
Chapter Ten: The Pression

"So that's what happened" Natural said as he was thinking for a bit "You Guys Went through all that trouble to save me" Natural said as he smiled "I don't know what to say about that" Natural said as he closed his eyes as Roxy spoke "Natural, don't beat yourself up over it, if it wasn't for Unknown. I don't think you would've been here" Roxy said as she grinned while silver hangs up webs and Halloween decorations outside the house as silver picks up a Halloween pumpkin as it was heavy, she too a close look at it and freaked out "Calabaza so I'm sorry, I thought you were one of my pumpkins I've carved earlier i forgot you were helping me" She said as she puts him downs as he crossed his arms "Not All Pumpkins look alike silver" Calabaza winked as silver charmed up "why are you so adorable" Silver said as she then thought of an idea as she pulled Calabaza close to her face "I have an idea, we should make a pumpkin out of- I forgot, wait lets go to Natural for help" She said as she drags Calabaza With her. "You want me to make a Pumpkin out of Dimensional Art, or I forgot the name but it goes by something" Natural said  thinking, as Silver overwhelmed "oh, and here I thought it was Pretty simple" she said dramatically as Sasha was doing cardio "You Know Hakai Suru, and his friends are still out there. We Can't Wait for what ever plan he's about to do" she said as silver pouted "but I really want do halloween, I mean we haven't heard from him since September. So what's getting you so worked up" silver said as Sasha faced palm "not Hearing from them means there planing something good ball" Sasha blind raged as Natural laughed nervously "Okay, let's calm down. we don't need to be so hasty" natural said as he jumped as they both Continue to argue "Goof ball, your the one who doesn't know how to take a chill pill" silver said as Natural push them both away "I said Stop, Both Of You" Natural said as he take in a deep breath, "well, figure out a way to take down Hakai Suru and his Goons while Enjoying Halloween, Agreed cause you guys a seriously giving me a headache" Natural looks at them both as they nodded "Okay it's settled, then" Natural anxiously covered his head as it started to hurt more "Natural, the headache is Serious than I thought" Silver hold him as they both sat down while Unknown came down stairs "Everything Okay, what was all the fuss about" Unknown said as Sasha and silver both looked at each other "oh uh just some girl talk and stuff" Silver said as they nervously looked away, Unknown looked awkward as Calabaza squinting at Silver "I seen it all" Calabaza pointing at Silver as Natural was sleeping on silver as she turned to see natural "Unknown, Natural hasn't been feeling well, Whatever Hakai Suru did To Natural he-" Silver heard Natural "no it's just stress, and this hole Hakai Suru thing is all" Natural said as he got up and stretched as Unknown handed the journal to Natural "I believe this belongs to you" Unknown said as Natural looked down sad "my journal, thank you i didn't think I would see it again" Natural said as he grabbed it as Sasha looked at him suspiciously "Why do they want you, do you have something they want" Sasha said as static spoke "Natural is a Narrator" Static said as Sasha Confused "A what" Sasha said as Silver repeated "A Narrator? You mean a creator" Silver said as Unknown face palmed "he's both those things which means Hakai Suru is selfish to have both those powers to terraform this world into his own" Unknown said as Natural turned away as he opened his journal and read one of his quotes "I refuse to let the sky break, cause when I look up at the sky it makes me procrastinate about life, nothing but unspoken words

I want to speak, but nothing comes out

I'm tired of hearing my words repeat

Why won't my head let me speak" Natural said as his powers shine brightly over his body as Silver eyes widened "that was very deep Natural, you wrote that, oof... Why do I feel inspired every time I hear a quote from you" Silver said as She holds onto Naturals arm as Sasha seen the looks in naturals eyes, he meant that quote, as if it was a problem that he had asked himself over the past years, "it had always been the feeling of one thing that led to another" Natural said as he smiled while

Silver crossed her arms "I'm buying Halloween decorations for the house, I literally can't wait for Christmas to happen, Christmas shopping will be perfect" Silver said as Naturals eyes widened "Guys..." natural said as Unknown and silver looked "yeah, what's wrong" They both said as Natural anger'd "if we hit back, were gonna hit back hard, I know how to stop Hakai Suru" Natural said as they looked up "How!! Tell us" Silver said as terfex came out "even if you can stop him, what about the evil demons he's Created" terfex said out of no where "I'll think of something, but it'll take some time doing" Natural said looking down as Unknown put his hand on his shoulder "Natural, this isn't your fight.. it's ours, remember he's after you, so we have to protect you. Understood" Unknown said as Natural nodded his head as he looked down sad "Natural, it's for your own good. Okay, don't be sad" Silver smiled as she got up, she looked up at terfex."are you a robot, or an exo" silver said charmed as terfex noticed how excited she was to see him, he looked at her Confused and nervous as he backs up.