
Chapter Four: Protect The Innocent

Unknown lays down on the bed as he takes a nap for a bet, he opens his eyes and it Widened as he sees nothing except darkness. "Where is everybody" Unknown said as he turned around as darkness was all around him, he tries to hold in his fear but it builds up farther and farther, "what's happening, why is my heart pounding drastically" Unknown said frightened as he heard someone spoke "Don't be afraid" it said as Unknowns eyes widened even more and he turned around very quickly, "what" he breathe heavy as he clears his throat "who are you, what am I doing here" Unknown said as Natural stood there, "Don't be afraid, Don't be afraid to be alone, darkness surrounds everyone. If you let it conquer you, fear is like darkness it will surround onto you and leave you scared and lost, if you don't accept what you lost, you will always be in the same direction" Natural said and he disappeared. "Let's go to the training room" Zero Said As Neely faced palmed "You never go in it though" Neely said drastically, "That's where they must be, if not maybe it's not here" Netro Said as Roxy Point "Look, that security camera captured a vision of them" Roxy said as Netro Zoomed in " Sharpen the photo Netro" She said frustrated as Netro replied "I'm Trying to Roxy, it's not working" Netro tried to use the computer but it blackens out and someone had hacked Netro's System and Hakai Suru appeared on screen, they all stared face to face with the Enemy "Oh boy Am I happy to see you all, oh and how was your vacation in Shinjuku" Hakai Suru laughed Dramatically as Unknown slams his fist "Where the hell is Natural" Unknown said furiously as Silver Put her hand on his shoulder "Don't step to his level, that's what he wants us to do" Silver said as Unknown showed red vertical lines, "Natural, he's still here...wanna see for yourself" Hakai Suru shows Natural tide up in an experiment as he was unconscious to move as Silver shouted "What Do You WANT WITH HIM" Silver cried out as Hakai Suru laughed as zero looks at his fictional character on screen as his eyes widened "You TURNED MY STORY INTO REALITY, This Is why Natural didn't Give You Powers In The First Place" Zero Said Blind Raging at Static as he backs up nervous "I'm SORRY" Static yelled out as Zero turned away in disappointment, he then showed  himself as he spoke out "Hakai Suru, YOUR My Creation, My CREATION. I Was The One Who MAdE You UP" Zero said as They others deformated, as Hakai Suru looked at zero overwhelmed, "Uh, What?" Hakai Suru Said as Zero showed a dead expression, he sat next to a corner curled up like a ball variated  "Nevermind" Zero Sobs as Hakai Suru looked at Zero Confused, Hakai Suru glared at Unknown "Mō gēmu wa arimasen aku ga anata o azamuita" Hakai Suru Said as he disappeared Static translated "He said no more games, it's time evil played tricks over you" Static said as Unknown turned around "it's time we get Natural back, we need to make sure that Shinjuku is safe" Unknown said as they agreed, they pulled up to Purified city tech as everything wasn't as it seems, due to the earthquakes Purified was ruined as The Police showed up as a Guy named rokorume as he pointed "it's them, Arrest them all and take them in for interrogation" He said as They all pointed guns at them, "DONT MOVE, Hands Behind Your Head Now" they said as Unknown looked around Confused as they were being hand cuffed "What's Going On, Who sent you guys after Us" Unknown sees a shadow and looked at the captain "Nice to meet you, I'm

Rokorume and your under arrest" Rokorume said glaring at Unknown As they were taken away