to the table Shin and Seiji sat, fortunately the two already evacuate the table and Shun keep chewing on his last piece of Tonkatsu.

"Thank you Shun. But that was unnecessary" said Miu as she hugged the boy arm.

"It was not a problem. But I will toned it down a bit" Said the boy arrogantly

"What the hell is your problem?!" Yelled Gentarou angrily.

"Shut up garbage! How dare a garbage like you sat on my girlfriend table?"

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"How dare you talked like that to the King, Daimonji Shun-senpai!" said one of Daimonji Shun's lackey

"Yes, let me introduce myself. My name is Daimonji Shun, captain of American Football Club. Nice to meet you, garbage"

"What the hell?! I am not a garbage, I am 'thrash'!" said Gentarou starring dagger at Shun

"Idoit, Gen-chan!. 'Thrash' is garbage!" explained Yuuki! "Give it up, Gen-chan. they are the King and Queen of school!"

"What the hell is that?!"

"Shut up you garbage. Get them!" Shun order his lackey to beat up Gentarou

"Oh, I am good at fighting, bring it on!" Said gentarou as he readied himself.

Three of Shun lackey charging at Gentarou. Gentarou the punch one of them then dodge another one punch. He then pull the one that punch him and throw him to the empty table beside them. Another one planninh to tackled Gentarou, but Gentarou avoided it again with a backflip. After dodging an incoming attack Gentarou pull the attacker and headbutted him.

In the table not far from the fight, Shin nodding his head after looking at Gentarou fight capabilities "Not bad. At least he know how to fight. Unlike the unlucky boy years ago. You know Sei-chan, that boy need a monster friend to possessed him so he can fight as a Kamen Rider"

Seiji just nodding his head like a child listening to his grandfather bragging about his youth. But Seiji saw one of Shun lackey capturing Jojima Yuuki, he want to help the girl before Shin stopping him again "Don't. Let the hero save the damsel in distress"

"Yuuki! Damn you bastards! Let her go!"