
(BL) Silent Affection

In the Star Agency, Jake's journey into the world of modeling is driven by a singular purpose: to capture Off's attention, the enigmatic owner of the agency. Despite Off's consistent rejections, Jake remains undeterred, his commitment fueled by an unwavering desire to win Off's heart. As Off faces personal challenges, Jake unexpectedly becomes his steadfast support. In the confines of Jake's own apartment, his relentless pursuit of Off has consumed him for three tumultuous years. But when Off's brutal rejection leaves Jake battered and bleeding, he confronts him with a haunting question, "After all this time... don't you feel anything for me?" Off's reply cuts through the tension like a knife, "I have never loved you, and I never will." Amidst the backdrop of love's pursuit, betrayal's sting, and the quest for self-discovery, their intertwined paths unfold. Will Off finally acknowledge Jake's unwavering devotion, or will their journey lead to unforeseen obstacles and heartbreak?

Erika_George · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Star Agency??

Jake's gaze never left Off's face, not even for a second. There is an unspoken tension lingering in the air. They reached the ground floor and Off nodded at Jake before leaving. Jake slowly followed him as his condo was in the next building.

Right at that time, Jake noticed a car hurtling towards Off. He lunged forward and grabbed Off's hand and pulled him into his warm embrace. Off towered at a height of six feet, while Jake stood noticeably shorter at five feet seven inches. Their hug resembled a scene straight out of a romantic movie, evoking the tender intimacy shared between two protagonists as they embraced, lost in their own world of affection and longing. The screech of tires filled the air as the car swerved past, missing them by mere inches.

Jake's heart was pounding relentlessly as he tightened Off in his embrace. Off remained rooted in silence with only the relentless thud of Jake's heart reverberated through the air. After five minutes, Jake peered at the towering form he held, concern etched in his eyes, and softly questioned, "Are you alright?"

"Yes', replied Off while slowly withdrawing Jake's hand from his body. He gently patted Jake's head with eyes full of gratitude. The warmth in his gaze swiftly transformed into a lethal glare as he fixed a threatening stare on the person stepping out of the car, their apologetic demeanor suddenly met with a palpable aura of danger.

"Khun, we're sorry. Suddenly we lost control of the car", said the individual with a genuine expression.

" There shouldn't be next time", warned Off in a normal tone. But the mere utterance of those simple words sent shivers down one's spine, evoking a chilling sensation that lingered long after they were spoken.

Off seized Jake's hand and led him towards the entrance of Jake's building. With only two constructions erected by the same builder in the vicinity, Off quickly deduced their location.

Jake's heart is tingling with a warm sensation. Off noticed Jake's flustered look and let his hand straight away.

"This is your building right? Go in. I need to leave now", voices Off.

" Yes, Phi", said Jake before entering the building.

Jake couldn't help but steal glances at the figure until Off vanished completely from his sight.

Off gets into his car and heads to his meeting. While driving, something flashed in his mind. That warm hug stirred something in his heart. He reminisces about the instant when that tiny hand tightened its embrace. His scent enveloped him, penetrating directly into his mind. At first sight, one can discern his striking attractiveness, characterized by a guileless and untainted visage. His nose, defined and precise, lends an air of sophistication, while his smile, accompanied by a delightful dimple, adds an irresistible charm to his demeanor. The thought went away from his head in a span of a second.

Jake returned to his condo, could not help but reminisce about the embrace and the strong hand dragging him. Jake slept well that night.

The next day, he rushes to college. After class, he went to the art club and decided to sketch for sometime, noticing no one arrived yet.

He continued to draw a house surrounded with lush greenery. Every mirror he drew was intricate along with a tiny miniature of two elderly people sitting outside the lake beside the house. The well connected flowing lake in the sketch completely enhanced it to the next level.

Right at that time, Mark arrived at the scene and was quite fascinated by the sketch created by Jake.

"Phi, you're here. I wanted to talk about something", said Jake while looking at Mark.

"Is it about my cousin?'. Immediately asks Mark.

Jake nodded as Mark continued, "See Jake, Even though he is my cousin, I personally have no idea about his relationship. As far as I know, for now he is single. There are so many people who asked about him and chased him for sometimes and completely gave up after a few months. He is not easy to deal with and he is someone one shouldn't mess with. Trust me, in this matter."

" I really understand Phi. But I never felt such a strong urge to know anyone in my entire life. I will just try Phi Mark. Please help me", pleaded Jake with his puppy eyes.

"If you're absolutely certain about this, then I suppose my hands are tied. Or are they?" Mark attempted one final plea, hoping to sway Jake's decision. Yet Jake remained resolute. Leaving no choice, Mark handed him a business card from his cousin's office.

"Star Agency? What is this Phi Mark?" Jake was perplexed, his curiosity piqued by the unfamiliar term.

"This is Phi Off's modeling agency. While it may not be one of the major players in the industry, it still holds a respectable status. Mark invests a significant portion of his time there," clarified Jake.

Jake's curiosity peaked at this point.