
Nothing to see here

Eternal_Ruler_ · Fantasía
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31 Chs

A little payback!

"Must I do this?" Daenys voiced as she flipped page after page of a boring history book. She hated the archives. She was not into studies and would rather be out with her lover.

"Of course, you must," the chaperone sternly said. "It is for your own good, young lady. You should at least have common knowledge of our history so that we can understand the current situation better."

"I don't want to know about that stuff," Daenys snapped back. "I hate it! It's boring!"

The old lady, who was also her chaperone, smiled gloomily.

"Yes, it's rather boring, but do you know what else is boring?" She continued before Daenys could answer. "Knowing nothing and being ignorant of what is going on around us, and being a boring wife who doesn't even know how to read or write properly. And if you don't learn now, you're going to end up as one of those mindless housewives that you despise."

The girl paled slightly.

"But...but I'm the eldest daughter of one of the most powerful Dukes in this kingdom. No one will dare to do that to me," Daenys protested.

Her chaperone smiled warmly. "That's true, you are a Duchess's daughter, but you have to remember that there are many other people here who are way more influential than you in this country. Not to mention, once you're married, no one from this family will interfere with you, as such is the fate of a lady. Much less, a useless and uneducated lady."

Daenys sighed heavily. "I will learn it. I will!"

Tap Tap

They both heard slow footsteps coming from the stairs.

"Are you expecting company, my lady?" the chaperone asked.

"...No," she answered back, her tone slightly unsure.

'Could it be him? Is Luther here to see me?' Her heart pounded as she clenched her hands in anticipation of seeing her lover.

She was really scared and worried when the servants brought the news that they were abducted and tied up. But she was relieved to hear him rescued and healthy.

She was not surprised to see him alive as he was that powerful, but when she learned the truth, she was shocked, baffled, and confused.

Her useless, perverted, and good-for-nothing brother, who was only a burden to everyone, was the one who actually saved everyone.

'How can he do that? He is not that caring to actually save some servants from a creepy fort.' She had thought when she first heard about the news.

She questioned every single maid, butler, and soldier on that journey, and they all answered the same.

"The young master is our savior." "Without him, we would've died."

They all praised him. Even Luther seemed to admire him now.

She couldn't believe it.

How could her useless brother be that thoughtful and clever? It must be a joke or something. He must've paid the servants to praise him. There is no other way around.

That was her thought and response when she heard about the report. Everyone praised him. But not her. For her, he was always the useless and perverted young master. He was not even worthy to call her 'brother.'

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The footsteps became more thundering as they came closer and closer.

She stood up and walked to the stairs.

It was not Luther. She was sure. Luther was not permitted in this secret room. Not just Luther, anybody other than the Zadkiels were not allowed here. They could enter if they were authorized

Although the room was well-lit due to the magical lamps, the same could not be said for the stairs. After several nerve-wracking minutes, Daenys finally saw a silhouette appearing at the top of the stairs.

Tap Tap

The figure stopped upon seeing her standing at the bottom.

"Fuck!" the person grunted in frustration before abruptly turning around and storming off.

"Wait! Damien, is that you?!" Daenys called out, recognizing the voice.

There was no response.

"Can I talk to you?!" she followed him, determined to catch up.

The chaperone watched with a smile on her face as the young lady chased after the young master.

"Ah, it seems like his time to repay has come," she mused.


Upstairs, Daenys caught up with the speeding Damien.

"Why did you run away?" she asked, her hands on her knees as she huffed and puffed.

"Because I don't want to deal with the likes of you!" he said, pushing past her.

"I just want to say thank you for saving Lu—everyone. They are all important to our estate, right?" Her words slipped out, revealing her thoughts about her relationship with Luther. She realized it would be difficult and annoying if people found out about them at such a young age. "...And I'm glad you're also okay, brother."

"Everyone? What do you mean by everyone?! I saved some fucking servants and guards in a stupid fortress! I didn't save anyone important! So shut the fuck up and stop calling me brother," he growled, spitting on the ground.

'Brother?! Fucking bitch!' He knew her well. She was an opportunist, selfish and arrogant little bitch who loved to belittle anything and everything.

"What? I just wanted to say thank you! Why are you lashing out on me?!" She shouted at him.

"Just leave me alone, you fucking stupid bitch," he said in a low tone.

"What did you say? Did you hit your head or something while you were in the fortress? Did you lose your sanity or something? Do not talk to me like that again. I really wish you didn't come back!" She was shocked to see him cursing at her in a way that no noble would ever demean themselves.

The chaperone arrived as she heard the commotion.

"How could you say that to your brother!" she heard the young master's voice breaking.

"Well, because you're useless and can't even act like a noble, you pervert," Daenys lashed out at him, not knowing what was about to happen.

'Is he delusional? Is he still in shock?' she thought as she considered his sudden change in disposition.

It was not just the chaperone; there was also someone else in the archive at that time.

"What is it? Why are you shouting at him, Daenys?"

"Mother?!" Her blood ran cold as she saw her mother approaching.

She looked at Damien, who returned her gaze with a malicious smile on his face.

He suddenly jerked his face and faced his mother.

"Mother~ Sob~ She told me...she said that I am useless and a pervert. That I don't deserve to be alive and should have died in the fortress sob~," he said, tears welling in his eyes as his voice broke.

"What?! I didn't say that!!" Seeing his acting, she knew it was a trap.

"...Is what he's saying true?" She looked over at the chaperone, who was downcast.

The silence confirmed it.

She sighed heavily, then raised her hand.

"Mother...it's not what he's saying," Daenys tried to explain.

"Daenys, wait at your father's office. I'll meet you there," she said in a commanding voice.

When no answer came back, she continued, "Don't make me repeat it, young lady."

She gave him one last venomous glare before walking away.

"I know it can be hard right now, but hang in there a little longer. Good times will surely come to you, baby," she said, patting his head.

"It's okay, mother. I became sad when I heard her saying that," he said, shaking his head.

"Don't worry, it won't happen again. If it does, then tell me, okay?"

"Mhmm..." He nodded.

'Hehe, that's right, bitch, this is what you get for bullying this body for years. It won't be the last time. So beware!'

As the wheels of fate churned, Damien knew that time was fleeting, and that he could not indulge in these trifling matters for long. But his thirst for vengeance burned bright, like the raging inferno of a dragon's breath. This was just the first step in his plan to strike back at those who had tormented him, and he resolved to take many more before his tale was done. For though his heart was heavy with sorrow, his spirit was alight with the flames of retribution.

Volume one is officially over! Cheers!

As always, thank you for reading.

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