
The true world


An explosion occurred everytime these all powerful beings clashed and the creator seemed to be on his last leg.

Opposite him stood the destroyer, his polar opposite, he who has sworn to destroy everything that he had created. He who seemed to be the end of the universe.

His horns that pointed to the sky and his pitch black skin riddled with tattoos that had a fiery red glow and his deep red pupils made him look menacing. The destroyer brandished the black war hammer in his grasp as he smiled at the creator.

"I told you your time would come.", The destroyer said.

"Do not think you have won yet, I'll rather perish than let you destroy all that I have created.", The creator scowled.

The creator and the destroyer both came into existence at the beginning of time. In the endless void of darkness, they existed as the only beings filled with pure power to create... and to destroy.

In a bid to fulfill his own existence, the creator filled the endless void with everything that is and was. He created the countless dimensions and the beings that walked in them. He was the exact rendition of a true God.

But just as the creator chose to create, so did the destroyer choose to destroy. He made it his goal to destroy all that existed. Everytime he succeeded, he became more powerful and he relished that feeling.

The creator tried to persuade the destroyer to cease his activities but he never did. Every time the destroyer eradicated a dimension, the creator would become weaker and weaker.

No longer able to bear this feeling of weakness, the creator had no choice but to use force against his brother. He created a group of warriors whose sole aim was to stop the destroyer, they were the Glorians.

With their wings reflecting the profoundness of deep space and their armour crafted by the hands of the creator himself, they had managed to suppress the destroyer... or so they thought.

It didn't take long before the destroyer eradicated them all and absorbed their power for his own. The mix of their revitalizing light energy and his all consuming dark energy created a never seen before hybrid power. It resulted in the destroyer gaining the ability... to create.

This new ability gave the destroyer so much power that the Creator could not contend with and that was what brought them to this current situation.

"Your efforts are futile brother, you are nothing to me now.", The destroyer said in his deep raspy voice.

"Don't do this, do not destroy everything.", The creator begged. It seemed like that was his only choice now.

"You are confused brother. I do not wish to destroy it all, at least not anymore.", The destroyer smiled, revealing his sharp canines.

"What do you mean?, Your whole existence lives to destroy.", The creator said with a confused expression.

"That was before I found the power to create. I now realize that I never wanted to just destroy, I only did that because you were never able to create the true world.", The destroyer explained.

"The true world?"

"Yes, the true world is one that is fair. You created a universe where there is no darkness, where there is no hate, where there is no fear. I will change that. Once I absorb your power which is the true power of creation, I can finally change that and make the true world a reality.", The destroyer said in an excited tone. The thought alone almost brought him to orgasm.

"I created a world of peace, you're only going to disrupt the balance!", The creator exclaimed.

"No, I will be creating the balance.", The destroyer said before raising his hand. Dark energy began to swirl around it and the low sounds of sickening screams could be heard.

The energy shot out of his hand into the air and expanded before taking the shape of a humanoid creature with large wings, sharp claws and fangs, long horns and a bright reddish skin.

"Finish him.", The destroyer commanded and the creature shot towards the creator with a roar!

A bright white sword appeared in the creator's grasp and he swung at the creature, splitting it into two. The creature fell to the ground but then it's two seperated parts began to regenerate. In the next moment, there were now two of them!

The creator swung his sword again and they both scattered into multiple pieces but the same thing happened again! In less than 20 minutes there were now over a million of these things attacking him!

Even with their overwhelming numbers, the creator held his ground. That was until he felt something go through his abdomen. He looked down at it and saw that it was a hand!

He looked behind him and saw the destroyer looking at him with a devilish grin.

"Good bye my brother. Your end has finally come.", The destroyer said and the creator's body scattered into multiple little wisps of energy and flowed into the destroyer's mouth.

"Now it's time to create the new world."


Eons after the death of the creator, the universe fell into complete chaos. Every single dimension was now being tormented by the destroyer's demonic beings.

They killed everything and everyone they could find. Countless people died and dimensions fell under the destroyer's rule.

Everyone prayed for the creator to rescue them but there was no answer. At some point they just stopped praying. Those who still lived, learned how to survive.

They stayed away from situations that would get them killed and they built strongholds which they used to keep the demons away. They even began to figure out how to use the universal energy and they became able to harness the natural elements.

After this happened, it became easier for them to fight back the destroyer's legions. Although many lost, millons more survived. They kept fighting everyday of their life, every minute and every second.

Years passed and the trend continued. It was beginning to seem like they would lose at some point when suddenly, the demons stopped attacking.

At first everyone was on guard since it happened so suddenly. However, after years of peace, they finally accepted that it had ended.

They came out of their strongholds only for them to see that the world they knew was not the world that was now before their eyes. The world, every dimension, every corner of the universe was filled with dark energy that gave birth to terrifying creatures that now roamed their previous homes.

Unfortunately for those creatures, these people who had survived, were no strangers to battle. For generations they had fought to see the next day and they had not forgotten how.

It only took a few years before walls were built and kingdoms were formed. Even though they were not able defeat these creatures entirely since they now occupied everywhere, they were able to find a way to live with that.

But now the once peaceful world that was filled with light and joy now contained darkness that wanted nothing but to devour the light.