
(BL) Silent Affection

In the Star Agency, Jake's journey into the world of modeling is driven by a singular purpose: to capture Off's attention, the enigmatic owner of the agency. Despite Off's consistent rejections, Jake remains undeterred, his commitment fueled by an unwavering desire to win Off's heart. As Off faces personal challenges, Jake unexpectedly becomes his steadfast support. In the confines of Jake's own apartment, his relentless pursuit of Off has consumed him for three tumultuous years. But when Off's brutal rejection leaves Jake battered and bleeding, he confronts him with a haunting question, "After all this time... don't you feel anything for me?" Off's reply cuts through the tension like a knife, "I have never loved you, and I never will." Amidst the backdrop of love's pursuit, betrayal's sting, and the quest for self-discovery, their intertwined paths unfold. Will Off finally acknowledge Jake's unwavering devotion, or will their journey lead to unforeseen obstacles and heartbreak?

Erika_George · LGBT+
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2 Chs

God Sculpted Him??

In the vibrant city of Bangkok, A young man, Jake, approximately 18 years old, sprints to the bus stop. Jake comes from a financially modest background and only has a grandmother. As far as he can remember, his parents passed away in a car accident when he was 10 years old. He left his hometown to Bang Saen to pursue medicine in "KRT University". `

On the first day of his college, after inauguration, a group of seniors enters the class. They came and asked the juniors to participate in any group they prefer as it is common for University students to take part in extra activities like swimming club, cooking, theater or photography. As the clubs started filling up faster, Jake resorted to his last option of art club.

Jake then runs into the art club and finds the last form on the table. Immediately jumps and grabs it as he notices another person trying to take it. He fills the form and submits it to his senior.

"Hey! I just saw you grabbing the paper faster. Are you really that interested in art?', asks Mark who is the club's leader and his senior.

"I can paint Phi. But I wouldn't say great", replies Jake who really found Mark handsome as he always had a thing for hazel-brown hair.

Since it's the first day, a lot of documents and applications need to be filled and Jake was lively and helped out his seniors throughout the process. Glancing at Jake, Mark felt that he is naive yet kind. There is this warm feeling which is indescribable as he started seeing him as his little brother.

After completing the task, Mark is locking the room, where the rest bid farewell and exited. Mark took his car from the parking lot and found a familiar figure walking towards the exit of the University. He soon slides down the window and asks, "Where do you stay?"

"Nearby Phi. In the 4th lane apartment", Jake says while packing his things.

"What a coincidence. That's where I live too. Hop in", Mark unlocks the door for Jake to get in.

Jake agreed and got in as he was tired too.

In no time, they have reached the apartment. Jake thanks him and rushes to his house.

Soon, Jake changed his clothes to casual tees and shorts. He ordered his food and started having dinner.

Right at the moment, his phone beeps with a message from his senior Mark asking if he had a power bank. As he ate, he responded with, "yes".

Soon Mark calls him and sends his condo number to bring it in immediately.

Jake rushes to Mark's condo and rings the doorbell. Marks opens the door and takes him to another condo which is at the top floor of the building. He enters the pin code and door unlocks.

Jake was bewildered to enter random people's houses. However, he trailed Mark without questioning.

"I told you not to barge at my house", yelled someone with a lazy yet a raspy voice.

Jake's eyes glanced at the direction of the voice. He is completely astonished with what he saw in front of him. With a striking handsome face, A man who is half-naked with his lower part covered in a towel, casually wiping his hair while looking at the intruders at his house.

Jake's eyes are vivid and sparkling. "God must have taken his time to create him", Jake thinks in his heart while looking at the perfectly built body with no excess muscle. The face, abs, legs, body everything appeared immaculate.

Jake's gaze locked with intense eye contact, sending shivers down his spines and stirring butterflies in his stomach simultaneously.

He withdrew his gaze in a hurried manner and averted it towards Mark, subtly asking for context with his eyes.

Mark stood up, took the power bank from Jake's hand and casually passed it to his cousin.

"Phi Off, My power bank was not working. So I borrowed it from my junior, Since I have a guest in my room, I had to bring my Nong here", responded Mark.

"That's my cousin Off", said Mark peeking at Jake's amused behavior at the sight of his cousin.

Actually, Mark knew for a fact that anyone who sees Off gets flustered and has praise for his handsomeness. He wasn't surprised by Jake's behavior.

Off, instantly plugs his phone into the power bank, swiftly dresses within the confines of a room then returns to the living room.

Jake's distressed face caught Mark's attention. Before he could say anything, there came a voice," So, he is also studying medicine?", asks Off.

Jake nodded at Off as he noticed him glancing at him.

Off extends his arms for a hand shake and Jake wipes the sweat of his hand before extending for a hand shake.

"I think it will take time to charge. I need to leave now for an urgent meeting. So why don't I return it some other day.", asks Off while looking at Mark and Jake.

"No worries Phi. I don't need it. You can give it to me later", says Jake.

"Okay", utters Off.

Soon, the three of them left Off's house and got into the elevator. A hush fell over the elevator with unspoken tension

Mark thanked Jake before exiting the elevator on the 7th floor and smiled at his cousin before parting, leaving Jake and Off alone in the elevator.

Writing my 1st BL novel. hope you guys like it

Erika_Georgecreators' thoughts