

Why are you afraid of the Apocalypse When you can become the Apocalypse! ******** It's the Galactic era, and homo sapiens has reached perfection through genetic engineering and nanotechnology. Before War became their future, before it became all of their futures, earth was a peaceful place... Well not really, or so they thought. And then, the elven Gods of another universe know as the Devourer's decided they wanted to play a game. They wanted power. They wanted the ASTRA point of all creation.... They wanted EARTH. And so they brought death, They brought pain, and suffering and loss unlike any other as humanity died in the millions. But they brought magic and the system. Something their technologies couldn't comprehend. However, a boy was born through sacrilege. A priest for a father. A succubus for a mother. He was taken away by the government authorities and was placed under inspection and intensive experimentation. He was hated by the already- perishing humanity for a crime he never committed. When he finally breaks free from the shackles of his captors, will humanity be able to face his wrath? Either he destroys those who brought the unending doom on humanity or watch the world burn in flames while he stands at the center was his choice to make....

Celestial_prince · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs

Mecha System

The beeping sound of the machine increased, signalling that something was wrong. But the room where the noise came from seems to be empty as nobody was there to attend or check what went wrong.

The machine stopped beeping. It emitted some gas from its side before shutting down completely. The beeping sound had disappeared and a loud silence surrounded the airless space. A few seconds passed but then an unknown, muffled struggle was heard within the machine.

Inside the machine filled with green liquid, Magnus' eyes snapped open. The pain in his head made him want to cry. He pulled out the ventilator that was attached to his nose. Everything looked blurry and he had trouble focusing. His vision seemed hazy and dark and.... green.

He felt like he lost control of his limbs. He tried to move them but couldn't, no matter how much effort he put into it. He wanted to shout but the greenish liquid filled up his mouth. It tasted disgusting.

While trying to gather the little strength or whatever that was left in him, he noticed a strange feeling coming from somewhere deep inside his body, spreading through him. When that strange feeling spread throughout his entire body, he felt different. He closed his eyes, trying to savour that euphoric bliss.

Something in him snapped.

A pair of glowing eyes pierced through the dim rays of the green liquid.

His blue eyes shimmered as he tried to concentrate on his hazy vision.

His lungs were burning. He could feel the oxygen being sucked out of his body escaping his body. His arms and legs twitched uncontrollably at the glass frame cover.

He punched the screen. A loud bang resounded as the glass shattered into tiny pieces. He threw himself onto the ground while the green liquid bathed the floor of the room.

Pain erupted from every inch of him. He coughed violently trying to take the air back into his body. His eyes darted across the empty room filled with thousands of those machines.

It seems he was the only one left in there because the other machines were empty. He stood up on shaky legs, trying to stay balanced but failing miserably. He walked to the door and slowly opened it. Light streamed into his eyes and hurt even more than before. The door slammed loudly behind him. His stomach churned in disgust, as he realized he had just stepped outside in the hallway of the building.

He stumbled forward, still feeling dizzy from the lack of food for how many days or weeks he had spent there. His knees gave out and he fell on the dirty floor of the facility.

The noise reached his ears from multiple sources and he heard the sounds of someone running.


There was a sudden commotion as someone was banged across a metal door. Loud screams and shrieks echoed from the opposite wall that demarcated the hallway. Magnus stood up and staggered forward.

One of those 'crazy' scientists ran in the opposite direction towards him, screaming at the top of his lungs. Magnus tried to stop and inquire what was happening, but the speed at which the man ran made him unstoppable. Magnus tried to walk further, and when he lifted his gaze, he froze.

Standing before him was a nightmare that plagued his dream. The same type of monstrosity that plagued his land. A giant spider that was a blaring contradiction of the spiders he had always known.

Its very existence is a testament to the raw power of evolution and the unpredictability of nature.

Its limbs were elongated and segmented, each ending in razor-sharp claws that sliced through flesh with ease. Its body was covered in iridescent, chitinous armor that shone in the bright light of the hallway floor.

The spider's eyes glimmered with a cold intelligence, as it surveyed its surroundings with calculated precision. Its web-spinning abilities had evolved to a point where it could construct traps that were practically invisible to the naked eye. These traps were not just used for catching prey, but also for ambushing unsuspecting predators that roamed within its territory.

The spider's venom had also become more potent, capable of instantly paralyzing even the largest of animals. It would wrap its prey in webs, injecting them with venom before consuming them whole.

Humans who stumbled upon this new species of spider would find themselves at a significant disadvantage. The spider was fast, agile, and had an incredible ability to camouflage itself into the surrounding foliage. Those who dared to venture too close risked being snatched up by its scything limbs and dragged down into the darkness of its lair.

It was a ruthless killer that had adapted to its environment in ways that no one had ever seen before.

Magnus retracted his feet, ready to run for it. fighting against the creature was a futile attempt. He had nothing to defend himself.

The Insectoid launched itself off the ground with terrifyingly quick movements. The monster leaped at him faster than any human could imagine possible. He felt a sharp pierce at the side of his arm. He screamed in agony as he fell backward, landing on the ground hard.

He clutched at the spot where the insect had hit him, trying to reduce the outflow of blood. He turned around and took a couple of steps backward away from the giant monster.

The spider studied him for a short moment. Its antennae waved slightly, indicating curiosity. The spider raised a leg and stepped closer to Magnus. As he took another step back, the creature followed suit. It continued to stalk him until Magnus was trapped against the wall.

The spider advanced on him, its body stretching longer than normal. The legs extended out, grasping Magnus tightly. It squeezed Magnus painfully between its jaws. The insect's face came closer and closer, as Magnus tried to free himself but was unsuccessful due to the spider's iron grip. Then Magnus found himself unable to move, pinned under the insectoid.

The Insectoid opened its chelicerae; the venomous fang-tipped jaws it had used to bring many unfortunate humans to their unexpected death, ready to inject and convert Magnus into its food.

"No… No… No..." He screamed in terror, as his eyes fluttered shut at a sudden sound in his head.


"What the…!?"

[System has been bonded with the host's soul!]

[An unknown entity has latched on to the system!!!]




"STOP IDENTIFYING ME AND LET ME SPEAK TO THE MORTAL ALREADY!" A third voice shouted impatiently, surprising the young boy who was convinced he had gone crazy and subsequently lost all hope.

{"Pitiful mortal! Listen up because I will not be explaining this again! We found out that you're the unfortunate human that our system is bound up with! Be grateful! It was the Idea of one of our masters! Even I still don't understand why the system chooses you."}

A bright screen flashed up his vision.

{Integrating User Mecha cultivation system}

[System is online.]

[Host has a gift waiting for them! Say inventory in your mind and try to open it!]

An image suddenly appeared in the young boy's mind. A large number of boxes lined up side-to-side with no seeable limit present. Inside the first box was a red-wrapped gift. It had a purple ribbon on top of the box.

"What in the world is all this…?" He asked in disbelief.

"BEFORE YOU OPEN THAT HUMAN! LISTEN UP! YOU MUST---" The voice was cut off as the young boy interrupted him.

"Stop yelling in my head! I got the gist of it already! Allow me to make my decision quickly... Don't you see I got some Giant monster ready to eat me up?


"YOU….. YOU…. YOU…..!!!" The third voice was flabbergasted at the lack of face this ant was giving him. It wasn't even putting his glorious and majestic self in its eyes!

{Be careful with the decision you make otherwise you'll bring unbearable consequences on yourself}

"Is that a warning or a piece of advice? Magnus asked.

{Now farewell you rude monkey. I hope you perish before making it out of this disgusting place"} The third voice cursed.

[The unknown entity has left! Now updating the system to make sure nothing else can latch onto the system!]

"That was useless. I guess I'm on my own figuring this thing out." He said while mentally picking the gift box in his inventory.

[Open Starter Gift? Y/N]

'Yes.' He thought.

[Host has received a Legendary Scroll!]

[Host has received a 15+ Qi]

[Host has received x10 Recovery Pills!]

[Host has received 150 cultivation experience]

One word. Amazing.

[Host is about to use a Legendary scroll! Are you sure?!]

"Yes…" He said a bit annoyed.

[Scroll has been inserted into the Mecha!]

[Congratulations, User has received: MSP-487 Soul absorber]

[Congratulations, the user has also received a special ability: Scythe of death technique]

-Rank: Level 9]

"Am I dreaming?

[Don't be so delusional, User. You don't have time to keep blushing. Defeat this scrappy spider. Rewards: Unlock a new physique, 50+ Qi, and get a new title; Shadowless cultivator]

"Uhmm?" he asked, confused.

[Continue Dreaming!!!! Failure to do so results in Death via obliteration]

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Celestial_princecreators' thoughts