

Autor: 苍绿七七
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What is 朝朝岁岁永不相负

Lee la novela 朝朝岁岁永不相负 escrita por el autor 苍绿七七 publicada en WebNovel. 上一世温景卿父兄权倾朝野,她却一心要给人做妾。 十年相伴,换来的却是白绫三尺,鸠酒一杯。 重活一世,女子巧笑嫣然,步步为营,只为报灭族之仇,杀子之恨。 她说,我原以为年年岁岁其解为,年年有今日,岁岁有今朝,哪曾想竟是朝朝不见日,岁岁不知春。 六岁时的一场意外,她丢了记忆,也丢了一个约定。 多年后忽遇一人,宠她,爱她,敬她,倾慕于她。 俊美如谪仙的男子红着眼眶,“...


上一世温景卿父兄权倾朝野,她却一心要给人做妾。 十年相伴,换来的却是白绫三尺,鸠酒一杯。 重活一世,女子巧笑嫣然,步步为营,只为报灭族之仇,杀子之恨。 她说,我原以为年年岁岁其解为,年年有今日,岁岁有今朝,哪曾想竟是朝朝不见日,岁岁不知春。 六岁时的一场意外,她丢了记忆,也丢了一个约定。 多年后忽遇一人,宠她,爱她,敬她,倾慕于她。 俊美如谪仙的男子红着眼眶,“卿卿,我找了你整整六年,你怎么舍得将我忘了?” 世人皆知南宫以辰少年成名,为人处事心狠手辣,不知在什么时候竟然生了一颗善心,从令人闻风丧胆的笑面罗刹成了人人赞扬的善者。 而他知道,自己做的一切不为万民,只为一人平安顺遂。 一日,两人异口同声,“我有一事想与你商议。” 四目相对,同时问道,“何事?” “我想娶你!” “我想嫁你!” 温景卿笑靥如花,何为喜欢?何为心安? 他,便是。

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Worm: Biokinetic

Additional Tags: AU, Dark, Smut, Harem, Strong MC (This fanfic is a hobby, not my job, so don't expect perfection. If I were you I wouldn't expect it to be good either lmao. It'll probably be trash, honestly, so read at risk of brain damage. You've been warned.) Michael wasn't sure what hit him, but it hit him with enough force to send him to another universe. Bereft of most his memories from his prior life, how will he adapt to a dark superhero universe? By playing God with his new powers, of course. Silly question, really. (A/n - This is AU in a few aspects. One, everyone has been aged up by about three years. Second, don't expect much of canon to happen. I wanna use the Worm universe as a sandbox to play around in. Timeline is all over the place; some things have happened, some haven't and some won't. I'm playing hard and fast with some of the rules, so if you want a canon compliant fanfic? Probably not the best fic for you, honestly. Third, it's...well, the Harem tag is there and I've put smut in the additional tags above this, so I'm sure you can work it out. The protagonist is a transmigrator. Kinda. As the synopsis should tell you, he doesn't have many memories from his previous life. Just instincts/hunches on what's good, bad and everything in between. Don't expect a perfect MC who's great and awesome and right all the time, yeah? Because if you do, you'll be sorely disappointed. MC is pretty damn strong from the get-go. The argument for him being OP could easily be made but I'm gonna keep him from curbstomping everyone and everything he comes across...because OP has always been pretty boring to me and I don't wanna write about it. I'm not nerfing him after giving him an amazing power, just stopping him from actually becoming an omnipotent and unbeatable God straight away.)

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