


writer_in_disguise · Cómic
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25 Chs


There was no peace in the village overnight.

But Uzumaki Mizuki is very calm here.

Because it is basically impossible to find him here.

But in the future, Anbu who may monitor himself and Naruto will become more.

They really suspected that they had gone to the Uzumaki clan.

But Danzo is not dead. I don't know if he guessed that he is not using Adamantine Sealing Chains.

There is also Deviant Sword·EA!

These things add up, it should make Danzo very puzzled.


"Only Danzo survived, fifty Anbu died!!"

"Is this the strength of the Uzumaki clan?"

"In Konoha, they are so bold. Are there other families helping them?"

Uchiha Fugaku still knew the specific news in the morning.

He was shocked when he heard the news.

Because the Uzumaki clan dared to do this, someone must have helped.

Otherwise, it would take a lot of effort just to hide yourself.

"Our Lord Hokage, he probably won't be able to sleep peacefully during this time!"

Uchiha Fugaku had a smile on his face.

To have such a strong ally, he feels that this is Uchiha's admiration.

"However, I don't seem to be an ally...I seem to lead Uchiha and join Uzumaki Mizuki's command..."

But soon, Uchiha Fugaku's face froze.

The two parties are no longer in a cooperative relationship.

After signing that contract, the two parties are already regarded as the relationship between monarch and minister, not master and servant.

But in the future, if that child can really make it to that point, minister, just minister.

At least, he has more tolerance than Konoha?

As Fugaku thought.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was so angry that he couldn't sleep at all.

A sleepless night.

After knowing exactly what happened.

He was very angry.

How dare you do this in Konoha's territory.

Although those who died were all Danzo's subordinates, they were supplemented by Anbu.

Root can be said to have been seriously injured, but it was not completely killed.

At least half of the power has been preserved, so it is not considered wiped out.

"So so many people died, you can't even confirm whether the other party is from the Uzumaki clan?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was gloomy and terrifying.

Across from him sits Danzo.

Danzo's face is also ugly.

He spent so much effort to get Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan, and it's gone!

Although the arm made of First Generation cells has been transplanted, the Sharingan has not been transplanted into his arm yet.

Because he doesn't have so many Sharingans to experiment with!

So only Shisui's Sharingan is used as a sacrifice for Izanagi.

"The chain ninjutsu he uses is indeed very similar to Adamantine Sealing Chains."

"But the opponent's blond hair color, and the means of the final attack, do not match the information of the Uzumaki family."

Danzo's side is forced by Sarutobi Hiruzen's despotic power.

I can only bow my head!

Speak your own judgment obediently.

But he didn't say anything about Izanagi.

I just said that I was lucky and ran faster.

The opponent was probably afraid of being surrounded by Konoha's hands, so after using the Forbidden Technique, he ran away immediately.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that what Danzo said might be a lie, he didn't care so much about how Danzo survived.

"Blonde hair color..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but think of the blond hair of the Uzumaki brothers.

Then shook his head.

"I was thinking too much!"

"It seems that it is the surviving descendants of the Uzumaki family, not the complete blood of the Uzumaki family, and then obtained some kind of secret technique."

"Is he alone?"

After Sarutobi Hiruzen said something to himself, he gave his analysis and asked Danzo.

"Only him..."

Danzo said those words stiffly.

He took more than twenty Anbu and was defeated by one person.


"Then the opponent's strength is very strong, and they used two kinds of techniques, Adamantine Sealing Chains and a powerful secret technique, and they have never used physical techniques."

"The opponent's strength should be at the level of a 'shadow'. Is he targeting you this time because you are eyeing Brother Whirlpool?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen analyzed.

"This should be the only possibility."

"But when I went to Jinchūriki's house, not many people knew about it!"

"It seems that there are internal traitors in us. This is the second time. What happened to the Uchiha clan is also because of them?"

Danzo also hated the guy who beat him at this time.

Lost manpower.

Lost face.

And let yourself lose the precious Shisui Sharingan!

The accumulation of these made him feel extremely resentful towards the person who attacked him.

Actually surpassed the dissatisfaction with Uchiha for a while.


"Phew... Naruto needs more people to protect it, and nothing will happen."

"And Uzumaki Mizuki...use him as bait and find this guy!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen exhaled a puff of smoke.

Finally made up my mind!

Now that the other party's purpose is determined, there is nothing to hesitate.

Naruto cannot be sacrificed.

But Uzumaki Mizuki can!

Compared to a genius ninja who can be used by himself in the future.

It's better to get rid of the enemy in front of you first, so as to avoid a bigger disaster!

"Are you going to hand him over to me!"

Hearing this, Danzo's eyes lit up.

He has been envious of Uzumaki Mizuki for a long time.

Although the loss was heavy this time, if Uzumaki Mizuki was included in his subordinates, it could be regarded as recovering a little loss.

"Do not!"

"Send more people to stare at him, and I will send people to trouble him!"

"See if he can still sit still and watch Uzumaki Mizuki suffer!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head.

He wouldn't give Uzumaki Mizuki to Danzo.

This time it is only possible to lose Uzumaki Mizuki, not necessarily.

There are still chances of being able to take advantage later, so why give Danzo.

He has also been on guard against the possibility of being bitten back by Danzo!

"I see!"

Hearing can't be handed over to oneself.

Danzo was sullen like a pissed off daughter-in-law.

However, he is going to send more people, staring at Uzumaki Mizuki.

This time, he will not miss again!