

I once thought that love was marriage and to have that person till death do you part and yet I Jasmine Walters found that the fantasy love I created inside my head is broken in two by the reality of life. Yet I broke my heart in the process by Nick Roman and then I thought getting a new job was a breakthrough for me it was me getting back on my feet to embrace myself and my flaws yet I find myself in between a decision of love again with my ex's boss!"

Jewelmedina · Adolescente
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2 Chs

Chapter one - Dream on!

A year ago I was walking the streets of New York, Times Square I was so happy and content with my boyfriend Nick Roman as we held hands. You see my boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years and I think he's gonna propose!" Back then he bought the whole restaurant to himself and I just couldn't realize why he wore a depressed face. I don't know what I was doing to myself because I was so comfortable and happy that I did not realize he had fallen out of love with me. That day he broke it off with me I cried miserably and held on to the hoodie that he left behind. Now a year from that time I finally practiced looking good and walking with confidence as before I was insecure and I cared what people thought with freaking Nick I felt so much comfort that I did not try to look good and that was a horrible mistake. I thought to myself as I put my longer hair behind my ear and I shook off the broken past. "Today is a successful day!" I yelled in my head as I headed out of the elevator to the 17th floor of Brann Corp a company that is very famous for the drink Wava a juice that lifts your spirits and certainly does I just had drunk it and something about it seemed very magical but anyway, I am here for an interview. I headed for the room I had to wait there until my name was called just like all the others had to do as well. Ugh!" I was very disappointed as I was the last one to be called Yet I reassured myself that they saved the best for last. I did just that and finally, my name was called. I kinda felt nervous yet excited but the only reason why I was nervous was that every person just ran out crying or shook I just kept wondering what was happening and what was so scary about the CEO Justin Conner he is a Multi-billionaire from birth and destined to run the company after his dad died at age 16 he had to run everything and for that, I truly admire that. Anyway, I walked in with a deep breath preparing for what may come. I saw Justin as such a fine man who had his back turned as if he hid his face though he turned around a little later with a smirk on his face as he said are you Jasmine Walters I nodded and replied yes I am sir. He scoffed at me and looked so serious as he said while looking me dead in the eye saying Ms. Walters this isn't a military office now is it?" He then raised one eyebrow and put it down yet I felt like I became stiff and thought to myself "Like who pissed in his coffee?" I sighed and He looked surprised at first and then asked a couple of questions as I answered them correctly and confidently. He then asked the final question which was What would you do with a billion dollars? I felt stumped on the question but with the time spent the interview was about to become close and I finally answered with an answer that broke his serious face with a satisfied look. My answer was to invest it and split my wanted money between my invested money. Yet he suddenly chuckled and said, my dear Ms.Walters, as he grabbed my chin and pulled my face close to his and so close his lips, were close to touching mine. I gasped and my face flushed with a red blush because this hottie was like everyone's dream I heard you will be lucky to just be this close. So I felt hot just seeing his black hair and icy blue eyes that give you a sensation of if I am with you then forget about tomorrow and feeling as if he had broken my heart then it's a risk to take. He then let go and scoffed as he had a face as if he was teasing me. I realized my body's temptation as he killed the mood with the remark of his "Haha you're too cute he said." From blushing with a romantic feeling and my heart beating so fast to an embarrassing feeling of rage.

As I did I looked at him and pouted as I turned away and started to walk out the door because I was not trying to yell at my boss and a dream job I needed. However, as I was at the edge of the door I had one heel on the other side of it. I was suddenly stopped when Justin Conner said did I say you can go?" I looked at him as I turned around and sighed deeply He said Okay you can go with a smirk on his face. I then turned my head and replied okay Justin Conner with a smirk on my face as well and when I said his full name he was stunned and lost in thought. I thought to myself going to the elevator thinking I just showed him who can be the boss too. While in the elevator I suddenly felt a chill as if someone was talking about me. I then brushed the feeling off and walked out the door as I did I saw a man at the front office talking to a schedule manager while his back turned I scanned him from the bottom to the top and he looked very clean and sophisticated as I scanned him up and down I finally got to his face and his hair was parted to the side it looked like. I brushed it off as the alarm that tells me to update on web novel had begun to ring and when it did I started to dash to go home and do just that when a face turned to the sound of my alarm. As I began to run a familiar voice stopped me in my tracks with chills of the voice of a man who turned out to be Nick Roman. I gasped and turned around with a shocked look that made me want to be brought to my knees yet instead of a hi how are you? it was What are you doing here Jasmine?" I looked at him with anger and replied that is none of your business, Nick." He rolled his eyes and said you have changed and I told him well I wonder why and now if you excuse me I have stuff to do I then winked happily and flipped my hair as I walked away confidently thinking to myself He will not mess with my head again nor will he my career because he can dream on!...