

Autor: 不若自在
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What is 玄门崛起

Lee la novela 玄门崛起 escrita por el autor 不若自在 publicada en WebNovel. 风水堪舆、玄门秘术,阵法之奇、巫蛊之诡,三教九流各有玄妙。感悟原本平凡的人生, 造就一段非凡的江湖传说。领玄门之崛起,风水就在我们身边。...


风水堪舆、玄门秘术, 阵法之奇、巫蛊之诡, 三教九流各有玄妙。 感悟原本平凡的人生, 造就一段非凡的江湖传说。 领玄门之崛起,风水就在我们身边。

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Peen Is

2020 was already one of the worst years for America but when the riots began, war-hungry Vietnam saw this as the perfect opportunity to seize America and in 2021, the second Vietnam war officially began. A year passed and in 2022, rumors had spread that North Korea was joining the fight against America. To prevent this President Trump called on his best soldier for help, a 16 year old Mexican boy who hated fighting. The boy, not wanting to fight, tried escaping but was betrayed and abandoned by his Asian friend who sent him to the military. Ever since that day, the boy Carlos had developed a deep hatred for Asians. The president wanted him to assassinate Kim Jong Un and Carlos agreed in exchange for freedom. He made his way through the dictator’s mansion and after murdering dozens of guards, he arrived at Kim Jong Un's room. He burst through and laid waste to Kim Jong Un’s body and as he stood in a puddle of the dictator’s blood, he fell in the same puddle when Kim Jong Dos, Kim Jong Un’s son, emerged and killed Carlos without mercy. The death of his father made Kim Jong Dos make the decision to join in on the war but after America was enslaved Kim Jong Dos betrayed Vietnam and after killing their leader, took America for himself as well as expanding and taking over Mexico and half of Canada. Andrew, the heir to the throne became King of Vietnam and rallied the other countries of Asia and they formed New Asia to oppose Kim Jong Dos. On the other side of the world. A group of thugs led by Sung plot to overthrow the Egyptian King Daniel and join North Korea in their tyranny. While this is all happening, a young man has a vision of his old friend's lifeless corpse being raped. This man is Adam, the asian who sent Carlos to the military, and the chosen one destined to kill Kim Jong Dos

Dr_Pill · Militar
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