

I once thought that love was marriage and to have that person till death do you part and yet I Jasmine Walters found that the fantasy love I created inside my head is broken in two by the reality of life. Yet I broke my heart in the process by Nick Roman and then I thought getting a new job was a breakthrough for me it was me getting back on my feet to embrace myself and my flaws yet I find myself in between a decision of love again with my ex's boss!"

Jewelmedina · Adolescente
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2 Chs

Chapter 2- Dominated by His Affection.

The next morning I was finishing my work on a web novel story when a sudden call broke my concentration while I hit the update publish button. I walked from my desk area to my bed where my phone rang. As I looked at the number I instantly knew I got the job. I then answered thinking it was my boss and I spoke out of turn while I answered the call faster from excitement saying Well I knew you could not resist me Mr.Conner yet instead of hearing Justin's voice I heard Nick Romans as he said Jasmine you serious did you just say that and did you seduce my boss!?" With his reply, I was furious and snapped I told him you do not get to talk like you know me when first you broke me and that changed me and second he seduced me so instead of questioning me question him!" After saying those things to him I did not hear a word out of him as if silence was the only thing he could do for a while. Breaking the silence he spoke to me as if his pride was broken saying I just wanna say you got the job you start today at 1 pm, Jasmine." He hung up afterward. I sighed and flopped onto the bed and soon I fell asleep because I did not get much after working to update Webnovel and pulling an all-nighter. I woke up fast and frantically I picked up my phone to check the time as it displayed 11:50 and said shit I am gonna be late!" I dashed for the bathroom and an hour later I drove to Brann Corp. Thank God I got here on time due to me waking at that time I thought to myself as I got out of my car. I rocked my clothes though in my black blazer and white tank top tucked into my black high-waisted khaki pants and along with my black high-heeled shoes. 

I then flipped my silky long light brown hair and walked in as I did I took off my white sunglasses showing my pretty green eyes again confidently. I went to head in the elevator and when I got out of the elevator on the 17th floor. I walked out then suddenly a lady ran into me spilling coffee all over my white tank top instantly revealing my black laced bra. I was so embarrassed I started to run back into the elevator when a hand grabbed my arm pulling me back outside of the elevator. I looked back about to curse whoever it was out and I was shocked to see Justin Conner standing there as he held my hand and guided me to his office as he held it I thought to myself oh no I am in trouble. We got to his office and he immediately sat me down on his desk. I asked him what are you doing?" He put one finger on his lips as if telling me to hush and signaling to wait. I instantly rolled my eyes and then I looked down at his pants and there was a big ass bulge there I blushed and looked away.

He smiled when he noticed me looking away as I bit my lips he walked towards me and then grabbed my chin and turned my face back to his. I then looked into his ice blue eyes as he said in his deep sexy voice oh Jasmine I won't take advantage of you if you do not me too while smirking big. Shit shit shit" I thought to myself "Ugh why does Justin Conner have to be this hot and why am I feeling such a connection?" I suddenly kissed him feeling dominated by a spell on me that I felt he created. I just had to feel his lips on mine as if my body reacted to his with pure passion of fire like I was drunk on lust. I did not look back as I did something so crazy due to our attraction for one another. He pinned me down and we took off our clothes each time with each kiss we gave each other We made love for almost more than an hour. Afterward, I got up from the desk and started to put my tank top on when Justin said no do not put that on. I stopped and asked what I was wearing then he gave me his formal white buttoned-up shirt from his desk drawer I put it on put my hair up and then walked out to go to the restroom two steps out the door and there he was again Nick Roman. 

I shook my head and put my hand on my face in disappointment and I started to speak and yet until Nick cut me off as he looked at me with such a glare of rage. I started to walk to the restroom again when suddenly Nick grabbed my arm and held it so tight to the point where it hurt. I said to Nick stop before you cause a scene and He tilted his head oh you mean the scene you just did. I started to say Nick let go but a voice called out in the distance beating me to it walking our way was the one and only person I did not want to see such a situation like this Justin Conner and yet I sighed when I saw Justin giving Nick a death stare as if he was saying don't fuck with me. Nick then let go of my arm. He then walked away leaving silence and gossip that fled through the lips of a lot of others around us. I felt so embarrassed until Justin sighed took my hand and held it up as he said Listen up everyone!" Jasmine Walter's is mine and whoever has a problem will have to go through me!" You got that." Everyone looked down and nodded until a woman spoke up and said " What's so special about Jasmine?" I then looked down in embarrassment Justin saw that and I looked at him and he had a happy and big smile. Justin then replied because she is becoming my wife so have some respect. The day then passed I was still shocked by that crazy situation I was headed to the parking lot when Justin stopped me with a wave and he said "Hey Jasmine would you like to have dinner with me so I can explain? I was hesitant then told him sure I'd love to yet little did I know that the dinner with him would change my life and perspective of the world for good and would leave me dominated by his affection too.