
Little White Rose

Kaboyashi Momo, is a pretty, petite girl who is convinced she’s straight. But when she goes to a new high school in Tokyo, she realizes she isn’t. *May update this once I get further through the story

Feline_Angry · LGBT+
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3 Chs

Babysitting Keitaro

Momo arrived home and her parents had seemingly already left. She took off her shoes and walked inside, hanging her bag on a hook and taking out her bento box.

She walked into the kitchen and began cleaning her bento box. "Keitaro! Keitaro!" Momo called out for her brother, soon she heard giggling and puckering noises from her parents bathroom.

She put down her bento box and rushed to her parents bathroom. "Keitaro! What are you doing?!" She walked in the entrance to see her brother in the mirror with a full face of makeup.

"Kobayashi Keitaro, what are you doing with mother's pink lip tint?". Momo was shocked, how did a 7yr old boy, apply makeup so well? He was definitely better than her at it.

"I'm testing her new lip tints and palettes, duh. What does it look like?" Keitaro looked at his sister and then the mirror, and continued to smother the lip tint on his lips.

Momo took a closer look in the mirror. "WHAT? HOW CAN YOU KNOW HOW TO USE EYELINER AND MASCARA ALREADY?!" Now, instead of being mad, she was just jealous. She knelt in front of her brother.

"Teach me your ways." Momo bowed, a few minutes late, both her and Keitaro started laughing. "Okay, I'll teach you, come closer dear older sister." Momo leaned closer to her brother and he whispered. "Watch makeup tutorials online, you ain't getting nothing from me."

He laughed and put his mother's lipstick away, then he ran for it. "Why you precocious, long eyelashes, big eyed brat!" Momo went looking for her brother. "Don't let me get you or I'll pluck every single eyelash from your eye and stick them on a doll!"

She heard a faint squeal from their kitchen, "No! Anything but my face!" Momo heard him go 'uhhh' then he yelled, "Don't take it out on my handsome face, just because I'm better looking!". Keitaro started laughing profusely.

'This weekend is going to be a very long weekend.' Momo sighed. "I'M GONNA GET YOU!"