

Autor: 匡扶大汉子
En Curso · 16.3K Visitas
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What is 我老婆是真仙

Lee la novela 我老婆是真仙 escrita por el autor 匡扶大汉子 publicada en WebNovel. 一处未知的世界里,两个灵魂同时因时空潮汐,穿越降临到刚成亲的一对新人身上。一个是蔚蓝星球上二十一世纪刚毕业的穷苦学生,一个是三千界中万年来被誉为最强天骄的妙玉仙子,方云抚额叹息,百折不挠的攻略着自己的老婆,“娘子,前面有群肉质鲜美的小四蹄,我们今晚吃烤肉吧!”“闪开!”某仙子一巴掌拍飞了方云,身后霞光万千,化作一柄柄长剑,飞射到前方,这群还没逞凶的妖兽心里懵逼,哭爹喊娘的四散奔逃……“娘子天下无敌...


一处未知的世界里, 两个灵魂同时因时空潮汐,穿越降临到刚成亲的一对新人身上。 一个是蔚蓝星球上二十一世纪刚毕业的穷苦学生, 一个是三千界中万年来被誉为最强天骄的妙玉仙子, 方云抚额叹息,百折不挠的攻略着自己的老婆, “娘子,前面有群肉质鲜美的小四蹄,我们今晚吃烤肉吧!” “闪开!” 某仙子一巴掌拍飞了方云,身后霞光万千,化作一柄柄长剑,飞射到前方, 这群还没逞凶的妖兽心里懵逼,哭爹喊娘的四散奔逃…… “娘子天下无敌……!” 被拍飞的方云屁颠屁颠跑了回来。 这是一个意外穿越到异世,发现老婆也是穿越者的故事,不过这个老婆有点强……

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HP: What would you do if you were Snape in his time at Hogwarts?

What would you do if you were Severus Snape in his time at Hogwarts? Benedict Clarke, an actor who played the young Severus Snape in one of the last sagas of the Harry Potter films, now finds himself in the body of 16-year-old Severus Snape and begins to live like one in the world of Harry Potter. Time plays a trick on his life and his knowledge of the future confuses him even more. The future, the past and the present get mixed up. What does Hermione Granger have to do with all this? A FF in which you will have romance, action, drama, magic and two people who do not belong to the magical world of Britain in 1976, but still go ahead and seek to live their lives and improve the lives of others in their way to end the Dark Lord who threatens the lives of all. Each chapter will be between 2000 and 3000 words. There is no system! This is a Fanfic that only focuses on the canonical world of Harry Potter, all the previous past of Severus and the other characters in the story is canonical, it will only vary and change once Severus starts to change and use his new knowledge. Severus/Benedict, will have a great intellect, talent and creativity for magic as described in the canon, all this added to his new knowledge, he will be a powerful wizard, but it will take quite some time to be as powerful as Voldemort or other wizards of that caliber. Severus/Benedict, the protagonist of this article, knows the world of Harry Potter, but he is in a decade of which he does not have much information, so he will try to use his knowledge about the possible future of this world to advance in life. As I said, there is not much canonical information about the 1970s in HP, so to make Severus have a past as canonical as possible I used all the canonical information about the 1970s and only added information to the blanks left by the canon, so the plot of Severus' past would be as canonical as possible, it may change a little bit due to my intervention in the blanks, but in short, the general trend of Severus' past does not change and the small trend may change. The pairing for the end of this story is already decided, but before being with this person Severus will go through many situations and relationships, so you can vote the pairings that Severus will have before reaching the right person, if you want to give ideas, you are more than welcome to share them. Disclaimer: The original images do not belong to me, as does the content of the Harry Potter characters, books or movies. All belong to their respective creators and owners. I stated that I do not own the rights to anything other than the FF idea.

Shadow7Blue · Película
59 Chs

Destined to be Together: Meeting my Lover from a Past Life Again

Julie has accomplished everything in life she wanted. She lives her dream of living abroad and traveling all around the world and she prides herself for being strong and independent. The only thing that was missing in her life was a man. But she was never really interested in anyone and she already thought that she would end up being single forever. Then she met Gianni. From the moment she looked into his eyes she felt a strong pull towards him that she couldn’t explain. Soon it is revealed that she knows Gianni from a past life and that their love story ended tragically. The novel goes into detail about Julie’s past life story in the 19th century and how it is connected to her current life which also has its struggles. Julie has to deal with jealous exes and false friends to finally be with the man that her soul desires. Excerpt His lips moved skillfully against hers. It was like he knew exactly what she wanted. Julie never experienced a kiss like this. She didn’t know kissing could be that good. She felt a whirlwind of emotions as she could feel his immense love for her through the kiss he provided and a lone tear started to slip down her left cheek. Why was she crying now? Julie wasn’t sure. Was it because she was never kissed like this before? Or was it her yearning to be loved? No, it was so much more than this. Kissing him was like she finally found a piece of her soul that she didn’t know was missing and only now she became aware of the emptiness she carried in her heart.

White_Pearl24 · Ciudad
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25 Chs
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Volumen 0 :作品相关
Volumen 1
Volumen 2 :第二卷 一入江湖是非催
Volumen 3 :第三卷 提剑入京华
Volumen 4 :万物有灵


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