
Chapter Twelve: Original Faces

Silver drove to Toshima as it was 24 hours away, she drove fast without stopping "Silver slow down" Unknown said as silver looking at Unknown "You're Gonna Kill Us" Unknown replied as Silver pressed the brakes as she cried as Unknown hugged her "I'm sorry, im sorry, its just I don't wanna loose our friend" Unknown said as he rubs her head,"I don't wanna loose your either" Silver said as Unknown blushed "uh, Silver nows not the time to be playing love birds we have someone to save" Unknown said as She floored the car, they got to Toshima as they were looking around, Unknown uses night vision and looks around "hello, is anyone there" Unknown said as silver yelled out "verilan, where are you" she cried out as Unknown got on the commons "Are You Sure That Verilan was here, and it's not just some random setup" Unknown said as Netro typing on his computer as Roxy got on the commons "that sos signal came from that location, when Verilan spoke to us he was very I'll, find him and bring him back safe" Roxy said as silver yelled "Unknown I found him" Silver said as Verilan in pain as Unknown went over to him "what happened" Unknown picked up Verilan as he whispered in Unknowns ear, his eyes widened and turned angry as Silver looked at Unknowns face "Unknown what's wrong" Silver said as Unknown looked at Silver "Akuama is alive, Hakai Suru brought Akuama into our dimension, and he has Scrotris" Unknown said as Silver punched a wall and it broke shattering it into piece "I want to end him" Silver said as the others heard on the commons as they all shocked, Netro and Roxy and the others ran to Natural "Natural, NATURAL" Neely yelled as he was on the couch "What, what's wrong is everything okay" Natural got up Confused as Netro spoke out "Hakai Suru crossed Akuama Into our world, And He has Scrotris" Netro said as Naturals Eyes Widened "WHAT, THAT CAN'T BE" Natural said as he turns around at Static as he freaked out "were not giving him war, were gonna fight him in a different way, if we don't fight back now he will destroy this world" Natural said as he got on the commons "Unknown, If You can Hear me, Get Verilan out of there, we need a plan" Natural said as he looked at terfex and Sasha "I know this is a lot of help, but we need all the help we could get, what do you say. You in or out" Natural said as Terfex and Sasha nodded "if it means saving your story, and the world, Count me in" Sasha replied as Natural certified with confidence "I'm in charge for now, I will break down every road he decides to end, accumulate every aspect he tries to desire, I will end him once and for all" Natural said and took a deep breath, they got Verilan home as zero used medical supplies as Verilan Confused "don't you have healing power" Verilan said as zero blind raged "DAMMNIT, I forgot" Zero said as he grabs his arm and heals him, Unknown was mediating outside, eyes closed and the focus of breathing. Unknown heard something as he then opened his eyes "Whoever's out there come out Now" Unknown looks around award as The Dark Striver ran

toward Unknown with Spike blades as Unknown wasn't fast enough to dodge it, it hits him and he flew back into Naturals House in the wall, the training room ruined as Unknown wasn't able to get up as the poison wrenched Unknowns body as he tries to get up "Natu-ral," Unknown yells "NATU-RAL!!!" Unknown said dramatically as he tries to fight the poison off but it was no use, Natural came running outside Angry, "Silent Wakes, Walls Break, I won't

Let you stand in my friends way" Natural said as light circled around him as he was confused "it happened again, that half charged bolt, is natural ready to perform a new type of power" Unknown said as Unknown blacked out "Natural your nothing but a pet to Hakai Suru, don't make this harder than it needs to be" The Dark Striver said as Natural looked down as his arms were sore and injured, he swing his hand and power sparked all around him and performed a Parallel sacred artifact "Narration combine, disintegrate his spike bla-" Natural wasn't able to finish his move as he was getting choked by The Reapier "You Won't Escape This time" he said as Natural couldn't breath "I'll " Natural Furious and head butted him from behind, Natural turned around and jabbed at The Reapier with a powerful punched as he grabbed his arm and pulled him to the ground The Dark Striver Jumped up charging at Natural as he looked up, suddenly Neely Double Shocked Kick Striver out of nowhere as

He falls backwards Stunned "This isn't your fight" The Dark Striver said as Silver came out very furious "Oh hell it isn't" silver came outside "What the heck, how did he even fine this place" Silver yelled, "Meee, hello Natural we met again" Akuama said as Natural's eyes widened as he strikes at Natural.