
《Multi-World Swordsman》

At his death, James, a Kendo master had the deep regret not to have had the opportunity to exploit his techniques to their fullest. when he thought he had reached the end a voice said: "I will fulfill your wish, but in return you will distract me for eternity." Thus began his cycle of infinite reincarnation in strange worlds.

Otaku_king · Cómic
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14 Chs

Sword Art

Principle :

Harmony of body / mind

In this state, the swordsman acquires great control of his body, to the point where he can vibrate, move and compress the water contained in his body before releasing it at a very precise point.

The swordsman mastering this ability can make water resonate in the body of any living being by touching it (Example: Ibuki's palm blow to the demon chapter 2) or reinforce any weapon (Example: Ibuki's katana attack).

The Kenjustu Ten'notsurugi is based on this principle and 13 fundamental notions or maxims relating to KENDO.

But because of his weak talent, he could only learn five of them during his life, which he modified to his style.

-Sen (Lightning cut)

A technique that allows a prompt attack or counter-attack to be made before the opponent can make an attack by releasing his power in one move.

-Sutemi (straight and serious cut)

A technique in which the user draws on his life force and uses all his power to kill his opponent in a single blow in defiance of his own life.

-Hoshin (True liberated Mind)/Shinshin ( Frozen mind)

Hoshin :

A flexible and liberated state of mind, like the wind or a bird in the wild; allowing a great amount of physical power to be unleashed in every movement you do.

Shinshin :

Technique consisting of absorbing all one's attention in an insignificant feeling, erasing all one's presence, thought, idea, becoming silent and attacking the opponent while being as if non-existent.

-Seichu No Do - Dochu No Sei (movement in tranquillity - tranquillity in movement) :

Allows you to perform a series of powerful, fast and unpredictable attacks that seem slow and ineffective.

-Mushin :

The MU thus defined, is the ultimate, or rather ideal, attack to which training of the body and mind could eventually lead the KENDOKA