
'It's Morbin time' (My Three Wives are Beautiful Vampires)

Epic synopsis: [ Man dead... Proceeds to go Vampire mode... ] OP with a OOOOOO a fanfiction of 'My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires' I can't afford anything so i don't own it... Sadge...

Author_amogus · Derivados de obras
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4 Chs

No name?

'Let's get this shit over quickly, I have plans…' thought Theo, his plans involved women.

He had things to do… go on a date with Agnes… and beat *cough* spar with Scathach and Annasthashia:

Agnes Snow – his wife/girlfriend? He had met her a couple of centuries ago, where he tried to **** him and of course failed… what did Theo do in exchange? He raped her back!

Somehow that won her love? He didn't know, the woman was completely crazy and obsessed about him. Even more so when she got a taste of his blood.

Scathach Scarlett – a crazy woman/warrior. He met her some centuries ago, where she instantly challenged him, and got smoked, obviously. After she got smoked, she promised to defeat him someday, and then their one-sided rivalry started. But Theo loved the woman and practically saw her as a little sister.

Annasthashia Fulger – they were friends… even though Theo was 69%(heh) sure she had a crush on him. But neither of them progressed the relationship, so they just stayed friends.

On Olympus:

Theo and Hermes appeared in Olympus, "Okay, bye." Said Theo and destroyed Hermes's soul, effectively killing him.

*WOOSH* a horde of Gods appeared near Theo. "HOW DARE YOUUU!" they roared in rage, seeing their comrade die.

"Silence!" Theo roared in annoyance, all these Gods were just weakling rapists, nothing more.


"YOU DARE?!" a man roared with a current of lightning around him.

[Stop] everything turned white, and everything stopped.

Theo leisurely walked to Zeus his face.

[Continue] "I dare…" *SQUEELCH* Zeus's face got obliterated. And his body fell to the ground – dead.

"…" the Gods didn't seem to process the death of their leader and just looked at his head-less body in a daze.

"So, anyone else wants to die?" Theo asked with a distorted smile.

"!!!" the gods seemed to wake up from their stupor and started nodding furiously.

'Pussies' thought Theo, they did just as expected.

"So, maggots. Where is Hephaestus?" asked Theo with a snort.

"Haphestus? What do you want with that loser?" a beautiful voice was heard, and Theo looked at its source.

There stood Aphrodite… the myths were true, her body was 'perfect'.

"I need a sword… he's the God of blacksmithing." Theo answered coldly, he was in a relationship and Aphrodite was nothing but a whore.

"Hm…" she seemed to be thinking about something. Theo was confused on the other hand, why wasn't she afraid? He one-shoted Zeus a moment ago.

"Fair enough, follow me." She said and walked away.

In a cave:

"Why are you here and why is my wife with you?" Hephaestus asked coldly. Aphrodite seemed disgusted when he called her 'wife'.

"I need a sword. You will make me a sword." Theo said, he was tired and wasn't explaining shit.

"Hah, and what if I refuse?" Hephaestus asked with a smug grin.

'GOD JUST MAKE ME A SWORD AND FUCK OFF. I'm hungry and I want to eat my favorite dish' Theo was irritated, he wanted to eat his favorite dish, which was called 'Agnes'

"Death…" Theo hissed and released even more pressure.

"Yes, yes, yes." Hephaestus dropped to the floor and instantly agreed in fear.

Some months later: (the time-skips will stop soon)

With a glacier Theo appeared in the Fulger estate, he needed to talk to Annasthashia about their relationship.

But there was no estate left… the whole place was under a lightning storm.

Seeing the destroyed estate Theo felt his heart tighten and quickly searched for Annasthashia.

After searching he found Annasthashia in a crater…

But her aura and looks seemed different.

'Oh shit…' Theo only now remembered the part of the novel where Annasthashia had another personality.

Can you blame him though? He was alive for so long that even with the perfect memory of vampires he still forgot.

"Where is she?" Theo calmly asked looking at the woman.

"Gone, I am the only one left." She said with a distorted smile.

"Yeah, no" [Stop]

Theo put his hand on his chin and tried to remember how Annasthashia returned.

"Oh yeah, I think he sucked her blood?" Theo remembered.

He had 2 options: she somehow returns, after he drinks her blood, or option 2. He uses [Cut] on her other personality.

'Here goes nothing' [Continue]

Theo appeared behind 'Natasha' and hugged her.

"Ahn…" she moaned after Theo started biting her.

"Mmm, stop it!" she squealed under the man's grip, and lightning gathered around her body.

'Damn, she tastes good!' Theo thought and his eyes glowed orange.

*Boom* with a boom a streak of lightning hit him on the back and did….. absolutely nothing.

"Let go of me! You bastard!" she roared.

*BOOM* again, nothing.

*BOOOOOOOM* and another one, nothing.

Theo stopped biting her neck and looked at her face.

"Are you okay?" Theo asked with concern after he turned her around, facing her.

She looked to be in a daze "Thank you…" she whispered.

Theo hugged her tenderly "Thank God… what happened?"

"…" she didn't answer and just hugged him.

"Never mind you don't have to answer."



Theo let her go, much to her disappointment, "Want to go on a date?" Theo asked, his eyes shining orange. There was no way he was missing out on her, she tasted WAY too good… and you know… she's crazy, so that's a plus.

Her breathing became ragged, her eyes glowing blood red "No…" she said huskily.

What came next was that she pounced on Theo.

And Theo's thoughts were 'How will I explain this to Agnes?' he shuddered.